Tensei Shitanode Tsugi Koso wa Shiawasena Jinsei wo Tsukande Misemashou
Father's worries.
The next day, you won't get back in shape. To be precise, the fever doesn't go down, or Ning Lo. I feel more pompous than it was yesterday.
It felt like it was spreading from the inside, fluffy and feverish like a hot, stretched blood vessel complaining about something in its habit.
Though I think I'm careless because of it, it doesn't even come down to pain. It may just be now, but my body just doesn't move much and the contents are quite fine.
However, my body is completely unwell, I can move it more than yesterday, but I can't walk alone first. Your arms are heavy, but you can move them, because rice makes your arms spicy for what you have to work hard, you just have to be in a birdy state waiting to be fed.
Jill will also feed on it like it's fun, so it inflates her cheeks a little bit that she's totally childish.
Well, I was obviously having an inconvenient time, but I just have to be lying in bed.
There, two people who came in without a knock.
"Liz, how are you?
I was bored that I had nothing to do in bed, but the visitor that suddenly appeared was the one I was worried about, trying to get up in momentum... well it fails. It's regrettable that you didn't recover enough to get up with your abs alone.
Take a breath in sight of your rushing father as he bites his teeth as his slightly floating head lands on the pillow.
Your father doesn't seem to be hurt, or pimped. Although I told myself that I had nothing to worry about because it was about my father, I still couldn't feel safe until I saw the real thing.
My father, who was really well, held me close as he lowered his eyebrows at the way I lay. I'm sorry I can't get up without people's help, but... it's good because I can feel my father's temperature.
I'm glad you're safe.
Wrapped in successful arms and warmth, I sincerely think.
Jill and I have a different feeling that just being wrapped really relieves us. Well, I had that sense of security, like a big tree with strong roots in the earth, perhaps a cliché analogy.
"Are you feeling all right?
"Better than yesterday. I'm glad you're okay, Father."
"There's no way I can do this."
Trust your father, and hold him with a confident grin. A good boy. A good boy. A father who comes. I guess I'm a child to my father at all times,...... but you do good with children, you think.
Me relaxing my cheeks to a really fatherly word and sticking with my hands around my back as much as I can keep it up.
My proud father.
A father who is strong and kind and extraordinarily sweet for children and wives, and weak for his mother. I do it when I'm a little laid on my ass, I'm a well-dressed father.
I'm just proud to have such a father. It seems pure to me that I'm really glad I was able to have children of my fathers.
My father, who held me tight for a while, slowly let go of me, and then looked at me for a moment and laughed bitterly.
"I'm a grown man. I never thought the day would come to put me on the battlefield."
"... I wanted to protect you all."
"Right. Don't be impotent next time, okay?
I was lightly slapped on the head, so I'm the one who enjoys my father's palms as he scuffs. Father's hand, warm and gentle, like a day.
My father seemed to have fun but a slightly troubled face to me as I loosened my cheeks with my eyes on the third moon.
"Hold on, Liz does a good job... she's our daughter on the boulder"
"I'm the daughter of my father and mother. Great?"
"Great... that's too much. That's a bad medal mon."
Words that I hadn't imagined coming out of my father's mouth will pop out and my eyes will be rounded.
Medals, no, no. There won't be any praise from the country. It seems likely that His Majesty will praise you personally.
"What kind of hero Tan says a girl wiped out more than a thousand demons at once?"
"When I said that, Jill defeated Wyburn on his own, didn't he?
Though relatively inferior among the dragon species, it is nevertheless definitely a dragon. Because of this, I read in the book that high dragons are demons that retreat as soon as they encounter them. That's scary, isn't it?
Even more importantly, if you're a fairly high-ranking dragon, you can figure out the humanities or something. They say some countries worship dragons.
Wyburn is just relatively small and can't use the dragon's breath, but I think the sequence would have been higher if I could have used it. I'm at the bottom because I can't use it.
When a high-ranking dragon species comes to the boulder, Jill thinks it's tough on her own, doesn't he?
Jill killed a dragon in a certain sense that he was alone. Maybe they say dragon slayer with the meaning of "drag slayer."
... well, it's a joke though. You'll forgive me for those two embarrassing names, Jill.
