Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
M of Resurrection
"Philo Real Cross!"
The queen will send ales to scum like a fan of idols.
Somehow you can see the queen is fascinated by scum.
"Mother...... hey Naohmi... can I seriously run away from home?
"You have your mansion in the town next to the village. Why don't we just evacuate there? You should stay with Filo for a while."
"Let me do that... Philo is my healing now..."
Your fiancée's eyes are dead.
Sure, Philo, you're an angel!
"Now please do me a favor! Together we lead the world to peace!
That's why scum is the leader, while smelting, trees, Freon and Black Thunder are back and all sorts of activities have resumed all over the place.
The world of fan pigs that rivals went to...... oh I could understand that Freon said fan pigs were not pigs because they were fine people.
That was a glass.
They're moving around a lot as they come and go in that world, and they're having a full day.
By the way, I hear you have some fellow glasses.
Later, I'll be replenishing this one with stories from your father-in-law and rivals.
My fellow smelters have been attached to the Knights of Divine Birds and have been working in various ways across different worlds.
She's wondering why you're doing this, but she says it wasn't a bad experience to have all sorts of adventures with a respected smell.
Riesca is still ringing.
The movement itself is getting better, and they've grown just enough to be chosen as the throwing gear they confiscated from the tact.
The waves thus ended, moving into days that calmed the reincarnated crusades of post-war processing and the strife that was breaking out everywhere.
The Immortal was very excited to hear about Freon's adventures in different worlds.
Yuki competed in the memorial filorial race and won the clams.
Of course I competed in the Philorial Queen & King Cup.
In the first world, Yuki already had a baby and retired, but after the big fight, she won.
Freon and Philotan seem to enjoy flying more than running faster.
That's a difference in preference.
So, Yuki, even if she wins, she won't be complacent and continues to practice.
You've been racing with me a lot.
You can't beat Yuki yet!
So... one day, the rattle and the carriage will shake.
It's a relaxing business trip with your father-in-law today.
"Naofumi, you like to do business."
Your father-in-law has a sister and a rough breed, as well as Filo and his fiancée, rivals and tiger men.
They say the glass is looking for something in that world over there, so we're home.
"If you were in the village, you'd be caught up in some nasty Justice Squad Knights. The best way to relax is to do business."
"Right. That's why I'm here with you."
"I don't know about him, but he introduced me to this hidden dungeon of the world and cleared it. Prado Desert."
"I sent out some tips to see if I could use it to buy time, but the offense was quicker than I imagined. Awakening scum, Panna."
They say the rivals introduced that machine in the Prado Desert to the Knights of Divine Birds, headed by scumbags.
It's been quiet for a while, but you're back after the attack.
The famine, etc. caused by the damage of the waves has been completely eliminated.
Rivals said there's a similar place in that world over there, so they told me to go that way.
"He, etc. can't be finished in vain."
"I guess... I can't complain because I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm doing something good."
"The enemies that were the tables were defeated by the Knights headed by Philorial Cross, the enemies behind them were the Bow Brave Faction, and the Solo Prisoner was the Sword Brave Faction... really, they're complete for nothing, aren't they?"
"And to the subordination of trees and the subordination of smelting, those who connect different righteousness...... PHILORIAL CROSS! You know... you feel like giving me a break."
I don't know what kind of person would most likely go well with any of these three factions.
Your father-in-law said orthodox, back organization, individually.
It seems to be the Philosophical Cross who mediates those with different ideas.
"While preparing for war in that world, a bunch of unmasked scumbags laughed in disdain at the time of a small gathering, saying," The formation of the reincarnators is always the end of the siege of a fool. "
"Uh... somehow you know what formation it is"
This is the occasion to showcase my historical knowledge, isn't it?
You're still good at history.
The battle of General Hannibal's Kannae must be famous when it comes to siege annihilation.
It's a famous maneuver that I've seen used in cartoons around the world.
History says the operation is highly complete, but the stones must be different in different worlds.
In the first place, the more magical this world can be surrounded by, the harder it is to form, the more magical it is to feed.
If I were you, I'd throw prominence at a hardening enemy, or even a fragmented formation in Yokogi Brewnak.
It should also be remembered that the battle of Kannae, famous for its annihilation, is an event in BC.
Beyond the battle of Kannae, there is a history of many times and places.
About that, it's a classic operation, so it's a common position in this world and in the books of war.
The world isn't sweet enough to get out with an operation like this.
"I have a hard time surrounding you, and there are countless other problems with terrain, reinforcements, and so on. You said you needed a lot of conditions to get through. In the first place, you can't rely too much on any kind of maneuver because there's a massive range magic or something that can attack out of range."
"Here's the thing... if it's a class in the law book, there's going to be a breakthrough template or something, and if there's magic, there's got to be a difference..."
