Tech overlord

Chapter 94

Liu Lixing patted Liu Changfeng's shoulder, got up and walked out of the big tent, Yue Ruqing stopped with him and stared at the heavy rain after the winter.

Regarding this matter, they can only choose to remain silent.

This is the only right they have.


They cannot take it, nor dare to take it.

There is no right or wrong, only stand.

When Liu Chuansheng chose to seek refuge in Fang Su, and when Deng Jiaqi's family fell to the gods, it was destined to end, and this itself must not end until one party was completely eliminated.

If they lose.

The one who was implicated was not Gu Ruyi and others, but Dark Moon City.

In fact, as early as when Li Ruoyu took the spear team to pull out the nails of the imperial capital in a carpet style, a message spread from the imperial capital to the whole country.

Whether it is the Scientology or the Gods, the full-scale confrontation has already begun.

After the Northern Xinjiang turmoil, after the six princes left, his adjutant Sun Yuncheng opened the city gate, causing the tiger and wolf division of the Raksha Empire's army to rush into the land of dawn.

The tragedy at the frontline can be summed up in one word.

Liu Changfeng came out.

The pouring rain also became turbulent when he stepped out of the tent. He looked at the two men guarding the door and said: "My business, leave it to me.

You can arrange for the ancient ruyi thing."

Yue Ruthlessly squeezed his shoulder, did not say anything, and started to mobilize troops at the camp. Old Liu stayed in place and said, "I'm with you."

"No need."

"It's polite to say more."

Liu Changfeng grinned, a bit sad, but he is an adult, knowing the cost of standing in the wrong position, and said, "Then, thank you."


Li Ruoyu knelt on the ground. If you look carefully, you can find that his knees did not actually touch the ground, and he was in a half-squatting state.

How could the star master of the high-dimensional universe kneel down so easily that it's not that he can't kneel, but kneeling. Can the other party ever bear it?

Li Ruoyu said loudly: "What Mr. Gu said just now, I think it is unfair. If he said his contribution to Chenxi, the Sixth Prince deserves it.

The land of the Northern Territory is worse than the sea area of ​​the south, and it is essentially different. The many small countries in the sea area of ​​the south cannot even be called a complete country, because they have no national status, and at best belong to the larger tribes. Many small islands are also places beyond our current jurisdiction.

It is true that the dignity of the Dawn Empire is indispensable at all. Even if an island is lost, it must be regained, but Beijiang..."

Speaking of this, Li Ruoyu stood up and said angrily: "The Raksha Empire is dead, my heart of dawn will not die, and millions of troops will be placed outside the Great Wall.

Although there have been no large-scale conflicts in recent years, the bloodshed has never stopped for a day. The six princes are located in northern Xinjiang, allowing us to develop safely in the north. Because of the stability of the north, the country can sing and dance peacefully. , Then what we are about to face is not just the tiger wolf troops of the Million Raksha Empire, but the face of the subjugation of the nation and the turmoil of thousands of miles.

Therefore, the Sixth Prince deserves it in terms of merit."

After all the officials heard, there was no sound.

Really speaking, they know the importance of Northern Xinjiang better than anyone, and they are even better than Dark Moon City, but...

Fang Su stood up and retorted.

Said: "The minister has objections."

"please say."

What everyone can't see through the bead curtain is that the face of the queen mother is ugly right now. She bit her lip and held Feng Luan's handrail with her hands. The veins were all over her, and her knuckles were bulging.

Especially when Fang Su stood up, he almost lifted the table.

But she still breathed steadily, quietly listening to the dissent of the people below, the expressions of the people, and the panoramic view, those who are sincere for the empire and those who are paddling, she saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart.

"With the care of the gods, Taizu can successfully establish the country..."

Li Ruoyu sneered: "My Dawn Empire, where can the gods take care of it? It's still going well. Is Fang Lao confused? What is the relationship between the establishment of the empire and the gods?

The establishment of the empire was built by our sons of the dawn of the earth, with blood and human lives."

Fang Su’s complexion remained unchanged, as if he had never heard it before, and he said to himself: "The gods shine all over the earth, with supreme power to isolate the radiation, so that we will not be harmed by radiation or attacked by beasts. Let us be able to enjoy the brilliance of the sun on this earth, enjoy the happiness or happiness."


Li Ruoyu underestimated.

If it hadn't been that time, and had fully understood Fang Su's final plan, then perhaps he would have approved what Fang Su said, because what Fang Su said was actually true.

It's just that this kind of generalization and deliberately downplaying the paying behavior of the ancestors in the fight is a bit confusing.

Not only was he disdainful, but the officials who stood in the God Sect were also blushing, and lowered their heads in shame. The natural disasters matter, these old foxes are not clear.

After all, after a long time of stability, I forget who is the culprit.

"Queen Mother."

Fang Su bowed his head and said: "I implore the queen mother to make the prince the emperor, so as to promote the future direction of my dawn, and to write the gods into the constitution.

how is it?"

The group of ministers took a breath, got up at the same time, and knelt on the ground. Although they didn't speak, silence was better than speech. This was a clear sign that they would force the palace.

"Do you have any objections?"

"It's no different if the queen mother makes the prince the emperor, ministers and so on."

"Okay, you are finished, then please listen to the Aijia say something."

Speaking of this, the queen mother lifted the bead curtain, revealing her angular face.

Li Ruoyu looked up, and was immediately shocked by the momentum.

Not afraid, but shocked.

This woman is a ruthless person.

Her mother was in the world, she mastered the harem, and the emperor died. It was her own efforts to turn the tide, stabilize the turbulent morning light, and hold the carriage that almost split.

Therefore, when the ministers knelt down and forced the palace, she finally revealed her true colors.



Yes, because at this moment, outside the hall, countless soldiers poured in. They were golden swords, armoured, and long swords in their hands. They looked at everyone with enthusiasm.

The eldest prince knelt on the ground and said: "Queen dowager."

"Shut up."

The Queen Mother scolded and said, "You really have a good life for a long time."

She pointed to the crowd and cursed: "The northern borders are all broken, and you are still entangled with gods and science here, do you really not take the comfort of the empire in your eyes?

God, he can be supreme, can be our ultimate belief, is to amend the constitution, what difficulties are there, it is just a word of mourning.


There is a premise here, that is the integrity of the dawn, not the fall or even the split, do you know that the northern border land is now destroyed?"