Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Guardian Knight
"Mr. Eckler seems like a tough guy too... can't you send him out on Yuen Kang's portal or something?
"I can't."
Portal skills can't go with you unless you're a party member.
It won't be possible for scumbags to belong to a party, and we can't enslave them.
You can't send us because you're a phony on the surface.
"It seems convenient, but there are some inconveniences that make it difficult."
"Wouldn't you like to go to the tree convoy and collect the plane you used?
"It's possible, but what do you think? Looks like it's going to be a lot harder to maneuver... and if you're going to be transporting individuals by air, planes aren't the only way to get around. Maybe he's got a lot of hands."
What a story and then your father-in-law smiled.
Your father-in-law in this world is as kind as ever.
"Well, let's keep up the good work, Yuen Kang. You'll see Yuki and Koo again."
Are you saying that you don't call Sakura because Phyllo Tan is Sakura?
Unfortunately, I was with Yuki and the others for the price.
Well, either way, we should be happy to reunite.
Yuki and I met in a different name last time around.
In that sense, you're just like Filotan-Sakura.
As for Koo... I need to make sure he doesn't piss off your stepfather.
I would love to have your sister or her friend... but she's not here right now.
Is it later when your father-in-law is in a mood?
Be on your guard.
That's why my father-in-law and I went to speak to Yuki and the others who were waiting after the conversation.
"Ah Na Off Me Welcome Back"
"I'm home."
Oh... it's Sakura.
Moreover, it has the same colour of the eyes as the colour of the hair, which is particularly rare within the previous loop.
Ugh...... Sakura, how come Sakura isn't Phyllo Tan?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
"Master Yuen Kang!
Yuki called me, so I'll regain consciousness.
I must have a crisp look on my face now.
"Oh Yuki, how are you?
"We did great, didn't we?
... right.
Yuki and the others would definitely do a great job.
"Of course you are! It was all twisted with the help of everyone, including the despicable Silt Frieden and the fake Merromark army."
"Right! Come on guys, now is the time to get drunk on victory booze! Honestly, I'm delighted."
"" "Wow!
Master Phylloreals raised their voices with Yuki's hanging voice.
Hehe... that's a nice sight.
I'd love to turn in Phyllo Tan and watch this sight forever.
That's why our war with Silt Frieden is over, and it's a feast to raise the castle.
"Not at all... the people of that country have changed their freedom and tradition and stripped their fangs of their country..."
You can hear moans like that all over the feast seat.
Well, Sild Frieden was originally a shallow country made by people who emigrated from Siltvelt.
If I were to say so, it would be the perception of a country that is not independent.
That's the war from making it up on track.
I guess that's how it feels to be bitten by a child.
There's a somewhat heterogeneous feast going on where the Siltvelt people meet at the banquet table to talk about what they're going to do with Sildfreeden's punishment.
"Something stinks."
Your father-in-law is watching the venue because he smells like that.
"Ah? I hear something livelier over there"
I heard voices as wierd in the corner of the banquet hall.
Your father-in-law is going in a noisy direction as he invites us.
"There you go! Take it easy!"
"Ka! Ugh!
Apparently, it was the place where the mercenaries who gave the medals on the battlefield were making a scene at the banquet table.
There is a noise that can be called hustle and noise.
There's a lot of temperature difference compared to the aristocratic side.
"Do it! Sister!"
"Show off your sister's awesomeness -!
What a familiar cheer I hear.
My father-in-law, who was looking at the wheel at a distance, rushed up to me and pointed at the wheel with his eyes shining like a child.
"Genkang-kun! Panda! There's panda! Besides, he looks like he's having a lot of fun drinking!
Hmmm...... is it a panda?
Looking in the direction your father-in-law was pointing out that he seemed to enjoy himself, there was indeed a panda there.
You have the panda you used to play with your sister's sisters.
"Wow. I thought you had all kinds of subhuman beasts, but you still have pandas."
"Right. And by the way, he and his stepfather were close."
"Huh? Really?
"That's right. Your father-in-law used to care."
With your sister's sister, but no.
It was also intertwined with Keel that it was after peace.
By the way, Luna's rating classified your body as big but cute.
Here... I think your father-in-law was running a creepy route with glowing taste.
Though I didn't think the panda tutu look cute to me.
When we're talking about things like that, the gem-breed monarch will come here.
"Whoa, whoa, what's up?
"Yeah. I was just looking at the people who were cheering up the feast seats."
What can I say. Your father-in-law stares at the panda.
"Oh, they are the mercenaries who took part in this battle. Those who have done so much good in different places than the brave ones."
"Then we have to reward him well."
"Of course it is. I think you will soon have the opportunity to give me a compliment, brave man of the Latter-day Shield. So, shield brave, do you care about that mercenary?
"Huh? Well. Somehow it's a very popular animal in my world. Yeah, there are beasts like that..."
I think the eyes of some gem-breed monarch have glowed, but is it your fault?
Are you still after marriage?
I have vague memories, but even in this world, your father-in-law would have said no.
"Anyway, I think it would be better for me to enjoy the feast with people who are happy to win, rather than just discussing the stinking stupidity"
Genm monks will smile and snort at your father-in-law.
"Right. If you enjoy the present, you will not be able to overcome the battle ahead. Enjoy yourself, brave men."
