Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Huge amounts of money
That's why I'm going to get inside Forbray's castle and apply for a look.
I guess it's time to be awake at times.
I'm here to make good adjustments.
If we don't go this afternoon, King Faubray will definitely be asleep and waiting.
Faubray, the convener, was also a little surprised by our arrival, but he responded quickly for a visit to King Faubray.
"Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm King Faubray."
Just like before, you're gonna have a hell of a fanfare.
Oh, you were still alive.
You still look like a monster.
But you're surprisingly competent.
Look around and I'll often come between us and look for a minister to defend Tact.
... You're not here.
Well, do you mean disposed of because the tact disturbance is already sedating?
Your father-in-law's gonna poke me to the side and ask.
"What is that? Humans or beasts? Is that the first race you see..."
You're going to ask me anxiously because you're stuck in words.
So I'll answer as I used to say.
"I don't know, do I? However, those who have been chosen brave for generations will marry the royal family and will be incorporated into the bloodstream."
"I mean, is it because the lineage of the blood muscles of the four saint braves and the seven star braves of the generations condensed is the royalty of Faubray? I mean, it just seems like all sorts of things are reacting a lot."
Hahaha, that's your father-in-law.
I think that's more or less the case.
To put it this way, humans, subhumans, beasts, etc. were born too mixed, the ultimate bastard...... you're a natural chimeric human being.
How dare you talk to me. King Fawbray is looking at Yuki and her tongues in the same way.
Yuki, Sakura, and Koo have been similarly tongued before.
If you eat that, you're gonna break your stomach, okay?
"Hey, what's up, guys? You're reacting strangely."
"Wouldn't you be mixed up in a circle if you unpandered, too?
"No, no, no, no. What are you gonna do with that pointless thing?
By the way, your father-in-law has confirmed the appearance of a pigged panda.
I'm not interested, so I haven't seen it.
"I don't care if that colorful brutal king likes you...... or would you like to give me a break"
What a whispering exchange before we introduce ourselves.
Let's start with me!
"My name is Motoko Kitamura! He's a hunter of love!
"and... a spear brave man who did so much to end the foolish war that Sildfreeden waged."
A representative of the Susaki species explained something to me later.
Looking in that direction, for some reason, your father-in-law had a thumb up.
"I, Valnar, one of the four species represented by Siltvert... you had already introduced yourself. So long, shield brave."
"My name is Summon Iwatani and I have been summoned as the brave man of the shield. Sakura, Yuki, Ko, Larsazusa."
Let's focus on those who are active as buddies.
Look at that, the pig king seems in a good mood for some reason, too.
"Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Shield and spear brave. Er... you know, this is about the war caused by conspiracy and resentment waged by Tact Alsahorn Fobray."
Your father-in-law is snorting, but at the end of his gaze, he's nailing the canning paper prepared by King Pig's men.
I have a surprising eye to see if you're really okay.
So I'll snort to your father-in-law that I'm okay.
"The first thing we have to check is the opinions from the brave side of the shield and the spear. Can you explain this case to me from the beginning?
"Wow, I get it. Er..."
Your father-in-law seems to sort out where you're going to start and then explain.
"After everything that's happened since we were summoned in Merlomarc, we arrived in Siltvelt. So we got to have a look at this with the brave claw, the seven star brave men in Siltvelt."
"It's only natural that the Seven Star Braves say hello to the Shield and Spear Braves who have finally arrived."
"Yes. So Yuen Kang, a spear brave man, spotted that the claw brave man was a phony. Then the monster that was turning into a claw brave man revealed himself."
That's what Beastrance reacted to on his own...... you're explaining it in an overview because he's going to be pounded coarse when you explain it in detail.
He's definitely a fox under tact.
"After the crusade of demons, the real claw braves were intensifying their search for where they had gone, and Tact came calling it diplomacy in an effort to collaborate and challenge the waves. Now I think it was to make sure that the demon, the one I was keeping, was killed."
"That's how we identified the demon carcass. Tact tried to ambush us and trap us just before the waves broke out. Fortunately, in return, we defeated Tact, and in doing so, Tact's men fled and waged war on vengeance, which is the backdrop of this commotion."
"I see... indeed the story of the brave man of the shield coincides with the testimony of the Siltveld side. It looks like it's all on the tact side this time."
At this time, your father-in-law, is it true that this king is thinking and responding?
And he told me that he wondered.
They say it's because your father-in-law rebelled as he said.
Sure, it doesn't just match what Siltveld said.
This is the one.
Actually, it would be a guy named Place of Talk who already has an answer.
"There's a lot going on in this matter. This one's already working. In the process of tracking down the breathtaking forces of Tact and freezing power. They're moving too radically."
The Tact faction has one purpose.
It must be revenge on us for tailoring the tact that made us do everything we wanted.
These are really stupid people.
I will destroy all those who waste their lives.
"Fortunately, some people are leaking information. He thinks we can identify them in general."
That's it, isn't it?
There will be the same kind of pigs as red pigs who change their colon and attitude when the wind turns bad.
Pigs are pigs, but I can tell by the difference in behavior.
Some of them are helpful pigs, like lazy pigs and stalking pigs.
"So what happened to the guy who was representing Sildfreeden?
King Faubray frowned when I asked.
There must have been a guy like that.
You were consorting with Tact, and you were manipulating Sild Frieden.
"It brightened up that we lost the war, lied and fought the war, and we fled somewhere with huge sums of money and items of high magical value. I keep track."
"A huge amount of money...... is it okay?
"I'm also concerned about the eagle there. Uh... I hear it's in line with the national budget."
