Tensei Shitanode Tsugi Koso wa Shiawasena Jinsei wo Tsukande Misemashou
It's called duel.
Honestly, I didn't think it would be important to talk to you so far, at the beginning of the request.
"If I win, Golden Wheel, I hope you won't get involved with me and my associates."
"If I win, I want you to be my partner."
"You have no objection, either side?
Asked us with a strict face is the beauty of blonde blue-eyed eyes. For this reason the position is the thirty-second king. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Is it the first time the Count Son has been spoken to by His Majesty the King? I am nervous. But if what was arranged in front of His Majesty the King must come true, the mouth is loose. You're not thinking about losing that, are you?
How did this happen?
That started where I would go to rent a place for a duel.
You can predict a catastrophe if you fight in the garden or downtown on a boulder. Mostly in my magic. I don't know the strength over there, but from what I've seen of the amount of magic, even the aristocracy was below average. Well, there shouldn't be any devastation.
As far as I was concerned, I wanted to do it in as wide a place as possible, so I thought about it and it turned out to be a castle. The castle has a Magic Instruction Institute, and its Magic Instruction Institute has a magic training space. If you're a magic conductor, you can put up a magic barrier, and I thought you were safe.
That's why I took Jill and went to the Magic Leadership for a favor. I am the daughter of my father, so I have the soul nerve not to go under. I'm sorry I'm not cute.
Come on. There's a problem there. What a sight Your Highness has found me.
Your Highness is delighted that I was in the castle. Well, he asked me why I was in the castle. I can't keep my mouth shut because I'm renting a place, and let me explain it to you.
Then naturally the proposal will be talked about, and His Highness will be angry. And the story goes from Your Highness to Your Majesty.
'And Miss Lisbed looks like Velph. Velph made the duel about ten years ago. "
"What are you doing this for?
"To marry Selene. Velph's father was stubborn... against incorporating the blood of lower nobles. So I duel with my father to make him admit it."
"My father..."
"I stood by then, too. I'll stand up for this duel."
Your Majesty makes even more bomb remarks, keeping the shock of listening to his father's unknown episode intact.... Your Majesty, stand up straight away. I mean, I duel in a sex shack just like my father... No, I do it to keep my chastity safe.
Well, that's how I kept it from my father and prepared him for the duel.
"Liz! I didn't hear you say that! I haven't even heard of the duel!
And the day of the duel.
Apparently, his father was on the run at the end of the incident and was informed by His Majesty on the same day. Naturally my father is peeling his eyes off and shouting at me.
... because I didn't say.
"Because, Father, you're not coming home. Because of that, I was forced into an unwanted engagement. If I had my father, I could have gone back."
"Verf, Miss Lisbed's determination is strong. You must have opened the house in the first place."
"I guess Diaz told me to take care of it!
"Yeah, but you scorned the house. You're bad, too. And don't worry, Miss Lisbed is definitely yours."
The last word, I felt, was the support of His Majesty, who stood out and couldn't put his shoulders in.
Yes, I'm a father and mother's child. You can't be disgraced by strange perverts here. Because my ideals are gentle and right and sometimes they flatter me. Speaking of greed, it's still good to be able to do magic about Jill. Even if it's nothing, I'll protect it.
That's not why, first of all, it's impossible.
I will watch Jill and His Highness in a remote position, making sure my father pushes back silently. His Royal Highness is looking worried and, on the other hand, hating the Count's Son.
Jill was throwing a gaze of contempt and mercy at the Count's son. Jill's cold eyes are a little scary, but when you gaze at me, you smile.
I'll do my best, Jill has taught me magic all along.
"Sire, may I ask you a question?"
"Your opponent's surrender or near fatal injury will determine your duel's victory or loss, won't you? You're not guilty if you get hurt, are you?
"Whatever. It's your own fault for not being trained"
That's all you need to hear. Even if you get hurt a little, that means you're aware of it.
