Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Dark Saint Brave's Adventures
"Yuki, get dressed!
Your father-in-law will rush you to naked Yuki to take off your cape and weave your feathers.
Sakura is also wearing thin clothes.
Did your fiancée see the right outfit?
I'll be careful not to deviate.
"Not at all... Not if Yuen Kang-kun also clams."
"Right. I don't know where you can see Yuki's nudity on the horsebone. Yuki, be careful."
"I get it!
We waited for the smelting and the trees to come back, like that.
"Boo boo!"
Keel will come running fine and give your sisters a voice.
You're showing motivation.
"Keel, did you get stronger too?
Keel nods at the words of his sister's friend.
Khlo was with us anyway.
"Smelting, trees, how'd it go that way?
"I don't care what they say... I've had enough difficulty practicing enhancement methods..."
"I've had trouble with the numbers, but I've got enough offense to get to the bottom of it in practice."
"I don't know what to say... I was starting to think you should play tie up"
Depending on the smell, the smell will look interesting and uninteresting.
The same goes for trees.
"Here's the thing... do you say you got the strongest gear on the first plate? Sounds like you're playing a multiplier with a fraudulent tool."
"There's the effect of activation, and the LV goes up fast, no skill, no shit."
"When I let go of the arrow and the demon disappeared, I felt I was overdoing it."
"This is what happens when you learn the right way to enhance it."
The demons here have a lot of experience for LV.
Miscellaneous fish are the same in front of the brave men who practiced the enhancement of 12. In that regard, your father-in-law is in the best position to feel the enhancement.
"At the end of the sentence, Mr. Koo comes to me to nurture everyone, and at the same time kicks the demon."
"Crowe did the same thing this way. You were devouring demons."
"Bhubbub! Bhubbub!
Keel's got his chest stretched.
Place your hands on Keel's head with a face that seems slightly unpleasant to smell.
"Right. You guys were able to fight the demon opponent a little. But it's not really that easy, is it? We should train."
"Boo boo!"
"Right. We're talking about Yuen Kang-kun, and even if he's this strong, he's going to have a tough fight."
"What do you mean, if there was only one way to strengthen it, how reckless it would be, and how foolish I would have blindly believed it."
"Heh... the smell was adding and subtracting to suit everyone in the second half?
"Think you've got enough strength. I didn't let the offensive force say things, I tried to engage with weak weapons."
"I did it, too. Well, it sounds like a test. Because I don't like to defeat miscellaneous fish with a strong weapon."
"You're at the gamer. I know how you feel."
What a story you're talking about. Koo and Kro also let out the light to look like angels.
Looks like he was still trying to get the timing right.
My fiancée, who had prepared in advance, weaved the cape.
"Hey hey! Aren't you going to take down the demon? It was fun."
Koo will come close to the tree and make his point.
"Yuki and Sakura were told that it was hard to believe, but I have to believe that the phrase that transformed me in front of you, when you talk,"
I squeal like a tree is weakened.
"Hey, hey, why can't Kawasumi put any effort into the demon opponent -?
Oh, this question sounds familiar.
"Because even if you can, it doesn't make a difference in the results. You don't have to do everything you can every time."
"Then why were you instructing Koo not to fight? Why? Why..."
and develops into familiar filling times.
"Ko, kou? Stop and lift it around there."
When your father-in-law cautions you, you're leaning your neck.
But there's no sign of quitting.
I've been watching the tree since you wanted to leave it to your father-in-law or me.
"Speaking of which, the trees have been pointed out in the first world to the pernicious habit of waiting for someone to pinch."
"Please don't chase me here. I don't know much about that first world, but now I want to feel the fight."
"Nevertheless, trees, be careful."
"Ku...... ok"
"Why? Why?
Your father-in-law will come close to Kou in that place.
"Why does Koo care so much?
"Well, I want to know about Kawasumi."
"Why would Koo want to know about the tree?
