"It's just the boulder king capital, it's huge and it's got a lot of road in it... eh"
"If you're talking nonsense, it's not ai!
"Yes, how far should I go?"
It's a big escape play for the four of us. I'm in the middle of a desperate run down a maze-like path that I entered out of the warehouse.
Actually, there was another lookout outside the room, but it didn't work for the guy to sleep, so I dropped ice on his head and let him faint. Maybe the neck bone isn't broken. I'm sure.
The four of us are on the run, but Mr. Lily, who is not very physically fit, is a little behind. On the contrary, the fastest one is Mr. Klaus...... not Mr. Maria. Subhumans lack total magic, but are characterised by extra physical ability to make up for it. Even though my age is almost the same as mine, I have a quick run of disease. Maybe I'm still adding or subtracting from this.
"I can't believe you're joining Jill or getting to my house."
As a condition of victory, either we rendezvous with Jill or you can run to my house for protection.
Jill is coming this way now, so this one is easier. But maybe conditions are added from there to defeat the kidnapping organization. Jill's angry, so he's going to destroy it on his own.
Another thing is to escape to the mansion. This one is medium difficult in the situation being pursued, but once you escape in, you are safe. There are no fools who will come and set you up knowing your father's position and strength, and if you don't know, your father will repel you. And then we get caught, interrogate him, and start moving to crush the tissue...
I don't know if I can crush it, but maybe nobility is involved. Slaves and game animals built wealth in nobility and generation...... well we want a category called Narumi. I can also imagine that there is adhesion. As far as I'm concerned, that would be nice if my safety were ensured.
"Probably Jill... he's my squire, but I can handle it because he's looking, and the reaction is close"
"Wait, you fucking hungry bastard. Wow!
"Holy shit!
Here comes the chaser again, so I surgically convert my magic as I run and release it to the man. The ground is the main thing, though, correctly.
Both men wet the ground with 'splash' and use that water to 'freeze'. They use the water on the spot to freeze it, so there's less magic loss.
He's a man whose body surface is frozen and trembling in full swing, but he came after me in my magic to look beautiful. Well, the ground's frozen, so I'll fall.
You'll still be chasing me, so I convert magic again, and now another sorcery.
"I can only hold you back."
Now on your own, make ice with just magic to create ice walls. It's a magic trick called "Ice Wall," you make it on all sides of the guy who fell, and you make a box by putting a lid on top.
Maybe it won't break so easily, and it's not enough to keep it short of acid. Take a little care not to drop your temperature that much either... No, it was frozen from the beginning, so it might be a little dangerous. But I deserve it, I don't know. Because I spare my life.
It is a tactic of war that is just as good a stepping stone, and that surely takes away the health of the chaser and takes away his fighting power.
Make sure the man is powerless and turn back forward.
... on boulders, the rapid deployment of magic and parallel activation, continuous activation makes you more tired than usual. Running on top of it, and I think I'm losing focus.... well done, Jill and I have been training for two years well worth it.
"Aha, aha, you're so good, use a lot of that"
"Eh, I can't say it's okay, but you'll have to... more magic than people, because"
Or don't make me talk too much, because I was pulling. I run around the garden, but I'm pretty tough on gender and age.
If you concentrate and use magic to activate during the course of the disease, even as you apply the healing technique of fatigue recovery, it can be comprehensively negative.
Maria, who was running in front, slowed down and approached me, who was barely breathing but walking at all costs.
"... on"
"Because I, more than the others, am just fine."
That's what she said in her tongueless voice, and to me she's confused, Maria has her back open and her hands behind her back.... Are you sure you're okay? If you were worse than me, you'd be small.
When I approached Maria's back while running and turned my hand around her neck, he hissed. Use my hands to lift my body, carry it. Really easy, run with me on your back.
"Oh, thank you, thank you"
Where does this power reside in this little body? It would be heavy with me on my back, and still running just like Mr. Lily.
