Tensei Shitanode Tsugi Koso wa Shiawasena Jinsei wo Tsukande Misemashou
Fever and sweetness
If what my mother told me was right, from now on, I will generate heat for two weeks without my body being tamed with the increase in magic. Even now, after a few days in fact, the fever will not draw. It feels like it expands from the inside out to the end.
Although body fatigue has improved slightly and you can walk on your own, it flutters and snaps immediately.
It's definitely faster to travel in charge than to move on your own, so when something happens... yeah, you're saying you're in charge of a small, powerful Maria? I stained myself that I should lick the power of the Beast Man. I didn't expect you to be lightly carried by a girl smaller than yourself.
It might be better to have the man Jill carry him, because I don't really want him to know what the purpose of the trip is. Aren't you ashamed of bathing in the water or picking flowers?
That's how I mostly lie in bed, but I have the most trouble when I want to travel on a few errands.
Now the house is very bulky. There's something about me, but unlike me, which only heals after time, my mother is now holding back giving birth. Though I'm still ahead of me, I need a lot of preparation, and my mother is not in excellent physical condition, so I could say that I am in a good condition there.
My exclusive Jill seems to be busy with something else, and although he finds time and comes to me for good, he's being chased to work. Make a prediction to see if it's about a massive invasion from the look on your face.
It's also a sad story to summon up on small and medium-sized business. You also don't like annoying your hands to the extent that the water in the water has been emptied, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm thirsty because of the heat and craving water, and I drink it quite often and it's gone right away.
Although I get water supplied every time, I was more busy today than usual and hesitated to call it off. They've had some visitors, and they're busy over there.
I don't even like to disturb everyone with boulders, so I'm going to do my best here on my own.
"Good, dude... dude"
You can't, you've got a hanging voice like an old man.
But as much as I need such a hanging voice, my body is hot and fluttering. A hard level to get up too. You've made enough progress to wake your body up on your own.
Stand up squeezing your strength away from the bed as you put on your mess and shoes. I wouldn't just say "whisper," even if I'm wrong, I think this is over as a girl.
Try your best to stand on the ground with two legs, flutter out of your room with your body shaking intact, and walk up the hallway once in a while.
If you go to the kitchen, someone will be there, and I'll get you some water to replenish it and have it replaced later. Because a drink will keep you for the time being.
"... Dear Liz?
I was used to hearing voices from the front when I was traveling so flustered that I could tell it was a distant step in the kitchen. I was dealing with visitors, I should have.
"... why are you walking away when you are not feeling well? Grow up, please."
"Thirsty, thirsty"
I'll honestly confess my purpose to Jill, who's a bit of an eyebrow butt hoist, because I can tell by the flow when she gets angry as it is. It just doesn't change Jill's look, though, and I can look at him like I blame him.
"Someone would have brought it to me if I called."
"... because I'm busy with my mother right now. About the baby, about the mother's health."
It wasn't bothering me, and Jill exhales a sigh into the universe that I can hear too, to me lowering my eyebrows as opposed to Jill. "I'm worried about you in a weird place," a squeaky whine reached my ear.
Jill sighed at me again, glancing at me to see if he would be angry, and I reached out when he grabbed at me.
"... Look, I'm going back to my room. I'll bring you a drink."
He seemed worried, not angry, and gave me a little hug when I turned my hand around my back and back of my knee. That makes me float lightly into the universe, and I feel like I'm not the heavy body I've drawn to. Well, my body's tiredness doesn't change, but I'm in the mood.
I feel like Jill is a boy at a time like this because he can hold me lightly.
You can lose strength, but your touching arms and chest are stiff. I actually know you're practicing where I can't see you. What's the high spec of being better than people up to swordsmanship even though magic alone is amazing?
Why, I wonder if I can work that hard. I don't think I'm a person who deserves that much effort. Uh, but Savan is a loyal family lineage, right, and now I even scratched my feet to the end when the late Guidor Georg was captured.
I wonder if Jill won't even move with the Koko if she decides to be the Lord, too, oh my God. I'm sorry I'm not a fine lord. I hate to admit you're such a small,... but Jill, who devotes herself to girls, is very loyal.
"... Girou"
"What is it?
"Jill, that's big. I'll lift it gently."
"From Master Liz's point of view, yes."
Mm, is that what you want to say I'm small? I can't deny it. Why are you so small when you have your father's genes,... so small? Mother's genes must be too strong. She's shorter than her mother.
Smaller may be cuter, but I want to be a little bigger. But I wondered if it could be small for Jill to hold the princess.
"I feel a little princess. It's not a pattern."
"Then Princess, please return to your room. I'll take you."
"No, no, no, no, no."
"Hehe, I'm in awe"
It was more of a Japanese princess dialogue than a Western princess, but Jill doesn't look offended and soothes her eyes with pleasure. I felt Jill's heart sound just a little quicker when I really put my face to my chest.
Jill transports me politely to bed before putting me to sleep gently.
My body was getting hot because of the move, and when I looked up at Jill blurry and looked at the work, Jill turned away for some reason. You shake your head to delude something, "I'll bring you some water," and you leave with a blatant water drain.
Though I would put my hand on my chest to think if something strange had happened to Jill, who had left the room to escape somehow, I cannot conclude. It's just a negligee with a hot body and a wide collar, so heat twitches through your palms.
... you suddenly miss something. I was alone until earlier, but it's a little different when I'm alone since I've been with people.
