Oh? Rivals have focused their consciousness and transformed.

"You see, Fumigaelion has turned into a dragon of water and ice attributes. Don't get cold on the gaelion. I'm naked, and I'm a pussy body, like a chachi woman!

The rivals are asking your father-in-law to turn into a dragon with the skin like a beast of your sister's sister.

On the wind, rival chills began drifting around.

"A gaelion falling asleep on her back is openly appealing..."

"You can have a passionate time forgetting the heat."

Your father-in-law is about to take you to a rival in the heat.

I won't let you go!

"No, Father-in-law."

"But it's just hot... no matter how many shadows you make and say it's cool, there's hot air"

It's certainly too hot for you.

It's rather hot.

What is the temperature?

"Ah! Using a meteor shield seems to block the heat!

"All right, gather in Sang-wen!


We'll gather around your father-in-law as we smell and hang trees.

"Hey! It's hot the other way around!


In the end, your father-in-law started blocking the heat by activating meteor shields on a regular basis.

"You wasted your effort..."



There are two unnaturally flat guys in there.

It's your sister's sister and the attending.

I know your sister's sister is using magic to cool off, but the attending doctor is kellogging and investigating the area.

"You've never seen an ant hell-shaped demon over there before. Maybe it's a new breed."

"Uh... so you're gonna knock it down and find out?

"Right. It would also strengthen the brave ones, and it seems like a lot of people live there, so maybe it's good."

I'm having a meeting with your sister's sister.

You're too well.

That's right. I've been mumbling, too.

"Whatever you do, don't do it."

I hold my hand and obstruct my father-in-law from approaching my rival.

"Ugh... it's hot at the bottom... the desert is so hot after all..."

Your father-in-law groans in a potty manner worried about going or not.

"What are you doing? Let's cool off, too."

Soon the trees and smelting have started to cool with petty touches on their rivals.

Besides, your sister and her friends are already drawn to the competition.

"Cool -"

You're coming back to life.

"What!? I can't! The gaelion is still transforming for you! Don't leave me! Don't interrupt me while I'm trying to sleep in front of the Philosophical and the Spear Brave!

"So it's a pretty amazing idea to put Mr. Sue to bed."

"Right. Oh, can you go with anything that has anything to do with Sadina"

"Holes are good for anything."

"What are you talking about, smell, tree! How long have you been cooling?

"What! I can't help it! Ice braces!

Hugh, your rival threw up a snowstorm brace and the area froze.

Ma, it melted soon after a while too.

Everyone got ice pickled.

"Cool - More -"


"Oh... only at this time will I ever be grateful to breathe like a freezing snowstorm."

"Right. I'm tired of using magic. This is good."

"The gaelion is hot the other way around! I want you to see the good work of the gaelion! I want a virgin. I want you to cuddle with Gaelion and act cool and passionate."

"He even looked healthy, but he ruined it with his last dialogue!

Your father-in-law's moaning cry echoed.

Right...... then I have an idea.

"This is where I use the magic of fire."

"Somebody smash Yuan Kang to death!

"Yeah, I'll finish without getting lost!

Smelt and trees set off enough kill to lower the temperature around me.

Even that sounds like your sister, your friends, and your phylloreals received it as cool.

The expression seems pleasant.

Now I can feel the consciousness to say I want to cool down a little.

Even then, the temperature is too high.

Even in the desert I traveled overseas, I don't remember it being this expensive.

"Wow... there's a place where the sand is glazed..."

"You seem very expensive."

"So, Yuen Kang. You want to kill us for casting the magic of fire?

Your father-in-law will stare at me with a little slaughter eye, too.

If you look at me like that, I'll be in trouble, too.

"Father-in-law, magic is deep. You don't just burn the magic of fire. There's also a magical genealogy associated with fever."

"Eh, it exists when it's a comic book or something. The guy who takes the heat?

"That's right. Let me show you the magic of the fire that absorbs the heat around you."

"Ooh... can you do that too? Okay, do it, Yuen Kang. I'm counting on you."


"Smelter must also maintain the magic of ice."

"Ku...... ok. Now I just have to do it to get a little cooler!

Is this a volcano or something?

With that in mind, I cast the magic of a fire that lowers the temperature.

That's how we all multiplied our magic and waited for the sun to set to resume our exploration.

"I've already consumed a lot of magic and SP, are you okay with that?

"Hmmm... may be tougher than I thought... water consumption is often too much..."

"So, are you moving on? Are you going back?

"That's the problem... or that red city... I think we're close, but it's still far away"

"Rather, I thought we should also look at the interruption of adventure"

"Sort of."

Exactly. I enjoyed it too.

If arriving in the Prado Desert is hard to get home, can't you stay that long?

"In the meantime, Gaelion and Lijuana, Raftalia look for space cuts... as soon as they can. It's more like a volcanic belt than a desert."

"You got it!

"I'll try to find you again this time. Right, Raftaria?"


These are the nodding sisters, but you can't lose Master Philorial, either!

Yuki and the others will now work hard to break through the realm.

"In the meantime, let's drink magic water and soul healing water that we put in our weapons to restore magic and SP."

"I'm going to have a drink with Gubi to make it feel like I'm drinking a drink."

Your father-in-law is scared.

Well, it's a good thing you have a full attitude, but I think you're drinking a little too much.

Your sister's friend pointed out something as she went along.

"There it is!

"Oh! Did you find it?"

"Ali, I'm glad you were wondering if Hell was so narrow that the sun would rise again."

"Oh, I can finally go home"

Your rivals and sisters, who are destroying the realm, will frown.

Master Phylloreal was destroying it at his own discretion, but the reaction is the same.

It has a very small hole.

"Hey, what's this?


"What's going on?

"Don't close the hole when you try to break it. I can only open it a little bit."

Besides... our rivals are holding hands.

"This is... something to reinforce from the beginning of the opening area."

What do you mean?

Does that mean it's something like a machine that generates a realm that confuses intruders?

"Looking for something else?

"That's my hand, too."

"What's it like?

A friend of your sister's peeks inside the rival's slight glimpse.

You're turning into an Itachi because you're small.

"Oh, I see something like a magic device first. Am I interrupting?


"Hmm... can't we help Gaelion or something?

"It's a little different than doing it with force moves, so it's hard."

"Hmm! I'll destroy you in one shot with my power, like those holes!

"Oh, you're reliable! Get out of here before the sun sets!

"Yeah, I don't want to be in that hot desert."

I'll throw Brewnak through a spear in a hole that opens wide open.

But the hole doesn't seem to spread.

Peek into the hole with your right eye, but it's very hard to aim for.

You don't look as good as your sister's friend in the first place.

"I'm sorry."

"That doesn't help."

