Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
imitation of the first world
Sakura's next.
Look at that. Blow your cheeks up. Sakura is staring.
It's a natural right.
There must be no such thing as kissing a rival.
"Naofumi kissed Gaelion -... I also wanted Sakura -"
"Sorry, Sakura"
Your father-in-law will stroke Sakura.
Well, the outfits are almost identical, so it feels strange to be stroking the heads of women of the same generation.
Sakura-chan is the same as Yuen Kang-kun's favorite Phyllo.
"Yeah. I get it - but Sakura is the best Naofumi -"
"I think that's a good idea. Sakura is right about Sakura."
"Want me to call Mel?
"No... I guess that's okay. Sometimes it's better not to know. Nothing more Sakura than that?
"Hmm... I want Sakura to chew on Naofmi too"
"Well, if I make you a gaelion, you will..."
Your father-in-law responded to Sakura's wishes and kissed her as well as her rivals.
Yeah, yeah, this looks right.
After all, you were wrong to kiss your rival.
"Thank you for protecting me so far. Sakura's the best in Philosophy right now."
"Yeah! Sakura's with Naofumi too."
Mmm... it's a complicated mood.
I'm important to you, Philo, but Sakura's important too.
But my father-in-law in this world doesn't know Phyllo Tan, so maybe he can't help it.
"... right. I seem to have a different personality than the first world, and Sakura is the same kid they call Philo."
"Sakura is not like Rijuana or Gaelion... it's ok - so I see the gaelion thing a lot -"
"Thank you. Sakura."
Your father-in-law stroked Sakura's head, who nodded fine.
And your father-in-law turned to your sister's friend.
"I told Raftaria earlier, it was a dream miracle time"
"Right. I thought when I was trapped, too. He said it was a miracle when he trusted me."
"It's the same."
"... yeah. Is Rijuana really good?
"Yes. I also talked to Raftaria, and I'm fine"
Your father-in-law gently strokes the head of your sister's friend.
Your sister's friend will climb up to your father-in-law and ride on his shield.
"I was going to make you something, Rijuana, but nothing? I can't ask you much dirty favors, but you can do anything I can, okay?
"It's okay."
"So stroke me now... will you"
It just sounded like your sister's friend was making a trembling voice.
Sisters from the world over here will speak up.
My father-in-law stroked my sister's friend's head with very gentle eyes.
Your sister's friend has a very pleasant voice.
Why is that? I felt like I saw the sight somewhere.
"Do you have anything for Raftalia, too?
Your sister turns her gaze to her ruffled sister.
"I have already received it from Master Naofumi and the brave ones. Thank you for helping us all."
Keep your head down, Pecory, and I'll give a shout out to your ruffled sister.
The village has been rebuilt.
I think you're making an unbeatable development to the first world.
"At that time, I lost Rijuana...... I don't know what thoughts you have, what path you have taken and what ordeal you have come to walk with Master Naofumi. But when I looked at Master Naofumi and Lijuana, I thought... oh, he came forward with thoughts that I couldn't reach right now."
Your sister tells her ruffled sister that it is very dazzling.
"So please... I hope you achieve your purpose. Please defeat the waves that have made everyone unhappy."
"Yeah...... I'll be sure to knock it down and show it to you. The culprit who committed this outrage must be!
Your sister and the ruffled sister shook hands.
Then your sister groaned potpourrily at your ruffle-breed sister.
"Um... is your true appearance in another world different from mine today?
The ruffled sister nodded with tender eyes as she inclined her little neck to the reaction.
"Well... just a little bit, I'll magically show you how it looks, won't I?
So I said, pattin 'and fingering.
Then the ruffled sister glowed for only a few seconds, but I saw the first world sister.
Yeah, well, here's what happened.
"... you're going to get bounced off if you don't do much. It was dangerous."
Your sister's eyes were shining.
It's like seeing something amazing.
"Raftalia, you were so beautiful"
Your sister nods at the words of your sister's friend.
"Is there anything else?
Your sister shook her neck sideways to the words of her ruffled sister.
"Is that true?
"It might have a little ideal in it, huh? You know, you want to dream about yourself."
The trees and smell speak in a voice that your sisters can't hear.
I don't think it had any ideals or dust in it.
My first world sister was like that.
The ruffled sister sounds familiar, but that's an extra look.
