Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
[]/(n) burning field/
"Princess Merti plays an instrument with patience, and as her partner, Sakura of Filorial is spreading Merromark from the hands of the waves that strike the world and the evil fake brave Takt remnant, singing and spreading that crisis to protect the world in Siltvert, Sildfreeden and, in extension, the world…"
"It's... what a dependable successor the Queen of Merromark has."
We have all the scythe and genme monkeys to give the Queen a formal compliment.
"You can't lose this in my country and forever. Dear Shield Brave, I would like to thank you for your dedication with the Guardian Knights, including the Knight Larsazsa. It's time for an increase."
"Oh, yeah."
My father-in-law later told me that you had been asked to make a child behind these words.
That's hard for me to guess, too.
"As for the challenges ahead, Faubray has also made demands, but I would like to rub them together regarding the protection of the Brave Sword."
Looks like the Queen switched from a bright topic to a serious one.
Is it smell protection?
Come to think of it, you haven't seen it since you came back to this loop.
Last time it was turned off by tact, so I don't think we've seen each other long enough.
"The brave man of the sword, who has bought distrust due to the failure of our country Merromarc, and is unaware of his whereabouts, has also asked the Zeltbull side to search in Zeltbull due to the testimony of the brave man of the spear, and is conducting searches in various countries, but has not yet been found"
My gaze focused on me.
You haven't found any smell yet, have you?
When the queen returned from the loop where she stayed in Merromark, she came back to justice.
"Aren't you out yet?
How far is human disbelief?
Well, maybe that wasn't the first wave we took part in when scumbags blurted us out.
There's something stubborn about smelling for nothing.
It may be different to feel objectively and to be pointed out that there is not enough effort toward face to face.
"Yes... I was going to let the dark parts of the country look for it too, because the brave man can make instant moves..."
Shadows were hard to track when they used portal skills.
I do remember hearing that when the first world started using portals in various loops more than the original, the shadows often stayed in base surveillance, etc.
"I wish I could find it somewhere and talk to you..."
"Well, don't think this loop sword brave guy will listen to you as much as he does."
I'll just raise my hand and say that my rivals are here.
"Here's the gaelion luring the sword brave... no, don't tell me it's a case that might already be here"
"What is it? Dear Gaelion, Sild Frieden's iconic dragon,"
Ku... will you even match your rivals to the Queen!
He's got a flower garden in his head.
Guys, don't be fooled! That's right.
"The sword brave is the LV supremacy of LV lifting addiction. Even if he's hiding, the honey that comes out should be in season in this country now!
The queen nods as convinced by the rival's suggestion and hides her mouth with a fan.
Oh, I get it.
If it does smell, it's going to come out.
"It's Carmilla Island!
"I see… is it the revitalization of the island of Carmilla… surely there is no wonder that the brave are in the midst of it"
"What is it? Why don't you join Fumimi and the rest of the Siltverts in raising the bottom of the battle?
"We were more efficient when Gaelion fought at sea, though?
"It's because you're a handful of elites. With Carmilla Island, there are LV restrictions, but large numbers can be raised."
"... I see. Thinking about the future, you will say that it is not a loss to go. It's important to think about tact remnants, etc."
The representatives of Siltvelt, including the Queen, are snorting.
This is a good opportunity.
I'll buy more of Master Filorial, too.
"Then the Spear Brave. Anyway, it's about you, so I'm guessing you're thinking of adding more filorials, so this is a good opportunity."
Ku... your rivals are throwing salt at me again!
Don't read my mind!
"I'll do it even if you don't tell me!
"Well... anyway, it's a good place to hide somewhere and attract smells you don't know where you're going."
"What is it? Maybe he's already on the island."
"I get it. Nevertheless... is it okay if I wait and look on the island?
"Father-in-law, am I here?
For some reason, your father-in-law hit me.
"Yuen Kang-kun wants to cultivate philoreal, right? I'm having a hard time getting too many now, but I think it would be nice if Yuen Kang did what he wanted to do."
Oh, my God, that was my idea!
But we have to be careful here.
"Rivals, you're going after your father-in-law while I'm away!
Then the competitor will wave his hand to the side and somehow take a rejection attitude.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but the gaelion is due for diplomacy and rendezvous is supposed to be later."
"Do you have something?
"What is it? Queen of Merlomarc, representative of Siltvelt, I'd like you to listen. It is time for the seal of the Spirit Turtle to be lifted soon. So what about diplomacy in that country to reduce the number of victims?
Oh? Aren't your competitors coming to Carmilla Island?
This is a shame.
You're on vacation with your father-in-law on the South Island!
It's Hitcher! The hot sun and the blue of the sea are calling us!
"... Sure, it might be a good idea to suggest in advance"
"If you want to reduce the damage, you have no hands to not do it"
"Dear Mr. Gaelion from Sildfreeden, do you know the time limit for the sealing of the spirit turtle?
"Of course it is. You know when the seal will be unsealed if the braves don't get involved. I want to do something while the brave sword hangs on the honey."
That sounds like a lot of talk going on.
"Don't we have to participate?
I'll ask the Queen and her rivals if your father-in-law feels any responsibility here.
Then the delegates will all look sinister and shake their heads beside each other.
"Honestly, I'd like to avoid sending the brave men to diplomacy in that country..."
"Let's say that country is an exclusive country with more corruption going on than any other country. If the brave man comes to visit, what will he do..."
