Tensei Shitanode Tsugi Koso wa Shiawasena Jinsei wo Tsukande Misemashou
Outside Call Me Your Brother Previous Part
I'm the first child of the Adelshans, and I have one brother. I think it's a happy family with four families.
Life is rich because I was born a nobleman, and my father and mother were deeply loving, admired by my lovely brother, and put on an excellent squire.
I don't have much appetite, but you can buy what you want. I don't want anything. I have trouble buying you flirty clothes or anything, but I want you to sign off.
I know you're in a very privileged environment. So much so that there is no more luxury.
...... but there was something I didn't get if I wanted it.
I look down with my cheekstick on the edge of the window as the metal sounds ringing along with the prestigious hanging.
There are no objects in the garden that I demonically modified, just parts of the lawn. There, Mr. Fiona and Mr. Loran are playing friendly. My arms are swinging fast and the silver is flashing, but yeah, we're good friends.
"Brother, today is your day!
"Why the noisy rhetoric..."
Momentum that sounds like a kid and metal bumping into each other and a spark is going to scatter. The foot is grass shredded by the boot and the soil is visible.
... I think it's okay because I'm telling you not to be too unscrupulous, I believe you.
"We're friends."
Because I'm the first child, I don't have a brother or sister upstairs. I want to get along, too.
... Jill can't think of your brother or anything lately. It's bad for the heart, isn't it, Jill?
It spoils me, but something's different. I don't think it's the right distance between siblings first. You're stopping by from me, so I don't have any complaints.
Jill's not like your brother and he's close to your parents, so as not.
I knew I wanted someone to admire with my brother. I admire your brother, he's the only one down there right now.
... Good for you, brother.
As an ideal brother statue, I figured it would be good for someone who is gentle, dependable, dressed... and doesn't interfere too much more. Someone who cares moderately and treats me harshly at times.
...... hmm?
Is it because you feel very fit to be close to me?
A solid, commonsense, dependable and actually sweet boy.
"That's why, Mr. Cecil!
"What's all of a sudden?"
"Be your brother all day today!
"... what?
I'm here to teach Ruby magic. Cecil, please break your hips with momentum.
There's a voice coming down that clearly doesn't seem to understand the situation at all.
"I want your brother."
"No, I'm not related."
"I know. But I want your brother, so please be your brother all day."
I admire you, Cecil, and I seriously insist that you cut and throw away "I don't know what that means".
He didn't understand the claim when he raised his face and swelled his cheeks, and, hey, no, he got a pretty dazed look.
... Then I think this one suddenly passed too.
"Why me?"
"Ya, because I was ideal as your brother. Hey, Ruby."
Seeking consent from Ruby, who doesn't seem to understand very well next door, makes Ruby feel lovingly inclined to the neck but in tune.
I frowned troublesome, Mr. Cecil, and I kept Ruby in my arms from behind.
Pfft, Cecil, I know you're vulnerable to Ruby, so if you push it, it's a big operation you can handle. For a day or so, Mr. Cecil, calling me your brother won't hit a bee.
"Ruby wants you to be your brother, too, Cecil, for a day or so, right?
"Bullshit, you don't have to say anything!
"Cecil, are you going to be a baby? Wow!"
"You... you said it on purpose, before Ruby was here."
"Please call me a warrior"
In the guise of a deliberate grin on me, I was returned with a cramped smile. But the look on his face like he gave up somewhere.
... Cecil, brother, you're getting it!
"All right, bro, let's practice swordsmanship with a"
"You don't need that brother."
I beg you to hurry up when I am allowed to call you my brother on the condition of a day.
Because I am the same amateur, I suggest that I should be dangerous if I hit it. If it's a sword, it's too heavy to wield.
"Well, it's a flair to do this with siblings."
"It's a brother's mistake."
"Really? But, Mr. Loran, Mr. Fiona was close, wasn't she?
Now he's gone somewhere, but Mr. Fiona and the others were slashing each other with their swords looking very friendly. Mr. Fiona was very much alive, so isn't that a form of brotherly and sisterly love?
To me as I lean my neck, Cecil, you shake your head with a glance.
"That's an exception, dismissed"
I wanted to mess with Chamberlain.
It would be safe if it were, and I think it would be fun and peppery. I thought it was a good idea while I was practicing myself.
What is wrong with you, Cecil? [M]
Conversely, because I'm unhappy, Cecil, I'll grab your hem and stick my lips out. I thought if I swelled my cheeks I'd be too childish for a boulder, so I'd just point my lips a little bit.
Still, he seemed dissatisfied with his gaze, Cecil. You narrowed your golden eyes and sighed one.
"... now bear with me"
Scratch, and a big hand, stroke your head.
Oh, and to me, I wouldn't hesitate, Cecil. You scratched my hair with gushagusha.
To me, Cecil, you are subtly suited to me.
'Cause I don't hear dissatisfaction.'
"... Yes. Hehe."
... Cecil, you seem like a brother in a casual place, you don't realize it.
This kind of, kind of abusive, but gentle kind of arrangement, even though you're really like your brother. Not like Jill, another from mercy, warmth.
That's Cecil, and maybe I'm Cecil because I feel like you're my brother. He looks like a brother because of his personality.
Hehe, Cecil, you came with your cheeks slightly disgusted to me as I fixed my sneezed head and left my loose cheeks intact. But my eyes are soft, so I decide to favorably interpret them as a cover of light.
"... oh, dear."
"Shut up, who's letting you do that"
"It's me, hehe"
Cecil puffing her cheeks with a seemingly powerless face, laughed at me.... I thought it would be nice to have something like this again, Maru.