Tensei Shitanode Tsugi Koso wa Shiawasena Jinsei wo Tsukande Misemashou
Outside, Cecil, your ordeal, Part II.
"... so why am I involved"
Cecil, who was resurrected from the lights, asked me to take you out, and Cecil asked me as if I were just a little frightened. The cheeks are still slightly red due to this, but if pursued, it is a no-touch because it is definitely obstinate.
Speaking of which, you didn't talk about the purpose, and now I remember, I flaunt my shoulders. Pulled without explanation, Cecil. You must be annoying.
"I'm sorry, there's something I need you two to go to. But look, Cecil, you can enjoy your popularity."
"Jill resents me later..."
"I'll follow you there."
Jill didn't look good going out with you two. I'm temporarily taking the role of escort in the first place.... 'Cause if Jill was here, it wouldn't make sense.
I'm sorry for your involvement at my convenience, Cecil. So Jill will forgive you later. You and Cecil need to take cover.
"Ha...... So, where do you want to go?"
With a deep sigh, Cecil, you gave up just saying, "I don't care what happens after that."... Oh, I'm sorry, Cecil, let me go out with you.
"I'm a tailor. Cecil, it's safe and convenient to go with you."
Actually, I was also considering going alone, but it's you, Cecil, because Jill's trying to force me to follow you, and I'd rather have someone's opinion.
There was also a candidate named Father...... Father, I'm busy. No, if I call you, you'll definitely be happy to follow me.
"... what are you going to do?
"I want to give Jill some clothes. He wants to give you a coat or something because it's always the same robe."
To your question, Cecil, if I don't talk about this, I'll hold my fist and stare at Cecil.
Jill doesn't really restrain himself from clothes and decorations, does he? No, Cecil, you're the same thing, but Cecil, sometimes you're a Duke, and you dress like an aristocrat. Probably a robe.
I wonder what Jill would say... he's rather indifferent to himself. It's my priority, and I don't really care about myself.
Such Jill's robes are now pretty worn out. The hem or something burned out or cut in. I'm fixing it, but I don't think I'm thinking about buying it again.
I feel a little responsible because it was the rebellion that wore me out. Surely Jill would have been able to break through to help me out.
"You don't need me here?
"Cecil, you wanted to see you grow up."
This is all I can't give away, Cecil. You see this side with half an eye. With a darker face with a faint color.
... No, that's not the only reason, is it?
Well, Cecil, when you grow up, I guess you're a little beauty, or something, but there's a good reason.
"Well, Cecil, when you grow up, you can have a reason to borrow clothes, and there's a reason why you know the size of the clothes and they're just fine. Besides, Cecil, it would be better if I chose with you to know how men feel."
"... sounds like you"
I'm going to insist, Cecil, that I didn't involve you unplanned. I had my aim, Cecil, and I took you out.
As a precaution, I measured the dimensions of the current Jill, but bringing Jill's clothes would also be an approximate size.
Cecil, I hear you understood me rationally, and you walk next door with a snort.
Well, Cecil, you stop and flinch this way. I stopped, too, wondering what was wrong, grabbing the cloth around my arms and leaning against my neck.
I wondered if you didn't like going, and I lowered my eyebrows, Cecil, and you looked at your palms for a while. Then squeeze, like you make fists all the time.
"Yes, sir"
"... hands, give me a hand"
Say no, my palm... not you Cecil grabbing my wrist.... so that it doesn't slip away, is it?
You grabbed my wrist, Cecil. You glanced at me for some reason and let go of your hand once, and I turn my finger around my wrist again when I ask you with my gaze what you want. Now, be gentler than just now.
"Let's go."
Whimpering and restarting your steps, Cecil.... It can be a little rambling for an escort, but Cecil, who pulls my hand, you fit the stride, and the power to grab is gentle. Why, I'm not treating a girl wrong.
Not long ago, Cecil. I watched your ears slightly red from behind and smiled securely so that they wouldn't fall apart.
... By the way, Cecil, do you know where the tailor is?
Well, as a result theory, this is the destination I arrived at by handing over the map.
Cecil, I wasn't far from your mansion, I was a tailor for nobles, so I couldn't get lost.
"Welcome. What are you looking for today?
"I'd like to ask you to tailor a coat for the magician. Oh, and I have a letter of introduction."
When I handed him the reference he wrote to me, the clerk was peeling his eyes off just moments after he saw his name.... Ah, Father doesn't tailor clothes much, so maybe it's unusual. It's the type that buys ready-made products.
Are you okay with this reference? and tilted his neck to me, the clerk squeezes his face tight and corrects his posture again. No, my posture has been beautiful from the start, but do you say my intentions are quite different?
"Was anyone on the fringe of the Adelschan Marquis family? What is a coat? Should I measure the things with you?
"No, he's escorted... Uh, I already weighed the size I needed, and I was wondering if it would help because what he was wearing was also his stuff."
"I'm in awe. This way, then."
You might have thought you'd bring him in person, but he won't be pursued. Well, it's manners not to ask root digging leaf digging, so naturally it is.
We were dared to be taken to the back of the store by the clerk. There are many different types of paper, specimens, fabrics and ornaments.
