Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Factory tour
After a pleasant bath we took our time off and it was the next morning.
"In the meantime, shall we go to the factory area, which is responsible for the business that Tact and the former representatives of Sildfreeden were jointly conducting from today on"
That's why my stepfather instructed us to inspect Sildfreeden airplanes, firearms and other development plants and paper production plants.
Oh, of course, the plane is equipped to the nearest facility and well maintained.
Looks like Sildfreeden is desperately investigating so he won't have another terrorist attack like yesterday.
Well, we can handle anything.
That's why I flew with Huhn for a few hours to reach the factory area where my former Sildfreeden representative had given instructions.
We're going home to the portal.
"I checked from the sky... but I don't know what to say. It feels like a dream country"
What do you say?
I have the impression of a town in an era where industrial pollution was exacerbated by Japanese standards.
Gachan, you can see that Gachan and equipment like heavy machinery are used to make something.
It's just... it's not a machine, it's a golem used in alchemy, etc.
Is it a fantastic industrial area if you dare?
The color of the sky is colorful and not black smoke... well, it's something similar.
Now we're talking about the Tact faction giving a targeted explanation for their concern for the environment.
Is the rainbow that you keep seeing giving a clean image?
There are other glittering lights emanating from something crystal-like...... in a way it may not even be called a fantastic place.
So, we're going to land on a plane and make an inspection to the factory.
"Uh-huh, you smell weird"
"Sakura, I don't like it."
"Surely you don't want to stay long."
"Kimochi Wow."
Master Phylloreal and the others are frowning.
That would mean, Dear Philorial, excellent olfactory sense.
"The view is fantastic, but the air does look bad"
"It seems like a good place for a date."
It doesn't smell as fatal as it is, so I think you're going to find it rather unusual.
Sharing such a different atmosphere and location is the secret of a date.
Oh, Filo, I really want to go to the amusement park.
But this seems to be a bad place for the Philosophers.
Sooner or later, Philo, remember, this isn't a good place to go on a date.
"The idea of dating here comes first... you can see how experienced Yuen Kang was. But is it okay to date a girl at the factory?
"Actually, the factory has more opportunities to know what you don't know during the tour than the factory has a beautiful night view. By my standards, but as a candidate, you'd be tough as an amusement park."
In my world, of course, I'll add.
If I was going with a pig who preferred intelligence and upbringing before I came to another world, I would have put him on the list.
When it comes to dating, it's the image of amusement parks and movies, but what's important is communication.
Like not all men are passionate about games and cartoons... because Phil Real likes a thousand different things!
Knowing each other is the date!
Last time I went out touring with Filo in the loop, my memories came back!
"It's like a magic city, but it sure doesn't feel a little good. I wonder why."
Pandas are also looking around.
Maybe he's sensitive around there, too.
That being the case, the head of the factory who will be visiting us this time welcomed us.
According to the story, he's been in office for a few days.
I hear your predecessor, the factory manager, abandoned his duties and ran away at the same time he learned of the defeat.
Someone suspected of connecting with the Tact remnants or something.
"Dear Shield and Spear Brave, Thank you very much for coming. This factory was commissioned and operated by former Sildfreeden representative Nerishen and Felon Tact."
"You haven't closed down or anything against the scandal, have you?
"Yes… when we close down, we continue to produce products in demand because our neighbors lose their jobs… and we plan to stop them one by one."
This is... a resource!
My last father-in-law said it!
"Demand... surely firearms and all that depend on LV, and from the low LV people, it was equal to toys, wasn't it?
"The production and development of the guns that Nerishen was promoting has been suspended, moving the production lines of metal steel… chemicals, paper, etc. At the request of the brave shield, we instruct our employees to recreate a situation similar to the one Nerishen had when he was in office."
I mean, let's make it look the way it is.
A little bit of a winning effort will be possible.
"We are now running the production line that was temporarily suspended for the braves. Later...... I think you'll see. Come here."
That's what they said. We're going to inspect the factory in Sildfreeden.
First of all, there's material sticking out in the hallway about how this factory was built.
Sounds like a memorial.
I didn't make a temporary assumption that your father-in-law would come, but I'm inviting the Sildfreeden senators to make an open... I'm talking about my intention.
I don't know, you're even on Sild Frieden history.