"Er... I want to get along with Kawasumi."
"Why do you want to get along?
"Ugh... no?
I'm starting to think like Koo's in trouble.
"It's not a no. But why?"
Oh, your father-in-law's. Why the counter!
Most philoreals will be silent if you take this.
"I don't understand why Yuen Kang is looking at you like I do."
I'll ignore the tree point.
"You know what, Koo. What I did to Koo was what Koo did to the tree. I know that's why you're wondering, but let's figure out how to ask, too, huh?
"Mm-hmm. Okay. - Later. - I'm really worried about Kawasumi's Mojamoja."
As I understand it, Koo nodded.
That's what Koo does every time.
This time, I'll make sure your father-in-law doesn't get mad at you -!
"Concerned Mojamoja......"
The moment your stepfather's gaze tried to move to the lower abdomen of the tree!
"Where are you trying to look! Hair, I'm sure!
"No, it's hairy for the look..."
There, now your sister and her sister's friend come near you.
"Are you Koo?
"I'm a rifana, and this is Raftaria. You know?"
"Yeah! I remember because you stroked me before I grew up! Touch me again."
"Fine. Oh, but now, when I change my appearance, the cloth I get will tear, so I'll see you later."
Oh? Is Koo close to your sisters?
I thought I was definitely only interested in trees.
"Kou wanted to go to Naofumi and the others many times. Sakura's here, so we talked about being patient."
"I see."
Later, you're Crowe.
Pah, look. It's Croh who wanted the hairstyle that looks like a girl.
The color of your hair is also black... what can I say. You get a cool impression.
You can see why it's with smell.
The smell will be asked and answered by Kroch.
"You know what? When I saw the attack on Kronelen, I thought..."
"Hmm? Something wrong with my movements? Then I'll improve it."
I'm trying to fix a problem where smelling has been told by others.
Hmm, smelting is growing a little too.
"Uh, hey, let's name a cool attack."
"... what?
"Bubb! Bubb! Bubb!
Keel also hitched a ride there and said something.
"Then Khlo's kick is - pitch-black claw teeth, and Keel-kun's poke is a roaring bump"
"Buhi! Bububu!
Keel jumped with excitement and piompion.
What kind of conversation is that?
"So, there's a spine on Crowe's back to make a strong offense together. From now on, the battle record of the fun battle between Crowe and Len... Dark Saint Brave Adventures opens. So, Crowe got the alias black lightning..."
"Wait, wait! What the hell are you talking about!?
"What? Ren and Chro's Upcoming Adventures."
"Bubble! Bubble!
"Stop it! It's not cool! What's Dark Holy Warrior!
"So the Dark Swordsman < Shadowsaint > is good?
Place your hands on Cro's mouth so that the smell is extinguished.
Saint...... where did the saint come from?
Afterwards, isn't darkness a shadow, a dark one?
"Why would I want to give you two names like that!
"Eh. When Crowe was asleep, he said," Dark Swordsman or something cool. "
"-!? You were listening!
Ooh, you were shrieking embarrassing dialogue, too.
No, he's a cool guy, so that's how he kept imagining the ideal self in his heart.
Last time around, I was lurking the ringing, but you're about to say that I squeaked when I was breaking up and doing the LV lift.
"O! Dark Swordsman!
Your father-in-law hitches a ride and calls for smelting by two names.
Your sister's friends are with you, too.
"Shut up!"
Your father-in-law and your sister's friends are enjoying themselves.
"Sutra, it's you..."
"I'm sorry. No, I thought it would taste better if I told you the story. The scratches would be shallow if I made a joke. Well, Crowe's on the way. Your favorite thing is going to be a hard memory to smell."
"Uh? Well, what can I put on it? At all times."
The way Cro calls you, your father-in-law is "Note" and the tree is "When".
Am I "originally" and smell is "ren"... I'm a little sorry to have you just call my name right.