Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
elephant thrust
I'm on my way home, aside from the rest of the day.
"Yeah, yeah..."
Inside the town of Siltvelt, a squirrel-like beastly child was walking crying and searching for something with Kyorokyoro.
"What's going on?
Kou will change shape there to look like an angel and speak to the squirrel beast child.
"... I'm lost. Where are we? I want to see your mother."
"Uh - where did you get off?
"Shopping Districts"
"Shall we look together, then?
A squirrel beast child snorted at Koo's suggestion.
"Hold still for a second."
Koo puts his head under the squirrel beast's crotch, and you'll get up all gooey.
"Wow! Wow! Strength!"
"Yeah. Cow power! What do you say, Mother?
"Huh? Hmm...... I can't find it"
"Shall we go this way then? And Kitamura."
"You got it! Where's her mother? I'm lost!
That's why we're going through the mall looking for lost parents.
But you're going to be vibrant and crowded where you can hardly find your lost parents.
"Hmmm...... hey, you might be a little surprised, but don't break out because it's dangerous"
"Huh? Yeah."
Ask Koo to get lost so he can get some recognition before he turns into a Philo Real King.
Boff, change your appearance, and the people around you will be surprised.
However, it doesn't seem to surprise you that much in Siltvert, where there are many beasts who can be transformed.
But the noticeable tall height also made the kou more noticeable in the crowd.
"Is there no mother for this child -?
"Here, here!
Somehow you can see your hands up in the crowd.
"Ah! It's your mother!
That's why we found Clams and Lost Parents.
"Really, I'm sorry to bother you"
The squirrel beast, my lost parent, will bow his head to me as Koo's guardian.
I know I'm a spear brave man from the country, so I was surprised to lose my hips.
"I'm glad you're not important."
"Well then... one day this thank you"
"Never mind."
So we waved to the squirrel beast parent and son and left the scene.
Kou will walk down the road to the castle singing his nose.
But...... I'm glad you grew up with a very gentle kid, too, with the exchange earlier.
Here, fu, the figure of Koo, furiously angry at his stepfather for suggesting he wanted to eat a mole, came through his brain.
That's right.
There's a terrible case of Koo living in trauma here.
Without your sister and her friends, Koo should start saying he wants to eat a little beast man.
"How did you hear the stray earlier?
"Huh? I couldn't -?
"No, I think Koo did a very good job. But I thought you called because you thought it was delicious, didn't you?
Kou then frowns as if he had said he was slightly offended.
"Uh, I don't eat. - Koo, you're not such a foodie."
Oh, this is trauma avoidance.
It's good to decide your father-in-law's punishment is gone.
But how did this happen?
Maybe it's already too late... your father-in-law has punished you for something I don't know.
"Oh, but if it was the previous koo, I'd have thought about it."
"Is that right?
"Yeah, Elmero told me not to eat the little beastmen in the castle when he saw they looked delicious."
Oh, my God!
Did those elephants replace your sisters?!?
I thought we were close, but this is a harvest.
"That's good to hear."
What a feeling we went back to the castle.
Then I insignificantly observed Koo and the elephants playing with the Philorials instead of...
"Well, first of all, everybody - keep your pitches in line."
There you are teaching chorus to Master Philorial, who gathered with his baton.
"" "Uh..." "
"Yeah. Let's sing again -"
Sure... you seemed to have a good time teaching music.
A lively harmony sounded inside the castle.
That's a very comfortable singing voice.
I see.
I haven't checked because I've been busy with a lot of things, but this happened.
It's fantastic.
With the teachings of these elephants, the Philosophers were naturally becoming more skilled as idols.
I didn't teach you opera-style songs, so it's a good practice.
"Yes, that's it for today"
I'll see you tomorrow.
"See you tomorrow -!
We'll make sure the elephant finishes the fun song and breaks up with the Philorials and enters the castle.
"Huh? Ah, Spear Brave. Hi."
When I spoke to the elephant, the elephant greeted me.
"You taught the songs to the Philorials more than you taught Koo. Well done."
"Oh, yes."
If I'm capable so far, I have to help a lot.
Thank you very much.
"Thank you. From now on, I'll allow you to get along better with your stepfather."
"Oh, thank you......?
It seemed like Panda would attack your father-in-law in a position you could count on, but let's just say you push the elephant a little more towards your father-in-law.
"Um? Why did the spear brave man give you permission?
You have elephants tilting your little neck.
Well, it's natural for you to feel uncomfortable about what I say about your stepfather's relationship.
But they want you to choose them as your father-in-law's loyal subordinate.
"Protect your father-in-law from your rival Attack and shoot your heart out."
"Ha ha..."
I'm here for you, too.
The elephant was listening to me when he said he wasn't coming.
It's about the dinner table that night.
We all have fun eating with your father-in-law's advice.
Your father-in-law cooked for us on a whim today.
"Hmm... I can only eat occasionally, but Lord Ivatani's dishes are excellent."
Sakura and Eclair are here to compliment your father-in-law on his cooking.
Naturally, I, Yuki, and Koo think the same thing.
