"Are all the participants here?"

Look at the participants lined up in front of you.

Today, I am going to preside over the meeting.

However, the target group includes not only humans but also gardeners and cats.




The gardeners observe the human participants whispering.

The purpose of the meeting is to find the owner of the gardener cat.

Gardener cats, which are phantom beasts, sometimes grow, harvest, and serve their favorite plants to humans.

In return, they demand delicious food.

The gardeners and cats gathered in this detached courtyard were looking for a safe place to live and a rich diet.

For some time, the gardener cat alone solidified, but it seems that the desire to get accustomed to living in a detached house and to eat delicious food has grown.

Until now, I was the only one trusted by the gardener cats, receiving ingredients and cooking,

However, the cooking has often stopped catching up, so I decided to open the meeting.

Once you have confirmed that the participants are gathered, the meeting will begin as described in advance.

The venue is open in the garden.

The table is lined up with a bowl full of water, some utensils such as a knife, and vegetables and meat commonly used in cooking.

Seven or eight gardener cats stood in front of a table for five people.

This detached house already has more gardener cats than the combined number of humans and veterinarians.

The number of matching participants was about one or five times higher for gardener cats.

"Hello, thank you for today."

Gilbert greets the gardener cat standing on the chair with a little nervousness.

All the chefs working in the out-of-court were attending today's meeting.

There is growing interest and expectation among cooks for gardeners and cats who serve ingredients regardless of the season and sometimes give ingredients that are not known around here.



The gardener cats are also actively approaching humans today.

Tomatoes, wheat, pumpkins, oranges, spinach and radishes.

They appeal vigorously with the ingredients that each grows.

Humans cook light as soon as they receive the ingredients.

The gardener cats seem to choose their owners for their culinary taste and human character.

"Yes, it's time. Please move to the next combination."

Speak up and encourage changes to the combination.

The gardener cats grabbed the ingredients and shifted them to the table next to each other.

Some gardener cats are cheeking on what they've just cooked.

I plan to eat warm dishes freshly prepared and delicious dishes even when they are cold, after all the combinations.

Yeah, yeah, looks good.

Watch as you sip the bacon sautéed in your mouth.

Salt, pepper and butter are exquisite, and the texture of the rash is pleasant.

It was a simple dish that could be cooked in a short time, but the flavor of bacon was well suited to the light overnight taste of the raspberry.

That's just what Mr. Gilbert made, and it's delicious.

With the authority of a suitable organizer, I am eating a dish that interests me. Worth it. Worth it.

The meeting that began in the morning will continue until after noon.

Each pair takes longer to complete.

Everyone walks around and eats the rest of the food.

Some people are worried that it will be enough, but there was no need to worry about it.



"Oops! That's plenty to eat!"

The cheers of the cats and the impressive human voice.

First, the gardeners and cats reach out to cook.

Unbelievable from a small body, it was quite a feast.

"... cummin, it wasn't like you were eating anything special."


I'll stroke Ii-chan in the next chair.

Aboriginal cat in this detached house (?), and the one that I miss was not participating in the meeting.

I'm watching you next to me while eating a lot of dishes.

I love strawberries. Strawberries are a big deal, but other meals seem to be delicious.

She swollen her stomach and put her body on her back.

Maybe it's time for the next phase.

Now that the cooking has been smoothed out, we will move on to the final stage.

Man and beast stand by man.

It was a form of walking to the person who wanted the gardener cat to be the owner.



There were more than forty gardener cats on the move.

At a glance, he rushes towards the target.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow."

The most popular voice of surprise was Gilbert.

Nearly ten gardener cats have gathered.

The moth, the moth, the gardener, the cats look like they're all over the place. It was a cat dumpling.

It's still popular to be good at cooking.

Lucien murmured beside the director she was seeing.

"Sounds like it. The cooks are going to love it."

The cooks of the cat period are stroking the gardener cat that came before them.

It was a warm exchange... but in front of Mr. Gilbert, it was a light shura.



I, I, no, I deserve Mr. Gilbert!