"There's nothing you can do to escape if you show your horse leg."
"There is no mistake. Nevertheless, the treatment of Sildfreeden, with his head, should have already been left to Siltvert?
"Yes, now my country, Siltveld, has made a surrender recommendation to them, and they have decided to accept it."
A species of shrub has agreed to King Faubray's testimony.
Well, this is the end of Sild Frieden.
"It's just... the problem is with the fleeing forces, including former Sildfreeden representatives, and those holding hands with tact in secret. This is going to continue to burn out, and I've decided there's nothing else."
"I guess."
You're just a bunch of people who really can't help it.
This would totally be my mistake.
It hurts that you didn't kill all the tact forces then......
"It is also very heavy that the lives of the brave men of the bow have been lost because of this useless feud. So it was decided to impose a prize from both Faubray and Siltvelt on the remnants of the Tact faction."
Oh? This is a guy called the national nomination arrangement for a vulgar place.
Why, isn't it unusual to be so far nominated in this world?
Even when your stepfather's fiancée was in a kidnapping riot, it was near Merlomarc.
The red pig is sure...... did it cost you a prize once on a global scale?
In that case, the Queen just personally imposed the prize money, so it's not the same scale as a felony in a Forbray nomination.
"Those who defend those who think they belong to the forces will be severely punished, and those who capture decisive information and remnants will be awarded massive prizes"
Sounds like the moment it brightens up what you're hiding, it's going to be a serious crime enough to impose severe punishment on the Single Brotherhood Party.
Now the Tact faction isn't on the stage.
The only time you come out is when you're going to be judged.
"King Faubray's judgment, Siltveld and shield braves and spear braves... thank you all"
"Good. These are the ones that have brought in the most troublesome brave names. Don't just hope to catch the rest of the party sooner... Bhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu"
That's it, isn't it?
Because the King of Pigs is the King of Pigs, he must be nagging his tongue to devour pigs.
For that reason, the King of Pigs instructed Fawbray to appoint tact factions from all over the world.
"Later...... right. Orders two of the Four Holy Braves to calm the waves around the world. I want you to continue working. Faubray also assists the braves in their activities."
"Oh, yes."
This is a problem that needs to be done.
Nevertheless, it shouldn't be an issue you can't do without me, your father-in-law and the Philorials.
That's why we were asked to participate in Tact's residual processing and waves.
"Anything else? Bhuhuhuhuhuhuhu"
Your father-in-law snorted and wondered if you'd seen me before you saw the King of Pigs.
"Er... Yuen Kang, a spear brave man, can see what could happen in the future from a special spear in his possession."
It's hard for you to believe cheaply that you've been looping over and over, so first of all, your stepfather said later.
In fact, I can do things like predict the future from my previous loop experience.
"Hmm... Spear braves have such power?
"Yes, that power is also involved in spotting the demons that Tact kept as his children."
Now's your chance.
Here I am, one step ahead.
"The future is like seeing a world of innumerable branches. For example, there was a world where Fawbray was ruled by tact by one way of walking."
"Is that what happened?
"I think you know enough, don't you? What would have happened if all this guilty tact had gained strength without showing up horse legs?
"It's not a zero chance, but it is now. Bhuhuhuhuhuhuhu"
I don't deny it.
It's very difficult for you to believe in the future.
It's the same as not being able to smell or have trees on your side without using a variety of factors.
"but... by that power I got help getting out of Merlomarc"
Your father-in-law will make a push here.
That's your father-in-law.
In this world, I was desperate to help my father-in-law.
Even in a few worlds, it was pretty critical in time.
"We also testify that our men have such power over the Spear Brave. Lies and trumpets are foolish and Siltveld judge."
"Bhuhuhuhuhuhu... then I hope you can tell me something about the future"
Hmmm...... did you have any info or anything about the future that the pig king seems to be involved in?
You're only about as impressed with the future that might be disposed of by tact.
Only to the extent that both pigs are fed.
"... apparently there are countless people in this world like Tact."
That's what your father-in-law explained you were worried about answering.
"You think the second and third tact is in this world?
"Yes, there is talk of an assassin being lurked in this world by the mastermind of the waves... they will possess the power to take away the Seven Star weapon, etc..."
"Sure, if that's true, it can be quite a threat..."
"King? It's the same trait as tact, isn't it? You know what I mean, right?
My father-in-law, who guessed the preference of the King of Pigs, will say some thoughtful words.
"Anything you need to do is summon a seven-star brave man on a global scale. If you can prove that you're the owner, you can prove us, and you can narrow things down from the second tact, right?
The pig king's eyes lit up in your stepfather's reply.
You stepped on this to get pigs.
"Buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Then let's say that the already selected Seven Star Braves will be summoned to Forbray once. Anything you ignore stops being evil that threatens world peace and imposes high prizes. Wash out the seven-star brave on a global scale."
"If you're going to assume that nothing in particular has happened at this time... isn't there a guy lurking around here with a seven-star weapon of throwing gear?
I'll tell you while I get the map out.
If it's the same loop experience you've had, it's possible.
"There's an adventurer on the rise around here, black."
Let's answer that because the official name is ambiguous.
Sure it should have been Coke or something like that...... you forgot.
"Then let's make sure."
When the King of Pigs raises his hand, Fawbray's covert unit will show up.
"I'm going to get proof."
"" "Ha!
That's how it disappeared.
"I expect the prophecy of the Spear Brave to be right. Now excuse me for this...... bhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu"
This is how I ended my sight with the King of Pigs.
I think the conversation went smoothly, but your father-in-law looks tired.