I'm sorry, but I'll keep my body on my swinging back to breathe. … Jill is about five hundred m away in Japanese expressions. It's in there and I can't go straight inside, but that would be the place. Prioritize rendezvous with Jill first.
"Ha, you make it a little easier"
Thanks to stopping the full movement, I have plenty of room. Run the healing technique of fatigue recovery to everyone to reduce the burden. To Maria, who carries me, make her body a little lighter with even more wind sorcery.
The three of them running were suddenly surprised that their body fatigue was faint, but when they found out it was my fault, they came up with a thumb and indicated their willingness to do a good job. Looks like we're running out of room to talk, and I, on the contrary, can afford it thanks to Maria.
"Wait, you hungry bastards, that's it!
If you realize it, the chaser has been looming for a long time. There's a bend, but where the chaser is. I convince myself that it's an emergency, that it doesn't taste good, and I'll move the magic around the surgical ceremony at high speeds.
As much as possible, I didn't want to use magic that would harm people at this stage.
"Keep moving!
You can't slow down to get away. Then we just have to keep pushing. This place is not Japan, nor is it a peaceful world. You have to protect yourself.
The surgical control is easy because it stays on your back. Still, this magic is still difficult for me to control, and it is extra true if I suppress it to a degree of power that I won't even kill as much as possible. Because of its abundance of magic, it is a vendetta that is basically more powerful.
A single thunder falls from the sky and hits directly at the chaser who was there before.
The unpleasant smell of burning meat. Carbonation of the skin, which remains a muscle of a single article. A scream broke the man's throat, crushing his eardrum. A painful voice adds to my guilt.
Maria and Lily scream at me trying to turn away from me by surprise. Still, the previous chaser was in motion.
I didn't cause any fatal injuries. It was the terrible burns that inevitably caused me to suffer, but they hurt me as far as I could keep them alive. That manipulation has become a real vendetta.
Shit, to me with my cheeks up, the man in the chase, beats me up with every Mr. Maria. The idiotic power of the fire, a mechanical and unpleasant noise from Maria's body beaten with such force, clashed against the wall from above me.
I get slapped and the air goes out of my lungs all at once. Zukins, guns, that kind of pain runs all over your body. I'm glad my lungs aren't broken, but... this is a broken rib. If you don't stab me in the lungs, yeah, right now, if you don't kill me, I hope.
Klaus, you've been beaten up too, Mr. Lily has been kicked and rolled, and the shock of being beaten is on me. Kick Lily like that, the guy who chased her.
Young Maria's body rolls easily and sinks snugly onto the spot. Groaning in pain, I can't do anything for her.
The chaser man grabs my chest barn as he overflows his carburized skin. He was reaching resentment bone marrow, and his eyes were running bloody and seemingly capable of killing people with only his eyes.
"... only kill...!
Oh, I wonder if I'm going to die.
Thoughts messed up by pain and fatigue pop such a result.... my father, my mother, Jill, I'm sure I'll be pissed off. Why didn't you make a big deal out of it?
... Jill, please, help me.
Oh, my God, now I wish, you have no choice, do you? I'm sorry I didn't finish it.
I received a cup of cursing with hatred and was strangled with my other hand with my chest barn grabbed,... yes, I thought.
The sound of the wind cutting.
Then Potong, and. Something fell.
Second time, screaming. It wasn't me, it was jumping out of the man's mouth in front of me.
The feeling that someone will take me when I feel the power of my hand being grabbed by my clothes loose and I'm no longer even able to stand down behind me.
My head hurts so much, I slowly raise my gaze... my usual smile is there.
"It's all right now, Master Liz."
Smile gently, Jill stroking my head. Is it because you're relieved or because Jill used witchcraft that your consciousness retreats away as soon as possible? There's a guy with no one arm in his sight and he's bloodstained, but it doesn't even matter.
... Jill's here, it's okay.
My consciousness, which led me to that conclusion, fell into deep darkness.