Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
Power Up
"If you don't like Sasa - Gaelion will join you -?
Your sister's sister will throw a word of invitation to her rivals, no matter what!?
"What? - You're giving up because you know you're gonna get muffled by this loop."
"Competitor, give up your father-in-law."
"Give it up to the person who says you're giving it up..."
"This is our rival's strategy! I'm sure he's going to invite your father-in-law's sympathy to cheat on you."
"You said you liked the gaelion. Fumimi said," If you didn't like me in another loop, don't bother me, and the gaelion liked you without pressing, fine. "It's just that the virgin of Gaelion's heart vowed to dedicate herself to that muffin!
Ku... I've said it so forcefully!
You're a rival!
"So if you don't want to, Gaelion won't deal with you. This is a gaelion oath."
"Gaelion went through a loop and grew up, didn't she?"
"Mr. Sadina's not after you, either."
"In exchange for that, there's nothing unusual about a spear brave man..."
"Shut up, Panda! That's why you didn't take your virginity before your rival to your stepfather!
"You don't even have to say that. There's nothing I can do about it."
Bollywood and panda will scratch your belly.
You've been scratching your stomach a lot lately.
"Panda in the first place. I wonder why you're the wife of your father-in-law! Mercenaries shouldn't be virgins. We're going lighter!
Here's what your stepfather and your sister's sister said.
"He's rude. - A spear brave man. Well, I know that's what women like you say about mercenaries."
Your father-in-law is trying to say something, but he hasn't said anything.
"Spear brave. Pandas are virgins in every loop unless we talk about losing them."
What the hell!?
Were you a virgin even though you are this panda mercenary!?
"Aren't you a mercenary lady familiar with hundreds of warfare smelling sleeping moves!?
"It's a bad reputation for mercenaries."
"I wonder what Mr. Larsa is like in Yuen Kang's head"
"My father-in-law is a business-related, wide-faced peacock beast who likes children, my grandfather is a martial artist, a caretaker, and my first love partner is a mercenary to the tiger man's father. My parents..."
"Didn't you see and hear everything about me!? So why don't you know?
Panda got up and stared at me.
What is it?
I just answered your stepfather's question.
"I didn't peep or listen to you on your evening with Fumi."
"Father-in-law, would you like to go visit Panda's parents?
"Why are you in the inviting shape in this stream?
"Give me a break!
"Oh, that's lovely. What is Sasa's hometown like?
"It feels like a country village deep in a snowy mountain with lots of pandas."
That's exactly what it looks like.
"It sounds like a fun place to have a dream."
"You're never coming!
"Sooner or later, what is it? Of all the spear braves, the panda must have just recognized a light-hearted female."
"Well... it's not strange in the world, is it? So did Mr. Sadina."
"Oh, Naofumi, you looked surprised. - Did you think your sister was a jerk?
Your father-in-law is slipping away.
And I said, "Well, if you're a jerk or not, you're a jerk."
"You left it behind a lot."
"Oh, Sister, I've decided to go out with someone who's a strong alcoholic."
"I don't even have to be such a burrito..."
"It just feels like you let the beast go. Well... I don't really care about you, and there's no scratches on my background that I was with the shield brave."
The effect of your father-in-law's position is enormous.
By the way, Eclair's drunk next door to us having this exchange.
"Imia and I are waiting to have a nice feast."
Your sister-in-law with a maiden face was impressive.
"I'm glad the smell and the trees aren't here."
I'm sure the smell will reveal the night in a fun meeting with Black Thunder, and the trees will be having fun with Riesca.
I'm worried about Freon being slightly sloppy around here.
It's a Luna phenomenon without a keel.
Someone has to introduce me to someone to play with soon.
"In that case, my first father-in-law in the world told me that moles overlapped my sister when she was little and she was cute."
"Imia did? Yes, Mr. Sadina."
"Imia, your sister certainly has a similar personality when Rahu was able to protect her. Don't make it conditional on Fumi."
"Ah... Imia is killing my family right in front of me..."
Your sister lost her parents and villagers in the waves, too.
I'm pretty sure the situation is similar.
"So if Raftaria were alive, you'd look like Imia."
Your sister's sister shrugged her memories.
A rival nodded here.
Your father-in-law listens to your sister and smiles. We're laughing together by holding her sister's hand.
On the contrary, it was impressive that the rivals were doing something nasty.
That was such an overnight event.
Then some time later, I started seeing a lot of sights of Koo running around the village fine and playing with elephants.
Eventually Koo came where your father-in-law and mole were together.
Looks like the elephant came to the village to help rebuild the neighboring town.
The mole swung back when I was called.
Koo looked at his father-in-law, swallowed his spit, and turned to the mole and bowed his head.
"Imia, I'm sorry about that time. Koo, tell me all about Hermelo and everyone. I know why Ivatani got angry. So I apologized then, but this is how I came to apologize because I'm not really sorry."
"Oh, yeah?
"Will you forgive me?
"Yeah... you don't have to worry about it"
"Oh my God! Thanks! Ivatani, I'm not afraid of koo anymore! 'Cause I know you can't."
"It's good if you understand. You've learned a lot."
Ooh... Koo is growing beautifully.
The elephant taught you to say the elephant's name.
Even then Kou grew up to be a good kid delivering the lost of a young beast man.
Your stepfather's scolding scared me. There's no more koo.
How sunny. That's an elephant.
"Bye Koo, I'll see you later because we'll all be singing Elmero and the song"
Koo apologized to the mole and told his father-in-law what he had learned courageously and ran under the elephant.
"Nah. Did you call him?
