Sabatra, a species of phantom beast, was found to be a gardener cat.

To confirm our ability, we were stretching out into the woods.

I'll walk with the gardener cat, Lucian, and Gilbert.

Eventually, she opened her eyes and saw strawberry stocks, opening her mouth as Gilbert was impressed.

"... I've heard that strawberries are different from monster gems."

"How do Monster Gems work?

"They are found at the tip of a tall tree. It's different from the strawberries that are near the ground and at the tip of the grove."

"I see. Then it's unlikely that you will harvest strawberries and monster gems by mistake."

Good news.

The only resemblance was the appearance of fruit.

It would be good if the likelihood of mistakes were reduced.

"All three stocks are about to eat. Sure, strawberries should be harvested a little later, so the gardener cat must have grown up with his own magic."

Gardener, Cat Enhancement (?) is quite an amazing creature.

To confirm that ability, I removed the glass bottle from my pocket.

The contents of the glass bottle were recovered from the strawberries at hand.

Successfully stirred the surface of the fruit with water and separated the seeds.

Put the seed in salt water and use the sunken seed.

The species chosen in this way, salt water selection, should be a good species with lots of content.

When adding strawberries, it was common in Japan to split the shares from the parent stock, but since there was no part of the strawberry stock in front of me that was likely to split the shares, I decided to sow the seeds this time.

Dig through the ground lightly and cover the soil with seeds.

And when he saw the gardener cat, he approached the seed as he had learned.

"Ah, I'm standing."

A two-legged gardener cat stretches her forefoot to a certain point.

I saw a black meatball in my round hand.

"The meatballs glowed..."

Meatball power burst!

... stupid words like that rush through your brain.

A faint light was lodged in the meatballs and poured down onto the ground.

The earth trembles where the light hits, and the green sprouts come out.

At first, the buds were about the tip of your finger, but as you look at them, they grow bigger.

The stems stretched and the leaves drifted and grew to the same size as the strawberry strain that had originally grown.

A gardener cat who was throwing a meatball at a rapidly growing strawberry drops his arm when he rinses.

As he approached me, he pulled the hem of the dress.

What's the matter with you?

When someone touched it, it stuck to my chest.

In a hurry, she closes her eyes and leaves her body behind.


From time to time, the gardener cat was round in his arms as he whipped his beard.

The warm feeling of the dress shin is conveyed.

... are you tired of using your magic?

I eat delicious food and sleep when I want to.

Like a cat, it looked like it had a my-paced personality.


With the weight of happiness in my arms, I walked back to my separation.

Once you're out of the courtyard and the gardener puts the cat on the cushion, you'll head to the kitchen.

I managed to get some fresh strawberries.

In order to meet the expectations of the gardener cat and offer a gift of gratitude, I will try to cook it first.

"'Monster Gems'....."

"You're not going to eat it?

"No, no, that's a strawberry."


That's what Mr. Gilbert said.

"Is it something you can eat?

"Hmm, I hate it a bit....."

The cooks were watching to keep me away.

He was afraid of strawberries similar to "Monster's Gems", but was interested as a cook.

I wanted them to eat strawberry food, too.

If you can taste it and wake up to the deliciousness of the strawberries, it will be as planned.

When you cook by yourself, there will be less diversity and fewer trials.

I wanted to teach the cooks the deliciousness of strawberries and be a fellow researcher in strawberry cuisine.

Whatever you make, it will be decided naturally.

The cooks rejected the strawberries because they resembled "monster jewels" in shape.

In that case, it would be good to start with a dish that doesn't leave much strawberry shape.

Copper pots are good for strawberry jam making.

The copper pot I had was made from refining.

I was often refining iron scrap as a material, but I was also working on other materials.

This time it's a simple copper pot, but I'd like to try making a hollow pot or something.

Refining is worth trying, so I intend to continue my research in the future.

"First, prepare the strawberries downwards..."

Wash the strawberries, remove the chicken and cut into small pieces.

Jam with strawberries is also delicious, but today it is not a policy to leave much strawberry shape.

Arrange strawberries in a pan and sprinkle with lemon juice.

I'm not going to use sugar this time to make you taste the sweetness of strawberries.

Although it will be less preservative, because it uses fresh strawberries, the sweetness should come out well.

The pan is then set on fire and heated at once with a high heat.

The trick in making the jam was to simmer it for a short time.

The strawberry flavor should not be damaged and the fragrance should remain.

That's why I made the pot copper this time.

It has a better thermal conductivity than an iron pot, so it can cook evenly in a short time.

It was the perfect pot for making jam.

"Okay, it's time to weaken the fire a little....."

I'm going to carefully rub the boiling acorn.

We decided not to discard the removed acupuncture, but to collect it in the vessel.

If you break it with a sparkling liquor, you should be able to have a slightly fragrant strawberry-flavoured drink.

Simmer it for a while, then mix it with wood to avoid burning.

When I stirred it, I saw the bottom of the pan a little.

Is it about time?

Drop the paper jam into a glass of water.

The jam did not dissolve in water and sank quietly to the bottom.

Jam test succeeded. The moisture seems to be flying well.

Remove the pan from the fire and place it in a glass bottle when the coarse heat is removed.

I felt a gaze from behind as I cleared the pot and waited for the jam to cool down.


Stay still.

The gardener cat was watching from the kitchen entrance.

Was it attracted to the scent of strawberry jam?

I'm putting silent pressure on you to eat fast.

Thank you, this gardener cat, like a normal cat, does not scream, it seems like a quiet type of appeal.

When I tried to stroke you in the waiting time, I was distanced.

It seemed like a subtle cat's heart that you were sleeping gently in my arm earlier, and you wouldn't let me touch it now.

In this way, I felt the pressure from a distance that I couldn't help but feel for a while.

I decided to eat a jam that was cold enough.

Rub with a spoon and the thick surface sparkled.

The strawberry itself is cute, but when it comes to jams, it's as beautiful as a jewel.

A bite of a ruby jam gives off a sweet and sour smell.

I enjoyed the occasional strawberry shards in the mellow smoothness.

Thanks to the refreshing taste without adding sugar, it looks like you could eat a lot of jam alone.


It's delicious, but the gaze from behind hurts.

Give it to me quickly and it looks like the gardener cat is making a silent appeal.

I'll soak the jam from the glass bottle and put it on a shallow plate.

I put a plate in front of the gardener cat, but I just sniffed it and didn't try to mouth it.

"Aren't you going to eat...?

As I watched, the gardener cat looked up at me and swallowed the water with his right forefoot.

Repeat that behavior over and over again.

I want to tell you something, but this could be.....

"... a spoon?

The gardener cat reaches out quickly when he puts the spoon on the edge of the plate with half a doubt.


Between the meatball and the meatball.

There was a gardener cat holding a spoon with dexterity.

... somewhere, I feel proud.

Doya-faced gardener cat stretches the spoon into the jam.

I saw the gently tickled jam disappear into my little mouth.


A cute voice popped out of the gardener cat.

It was the first sound to be remembered.

When the gardener cat shouted, he put the jam on his cheek quickly.

Looks like he liked the jam of the gift.