"Naturally. At the same time, he said, 'I see, even those in my world have well understood why this formation was used in many ways without meaning in past wars. I guess this means reincarnated. If you fail, only a thousand activities will be remembered."
So even if you fail, you will defeat the enemy with a special ability unique to the reincarnator, and the operation will be a success.
Even if you fail, you're not sure what success means.
Also, there are some reincarnators who have lost in history, but they use similar maneuvers, so they will be in history.
"Oh, speaking of which, they also used the tact of the first world in this formation."
They said they were being put into operation other than an air strike by a plane.
Either way, he said it was all over the grid before the scumbag operation.
Note that Tact's father-in-law from a separate team was knocking him down.
"Where the reborn barged in in a handful, Phil. Real Cross rang his fingers and said, 'This is what you wanted to do, isn't it?' You were surrounded by a group and surrounded. It would be great if it worked."
"From scum, reincarnators seem like an easy opponent to defeat... you can win even with simple strength, and you can afford the maneuver and charisma... you're certain to lose the maneuver if Awakening Scum and I are hostile. Well, in the first place, I don't know what to do."
Your father-in-law understands the area so well... he's basically throwing a round at an expert.
However, it must be your father-in-law who has high command among the Four Holy Braves.
That has no sway.
But it's a mistake to rely solely on your father-in-law's command to fight on the front lines than to be a brave man.
Besides your father-in-law, you will always need someone to direct the whole thing.
In the first place, your father-in-law, the brave man of the shield, will be at the forefront due to his nature, so that means he can't afford to be in command of the legion.
That's more of a captain or a warlord position than a commander.
You're the leader of a unit that directs things like your sister and Phyllo Tan.
"Don't scumbags use the terrain often. I don't know how many terrain traps defeated my enemies... I'm also convinced that Siltveld struggled."
"That's it..."
Speaking of which, you were using the floating rock of Grawake Ore to disable the plane.
This is your first operation in the world.
You had a plane crashing and falling.
"So even so, you're about to be taken in by chance... I wonder if that's the charisma of a full-season father"
"Hey, if they go that way to Melty, I'm in real trouble."
"It sounds easier to be that way... but I, you know, they're messing with Melfilo, right?
"Oh, that one."
"I was in Melfilo a pretty big place the other day... I was there"
What was there?
You have no idea.
"My gracious mother was there for me... waving the Merfilo Goods wand sold by Gaelion..."
"Your mother, she's a real meeher..."
Your fiancée's eyes are really vain.
"Hang in there! Melfilow! Or the sight of my own mother screaming, what do you think of Naofmi?
"Seeing it made me want to die,"
"Yeah... so I guess I won't be going that way..."
"Good for you. We have to keep them out of this as long as we can."
"Nevertheless, the Philo Real Cross seems to be doing a good job of politics."
"Hey... it's a philoreal cross on the matter... you try to give me that iron mask when something happens..."
A tiger man tells his father-in-law with a troubled face.
"I suppose you want to be your successor. It's like standing on the surface stage as a scum and continuing to make peace with the philoreal cross."
"Stop... I can't do politics. I trust Atra because she says she looks like me, but I can't imitate her like that..."
"I admit it's amazing... scumbags must like you. I mean, it overlaps with my past self... isn't it?" That will, Philo Real Cross received! If you put on a mask and say something like that, the scumbag might be happy to hide away. "
"Keep throwing like that..."
"That's why I wear such a mask..."
"Are you also complaining to Master Philorial?
The scumbag finally understood Master Phylloreal.
"I'm pretty sure he's a monstrous creature. At least it's not just an organism carrying luggage. Other than that, it's Nanica beyond demons."
"What is it? If it's a fight, I'll buy it, okay?
"Mengkang, falling. The cause must be you, Freon and BlackThunder. We have to do something about the infection in the village. Merti and Filo, like well managed."
"It's a little easier than dealing with the fathers... it's tougher than when you're trying to get past the waves."
By the way, there has been no such thing as Faubray's crusade related to the King of Pigs.
I don't know if you're perceived as a necessary evil, too, or if it's still time to get your hands on it.
Your father-in-law said that Fawbray's overthrow would be too much justice for them. Isn't that from your experience around the revolutionary commotion where the trees went into hiding? That's the story.
Well, it's a fact that it's troublesome.
You would say that you don't smell trees, Freon, Black Thunder and others who poke at you for nothing.
"Hit Firo's work carriage."
Oh... Feelo, you're in a good mood.
I'm taking Yuki and Ko with me.
I want to protect you and your stepfather.
Where it went that way... oh... I miss you.
It was town when smelting and red pigs flew on the portal to escape and your father-in-law caught them, confirming that I had been fooled by red pigs.
My father-in-law decided to take an inn here when the sun began to set and I didn't feel like going home on a portal to the village.
I'm in, too.
Oh... I miss everything.
It's a tavern where you meet Phyllo Tan.
We'll go into the tavern and sit in a blurry, memorable chair.