"Assuming it's true, maybe it's a condition, just like Mr. Firo's."
"Conditions... well, I had romantic feelings about the sentence during my growth, or is it easy?
"Uh... sounds like it"
These two can't read the air.
Oh? I feel like I'm bouncing something back at myself, don't you think?
Your sister and your rough breed sister continue to talk while you think, for example.
"Thank you. Good luck… If this world survives, I will also work hard to be an adult like you"
"Hmmm...... you also feel strange about being inspired by yourself. I don't know what to say, I'm starting to feel pretty dirty myself."
Some ruffled sister is disappointed.
Is there something wrong?
"Have you been able to talk and make up your mind?
"To be honest, there's a place to think."
"Well... I guess so"
"I've never worked hard before, so I can't help it."
"Yeah, but it's been tough since I was summoned to today, but it wasn't bad. It may be careless, but it was fun."
"... right. I think it was better than being desperate and rotten about my incompetence."
"I felt this way, so I decided to think of myself as happier than the first world and me."
Smelt said in a mysterious face.
Hmm, you're also thinking of smelting and trees.
"Genkang, we will put up with you too. Good luck with everything."
"... now, okay? Genkang, absolutely defeat the guy who's waving the waves. Let there be no world. You can leave that to me, right?
"Of course you are!
Smelting and trees looked delicate, but they convinced me.
"Well, I think we've decided at our discretion, but it's a world that disappears if Yuan Kang doesn't meet a guy named Philo anyway. We just have to accept it."
"Well, it will, won't it?"
That's what I said. Smelting and trees waited for the words of my ruffled sister.
I'll tell you what, the ruffled sister figured it out too.
"So, Spear Brave, are you ready?
"It's not good. I don't want to abandon your father-in-law or give up."
"If I say it sounds like you, I guess so. 'Cause I'm also going to know to some extent that it's all aggregated to Filo."
Ruffled sister says it's poisonous.
First world father-in-law planted it, right?
"I didn't know in the first world, but I learned that your father-in-law was very sweet."
"That's what they say..."
"And smelting was black history, and trees were poisonous tongues,"
"What the...! You to the end!
"Who is the poisonous tongue!
"Well, in the first world, we watched the smell and the trees before the red pigs tricked us into changing, but I think we could have known better."
And when I answer, the smell and the tree stop being angry and look at me with a frightened eye.
I guess there's something to think about.
"Oh, right. Thanks to Yuan Kang, we seem to have changed now. In the end, it's just like Sang-wen."
"Right. I'm a bad person who relies on game knowledge to tell me that I'm the right person. I know that. Yuen Kang, thanks to all your advice, I will continue to this day."
It's not honest.
Your father-in-law, smelting, and trees replied that you think, etc.
"The same goes for a kid named Filo. Sakura's changing in the environment."
"Let Sang-wen take the same path as the first world, so as not to forget it"
"Yes, that's the procedure for Yuen Kang to return to his former world."
"And... don't forget about us. I want you to remember the time we had. Even if it was a dream."
Your father-in-law will wave at me with all of them.
Now it would be embarrassing if your rough breed sister could not activate the spear.
"Then you interfere with the spear."
"If you can, I want you to succeed."
"I know. If you don't activate it, you won't be able to see Rijuana or me or any of you."
"Good luck, Yuen Kang, Mr. Raftalia"
My ruffled sister nodded at my stepfather's support and began to cast magic against my spear.
I'll be there.
Cut and ruffled sister activated the magic.
The spear is vibrating.
"Oh, I just realized that if you fail, if you tailor Yunkang, you're going to loop?
"Wow! The tree ends..."
Your father-in-law's voice stopped on the way.
An icon came up that floated when I looped into my vision.
The world is gray now.
... This is me, but somehow I feel sad.
"Then I hope to meet Philo next time around."
You'll see your rivals by shifting your gaze away from your ruffled sister.
Again, the guy is colored.
"Don't hang in there. Especially if you're rooting for Gaelion."
Ku...... you will be dismotivated as soon as your competitors support you!
The clock needle has begun to rotate backwards.
But are you really going to hunt down your father-in-law on the red pig trap?
That's... I don't want to do it.
It doesn't have to be me... even smells and trees. I'm sure your father-in-law will let you meet Filo Tan. Now I thought.
That's how I looped again to get back to the first world.