"I was wondering if we should avoid it unless we have a case that the brave ones can really call us."
Hmmm...... was it that much of a problem country?
Well, I went based on my game knowledge at first.
I went straight to the place where the Spirit Turtle of the Eye was sealed.
... That was a stupid thing to think about.
"That's why I leave it to the gaelions!
"Well, if that's what Gaelion is... are you okay? Stimulate it badly and the spirit tortoise comes back to life, and the tact remnant hitchhikes there?
"Hmm... I want you to keep your strength up for that. If it's a spiritual turtle position, the gaelion should be able to hold back, so I'd like you to come back for me sometime."
Your father-in-law is roaring like he's in trouble.
"You don't rely on gaelions, do you?
I think our rivals are appealing to us all the time!
"It's not like that..."
"Father-in-law! Whatever happens, I can handle it!
You won't lose this time.
Even if the seal of the spiritual turtle is unsealed and the seal of the phoenix is unsealed, this time it will be processed quickly.
"What is it? If you have a Spear Brave, you're a good opponent. I want you to be very careful with your fumigation."
You flushed it.
I think my competitors are getting better at dodging.
I would have argued with you if you were a previous competitor...... you have to be vigilant about this.
"... ok. But you can't be unscrupulous."
"Naturally. If you think about how many lives a gaelion loses, you can't fail."
That's why our rivals are going to diplomacy in a country sealed by spiritual turtles.
I hear the Queen is going to go with the Siltverts.
Conversely, rarely have I or your father-in-law acted differently.
My assistant was just staring at such an exchange.
We've had a lot of discussions since then, and the meeting seems to be over.
Looks like competitors, queens, and Syltwert representatives have discussed supplies, money, etc. that can be turned around within each country.
It was a hassle with a professional story.
For once, the situation is crumbling a noble castle with gold in it because of rising rival support, Sildfreeden's debt is enormous, but it seems like it's starting to turn around somehow.
All you have to do is broil out the tact remnants, find the stolen state budget and confiscate it!
So, me and your father-in-law, it's a form of watching over smell that would come to Carmilla Island at the suggestion of a rival.
Since the portal is unusable at that time on Carmilla Island, you will be able to secure about an opportunity to talk about smelting as well.
Smelting is not hostile to us, so it would be okay to encounter it.
"Then, Father-in-law, I will procure the eggs of Master Philorial."
"In the end, that's what happens... well, I'll be ready to leave at Siltvelt's too, so get Yuen Kang-kun on the way. Because there are so many philoreals and it's hard to manage them."
"Naturally! First...... let's get your face to that philoreal producer! We're taking Yuki, Koo and Sakura!
Come to think of it, I didn't go say hi in this loop, even though they sold it to me.
This is the revelation of Yuki and the others who grew up in the legendary Philosophical -!
That's why I spoke to Yuki and Koo and Sakura and flew to the bottom of the Filo Real Producer on the portal.
"You're going to the place where Yuki and the others are in your hands."
"Yes, you are."
Before I moved, Yuki asked me, so I answered.
It's like the birthplace of Yuki and the others.
That producer is a good ranch owner.
"Where were you when you were an egg?
Sakura and Koo don't seem to pin.
"By the way, you're a producer who's investing in philoreal racing. I think Yuki would be more interested."
"... Looking forward to it"
Well, I'm in a lot of trouble later in the world.
I'd be surprised if you told me that you're Yuki's rancher that we're talking about here in Sildfreeden.
Okay, let's go.
I flew to the philoreal ranch on the portal.
But there was an unimaginable sight there.
"This is..."
"Hey, what is it? Ahhhhhhh!? PHILORIAL Samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Yes, I could only scream.
For some reason, the ranch area of the philoreal producers was burning wilderness.
There is no almost ranch appearance… a fence that has been turned into scorched earth and blackened… houses… there are no signs of fine dust or idyllic surroundings.
Yuki will check the carbide fence.
"... sounds like a long time ago."
I'll check it out too.
Sure...... I'm out of cold.
You can see at a glance that it wasn't exactly on fire right now.
Nothing like smoke either.
It is completely abandoned.
"Yes, what the hell is going on!?
At least this has never happened in a loop before.
Did the philoreal producers even wake up at the end of any fire?
I'll look around.
The Philo Real building, where the Philo Real producers were, looks at the site of the warehouse where the eggs were stored, but it only leaves traces of burning down.
Ku... you should be listening around.
That's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a neighborhood building that looks like a philosopher.
But... I... I found it.
It's countless simple graves.
And... he's buried like a sinking... demon dealer and his people.
Yuki and the others are distracted by disturbing signs.
I have to ask.
"Ooh, ooh, I think it's the spear braves who are there. Hi."
"Hi, it's been a while"
"Yes... thank you very much for using our store for that verse"
"By the way, what are you doing?
"Right... we stopped by to buy some demonic eggs for the side business... unfortunately we don't know how it happened. Hi."
The demon dealer keeps explaining it in a spicy way.
"Bandits, demons... we don't know who they are, but they are burning wilderness in raids... and we are burying demon bodies because they were abandoned."
... Apparently, the demon dealer is doing his job as a demon dealer.
So you're burying a dead demon because you ran into him in the middle of it.
But...... by nature, demons shouldn't be a problem even if they're wild.
What does it mean to have to be buried in spite of that?