The blown wind flashes the hem of the skirt, causing the fabric to flutter.
My outfit nowadays is a lady-style piece that is absolutely clear. I thought I'd wear it in a dress too, but it's a hassle, so stop it, it's a poor white piece that appeals to cuteness. Not too flashy and not too plain. An understated design with a bow at one point.
When it comes to wearing clothes like this that are difficult to move, it is to insist that you are the girl you want. To give surroundings the impression of outrage in applying for a duel to a weak girl, as well as to create an unknown sense of lady and invite the Count's son to be alert.
And most importantly, because my mother chose me to look better this way because I look like a shy girl. Then you'll wear it, it's my mother's choice.
My mother knows about the duel. Was it because you knew the power over there that you didn't even object in particular?
With His Majesty standing together, a duel seems to have spread to the castle, and the audience is plentiful. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't expect that.
The audience is sympathetic to me. Double is known to be a duel with people of different ages and unreasonable demands. I was wondering if Count Zerith's son would have any allies.
Are you ready?
"Oh, just a moment, Your Majesty."
"Let's be good."
Apparently His Majesty figured out what I wanted to do and nodded to Eagle Deep. I would like to thank His Majesty for that, and I would rush over to Jill's with my father.
"Father, you've done your best."
"... don't lose, Liz"
"Yes, it's my father's daughter."
They held me tight, so I laugh and nod. It's been a long time since my father smelled like a day, and I feel strange and happy.
"Dear Liz, you'll be fine."
"I'll give you whatever you want when you're done."
"Well, that story is good enough... I'll try my best"
Jill stroked her head to remind her of the extra, so I pointed my lips and then slowly left. The audience looked at us smiling. Though I'm silently protesting with a cold eye over there for that matter.
I did it for this. I don't even have cute shards, do I?
"Excuse me for interrupting, Your Majesty."
"I don't mind. So are you ready for both sides?
Return to predetermined position on a small run and nod to His Majesty's words. The opponent also has no weapons, well it will simply be a magic battle.
Count Zelais' son was uncomfortable with his surrounding gaze, but still looked at me and laughed invincibly. I don't even think about losing. I feel like I have an eye-catching head around. Oh, you can't, it gets really hard on people who don't like it.
His Majesty breathes softly, confirming that I and my opponent are ready. I will signal it and prepare the magic in my body to go through a single procedure.
Inject a large amount of magic into the procedure that was prepared. I guess this is something you can do because you have a huge amount of magic. Because it can capture and convert magic vegetables efficiently and because it has a body structure that can accumulate.
The Earl Son also used sorcery, but it was terribly slow and small force. Sounds like you can use magic... but I won't let you resist, will I?
"'Absolute Zero'"
This is the first time I've tried it in action. Because I only used it in practice.
As signaled by my whining, the ambient temperature of Count Zelais' son drops all at once. - 273.15 °C, … is not going to boulder, but very low temperatures of air surround the Count's son and cause him to grow a mountain of ice that cuts off the ground. Just open the gap for one Count son.
This is meant to be merciful. You may wonder what it is, but I really don't like being touched by this man. As much as I want to erase my memory. You should do this much to make sure you never want to come near me again.
Though it leaves space for once, a gap that gradually freezes. It is only a matter of time before the body of the Count Son is also fed. You're deliberately causing them to erode slowly, because that's more inciting to fear. I also think it's important in battle to take away the chilling thoughts.
If it is inherently absolute zero, the temperature is lower than that of liquid nitrogen, so it can't be straightened out, but since it is added or subtracted, the temperature is higher than that of liquid nitrogen. Because I don't have the nerve to kill you on a boulder. If I touch it, I'll freeze it, but not enough to crack it easily.
I'm trying to melt it with flaming magic over there, but it won't melt that easily.
