Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
ability to govern
"It's a good thing about you. There's a shield warrior over there. You believed in the brave men of your shield, didn't you? I'm gonna introduce you to a lot of people, so come here!
"That's right! Your father-in-law is here too! I want you to be friends with Koo if you can."
And I'll hold the elephant's hand.
But elephants don't seem to be in the mood for riding.
"He's a spear brave man. You know the rumors.
"Oh, talking about soothing waves everywhere is stronger than the original... real?
"Did I ever lie to you?"
Do you have one?
You have no trust at all, Panda!
"You're not lying this time. They know spear braves are the knowledge of the future. Anyway, you know something about Elmero, right? Say it."
"My parents are occupied by the Mammoths and my parents are... they are definitely rats who say Janon or something"
"Hey, why did you do that?!?
"The elephant is very good at singing!
Oh, come to think of it, it might go well with Freon, who likes songs.
I'll see you later.
"Elmero sings, huh?
"Hey, hey!
I started to have an alert look and an attitude that elephants could take like they were in trouble for some reason.
"Anyway, you know a lot. Shouldn't you be here thinking you've been fooled?
"I don't feel like it..."
Let's go, then.
I'll take the elephant with me.
It's true that these elephants are good elephants.
I'm a little wary, but the elephant will be caught in my hand.
This is how you see your father-in-law when you go to the audience.
Your father-in-law's all here. He's waving at us.
"Yes, Hermelo."
Here comes your sister's sister waving her hand and calling.
"-!? Larsa! is pulled! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. They're pulling me over! He's pulling me over! Who the hell is this? How monstrous! Ahhh!"
What's the matter with the elephant?
What the hell is wrong with you?
"No, a brave man is a monster... I'm surprised you didn't even notice he was pulling Elmero."
The panda that was running next door is saying something.
Looking back, you're falling with an elephant in my hand.
"Elephant, are you okay?
"Genkang-kun! Don't you dare bring me here."
"Is it forceful? I mean, there's no fine dust."
"No... Sadina waved and called, and this guy tried to stop me, but Yuen Kang ran straight and pulled me back."
"Oh, that was rude. I'm sorry."
When I let go of my hand, the elephant rose up fine.
You did something I'm sorry about.
I trust elephants, so I didn't want to be rude.
"I'm sorry. No offense to Yuen Kang. Would you forgive me if I told you too?
"Yes, no... never mind..."
"Uh, Mr. Elmero, right?
He's the brave man on the shield.
"It's Sumimoto Iwatani. Greetings."
"Yes. My name is Ermelo-Phant."
The elephant saluted his stepfather with a tense face.
"Very big......"
Your father-in-law is looking up at the elephant.
"Elmero, it's been a while."
Zuri and elephant are falling behind your sister's sister.
Is there something with your sister's sister?
"Mr. Sadina, Mr. Elmero is very wary of something, did you do something to get him in trouble?
"What? Did you do something to your sister, Elmero? I'm not complaining about games or anything."
"That would be decided if I told you to be on your guard. If I could, I wouldn't want to."
"Mr. Suwen, it's definitely Sadina's liquor habit. I'm wary of getting drunk compared to drinking."
The tree will tell you here.
"Uh... I thought it would be somehow, but that?
"Yes, sir"
Cochlear and elephant will snort.
"Oh? If you're Ermelo, you're a lighter."
"That's not the dimension... compared to your drinks"
"Relieved. The brave men of the shield here are monsters beyond this wasp. If you get tangled up, rub it against him and you'll get away with it."
"Um... Mr. Larsa"
I'll watch out for your father-in-law.
They treat me like a complete rare beast, but I'm sure your father-in-law's booze is strong.
"Naofumi is stronger and nicer than your sister! Ca!"
Your sister's sister is introducing you to her stepfather to increase your tension.
The elephant is really looking at you.
It's true.
"I guess it's true if you say so... I doubt it's anywhere..."
"Eh, you think I'm not the brave man on the shield?
"No... what do you say over there... do you say you're comfortable with what they say, why not"
"Oh, you know how that feels."
The tiger man is going in someplace.
"I can see at a glance that he's some kind of stranger."
"That's right, Mr. Sue Wen. Can I help you?
"I don't know."
"If you take a nap in the wilderness, you'll be swarmed by wild demons, Sentence"
"You must have some kind of alien ability. Invalidity and Animal Friends or something."
Oh, you did say that the first world tree also had some special ability for your stepfather.
Sometimes it seems like the Subhuman Beast feels like a shield brave man.
"I honestly want you to wake me up there."
"Is this the man Mr. Elmero? I am Kawaseki, the brave man in the bow. This is Heavenly Wood Smelter, the sword brave."
"No, you said elephants and stuff when pandas and swastikas made a scene in the room at the Siltvelt Inn. Panda... think about Larsazusa. You look like the guy I saw there."
"I wonder"
"I have one of my relatives in the castle town of Siltvelt..."
"You stopped by with Larsa once. You forgot? Isn't that when they saw you?
Oh, elephants have a high memory.
"Father-in-law, this elephant has a lot of problems with her parents. That's why I want you to help me with everything."
"It's unusual for Yuen Kang to ask you to identify him personally."
"Right. What did this person do?
"You're a good elephant for being friends with Ko and being kind to me."
"It's not just a grudge festival, Yuen Kang."