"Those who protruded from Siltvelt's policy emigrated in search of a new heavenly land, boarded a land filled with millions of tribes, and took possession of the land while driving away the locals, … the indigenous people are allergic."
You're putting up a battle against a sub with rabbit ears that feel like evil to defeat.
You remember seeing this bunny eared sub somewhere.
Hmm... where was it? I can't remember.
There's something like a photograph of a defeated indigenous costume on display as a trophy.
There's a bow on it.
And... is it the moon?
I guess there are a lot of cultures in the subhuman race.
As such, the factory manager will patrol the original inspection route.
"Here my country, Sildfreeden, was doing everything from designing to mass producing guns that could be the weapon of a new generation. Of course, ore is mined, and explosives, etc. that can be used even without magical suitability, are also made in this factory area."
"I don't know... yeah, it feels like you're in a production plant"
As far as manufacturing, development lines, etc. of firearms are concerned, it looks like a solid facility.
This also seems to be in demand.
"Well, to this point, it's a healthy way to show your visitors… to make a presentation"
"That's an ominous way to put it. So now you're gonna show me the darkness too... is that good?
Those on the observation track said they belonged to Nerishen's faction, so they treated it as a senior worker.
They say the faction has already escaped or been downgraded.
So… the factory manager guided us ahead through a single door behind the way.
"And this is the real production line."
"Is this... yeah, is it a lookout?
Your father-in-law looked in the back of the factory and said it.
What was there was a rusty factory, different from the clean production line earlier.
Cancún and... it's like being built to rust through an ancient blacksmith... it's a crude environment.
We beat or magic employees with dead eyes some part that flows in the beltroll.
Looks like the faces of the employees are falling apart.
There is also a mix of beasts etc...... you look so tired at a glance.
"Ah, factory manager! You're the brave one there!
The other employee will look up at us and smile.
"Yes, gentlemen. Good luck to the best of your abilities."
Then they looked at us and the employees lowered their heads as they glowed slightly.
I stopped acting already, you look like.
Hey, what's going on?
"Thank you so much for eliminating Nerishen and Tact this time!
"Ah, yes..."
"Please, Tact, I beg you to expel the remnants!
He didn't seem to expect to be thanked here, and his stepfather answered with a troubled face.
Indeed, if it is normal, the Takoshi etc. who are defeated by the employer, Takuto etc. should be on the troubled side.
Why do you seem so happy?
"What do you say?
"No... what do you say? What?"
"We are all motivated to get out of the harsh working environment thanks to our brave men!
"This is it!?
Your father-in-law is surprised, too.
You look like you're totally happy working in a black company, like that thing, right?
Secondly, knowledge has come to mind here in the first world and last loop.
That's an event I remember, even on the plane on my way to Sildfreeden.
"I'm sure Tact was a money-keeper and a dope."
He said he saved up money for nothing and didn't spend it where he should have.
By the way, they have a lot of pointless dokechi who said this to the reincarnators.
Your father-in-law is a pain in the ass, but he didn't spare a loan where he needed to be...
Your father-in-law himself said he weighs in on resource management and productivity.
The more money you spend, the bigger things you can do.
If you can do something big, you'll have a lot of wealth to generate.
Well, it's not my job around here, so I'll leave everything to your father-in-law.
"Yes… the paper, firearms and plane businesses promoted by Nerishen, but the operations were covered by state taxes and the majority of the profits were treated as funding for the activities of Nerishen and the Tact faction"
"We use national taxes to put profits into our own pockets..."
"Nevertheless, this land was originally a mining area, and the industry was moistened by this reform, which was on the verge of becoming obsolete… For minutes, it was a new business, taxes were very heavy, and employees were forced to labor harshly. At the end of the day, more than eighteen hours of working time became customary."
That's not normal.
Is this the guy named Rumor Black Corporation?
"Ju, 18... So, you were okay?
"Er... there were many who fell, but the quality of life was greatly improved even in this environment..."
You had to sweeten up a situation where you couldn't escape and get strangled little by little.
It's a horrible environment.
"Above all, this unscrupulous working environment was also feasible, as this special stamina recovery drink developed by Tact was distributed"
Is that a stamina recovery drink?
From what I've seen... containers aren't much different from magic water, soul healing water, etc.
But just because it's his beverage makes you look suspicious.
"Is that okay?