I'm still here to resist, so I'll hand pay for the baby's big head fireball released at me before it hits me straight. Correctly, I kicked it with magic that overwhelmingly surpassed the fireball, or I played it. Of course the barrier was tight, so it's close to what I played with it.
Doing this seems like I'm strong or something, but they're just overwhelmingly unskilled, ingenious, and magical. It's a big mistake if you think you can win just because of your age, because I'm mentoring Jill.
I was panicking then and the pain prevented me from putting up a barrier... but that won't happen again.
The audience's air was solidified, not just around the earl's son. He didn't think such a little girl would push it unilaterally.
"... will you surrender?
Just in case, I float an ice column over the head of the Count's son in "Isicle Rain," and I ask slowly. If you did not surrender, you will have cold patience in the ice for a while because you do not feel comfortable killing to boulders.
Fortunately, the magic is in the luxury, and if it's going to melt, freeze it extra, and wait until you surrender, right?
You realized there was no forgiveness in my eyes, trembling in the cold, "Damn, I surrender!," he exclaims with a bright blue face. Yes, checkmate.
"Sire, this is my victory, isn't it?
"Mm-hmm. The winner is Lisbed-Adelchan!
To His Majesty's proclamation, the audience was bewildered, but eventually cheered. You didn't think kids would win, I felt like they were watching you in awe.
... I don't know why you're so prominent. I, I just wanted to escape the crisis of chastity.
Drop the ice column in the right place and use the magic of fire to melt the ice again as appropriate. Count Zerith's son was feverish because of his proper firepower, but I can't take care of him that far.
I'm not even going to dip into the aftermath of the victory, and I'm going under Jill on a small run. Jill is like my master, because Jill doesn't look good in unusual sorcery.
"Jill, how did it go? Good luck."
"Great. Do you say the boulders are the daughters of the Verphs?"
"He's also Jill's apprentice, isn't he?
"Hehe, right. Well done."
Jill was also angry with the Count's son, so he didn't move at all even when he tried to ice it. This is the face that I wish I had iced Ningro.
Jill praises me by holding my shoulders and stroking my head. Personally, Jill complimented me, so that's all I'm satisfied with. Naturally my cheeks loosened when I thought I freed myself from a proposal I didn't need anymore.
The audience was also relieved to see that we were satisfied. Well, I wouldn't even like to see a weak-looking kid walk into a future where he's forced to do nasty things by a toddler hobbyist Count Son. If that happens, I will do everything in my power to free the magic, though.
But there's one person who's not convinced.
"Shit, it's sloppy! I didn't hear that magic!
The Earl Son, freed from the confinement of the ice, has summoned. Earl's son with tiny skin colour due to cold and heat. I'm not responsible for burns or frostbites.
"Even if they say so. You signed up for a duel yourself, didn't you? Jill can't do it to me."
"Damn, that's because you said so,"
"Either way, I think they'll pay you back where they challenged Jill."
You can't beat me, so there's no way you can beat Jill. Though the amount of magic power is considerably higher on me, Jill is overwhelmingly strong for control and application. Dad's never actually seen it, so I'm not sure, but it's the same or better than Jill's.
I'll try to keep up with them all in training, but at this point, my back is still far away. There's no way you can beat Jill at a time when you can't beat me.
"If you are dissatisfied with the ruling, please appeal directly to Your Majesty. I'll deal with him again if anything. If I don't mind, I'll have it Jill, which was originally planned."
"~ Huh!"
"It's ugly, Lord Zerith!
His Majesty will drink to the earl's son, who will stare at you with a kick.
The Count's son, wasting his time, was frightened and stiff by His Majesty's compelling voice.
"It's already been decided. Don't scratch me, I know my taste. … you must drink Miss Lisbed's demands"
Some chilling glance captures the Count's breath. Oh, this is a... abandoned pattern, isn't it? Wouldn't it be a change if we did something extra?
Because it means you deserve it.
"This concludes the duel"
I'm glad I didn't get away with the danger of myself and chastity.