Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
[]/(adj-na, adj-na, adj-no) (uk) approachable/
"What shall we do today? Reconstruction is going well, and do you want to go hunting for materials?"
"Right. There are waves...... is it time for Fawbray's gotagota to be over?
What a nice walk to the village square for a chat.
Hmm... and staring at the tree I thought.
"Oh, is it about time?
I don't think it's a problem at times when I refer to the last time or the last time.
By the way, I'm asking what's going on with me, too, so it won't be a problem.
She also fattened her private stomach during the Three-Yung Queen's Exclusion Campaign.
It seems that he was protecting his position more by providing assistance than by saying so.
"What is it?
"Tree, for some time to come, you're going to be touring the town around Merlomarc."
I took out the map and directed the area around the tree.
This is what the last tree asked for.
"That's where the trees think they're going to act. You don't have to think deeply. You don't have to get lost."
"That's a hell of a lot of instructions. You got anything on this, too?
"What's all of a sudden? Can I help you?
Your father-in-law and the tree are all aligned and ask me.
"The last tree stopped me, so I can only say it after it's over."
"Ha... what would happen if I didn't?
"After the furious tree fired three shots in my eyebrow, stomach, and groin, it was an angry enough case to stab Todome."
"What explanation? Anyway, shouldn't the tree just do as they say it looks like this?
"I don't care if they let you go without explaining why... but you should go to make sure you don't regret it. You got it."
If the tree says so, it will wave at the cow that is twisted with your sisters.
"That explains it well enough for you."
"There must be something like when you helped Mr. Sue Wen. We'll have to do it. But no matter how you fall, don't complain."
"Of course you are. If you missed the reading, I'll tell you more."
Kou was called to come with Tokotoko.
"What? Kawasmy."
"For a little while, I'm going out, will Mr. Koo follow me? Or are you playing with Mr. Raftalia or Mr. Rijuana?
"Well, I'll go with Kawasumi."
I'll be there.
The tree rode on Koo's back, which changed into a philoreal figure.
Looks like Koo can help us with the tree, just like last time.
"Then you're coming."
"Raftaria refaner. I won't stroke you again when I get back."
"There you go."
Kou ran away with a tree in fun.
"I don't know..."
"Naofumi, Raftaria and Rijuana"
There comes your sister's sister from the sea.
Apparently it's time for your father-in-law to turn up the LV, too.
That's how the day went by with no problems.
And a few days later, the tree rescued a stalking pig and returned.
"Yeah, this is the village we're rebuilding. Mr. Leesia."
"Bubble, bubble, bubble!
Stalker pigs came together for the return of the tree to introduce themselves in front of the village slaves.
"I used my power to help you because you seemed in trouble, and this is good, right?
"Did something happen after all?
"Yeah, it's like there was a bad nobleman still in Merlomarc, like a template that I couldn't help, and I helped."
So the tree explained to your father-in-law how to rescue the stalker pig.
So, from the grace of your help, the stalking pig showed a strong will to be one of the trees, so this is how you brought him to the village.
"Mr. Leesia, we're fighting for the world, and we're helping to rebuild this village."
"Bubble bubble?"
"So, Genkang, can you tell me?
"It's Mission Complete!
When I told him to praise me out loud, I started the tree, my father-in-law was all set and half-eyed and looked at me.
You'll be lit up when you get that much attention.
"So will we talk about it in detail? The last time the tree talked, it was just the braves."
"Um, let's just talk about brave people"
That's why we went into the house and talked.
Stalker pigs are dealt with by your sister's friend and Sakura to explain the situation in the village.
As I asked the last tree, I talked about a choice between telling them everything and then going to help or letting them go without knowing.
"Well... it would be very white if you did know and go"
"If the results are good, it might all be good, but if you weigh the guilt of the tree itself, how about it?
"Right. I feel like I've been dancing in the palm of my hand, but I don't think I'm sorry I helped Mr. Leesia."
"So, the first tree in the world, according to the story, threw him in a trap."
"I wonder how distorted I was in the first world."
"Even if they abandon me, they will care for trees that have become stronger all the way and are abandoned by curses..."
"They're going to turn over a certain LV. Plus, you have enough energy boost qualities."
"You're a guy called Otaku Late. Sounds like someone I can trust, and why don't you just hang in there?
Your father-in-law will stare at the stalking pigs talking to your sisters through the window.
"Was he the destiny of the tree..."
I'll look at the tree with some envy.
"What is it? I'm sure he's cute."
"No, Sang-wen is Raftaria and Sadina, Yuen Kang is Filo... Filo Real, the tree is its Leesia. You're the guy. So what about me?
Oh, is smelting still alienating, too?
Although I didn't seem to care that much about the last smell.
"Yuen Kang. Haven't you had any of my people around before?
"There's Kroch and Keel in the smell. You know how close we seem, right?
"Ugh... it's not! Crowe's a male in the first place, Keel's... well, out of the question."
"What a sad story. Well, Mr. Keel seems a long way from making love, and Mr. Crowe is a man's daughter."
"Tree, I need you to be a little quiet. Your abilities work for words, too."
Oh, that's something your father-in-law should be very careful about.
They say the ability to hit a tree can also be activated by words and stabbed at the target.
"Are you the one who smells it? I think it's Eclair and his assistant."
You were the one who was with you for the first time in the world.
The smell that got serious stayed well together.
It felt similar last time, but there was a sense of distance.
"What's Eclair, Mr. Eclair? Huh? Are you Mr. Eclair, the one who smells well?
"He seemed very serious, didn't he? I can't imagine being with Mr. Smelter..."
"Um, with a guy who feels like a knight?
"That's right. He said he stopped the smell that was rampant with a curse."
"Hmmm... then it seems possible, but on that edge... or"
"You weren't that close last time, by the way"
"Maybe you don't really have to refer to the first world. So, what's your assistant like?
"Smelt is the enemy of my parents."
Your father-in-law and the tree will see you smell in my words.
"You seem to do a lot worse than killing a parent."
"Chi, chi! I'm not a man without blood or tears."
"Besides, we're gonna make the plague endemic, and we're gonna have a massive death toll in the eastern village."
The tree stares at the smell half-eyed.
"No! I wouldn't do that! Believe me! Explain yourself properly, too!
"That said... I remember being pissed off when we talked about it last time"
"What did you say, you!
Oh? Can I talk to you?
Well, as I said last time, there will be no problem.