When I'm alone, I can't think of a very good thing. It's abandoned, misdemeanor.
I wonder what's going on in my country now, my own future, and I get anxiety and wax and cloudy thinking. If you think about it a little bit, you get more and more anxious. Think about me.
Though I shake off my thoughts because it's bad for my body to worry about, something like Kasumi still stays on the edge, and that makes me do it again.
Ha, and the moment I leaked a feverish exhale with my usual 50% increase, Jill just came home with a water drain.... Good, I'm not alone.
To me with my cheeks loose, Jill pours water out of the water into the glass, then puts it on the table and holds me up. Then you hand me a glass with water and say, "Go ahead." I'm sorry for all the trouble I've had.
"Ha-ha, I'll come back to life -... Ugh, hot."
Pu, and when you drink up the water, loosen your cheeks again to your satisfaction. I guess it's not cold because you cared about your body.
Personally, I'm a little short, so when I grabbed the collar to soothe the heat and let the air in once, I was grabbed by my hand and directed to my knee at a terrible reaction rate. Although that Jill holds her head with one hand.
"Please don't, it can't be."
"It's hot."
"Then this way it would be cold, wouldn't it?
With a subtle and quiet voice, a limp clap was placed on his forehead. I naturally softened my facial expressions to the coolness I liked as much, causing my throat to ring.
"Huh, feelings."
"Rest in the corner on the rabbit."
"Yes.... but more"
"Yes, sir."
Jill spoils me, so I'm gonna stick to it and sweeten it.
In front of Jill, I think you probably don't know all the noble ladies. I guess I should put it up in the room in the first place. The opposite of a lady.
"... n"
I want more.
I want to touch Jill, who's cooling me down. I want to feel present on the side. Jill may get spooked, but... I can't help reaching out.
Still lethargic body, arms crushed by fatigue and trying to follow gravity, stretches out to Jill as she manages to endure. I'm right around the corner, so I can grab my clothes. But there's not enough distance or power to hold it.
"... Dear Liz, please sleep honestly"
"Jill, it feels good."
I'm just fairly feverish, but Jill's warmer than me by nature, and now he's limping. It feels good to be touched.
Besides, if I stick around, I don't think I'm alone.... No, just a little bit again, I'm lonely. I missed you so much. I can't tell you anything about Ruby.
I don't know, I glanced at Jill, and she sighed softly already, and then reluctantly sat down next to me.
He slowly hugged me after considerable hesitation, so I rubbed my cheeks when I rang my throat like a cat with a grater. If you want to touch it more and move to sit between it and Jill, pull it subtly. Hip Jill.
"... Need to climb?
"These things are colder. I'm gonna stick with Jill."
"Don't even know people's minds..."
"No way. Please do like it already"
Jill whines with the sound of a headache and holds me again and puts me on my knees. I don't like it, or a troubled look. It's weird that I'm having trouble with all that guzzling habit.
That's what I... choose to feel better than embarrassed. Relax, the sound of your heart is pleasant. When touched, I'm fluffy and happy.
I like to be spoiled, so I don't know if it's going to be so chaotic.
When I accidentally rubbed my cheek against my chest, Jill, holding me in her arms, said, "If Master Velph sees me, he'll kill me..." Pretty serious voice.
It's okay, Dad, I'll convince him. It's bad to leave it alone.... I don't know what else to do, I know. I know my father is busy, but I miss him...
"... Jill's here, so you're not alone."
For a little while, I think you'll forgive me for staying on your side.
Do not defy the heat that dominates the inside and leave each heat intact to Jill. Jill just stroked my head in silence and quietly hugging me.
Jill will take it all. I know I can't rely on you, but I lean on you. Even if I work hard on my own, I end up looking for that warmth.
"... hey Jill, what happens to me"
... I accidentally said something that bothered me now.
"Hmm... I was wondering if it would be out of standard if there was any more magic. I'm glad to be strong... but I was wondering if I could turn away."
Being strong is a good thing.
But what if you get stronger and the difference opens up even more with the people around you?
... power is something that scares me. It depends on who uses it, it can be both medicinal and dramatic. I don't know the personality of the person who uses it, unless he's also a close person.
People get scared of being too strong. Will I be able to escape the subject? Even close people say they have something to fear.
Isn't it common for you to have power, but therefore be afraid, disgusted, and distracted?
"... when that happens, what do you do?
"Mmm... I miss you"
One is scared.
I'm not strong enough to live without all the connections, either. If I don't feel the warmth of people, I'm going to suffer and die.
It's hard and sad to live hated by people.... I don't like being scratched or hurt. It must be my fault, I am.
Place a cheek on your chest and laugh as you lower your brow. I hope that day doesn't come, but it doesn't mean it never does.
Jill gets my worries and peeks into my face when she hugs me harder.
It was calm and gentle to come down, a smile of mercy. This is all that makes me feel safe. I'm as simple as I think I am.
"It's okay. I'm here, and Master Velph, Mr. Selene, Mr. Ruby, Mr. Cecil, Mr. Eurice will never leave you."
"... yeah"
The fluffy sensation becomes stronger again, and the fluffy grin floats on its own, glancing at the clarity.
"... I'm a happy man inside, too"
"I'm in the mood for life."
Live killing? and tilting his neck and looking up at Jill didn't answer anything, just a slight bitter smile on his soft face just held me softly.