"All of you..."
"Even my father would be able to defeat me."
"No, that's right... don't do anything that's impossible for a normal magician, both of you."
A father who grabs his forehead with his hands and sighs like he's kind of tired.
I don't even feel like I've been tired of people around me lately, but I can't help it all.
I just unfortunately waved the favor my father and mother gave me. Well, I'm trying, and I can be proud of my hard work, but thanks to what I inherited from my parents.
In that regard, Jill got stronger to this point entirely on his own, didn't he? With all due respect, my father didn't see much witchcraft talent, and I don't know if my mother is, but it's big from Jill's own land.
It would be a gift of training to be able to perform swordsmanship and witchcraft.
"Jill, you looked good, you protected me."
This is how I want my father to know how touched and relieved I was when I was helped, and I remember the sight of that time with a smile on my face.
Jill always comes to me when I really think I'm going to die. Or if you're dying too much, you want to go in there yourself, it's the third time. You're dying.
But Jill comes to help me every time.
Always helped, angry and spoiled. Every time I get grumpy, I feel so relieved and fluffy. I realized Jill was taking care of me, and I couldn't help but be happy. I know I shouldn't bother you.
Frequently praising Jill, his father would nod with a subtle bar reading, "Oh well -" but his grin seemed to be drawing him in step by step. Jill's calm expression is starting to tense with it.
"... Dear Liz, not much for Master Velph..."
"Ho, well, it must be natural for Jill to protect it. You're not imitating my daughter, are you?
Oh, something's wrong with my father.
Seeing Jill with a disturbing smile subtly threatens me, so I shake my head at my father in a hurry to try to solve the misunderstanding.
"That's rude, Jill wouldn't do that. You've been giggling me and I've been crying, so I've been kissing my eyelids."
"Jill, can we talk over there?"
Shit, I made it worse by telling the truth.
... an impudent imitation, I think. He just held me tight to comfort me, he just kissed me not to cry.... I was surprised when they said that before, but I accepted that one, too, and Jill wanted me to comfort him.
It's a nasty thing to do with girls, isn't it? Then Jill won't do it, not at all. You'll also want to be a little cuddly woman.
"Father, Jill, if you blame me, blame me. It's bad that I stormed out and almost died, because I cried, and you just comforted me."
So please don't blame me, and do me a favor with a special outpouring. Maybe this works for my father. I do this consciously, so I think I'm of poor quality myself.
My father stuck his breath in my plea, and I scratched my head and held it.
"... don't blame Liz for this occasion. Ha..."
"... sorry"
"If you're sorry, weigh yourself in!
"... ahem..."
Don't blame Jill, and when he swelled his cheeks, he sighed even more. As a parent, I know you're worried, but there's nothing dangerous about it. Subordinate love is just going too far, and no one can blame you because you haven't seen it.
My father is more relaxed than I am, and he's lowering his brow a little sad looking at me. "It's too soon for my parents to leave," I heard a small grunt, so I left my body with my father to sweeten him that it hasn't.
"... Liz, are you all right?
"Yes. I'm still lazy, and I have a fever... and I can feel the flow of magic hot."
I'm spiritually pimped, but the flesh doesn't either. It's inconvenient that your body can't move freely, and you feel like you're gaining momentum with heat, kind of like your magic is expanding.
If you're going to use magic now, you're going to be attacked by a tremendous sense of fatigue and fatigue. Sorcery is forbidden until the boulder has healed you, Jill.
"Oh... Liz, see Selene later. And don't be impotent next time, okay?
Everyone has told me that every time, and I know that very well. Because I don't want to die anymore, and I'm sorry to see you in pain.
"Liz, be careful when you get better and go out there. Jill, pay attention to your surroundings."
"I understand."
"... father?
A father who hits and changes and a serious look is capturing Jill and giving orders with a serious voice.
There was no blameworthy glance until earlier, staring straight at Jill to rely on him. Jill is also showing his father sincere eyes when he snorts heavily, as he responds to it.
Seeing as if something had happened to them, my father was grabbing my shoulder softly and photographing me with red eyes without any jokes.
"Liz may not be conscious, but Liz did something pretty amazing. That's a hell of a credit for wiping out tons of demons, isn't it?