Some dresses, some designs from me that are cute. It feels like it would look good on you if you wore it with your current body, so it's still not enough for me to be who I am.
"What would you like the design to look like?
"Uh... easy to move, assuming"
"It's a good type to plant dark utensils."
... why a dark device?
Well, Jill's just a swordsman, but there's a dark vessel in the boulder. That's it, isn't it, a dark vessel is like a knife or a needle or something?
No way Jill is like that,... yeah, looks like he could use it. I'm going to throw it with a firm face and let it hit me.
Was this order unexpected, my eyes burst for a moment but I held it back and grinned briskly. Boulder Pro.
"Should I attach the holder to the inside? Easy to move and store, this way and this way."
The clerk brought me some samples, so I compared them.
Even if you choose one of these designs, you will be asked to make a variety of designs. Cecil, I'll adopt your proposal, because I want you to do a little trick from me.
"Oh, it's fabric, can I ask you to do it with the most versus magical fabric possible"
"Yes, because magicians often choose such fabrics for their robes and coats."
"And... if you can, what... can't you weave this into the fabric or use it for clothing?
Take it out of your little bag, enough to get it on your palm, and hand it to the clerk.
Cecil, you seem to have figured out what this is right away, and I look slightly blind. Surprised, rather than frightened, with a face like that.
"... Mithril, you know it's worth it"
"Cecil, I don't want you to tell me. To the habit of giving it to me."
It was with the help of the Enchantress that I learned to exist. Because they taught me that materials are very efficient to build up magic.
Well, it's scarce for that matter, and the price is an expensive substitute... this is something my father didn't want. Oh, for my birthday. I don't usually do this to boulders.
Jill doesn't have the same amount of total magic or idiosyncrasies as me or Cecil. It's considerably more than average, but still very much beyond me. Well, I just lack the capacity to handle it.
So I was wondering if I could use it when I ran out of magic if I stored it like a battery externally. If I were here, I could give it to you directly.
"... Mithril, this one, on your clothes?
"Yes, if you can't, here's a separate ornament."
"No, let me do it!... Your arm rings...!
Apparently, the clerk whose craftsman soul burned out on the scarce material, or is it made by the clerk?
I feel like I can do something good because I seem to be fully motivated by the horns. Later on, fine orders and fabric colors, around there, so I think I can handle it.
While I was talking to you, Cecil, I was going to work very hard to build what Jill deserved.
"... you do that a lot."
Back home, Cecil, my hands still won't hold me together, me feeling like I'd be pissed off if you asked me if I was a lighter.
To me like that, Cecil, you squeal like complicated. I felt a shuddered voice, but somewhere there, a mixture of envious things.
"He's a stand-up squire, isn't he? My husband, you do it well."
"... well, by the way, I guess Jill doesn't have the in-laws to go that far"
Tailored with noble tailors, this gift is made of rare materials and durable, oat couture. Well, I understand it's not something to give to a squire.
"... Jill is a squire, but at the same time a loved one of mine. You were by my side and you protected me."
He was there when Ruby had his parents, he helped me get kidnapped, he kept me away from the Count Son (Loricon), he helped me even during the rebellion.
I get a lot of stuff from Jill. I think I'd like to give it back.
No matter what others say about my position, I think I should treat Jill with respect and kindness.
"Thank you for always taking care of me, can't you?"
"Well, it sounds like you.... Jill would be happy, to have a Lord like you"
"I hope so."
Is Jill happy to be with me?... No. Well, maybe it is, but with attitude. I don't feel bad about it.
I think Jill likes me there. You don't even feel doomed and adored. I can stroke my head all the time.
Huh, Cecil, when I saw you, I was laughing with a slightly distant eye. Looks lonely, with a grin.
... Cecil, you're not a squire, are you? I mean, I've never seen anyone talking amicably.
Cecil, you talk about our lineage or Cardina in the lab. I won't let people in.
I hate people, but I can't help it.... I hope you don't get me wrong, Cecil. Cecil, you're not alone.
"... Cecil, you"
"What the fuck?"
"I'm Cecil, and I'm happy to be with you, right?
Cecil, who is blinking the eyes of the full moon to me, who sticks with me and intertwines my arms. I laughed loosely at you, Cecil, who seemed distracted somewhere.
Keep your fingers tangled with your arms, Cecil. If you tangle with yours, Cecil, your cheeks will be mixed with a little pearlescent. But I guess you won't refuse because you accept my business.
All right, Cecil, I'll go wherever you want today. I still have extra time, and I have the money right.
Actually, you were paid when you made the magic props five years ago, and then your father gave it to you. I didn't have time to use it, so I was accumulating it.
I was getting a little bit of it. I have some pennies, and enough to be somewhat free.
"All right, Mr. Cecil, let's go to all kinds of places today. Make it more fun."
"... I wish I could be swayed"
"Yes, please swing"
Isn't that good? And I bowed my lips, Cecil, and you smile as loose as the ice melted, mixing the smelly colors on your cheeks.
It will not be my fault that the force was exerted to lean only slightly against the tangled fingers.
"Then we're leaving!
To me pointing forward with exasperation, Cecil, you stroked my head once and then slowly walked out.