"Thanks. I had some interesting food for lunch today, so I recreated it to fit everyone's mouth to try, how'd it go?
"I can't let a chef eat this... in a cruel way"
"I think it's delicious."
Panda and elephants are also honest when it comes to your father-in-law's cooking.
Also, the rivals say they have work to do tonight in Sildfreeden, so they can't come.
Your father-in-law was worried, but you're useless.
"Oh, that's right. Father-in-law, I need to talk to you."
"What's wrong, Yuen Kang?
"Father-in-law, it's good to get along with pandas, but elephants aren't bad either. He's a good elephant."
"Ya spear brave......!?
You're looking at me with the look of an elephant in some trouble, but you're trying to be humble.
I'm not blunt!
I used to get blunt, stupid, pig told me, but it's different!
A man who can, Yuen Kang... let me tell your father-in-law that elephants are good here.
Koo is a thank you to the elephants who are making friends with the Philorials!
"Hmm? I'm a little unsure about Mr. Elmero?
"That's right!
"I think it's time you stopped calling Mr. Elmero an elephant."
"Mmm? Really?
"How long do you call Atai a panda?"
"Pandas are pandas. Just like Eclair is Eclair."
"No, my name is Eclair just because Lord Kitamura has been calling me by mistake forever..."
Eclair's protesting something.
Eclair is Eclair.
"... never mind because I realized it was easier for me not to care too much. Even if Lord Kitamura recognizes me as a woman of men, I am not like the others. I guess it's a mistake to want big."
"Uh... yeah. So that it's easy to talk to you, Mr. Larsa is also a beast man."
"I was surprised you didn't listen to me when I spoke in a subhuman way... isn't that rare in that sense?
Is something wrong?
Anyway, it's an elephant.
Let's make an effort to remember the name with the edge of the koo as well.
"Um... was it Mellon?
"... no"
The elephant immediately denied it.
Sounds like a mistake.
"Same goes for Mr. Eclair, but why dessert...?
Uh-huh, I think it was definitely a name like that.
Ermelon or something, I think that's what happened.
"I remember Yuen Kang appropriately even though he called me earlier..."
"Instead, Hermelo is not the only one here to be called to the spear brave."
"Pandas are fine. Melons are good elephants."
"Please really stop..."
You're in trouble with melons.
I'm not Melon... I'm not trying to get an elephant in trouble.
I just want to return the favor that led me to Koo.
"Atai's a hassle, too, so I'll let him call you whatever he wants. You know... I think it makes sense that the knights of Merromarc have to call themselves human beings."
"I'm not correctly called by name either..."
"Sort of... So, what's wrong with Mr. Elmero?
Since arbitrating like that, your father-in-law has asked about elephants.
"So elephants are good elephants."
"Yeah, you are. I'm serious, and I'm gonna take it between Mr. Eckler and Mr. Larsa, so I'm gonna help you."
"That's not all!
I explained Koo's problem to my father-in-law.
"Phyllo Real is a dangerous creature..."
For some reason, a panda told me to look away here.
What is it!?
Are you also complaining about Master Philorial?
"You can't deny it. Before I met the brave men, I knew they were temperamental creatures..."
I even agree with Eclair.
Your father-in-law is laughing bitterly.
"Hmm? Koo, did you do something wrong?
"I didn't."
"Right. I think Koo did a very good job."
My father-in-law and I complimented you. Koo is a little lit up.
"Eh heh..."
"It's just... I'm talking about a very scared cow."
"There's such a difference... does Gaelion know?
Why are there rivals out there?
I thought so, but I guess it's the perception that you want an opinion from another angle because you loop just like me.
"Where I'm not, you can ask."
It's disgusting to hear it from a competitor.
But it's a problem that exists as a sure fact.
Sakura is tilting her neck like she said she wasn't sure.
"How does Naofumi get angry? Like when the castle was poisoned?
"That wasn't too scary, was it?
"Right. It's hard to imagine. Does it feel high pressure in Sildfreeden?
Ko and Yuki don't look too pinned either.
You must be. You must be.
Even that Loop's father-in-law didn't want to get mad and angry.
You scolded me for ghosting my heart for Koo.
That's why you're scared and natural.
"That's already a horrible thought, and Koo gets cowardly."
"Bukou, I'm not afraid."
"Ko, it's true because Master Yuan Kang says so. We should be happy to avoid it."
"It sure doesn't come with a pin. It depends on how you normally do. Was he jumping on my back?
"Well, I'm trying not to get too mad at you, too, and the thing about Sildfreeden is, you have to come out strong. That's... that's a little mental."
Your stepfather felt tired then, too.
I can beat Master Filorial's noble feathers, but the pandas are fuzzy.
"Ivatani, you're not afraid, are you?
"There's something to be afraid of."
"Boo! Koo, there's nothing to be scared of!
Koo would also mean a boy.
You're pointing out your weakness that you haven't experienced, and it feels like you're disputing it.
"Don't piss off your father-in-law just because you are! You can't take it back! Meh!"
You can't traumatize Koo because you said so badly!
But thanks to the elephant, you're safe now.