"Of course, as a result of the investigation, it is a dangerous substitute for a ban on manufacturing."
Your father-in-law is donning.
If I was drinking something like this, my body would break in a year or something.
Tact... in a way, he's amazing.
No wonder I can't think of people that way.
Did you want that much money?
By the way, the user says it tastes good.
Be a habit or something.
"We thought that the brave men would be visiting, and the upper echelons of the country might cover it up, leaving the real thing behind. I submit it to the brave men as evidence."
Sure, it's cleverly covered up at that rate and doesn't get in your father-in-law's ear, what a thing that could have happened.
Looks like he's thinking about it for the tact.
Now, I'm going to analyze it with the pharmaceutical formulation skills that my spear contains.
Uh-huh... cleverly hidden, but to the extent that I can tell, there's a mixture of poisons.
They say it's extremely addictive.
Looks like your health will recover somewhat and your concentration will increase, but you have an extremely weak nature to think about.
It's a new kind of poison.
I guess Tact thought I was a genius with this.
Or did you think that with this medicine, he and the others would work all the time?
You're still fatally missing a thing called a mind that thinks of those below you.
I'm going to call this tact specialty stamina recovery drink a 'livestock drink'.
"We are in a situation where we have to pay large amounts of compensation to Siltvelt, but we still have double the current working wage and one-third of the working time"
"Oh yeah..."
Your father-in-law nodded in a sharp tone.
"How much of a money-keeper have I stuck..."
My father-in-law groaned at me.
It seems to be quite tight even in the current state.
I'm talking about what it was like when Tact was here.
"Didn't a lot of people try to be independent, did they?
"Er... when I do that, mysterious deaths, diseases, etc. occur frequently."
"That definitely means it was sealed in the mouth."
That's black.
People often get together in situations like this.
Was it a nerve that there were as many people?
It's easy to imagine the poor sprinkled their money, forced them to work hard, and squeezed out a lot of profits.
"And… the profits and money that came out… At the same time as Nerishen's escape, the people involved took the money and hid in the clouds, resulting in a huge debt to the land… Furthermore, the production capacity in this factory has fallen to half the time of peak, so the revenues to rebuild the finances are that far away…"
"Productivity should be somewhat restored once the working environment improves and the motivation of employees improves, so half of it..."
You were originally in an excessive and ugly state of production.
I'd rather recover and be half.
I mean, there's nothing you can do.
How much money did the Tact faction remnants flee with?
I don't mean to overlook it originally, but depending on that amount, you'll need to be more alert.
Your father-in-law began to hold his head that he was no longer turned into a terrorist organization with enough money to compare to a single country.
"I can't believe I let the women get away with tact so far... I'm jealous of me in another world"
If the first world had been able to process tact faster than the original, it would have never been possible to escape with gold.
In a way... it could be more damaging than the first world.
It's a completely muddy ship.
"This is the gun made in our factory. We dedicate our memory to the brave."
The factory manager will smile and try to give your father-in-law a gun.
Maybe not what I could have said, but I don't know about that smile.
"No, I just don't need it. Don't try to give it to me with a smile, 'cause I'm scared."
This gun...... the only thing the producer has is reincarnated tact, it looks like a firearm on Earth.
I'm not that familiar with it, but I've seen guns in this form in cartoons and stuff.
"Gun, you're interested. Why don't we use the power of the brave to turn up the LV?
Panda's got a gun... I can hold an assault rifle.
Do you know how to use it?
"It's just a little small,"
In giant pandas, assault rifles are small.
Or do you improve it for subhumans and even make it bigger in caliber?
"Wouldn't Mr. Larsa be just fine if he looked like a subhuman?
"That's right...... you're just a little nervous about being subhuman. I'll think about using it in some cases."
"You're a stupid weapon to deal with the fools. We can fight without something like this."
"Haha - sounds like fun with a bang"
"Kow, you can't toy with a gun. If you use it, it's definitely not a toy."
I grew up with a high status, Master Filorial.
Bean cannons can give you a lot of firepower.
We left the gun factory like that on our feet, and now the paper factory... the factory that makes airplanes and other parts, the car factory... we went around one after the other.
They all seemed to be in a similar working environment, and they talked about getting tongued down for sucking up most of their earnings.
I guess the only salvation is that the workers favor your father-in-law.