Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Convert Folder
"So... after the death of the tree of conditions, I feel that Yuen Kang is returning to this loop to continue."
In addition, your father-in-law told competitors that your father-in-law had to use the dragon to dispose of the remnants of Tact in Sildfreeden.
Now you've told us all about your current situation.
"I see... I know what's going on."
"Looks like it's the second time the loop has reoccurred when we're talking about Yuen Kang."
"The first time it didn't even get close to the dragon."
"Of course."
"As always, the Spear Brave is stupid..."
"Oh, my God, yes!
You're still a fighting waist dragon.
You can send me to the world in one stroke!
"That's undeniable..."
"Definitely... Regardless, I think Lord Kitamura himself is taking this seriously..."
Panda and Eclair will agree.
Whose side are you on?!?
"You got the story. If you'd like to help me, I'd love to."
"That'll help."
"It's just... Gaelion, I don't want you to look at this until you've raised your LV and grown up."
"Huh? Why?
'Cause if you do, don't look at Gaelion as a child.'
"Ha ha! You finally showed your horse leg! He's a carnivore everywhere. Father-in-law! Be careful."
I started making explicit sexual appeals to your father-in-law.
That's counterproductive!
Then the rivals will look at me with pity and then give it back to your father-in-law.
"It's the first body I'm familiar with, but the gaelion still lives in a world of countless loops and long, wild mumps. As a dragon, pride doesn't hurt to be treated like a gaelion."
Mm-hmm... I'll tell you what!
I thought you said earlier that you hadn't updated your memory much!
There's a contradiction!
When was your last update!?
You said you got lahoo...... did you remember that?
It's somewhat blurry, but I see a silhouette that looks like it, but it's supposed to be my misremembering.
"You must have been in chocolate for a long time!
"Ah, I miss you. That body was easy."
"Well, I know Gaelion's older somehow."
Absolutely lying!
Don't let them fool you!
"Well, that's right. It's because it's looping and I remember it, and naturally it's different in appearance and mental age."
"I guess there are exceptions..."
Eclair is making some kind of exception to your stepfather's opinion.
"... you better not worry about him. It would be hard to repeat the same time over and over without that strong spirit."
"Oh well..."
Your father-in-law and Eclair understand something.
Ku...... for some reason the competitor's stock is rising.
I've had a lot more loops, so I've been alive a long time.
That's why I'm supposed to be stronger mentally!
"Dragons are like immortals! You'll always be a kid, father-in-law!
"Yeah, you're right...... that said, Gaelion. Wouldn't someone who could raise you be me for once? Yunkan-kun and Sakura will hate you, and I want you to come up with me because I want you to be as strong as Mr. Larsa and the others in preparation for the battle to come?
You broke your plan early.
That's why the dragons are incompetent!
"... I can't help it. But I don't want you to treat me like a child."
"I get it. So is Mr. Gaelion good? It's uncomfortable."
"You're better off! I don't like to be treated like an old man."
"I don't like to treat children, I don't like old people... it's a difficult order"
"That's the dragon!
I think you have a fierce and cumbersome mental structure.
Compared to that, the Philosophers will have eternal purity!
After all, Master Filorial is better than the dragon.
"So, I ask you, Gaelion, do you remember how to break the limits or something?
"Of course you remember. I'm saving it as a memory, so we can do it with a minimum of nuclear stones and a weapon of bravery."
"That would help. Well, good to see you soon, Gaelion."
I'm dissatisfied, but this is how my competitors officially subscribed.
From now on, work like a carriage horse and contribute to your father-in-law.
"Naturally. Don't try to get Sildfreeden to accept you! He also gathered dragon emperor nuclear stones, also known as demon kings in a different world, to help him, so he knows all sorts of other things and magic. It's a power-up gaelion that can govern!
And so on and rivals are making noise.
You're a really busy guy.
"You're reliable. By the way, it's been a long story... but I couldn't help but take you out, but your sister..."
"Oh, I'm fine. Don't come home when you can afford it. Supporting your family is natural. Gaelion, it's a contingent dragon."
"Dispatch... I know you know a lot of things..."
Your father-in-law is surprised to see such a rival suicide bomb.
Hehe... in that way, it's another dream like shooting your stepfather in the heart.
Dig more like a grave.
"Yes, rivals"
"What? Spear brave, what's wrong?
"I'm going to parse your loop, kick you out and turn you into a convert folder for Eternal Filo Tang, so I can help you."
"... what are you talking about?
The rival had a Kyotong look on his face.
What are you scared of?
Come on, Philotane! Convert! Do it! That's it!
"Yuen Kang-kun still sucks at explaining..."
So don't you three knights agree to breathe like smells or trees!
Anyway, let's eternal the memory of Phyllo Tan soon.
"Uh, in this world, Yuen Kang-kun's philoreal has become Sakura, hasn't it? But I can't give up on Motoko-kun, so you're telling me you're gonna remind Sakura, like Gaelion, of the memory of a kid named Philo? I want to do that."
"I mean, kick out the gaelion, with Firo? Don't think Philo's gonna break if you do that."