"If you're going to boost the circle, wouldn't it boost your morale if your father-in-law served you a dish?
You must have liked Eclair even on the road to Siltvert.
Plus, I've been eating my father-in-law's dishes in a number of loops.
In all of that, you had no other word but delicious.
"Huh? Am I going to cook and serve that number? Not impossible with help, but will my cooking get you that far?
"That's not a very recommended way. The dish made by the brave shield is like a dish of God… it's easy to imagine the nobles flocking their hands out of their throats."
"Will it be a slaughtered feast in another way... I knew politics would be tough"
"Dear shield brave, it is our pleasure that you enjoy this feast without paying much attention to us."
What your father-in-law cares about is the joy of the Siltverts.
That's a special way of thinking inside.
That's right, let's say a gem-breed monkey.
You're just getting old.
"Okay. Well, I guess I'll mix it up so everyone can enjoy themselves."
After your father-in-law had a pleasant voice, he went into a lively circle in a very insignificant way.
Have the beasts around you not noticed?
It's really weird around here.
Well, Sakura, Koo, and Philo Real are eating nearby because they're caught in a busy atmosphere.
Everyone must be flushed by the atmosphere on the ground and falling out that your father-in-law is a brave shield.
"Come on! Come on! Ooh."
What a feeling the feast was past.
The next day...... As testified by the Genm breed of Ong, a sight was held with your father-in-law as a reward for mercenaries active on the battlefield.
"Er... You fought well for my country in this battle. Give it a reward commensurate with its activity. Thank you. I need your help for my country in the future."
Your father-in-law will thank each of the mercenaries as the heavy towns of Siltvelt refrain.
For once, it feels like you're talking to me like I was told.
Mercenaries react very differently.
Those who are nervous, relaxed, and seriously saluting.
That's a lot of people who suddenly show their father-in-law to reach out and put their swords up.
Your father-in-law didn't even move with Pickle regarding an act similar to the provocation of the one who raised the sword.
Probably because you're cutting it off with the LV and status you put up.
When I responded, I was whistled and asked to keep doing my best.
You're still a guy called Siltvert's own rule where strength is the part.
Eventually...... the panda came along with the werewolves under their command.
I can tell you're blushing with some grumpiness. You feel like you look like a joke.
By the way, the panda was totally intoxicated after trying to boil the venue in comparison to drinking with your father-in-law at the feast the day before.
Do you have the shame in your seat at the feast in your roots?
Your father-in-law's raising his hand like he said he's sorry.
Then your father-in-law frowned when he heard about the reward for the panda from the distributor.
You cut off the paralysis, and the man of the shrub and the monarch of the genus will go on with all the auxiliaries.
"Larsazsa, who became a mercenary and did a thousand activities, will be rewarded with the position of Guardian Knight of the Shield Brave as a reward for this activity. With its strength, I hope to protect and empower the brave men of the shield from any crisis"
Your father-in-law will stare at both of you if you haven't heard, but he said he's all set and distracted you.
"Ooh, ooh..."
Those around us also remain surprised by the magnitude of the reward.
Does it feel like I told Panda to continue in the next fight?
For that reason, the ceremony of rewarding the mercenaries ended and people were gagged down between the thrones.
So, your father-in-law, who confirms that people are down, looks slightly grumpy and looks at the Siltvelt delegates.
"... what is the reward for Mr. Larsazsa? My guardian knight or something."
"For many minutes, it is assumed that the Shield Brave will continue to operate everywhere, such as LV up. If we don't deploy these people, we won't be able to face the people of Siltvelt."
"She also had a good personality at the feast the other day and told me that on the battlefield she acted like a god of war. And because of his position as a mercenary, he decided that he was the right person for brave men who didn't like to talk to him."
"Do you want him, too?
"You can ask that directly."
What a panda has been called again shortly after the exchange to come.
"Ah? What can I do for you again?
"Yeah. I just wanted to ask you, he's been appointed to my position as guardian knight, is that good?
"Uh... sort of. Because Atai is a mercenary anyway, and the pay itself is a breakthrough. I took it because I decided it was a good job."
"Yes... I hope so"
Your father-in-law will look at the panda and the delegate with surprise.
"You sure it's not in anything?
I think you've grown a little panda tall.
You're guessing that, I can't get your stepfather's suspicious eye off.
"It's not something you can't help but doubt. Well... if I dare say so, let's just say that we expect compensation from the brave man of the shield when he forgives his heart to this guardian knight as a result of suffering together…"
"I'm just placing you as a buddy for once, but I hope something goes on ahead, okay? and"
Your father-in-law narrows his eyes as he looks at the pandas.
"Highly rewarded if you have children"
Is it a poker face or is the panda unresponsive?
Is it my fault that I feel black about not responding?
As always, he's smart about gold.
It's a great panda in a different way than a lazy pig.
"Atai's listening to what's going on! I hope you don't mind too much."
"I refuse if you approach me with a strange, nocturnal cuckoo."
"Fine. Nothing. Atai's looking for a reward."
"Ma...... is it easy for people to understand if they are so split up?
What a feeling it was that Panda and its werewolves were hired at the castle and at some point Panda was going to join our people.
But...... Panda gets to know your father-in-law a lot on odd edges.