Your rivals have responded to your father-in-law's call.
"Koo apologized to me and Imia and went back to her previous healthy koo, don't you have any idea?
"What is it? You remember Gaelion when Kou, who was scolded by Fumi in the loop where the Spear Brave was abandoned in Yandereshock, met Elmero and recovered. That's why you introduced me to Koo."
Damn... unfortunately, it's true that Koo had a rival hand in recovering from that state.
We have to make a good assessment here.
At the same time, elephants are just good elephants. I must thank you for something more.
You seem to care about your father-in-law, so don't you have any hands to do something about it?
Your sister's sister looked like she had some kind of hand, so let's ask her next time.
That's where I thought it was. My sweet stepfather in my memory said, "Stop!" I feel like I'm asking you, "but it must be my fault.
"Koo came to apologize to Imia... what's the point of not apologizing for targeting my hair? Mr. Kanwen."
The trees are claiming to be here.
Honestly, you don't have to worry about tree hair.
"In the case of trees, is it caused by the usual poisonous tongue? The tree was scared of me for some reason."
Your father-in-law's a counter punch to an air-breaking tree here, too.
"You're not convinced."
"Isn't it because the tree's just scolded me at last? If you don't want to do it again, fine."
"Well sure you are...... hmm?
What an exchange, I heard elephant-led Philorial-like choral practice.
Looks like Freon's mixed up too.
I began to get a trance look as the tree was stuffy where I heard that singing.
"Trees? Are you okay?
The tree that my father-in-law returned to me hah when he grabbed my shoulder and shook it had his hand on my ear.
"Such an idiot!? Why..."
The smell, which was nearby when the tree looked at the voice with a blue expression, would also stand next to the tree and stare ahead.
By the way, smelting is turning a sword into a stick of wood with all the clever resistance.
You're a good looking stick.
That's what I had when I was a kid, when I built a secret base with the pigs.
Your sword is definitely crying. I think I hear you moaning somehow.
"Freon's mixed up in that vocalization exercise, too. We stayed together until Black Thunder... and we had some sort of meeting. I was singing a terribly temperamental song earlier, and I was dangerously paranoid about it."
It's a smell and a tree that's been waging strange attacks lately.
I don't know if we're that close or not. Smelting is sounding worried about the tree.
"No way...... you think Brainwashing Song is powered by the influence of your training in Mr. Elmero's vocalization practice!?
"It is possible. They might say they have no choice but to wake us up."
"Whatever it takes. Isn't that over-thinking?
"No, definitely! Let's go, tree!
"Yes! Yuen Kang, this is retaliation for doing something extra!
Don! And the sudden accidental blow made me run a little sore and I was stuffy.
Apparently, he was shot by a tree.
"Yes, what do you suddenly do -"
"Transfer sword!
Alchemy and trees have gone somewhere on the portal to coincide with the screams of smell.
What an annoying collaboration!
After the mole looked around me with a chiropractor, I twisted my little neck to ask my stepfather.
"I'm sure the Bow Brave went to improve his headphones and the Sword Brave went to do his spiritual training."
"I guess so...... I hope I don't go missing like this. Exactly. I wouldn't take the option of killing Freon and Black Thunder."
"Oh, I will never let that happen!
Tree guy, you've got a concentrated fire on an important part of me.
What is it!
"Cause you're letting go."
"Yuen Kang introduced Freon and Black Thunder."
"I just acted for Freon and Black Thunder. Don't you see! Freon and Black Thunder are missing each other!
"Yes, sir."
"I wish there was someone to play with but smell and trees."
"I don't know because I haven't really been able to verify it, but I haven't found it yet. No... Freon's got a guess, so wait a minute."
It felt like I said, smelting and trees. I was away from the village for a little while.
Tree headphones were powering up and turning into helmets.
It's just... you were a helmet looking bald for some reason.
"Tree, that helmet...... or what's bald cuttlefish? I can tell it's a rash because my ears hide."
I'll ask the tree so your father-in-law can laugh.
"It's a concept of 'ill-dressed' so you can't put your eyes on it."
"I also feel like I'm laughing through my disguise..."
"You can't wake up!
By the way, smell is similar.
So, other things like smelting was dedicated to blacksmithing at the arms dealer's father's place.
My uncle and I have been taught a lot about moles. I hear you're making a lot of bad taste protective equipment in that process.
There's been a lot of resistance everywhere.
Wake up to the Philo Real Mask V3 and it'll be easier!
"I'm paying attention to the Freons, too. I'm not stopping because I hate trees and smells... and trees don't want to be righteous and corrupt, do they?
Your father-in-law is also paying attention to Freon and Black Thunder.
Freon is just honestly singing! He wants company to do justice, and your stepfather has a hard time convincing you.
Looks like your rival is going to leap into something, but I won't let him!
As far as I'm concerned, there's no particular harm in smelting or trees, so I don't think it's a problem, but what's wrong with it?
The smell, the trees, the repression of your heart will make you happy, won't it?
"Trees, what evil executives are righteous fallen?
"Smelter won't be able to talk about people either! Isn't Mr. Smelter a dark fallen then!
What a feeling. Smelting and trees were still repeating comic talent.
You're getting worse and worse.
It's easier to smell and tree from the loop, Freon.
Anyway, this is how famous fighters in Zeltbull, including elephants, came together in the village.
However, the demon dealer told me that I was going to compete as a philosophical mask, including elephants, for the sake of Zeltbull's vitality.
I'm talking about your sister's sister and panda being allowed out in some cases as well, but your stepfather worried, so it was a lengthy appearance.