"Even my father can do it, can't he? I was just crazy when I died."
"Even so, Liz's presence may be known to knights and magicians, and he may go to other countries as well. Well, that means you're gonna be famous."
"Ha... that's it?
Originally, the Magic Inquisition was famous in a weird way. As a girl with eyes on Loricon. If you were a Marquis, you would have stood out from the beginning thanks to your father and mother.
I personally don't want to be famous, but I'm giving up because I don't feel half the way anymore. Besides, the knight who was there, as my father said, would have burned his eyes in this place.
"I mean, for better or worse, Master Liz has become a very powerful presence in our country and in other countries. It is expected that those who neglect Master Liz, or vice versa, will show up."
"I like this again...... If I told you that, so would my father."
"I can defend myself, and I'm still the head of the Magic Academy, so it's not that easy. Or if you can, do it. But Liz isn't, is she? Liz is a girl, and she's not broken to defend herself."
I am not ready to answer the question of whether I can kill people without hesitation. My father was nursing me.
... Against the demons, I was prepared. But against people, I'm still lost. Being able to communicate with one another, in the same shape and making a living. Can you kill the same person as me?
… Can I fulfill and lay my hands when I am compelled to do so?
"You don't want to be kidnapped or attacked again, do you?
I don't like that.
I'm sorry to be exposed to a crisis of chastity by a man who doesn't even like it anymore, whether it hurts or is dying. Even though he said he was disgusted just because he got stuck.
When I think of it, I illuminate the feeling of my hands crawling back then, and my body shivers even if I know it's just because of my chi. It wasn't traumatic, but it was engraved in my body and my memory that my hair was still so disgusting.
To me like that, Jill snoops in gently holding his hand.
"To avoid that, I'm here. I will protect you."
"... yeah. I believe you."
I believe in Jill. You always help me. While I know it's bad to just rely on it, I really rely on Jill.
Jill would surely help me, because that idea underlies me, so I guess I'll always be sweet. A captive princess is not a pattern.
Jill also returns a gentle grin on her cheeks that release her body's strong tension and soften her. However, the fluffy air was immediately dispelled by his father's cough.
"If you imitate me in front of my parents, I'll be mad at the boulder too."
"Nor... will you just hold hands. Even Jill doesn't want to do anything to a little girl like that."
Father is worried, and he smiles bitterly at his daughter's drowning. "Right?," I tilted my neck to Jill, only with an ambiguous grin on her soft face.
After quite some time, my body tiredness and fever didn't heal, and I got a little worried. I don't really think healing will cure you, but I'm going to follow your father's words.
It seems that my father worried about me and called my mother, and she came all the way here to see how things were going with a belly like a balloon in it.
My mother, who is already at the end of her pregnancy, only inflates her stomach on her thin body. She's grown up a lot to get here, and the kid in her stomach is moving fine.
That denominator's body is also burdensome, so I'm a little sorry to see her mother of weight.
My mother smiles when she sees me, as if to blow my worries like that. I was asexually relieved by a soft smile that blended into anxiety like I was fully understood and neutralized.
"Liz, how are you feeling?
"... it's so, so hot. The contents are fine..."
My mother is a healer, not a doctor. Even if I can fix the trauma, I can't deal with the inner problem. That's the difference between a doctor and a healer.
But as much as my father would bother to ask me to see my mother, it would mean that my mother is aware of her current symptoms.
If you want to compare my condition now, I can sleep with the flu, but the tension feels high. My body doesn't listen to me, but my mind feels like it's the only one exalting away from it.
It doesn't feel like reason is lost, so it feels kind of weird.
How could it be to the indescribable sensation, when I twisted my neck, my mother smiled elegantly with her hands on her mouth without looking particularly surprised.
"I guess. Hey, I'm surprised, too. Unusual, I can't believe you're Liz's age."
"... what is it?
"The inside will feel hot, like this, and the magic is expanding. You mean the feeling of the passage being widened as well."
The grin in front of you deepens when you are not talking in detail but you are accurately nursed through your physical condition and in a flash.
My mother, who winks a little bit like a prank, puffs my cheek, is kind of cute enough to think of me as a mother of three children or a girl my age.