"Master Yuen Kang! That's a meal!
"Right. Unlike your stepfather's cooking, this isn't a bad tavern. It's my memorable tavern."
"You are! I'm sure the food in the tavern here will go faster. You should calculate that and the nutrient intake of the dish...... hmmm"
Yuki still seems to love to run.
"Look, Raftalia"
"Dear Naofumi, please don't try to naturally put me on your lap. You're not gonna be an Orc, are you?
"No, sir."
"Well... then let's just say we get Raph on this one"
"Ha... I'm tired of paying attention, so it's good."
Your sister sat down in the chair next to your father-in-law with a deep sigh and ordered the dish.
"Don't think you should be honest with Rahu anymore."
"That's right..."
"I'm being honest."
"I don't know what to say... you've gone crazy with all the brave guys. Naofumi is not the only one."
"Don't think Fumi is a decent person. As a gaelion, you know a gentler muffin."
"I know one scale or something... you say that's aggregating to Mr. Raftalia..."
My fiancée's talking to a rival a little further away. If you were talking about dragons, you'd be pissed off!
If you can, don't do it!
You can't be jealous!
And when I think of Phyllo Tan, Phyllo Tan sings in a good mood at the tavern.
Oh... you look exactly like Philo in your memories.
Pew Pew and Phyllo Tan songs are popular and liquor store guests are sending ales.
Your fiancée mixed up, sang and danced and bustling. Time flew by.
Filo Tan and the others have received gifts from customers.
That's how Filo Tan came to me with a pile of gifts.
"What's the matter, Grumpy? Something hard happened to you?
Oh... Filo in Memories. It's a sight overlapping.
"When you're hungry. You're not feeling well, are you? I'll sing you a cheerful song."
Filo, you're singing a song with your face no different than in my memory.
Oh... yes, Motan Kang, your love was given to you by Phyllo Tan.
No matter what kind of filo you are, don't be frightened.
Phyllo Tan gave me vegetables and flowers from his slip gift when he finished singing the song.
"Eat this, cheer up and eat again."
And I had a full smile on my face.
Hoops... I feel as sunny as I've ever felt with my fears removed.
"Oh, man. Spear brave. I know you're feeling better, so I'm falling for it. Because it's a good place, so be patient? You know what I mean? It's a drop."
Your rival says something, but it's not what you found out.
"What? Is something wrong?
"Quickly, don't hold back the Spear Brave! Otherwise, it's not for the spear brave!
You're about to fly over here while your rival commands the tiger man.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I jumped on Filo Tan.
"Phyllo!? Spear brave, calm down."
"Ah... I've built a relationship around the corner that feels good, and then I came a little further, and I just did it."
Your rival says something when you say you're a jerk, but that's not what you found out!
This is how I finally overcome my fear of Philotane and regained my love!
Yes, sir!
This is how I got back on my feet and gained more love for Philotane than ever before.
I drove all over Filo in drive mode.
You also did a laundeboo in the sky in flying mode to fly away Phyllo Tan!
We're with you everywhere!
Select retrospective
Let Sakura go to her fiancée.
Treat Tiger Daughter preferentially.
Treat Tiger Daughter preferentially.
Treat Tiger Daughter preferentially.
Good offices for the tiger daughter to your father-in-law.
Good offices for the tiger daughter to your father-in-law.
Tiger girl, give up.
I'm not giving up!
Random retroactive
Eighth coordinates………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
"Phyllo. Sometimes I want to see the same place as your Raftarian sisters who stare far away. Hey, how can Phyllo get to the same place?
'Hmmm...... that's hard. You are ready and determined not to look back... can you not regret how many goodbyes there are?
I'll look around when I know.
You have father-in-law, smell, trees there.
Where am I?
Sounds familiar somehow......
"Is that it? The time of arrival of the waves suddenly disappeared...?
My father-in-law told me like he noticed something strange here.
He's a sweet stepfather from this voice and his attitude toward smelling and trees.
Apparently, you've looped again.
And when you turn your consciousness to people other than smell and trees... you have your sister's sister and panda.
And Eclair, Sakura, Kou...... Yuki.
Yuki is a child, not an adult.
"Yuen Kang, don't you know what it is?
I have to check things out.
This is... this is definitely where we fight the last wave of reincarnators.
The loop I went with my father-in-law, who is kind to such a place... is different in the case of my father-in-law, who has dedicated himself to his rival, because the tree is dead.
There's a tree here.
When it does, it's probably......
"Hey, what...? Nah!
Here I rang next to my assistant as if my competitor had returned to me hah.
"Gaelion, you've been looping!
Your father-in-law turned his gaze to his rivals.
"Didn't you tell me the gaelion's been looping now?
Your assistant saw your rival and said it.
"What! This place is...... yeah. No doubt about it. Spear brave, this must be the loop you took the braves to Forbray!