Those gardeners and cats are about to break into a real catfight.

Everyone seems serious because of the future diet.

Gilbert is threatening each other's cats.

"Wait! Don't fight for me!"

"! That legendary line!"

I'm a little touched.

Don't fight for me!

I can't believe you can hear a certain line in theater and creations in real life.

... it's the cat that's fighting.

"It's hard to be too hot."

"... I agree. If you are unconscious to yourself, people around you will get confused."

Lucian is nodding as he looks at us.

It was a mouthful of real feelings.

Lucien may be struggling with that because she has a good face.

I moved to arbitration as the punching of a cat was about to become a clinch.

─ ─ Around dripping and blue!



/(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) sniffing/sniffing/sniffing/

The water produced by magic struck the contending gardeners and cats.

Okay, no tables around or Miss Gilbert.

Looking down at the wet gardener cats while self-portraying the controls.

"Calm down. You've decided to keep this between us, haven't you?"

The gardeners and cats nodded, telling him to stop fighting a little more.

At first, the gardeners and the cats were each looking for someone to own them.

But the trouble continued, so I decided to open the meeting.

"Don't touch me. Let's discuss and decide peacefully."

Again, the gardeners and cats are nodding at high speed.

I was sprayed with water, and it looks like my head is cold.

---and since this incident.

When you anger me, some of the gardener cats who recognized me as a scary opponent become afraid and revered me.

... how did that happen?

It was just a boss cat certification.

◇ ◇ ◇

After trouble, Gilbert chose four gardener cats.

All nine of them were difficult, so they persuaded one by one, and five of them gave up.

The gardeners and cats were convinced of Mr. Gilbert's honesty.

There seemed to be a child who would go to another human being, a child who would give up looking for a owner for the time being.

For now, let's wait and see.

As a result of the meeting, thirty-five gardener cats were able to find their owners.

We'll see if we can deepen our trust for a month or so.

In the meantime, I was going to be a little busy.

A messenger from the Wildam Winged Empire is coming to this castle soon.

His Majesty seems to be busy here also to arrange and coordinate the reception of the messenger.

"Wildam Winged Empire doesn't have very good diplomatic relations."

In the last few decades or so, there has been no real record of engagement, but relations between the two countries have never been good.

If His Majesty missteered, the end of the battle could have been opened.

That's why His Majesty seems to be focused on preparing for the reception.

As a decorative queen, I would like to help you.

Prepare to go out after receiving a report that the venue has been cleaned up.

I'm leaving the castle for King's Landing.

The aim is to search and persuade the gardener cat, who is still lurking in King's Landing.

The gardeners and the cats have asked for your permission.

Approximately half of the gardener cats who live in King's Landing are now gathered in the Away Palace.

The rest are hidden wild cats... no, they live in secrecy as wild gardener cats.

"You want to introduce those gardener cats to delicious food and a safe bed?"


I-chan is nodding.

I heard about the out-of-court gardener cat, and it seems that there is a wild gardener cat there who is interested.

But I was anxious not to know what kind of person actually lived in the detachment, and it seemed like I was stepping on my feet.

So I went with the wild gardener cat to show her face and reassure her.

Your Majesty has been given permission to increase the number of out-of-court gardener cats.

Before I got busy, I decided to go to King's Landing once to go to the gardener cat scout.

Get dressed in a plain dress with little embellishment and get ready to wear brown scissors.

Bring Lucian and his guards to King's Landing.

Exit the carriage and follow my lead to find the wild gardener cat.

About eleven of them were found, and six of them agreed to come to the dissection.

The King's Capital is so wide that it is time for this area to be cut up today.

Return to the carriage and drive the boulevard to the castle.

As I was sitting stroking I-chan, I suddenly became noisy outside.

What's going on?

Ask the Imperial Seat.

"Oh my God, there's a noise at the end of the road, and the road's blocked."

"Carriage accident or something?"

"No, I don't think so. That's....."

The voice of the mighty seeped into perplexity.

"Big wings, birds... no, no, there are horses."

"... Amama?"

When I asked about it, the answer came back.