Suddenly, my Adelchan family is quite a family member. Do you call it origin correct bloodstream, which has the same history as royal history?
From me, heh, yeah. - It's a degree of recognition, but not around. There is a history that has given the first king his place directly and has been continuously passed down pulsating blood muscles.
And he says that his father, who is the current lord, is the most talented man in history....... I only look like a kind father who drowns his daughter or son, but I am convinced that the father himself is amazing. And the present king is also in his own knowledge.
... of such a father, it is I who am the daughter. I succeeded in my father's and mother's talents, and I am close to His Highness.
How would you react around?
"Dear Liz, it's better if you want to see Liz"
"Please leave me alone that I'm not feeling well"
I don't know how many times. Repeating an exchange, I, uh, got the most sigh of sigh these days.
I don't know what the beginning was. Probably since the kidnapping incident.
Thanks to the control of large-scale crime, the Adelchans have become very noticeable. And the fact that my daughter was kidnapped has become a well-known fact. That's about why it's so pretty to destroy you, isn't it?
Well, I've become known as the heroine of tragedy.
It would still have been nice if that had been all, but His Majesty and His Highness would join us there. Your Majesty will send you flowers and sweets to visit me directly at my house.
Naturally, if you do that, it will become even more noticeable.
Besides, the son of a loving nobleman who loves flowers in the garden (he was actually excited to improve his breed) was seen by his favorite... seen? They liked it. Pushing into the house...... Kohon, this is why I started getting requests for visits. If it only looks familiar, it looks like a deep window lady. Me. My parents' blood is great.
Other nobles also began a strange appeal, apparently realizing that I was a good property. That's bloody good and His Highness only likes me weak. I'm a beauty (?) girl there, so I guess there's a lot of merit in welcoming her as my daughter-in-law. It's beneficial to just get along even if you don't, so I think the idea is that there's no harm in keeping it cordial. As for this one, it's very annoying.
"Can't you handle this?"
"... all this"
I am open to boulders for letters that arrive every day and for visits by my squire. Do you have time to get into such a little girl now or something?
Jill told me that she wouldn't mind going somewhere immediately if she wasn't naughty before, but she actually seemed to deal with these guys. I didn't know that had happened before I knew it.
... Think of it, even after I was relatively free, there was a time when I was instructed not to go to the garden or leave the room, and Jill seemed grumpy then. You were being chased by the way these people handled it, and I was so sorry that you wouldn't mind.
"But it's not time to say no..."
"He's a child of the Count, so you can't scorn him."
One of those who persists in pushing me is Count Emmental's son. I've been visiting many times, so I'm whimpering that I won't come across it.
He seems to be pushing it back for a reason for once, but if it goes on too long, it might upside down. It's okay to ignore the title as high as the relatively emerging aristocrat Count Ementhal, but you can't even be too bothered because it's going to be troublesome. What's the matter?
"I'll only see you once..."
"I won't. Master Liz is disgusting."
"Jill, isn't that an overstatement..."
"... that one, kimochi nasty"
Such a punch and blink on a true-faced Jill. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Apparently Maria, who ran into me when I was responding, was also done something, frowning and tying her mouth together. What did you do to my healing, Count Emmental son?
"No, so, but... if I don't see you, I'll probably have to pick it up."
"Master Velph will do something about it"
"I can't help but rely on my father... now I'm busy."
My father is being driven out to handle the aftermath of that case. Your Majesty is forced to. His Majesty said, "I'm a part-time SS, so work about this time". Even though His Majesty's orders, well, my father destroyed it, so I guess it's up to you to do it yourself.
"I stuck it in a boulder, about once"
"No, Master Liz doesn't know about him, so I can say that."
"Well, that's it...... but there's no solution, is there?
... and I ferociously regretted that I had taken Jill's advice sincerely then.
"I missed you, my princess."
Count Ementhal's son, whose name is indeed Mr. Zerith, who says so and spreads his hands. Does this require me to rush in and jump in, because I will never. I haven't seen you for the first time, so I don't normally feel like touching strangers.
"Yeah, yeah, all the time... for the first time, we met, right?
To a full laugh, it even attracts a loving laugh.
Only once, and just in case, I allowed him to see me, I was driven by the urge to go into the room and make an immediate U-turn.
The Earl Son had a nasty grin the moment he saw me. I don't know what to say, it's nastier than an eye for prey, and I've stared at it with a licking look at my body.
I'll tell you something important here, I'm seven. This is the shape of the crucible, which does not even welcome the second trait. If you are a general hobbyist, you are in a toddler shape, which is not covered first.
Yet the Earl's Son (estimated age sixteen) comes with greedy eyes. The crisis detection sensor is still sounding an alarm. Perhaps when I enter this man's house, I will cease to be a human right at the end and instead of going outside to my daughter-in-law.
I mean, that must be it, the one called Loricon. Though it would be something called the Alice Complex, correctly at my age.... It seems to work in Pedophilia as well, it obviously feels unusual. I have a desire or chill for me like this.
Count Emmental, you can't let this happen to the world.
"It's not my first time."
"I saw you somewhere, huh?
"I saw you playing with flowers and butterflies at the garden tip. I'm convinced that this is destiny."
No, so that's a one-sided encounter, isn't it?
Take my hand, Count Son, as he smiles and solidifies.... Oh, no, you can't do that!
I was wondering if you could come to my wife.
The Earl's son, who took his hand at will, dropped his mouth on the back of his right hand, sworn by Jill.
At the same time that I had goosebumps all over my body, I felt like I could play magic that I lost control of.
"... I'm sorry, but Master Liz is not feeling well, can you please pick it up"
The magic didn't erupt because Jill got stuck in the Earl's Son to shelter me.
I feel like they put their hands on my shoulder and told me I was okay now. That only adds up to a rough wave of magic and a little relief.
The Count's son had obviously distorted his face for being disturbed, but he couldn't seem to pursue it any further because I coughed deliberately. I don't think he's lying because his face is actually blue and chilly.
"Then let me hear back from you again, I'll be waiting for your color favorite reply."
After the maid led me out and the Earl's son left, I slowly gave an order to Jill, who was on my side.
"Get ready to take a bath now"
"I'm in awe"
No, I'm cold. Jill was right, I think I was scorned with my gaze. And I think Jill's vows were defiled. I need to clean myself up.
I dare not, soak in your bath for an hour and pretend to be Maria for a while, and then specify that I couldn't get sick until I hugged Jill.
That one on the back of my hand, because Jill sanitized it and then he did it again. I was embarrassed, but I gladly accepted it because it was hundreds of times more than disgusting, yeah.