I don't have to pull lipstick. If I put my index finger on my shiny, thin red lips, "Nothing unusual," Mother makes me arc in thin red.
"... you know very well"
"Experience tells the story. Because I used to be, too."
"... Really?
"Yeah. It's like I was able to get into the Magic Institute because of this. In my case, it happened twice when I was little."
If my mother had experienced it, I felt relieved for no deep reason that I would not have any particular guidance. You must have seen my health and my father guessed and sent my mother to see me.
And to speculate from the word about being admitted to the Magic Instruction Institute, it seems to be a symptom that has an effect on magic. When I peered at my mother to try, she nodded with a gentle grin.
"Well, to put it plainly, do you feel that the ability to create magic is enhanced, or that the place to save is being expanded?
"In other words?"
"There's supposed to be a loose increase in the total amount you can save and deal with, but there's a rare explosion in people. It doesn't originally develop in adults who have stopped growing because it's a lot in children..."
At my age, the total amount of magic remains almost unchanged. There are errors, but by the time you grow up, you will stop growing altogether and the limits you can save at that point will be the total amount of magic you will have for a lifetime.
How much it stretches out to that point is also the qualities of the Wizard. In my case, I was prepared at a level that could be described as futile from birth. It also grew well and probably hasn't grown by this time. Limits were coming to me, too.
But if you believe what your mother said, it's growing again. But what happens to me when there is even more magic that has been over-rubbed?
"Liz probably used a lot of magic the other day, didn't she? I guess that's why they're using magic that wasn't usually used to stimulate them, and the expansion's happening."
"... uh..."
Is that why you felt like your body was hot and your insides would change? I mean, even now, it's going to be nearly tenfold from average, but I don't care what happens if there's any more.
... Oh, I can tank it and replenish you guys, Cecil, but I'm not very happy with the human battery. Though I think it's convenient to work with a large number of demons like this one, I don't use it on a daily basis, do I?
"Well, that's not a bad thing. I had this happen twice, and the total volume increased considerably. Well, it's hard, but my body..."
"... I'm feeling it now"
I deserve the tiredness, but the heat alone is pretty hard. Although the contents are healthy, the body is too puffy and spicy because of the heat, and like this, the inside mumbles?
I know that's the feeling of a sudden increase in magic, but I'm not used to anything.
"For the time being, I won't pull off the heat until my body's tamed, but I'll be tamed in a couple of weeks. If you're tired, you've used witchcraft. You'll be cured soon."
"... that's a long time"
"I can't help it, 'cause the other way around, it's huge."
He darkened his face, and he said to me, "Is that a good thing?" and my mother smiling uncontrollably with puffiness on my cheeks.
I know that, but I'm not too happy that my illness will last for a while. Because even if you want to go outside, everyone will be able to stop you, and I'm not going to be able to flutter and walk myself.
Well, for some reason, there's another reason why I don't like it.
"... will my mother be fully cured by the time she gives birth"
Yes, my mother refrains from giving birth. Unlike modern times, I don't know exactly, but I know it's roughly a month or so after childbirth.
I don't know the details, and I don't know what's going to happen. There is also a good chance that I will be born while I can sleep.
It may not be sanitary to be present at the place where you are born, but at least, I want to see how you look after using it to produce water. I don't even know the gender yet, what my precious family looks like.
"Well, I think I'll manage to make it. It's time for the moon."
"... I wonder if it's a boy or a girl"
"Which is better for Liz?
"Lots of love and adoration for both of them."
I'm happy to have another brother and get along with Ruby, and when my sister is born and grows up, she looks like she'll enjoy being fashionable. By then, the boulder will have me having a baby, too, and I want you to get along.
It looks like they're not here yet.
Well, my opponent has concerns and expectations for her mother, who kept her from giving birth a month before. I want you to be born early, but I can't believe you want me to wait until you're cured, can I?
"Hehe, that was good. Oh, you can't use magic until you're cured, can you? Probably because it's not well controlled and I get drunk on magic."
I will reply honestly because my ancestor said thank you to me and gently ear to my swollen stomach just wanting to be a little sweet.
Come on in good health, new family.
I whispered softly to me, I felt it move in my stomach, and I broke up with it to give my thoughts to a new family I hadn't seen yet.