"Such a human emotion, you left it"
HAHAHAHAHA, as always, the mouth of a tree carries disaster.
But I'm saying an extra word to the smell.
"It's a different vector from the tact that says it's not enough to kill a habit that you've already miserably killed."
"Well... it could be close to a spell in attribute. In the sense that you remembered me because I was nice to Koo and the Philosophers."
"You're happy either way. Every time I see you in the loop ahead, I feel obliged to help."
"As much as I envy you. I said we have to fight the fear of brainwashing."
"Absolutely. I resent you."
Smelt and trees are staring at elephants.
What is it? Do you have a complaint about this good elephant?
"Hmmm...... should I give you something to say?
"Yes, no..."
You're looking at me with an elephant in trouble.
That's crazy - no, if you take your father-in-law to elephant's home, I'm sure elephants will be just as brave!
"What is it? Note that, for now, how about hiring Elmero to help you with a lot of things? If you're hired by a shield brave man to build a track record, you can make the spear brave man's wish come true."
"Right. Yuen Kang is asking for you, too, and as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to hire Mr. Elmero, a famous Zeltbull fighter, okay? I want you to think I've been fooled."
"Wow, I get it. It depends on the cost of employment."
The elephant nodded nervously at your father-in-law.
Panda leans her neck and turns her gaze toward me and her rivals.
"That's the vegan. You should keep your mouth shut because it's a hassle to poke too much."
"Yes, sir. Damn, I can't help it. Ermelo...... Never refuse to invite a feast from Uwabami! Otherwise, it's gonna be a big deal!
"I know, Larsa! Damn... it's been a long time since I've seen you... banquet... rounded up... you can't believe it!
I saw the panda and your sister's sister's sister like an elephant noticed something. Your face is blue.
Your father-in-law is frozen with a blue smile, too.
"Keep your moderation, Mr. Sadina."
"I can't help it. - Maybe next time I'll ask the magician for a shrink pill."
"What can I do for you, Mr. Sadina!? You're not compromising at all! I'm hiring Mr. Elmero at Yuen Kang's request! Please make sure Mr. Elmero says no!
"Yes! As commanded by the brave man of the shield!
Zubishi! and the elephant have done a brilliant Siltvert style salute.
"Will it increase again?"
"Mr. Sumimoto is a superior."
"Were you both listening? No, you didn't hear the tree on that headphone, did you? If you haven't heard any more, I'll do everything I can to get it."
"Oops...... this is rude"
"Well, Hermello is useful inside. So don't worry, it makes sense to take him."
What a feeling we were able to keep the elephant company.
And he took the elephant to the village your father-in-law was trying to rebuild, and he asked you to help him with a lot of work.
Some of them were formerly powerful, and when I grew them, they grew stronger with clams.
Besides, at last, I went to help Eclair rebuild the neighboring town that he was supposed to rebuild, and while he was helping with chores as an assistant lord, he said it would be more accurate and quicker to ask elephants than to ask Eclair about the governance of reconstruction work, etc. in the neighboring town.
I hear that you are also a user of earthly magic and have a good application in civil engineering.
Eclair was coming to tell his father-in-law and rivals about his stupidity.
"Mr. Eckler's in trouble, too."
I whined about your father-in-law's foolishness at his house, where your father-in-law fell asleep when your sister tangled you up and drunk Eclair.
By the way, me and my rivals are interrupting, too.
Smelting and trees were sometimes unable to drink alcohol, but she declined with concern that her sister's sister's liquor habits would be activated.
"Looks like that Elmero had an unexpected talent..."
Panda was also in the booze seat with me to hear Eclair tangle.
By the way, I keep the koo in the elephant.
Where I asked, Koo was honest with me.
I just wasn't feeling well yet......
"They say the ability to govern the territory was taught by the parents of the upbringing, and they are able to do so inside. Gaelion, you know that."
"Eclair specializes in combat and is not very good at home affairs."
"I just need a little study to blossom. Now you can rule in the wild mummy world."
"That's right..."
"Now it's easier to ask Elmero to rebuild it."
You're still a competent elephant inside.
"Looks like the brave shield is leaving you to show your motivation, and hey... knights are cash"
"By the way, there are people in Elmero's home who admire Elmero. When they're around, they're more efficient than loyalty."
"It's rat tugi!
For some reason, your father-in-law is turning a blind eye.
Why is that?
"Are you a rat who admires Mr. Elmero?
"That's what raised parents are like. It's like that connection."
"Hmmm... is it about elephants and rats? What a fancy feeling."
"I don't know much about brave men's sensibilities, but they seem to feel romantic."
"I'd like to solve Mr. Elmero's problems any day, but I don't know what to do..."
"Hermello, who was hired by Shiltwert by the Imperial Sentence, is one of the best. It's just that if they send someone other than her, the stock should go up a lot."
"Include a line of prevention... either way, it's good. I'm sorry for Mr. Eckler."
Eclair's ability is less than an elephant.
"Elmero, if you try to invite me to a feast, I'll run away. - Sister, what should I do?
"Mr. Sadina, I'll deal with Mr. Larsa and I around there, so be patient. Otherwise, I'll be in trouble."
Your sister's sister is staring at your father-in-law more often than not.
It's a compassionate loop.
That's a big difference from what the first world looks like.
"I also want you to stop getting involved..."
"Mr. Larsa, please, don't run away. Otherwise, I'm in trouble."