"Filo Tan is a glassy, transparent being. But I'm not giving up. Competitor, you need to get out of the spear and give up that space."
"Spear Brave...... Gaelion can ride the loop because he has immortality in an ecology that allows him to enclose consciousness and memory in a nuclear stone. There's no such thing as a philosophy."
Your rivals are turning their pathetic gaze at me in the face.
What is it?
Don't be ridiculous!
"I have a filorial queen with an eternal lifespan, but I can't because that's a different lineage. Give it up."
Knock... does that mean that the Phyllo Tan Eternal project is a failure?
So what did I bring my rivals back to life for?
No, it's still too early to give up!
"I'm not giving up! We're going to use your space to plan the Eternal Filo! That's why we're going to erase your memory from the spear and create the Filotan folder!
It's a dragon flavor.
You must be able to achieve it if you consecrate Master Filorial and have the strength to be stubborn.
Fellowtan, it's Forever!
"This sounds like a declaration to kill you in front of me..."
"You don't have to worry about it. The spear braves are the same. Anyway, I can't do anything I can't. You can't do it in the gaelion stream, so you better explore another way."
"You're not saying you can't."
"It's sympathy. Phyllo was brave enough to be a claw brave enough to let him have it in some loop, even with the Dragon Engraving Series weapon, right?
Your rival has a sympathy eye on me for some reason!
It's pointless to try to get your father-in-law points with those eyes!
This is my ambition!
"Don't think we should figure out why we're restarting the loop in the first place."
"I sure am... do you know what Gaelion is?
"You can't interfere with a spear without a little more strength. Only now is the gaelion inherited from memory."
"Oh well. Then we have to keep up the good work in order to do things."
"You're making a scene again."
"It's getting busier and busier."
Each of them spoke up to their rivals.
Such a rival told Panda.
"That being said, it's a decorative panda. How did I tell you it was this world, and you're still with Fumi?
"Ah!? Who said anything about dressing!?
Panda floats blue and yells at rivals.
"In the wild mummy world, there's only about a decorative panda called Sasa, and I can't even remember a gaelion."
They call me that. Pandas will turn their hair upside down just like before.
"So what's that name?!?
"P...... Who is Sasa? I can certainly call it that."
"Elmero! You. Oh!
I pointed to the elephant after the panda saw the rival.
Sasa, it's your sister's sister you were calling me.
"You don't know. Oh, but the knight next door was always with the sword brave."
"Me? Well, in the phenomenon of saying loop, you might have the edge of saying so. After all, you are as repetitive as Lord Kitamura."
"What is it? There may be things I find disgusting, but I'm going to say hello."
"There's no reason to hate me for that. Nice to meet you."
"Then I'll introduce myself, and I'll boil down what I'm going to do."
What a feeling. Time's running out.
In the meantime, my father-in-law, who returned to Siltveld, decided to do an LV lift.
In the meantime, I've been running around all over the place, exorcising dragons.
Competitors' abilities are designed to increase their ability to break limits.
The goal was to create the elite so that the latent tact faction could be stopped more quickly.
"Now... as good as the policy has been decided, are you sure you want to work somewhat together in the direction of building on the upcoming collaboration?
That's what Eclair asked Panda and the elephant.
"For how many minutes, I have to go with Lord Ivatani in the LV lift without the help of Lord Kitamura and the Philorials. I believe we need to share what we can do to do that."
"I have a point, but I'm a little scared to show you what's in my hand. Even though he's a friendly faction and has a proven track record, he's a knight of Merromark, isn't he?
Eclair raised a question mark on Panda's discriminatory remarks.
It's about Eclair. I don't think it included anything else, but I think he wanted to share information.
"Mr. Larsa, Mr. Eckler is not like that. Because he's a very serious person."
"Yes, sir. Are you saying he's a tough knight and a soldier? Either way, when you're human, it's mediocre except for some of them, so we'll see what happens."
"Oh, then why don't we make a deal? I was looking forward to it."
Which battle nation are you?
And you're going to say it if you're my stepfather in the first world.
Eclair had more of these guys in his old lady's apprentice than he had in his former life.
"You're not barking, are you?
Eclair pulled out his sword and the panda stood up claws.
"Well, let's go to battle at the castle training ground."
"Elmero, you do it too! Or are you just a bunch of shield braves? We have to show him how powerful we are."
Well, that's a good thing for a panda.
Instead of parasitizing your father-in-law, you want to contribute...... let's do the perception of pandas again.
"... right. I get the reason. But it doesn't have to be like this, does it?
"It's not because we're about to. I don't think you even know how strong the shield braves are. It must feel stronger than them."
Panda will look at your father-in-law once before paying attention to the elephant.
"I honestly don't think it matters. What about you? I'm wearing a cat that doesn't look like it. Did the knight want to do it so badly?
"Wow, I..."
"Either way, I think I'm a good opportunity. It's just a matter of letting Lord Ivatani and the others see what kind of movement he can make. I hope you'll join me later."
There's going to be a fight against the waves, Eclair continued.
Then you walked out to the training ground with your panda, as if you were breathing in.