Tensei Shitanode Tsugi Koso wa Shiawasena Jinsei wo Tsukande Misemashou
Future Queen's decision, difficult to navigate
Since I was twenty years old, my father and mother have come to bring me an affair.
That's natural, and Ning Lo, you've always made me like you, so much so that I appreciate it.
It wasn't weird that my fiancée had been decided from an early age. Probably would have made Liz his fiancée if his father had asked Verph seriously. Even Velph wouldn't have gone down there if he really asked.
That took the form of respect for our own will, Father, waiting for us.... Really, I just want to thank you.
Although I am busy not seeing my family inside, I always respect them. I'm proud of my parents.
So I'm not going to say my utmost anymore. Though it's a pity from the bottom of my heart that I wasn't tied to Liz, I'm also giving up. Liz is laughing, so I think that's a good idea.
Does this mean that I grew up too?... I don't mean to be strong.
"Your Highness Eurice"
"Velph? What's up?"
Me and Velph are getting along better than the other ministers, or building a private edge. He was a childhood teacher and the father of a woman he liked.
Werf, who came to rest in the courtyard, approached with a casual grin.
Normally, being disrespectful would stop us from being escorted a little further away, but we've known each other for a long time, and there's no way the escorts can play Velph in the first place.
I'm not going to blame Verph because I don't want him to fix it. I will treat you exactly as a subordinate in an official setting, so there will be no problem.
"No, you're dusk," he said. Finding a daughter-in-law is difficult. "
"You're clear at dawn. Well, that's true."
It is a dialogue that I think your daughter would have said no if people had listened. As far as I'm concerned, Velph is more of an insensitive person than an insensitive person, so I guess it's only because I've gotten over it that I don't say it lightly like a swelling.
In fact, I'm getting over it, and I have a problem with being distracted all the time.
Conversely, it is troublesome because some people hit Liz with "Let Your Highness's thoughts go," etc., but it is fitting because I told you not to speak out.
Verph was sympathetic when I laughed bitterly, "Well, Your Highness is over twenty years old too, I have to look for you". Well, Verph was the one who found him and won, but he defied his parents quite a bit.
"It's hard in there."
"The ideal is a woman like Liz?
"No. Liz liked Liz, not that women like Liz liked her."
It was, and it would be thanks to the years that it could take shape in the past. I don't even have chest pain anymore when I look at Liz. It's just that I want you to be happy.
... Well, if I made Liz cry, Jildreid wouldn't just, I guess, but that's probably true of everyone around me, including Velph.
"Noble, magical, age is as good a condition as possible for the same generation, but I don't see any enemies in there against your father's glasses. Absolutely magical, but therefore difficult."
"The Celestial of the Magic Powers."
"So the princess of another country will be considerably more limited. It's really rare to have magic outside of this country."
Because it's a celestial, it's basically magical, albeit rare, and the aristocratic child has mostly inherited connections and magic. So if you're looking for it, it's in your own country, but when you have the magic to be recognized around you, it's limited.
Well, it was Vestrem's daughter who came up as a candidate, but he was praised for saying that he wanted to live by his sword. Though the Lord seemed so angry with me.
"You're in trouble."
"Right.... Well, I can't help it, so I can only tell you to choose well."
"Think about it before you choose. The future queen will carry this country with her."
Thinking about it, I guess you were right not to welcome Liz as my wife. Because she hates being tightened. I guess it's good for Liz to just be imprisoned by one person.
I thought Liz would carry the burden with her... but seeing Liz now would be more attractive to be free. It's like a blooming flower, Liz, because if it becomes a symbol of the country, a loving smile will stick on it, and I'm sure, it will shrivel in the shadows.
"... Your Highness has grown up too"
"Naturally.... because it's past the time I've spent dreaming of being a child."
I can't be a child anymore. As an adult, and as the next king, we must live. That is the fate and duty of what was born into a responsible position. Because I live because of my people.
So this is if you want, though.
I think next time, if my wife would welcome someone I could really love. Even if we're married on duty now, one day, if we grow love, Is that what I think it is?
"… Your Highness"
"It may be a strange story for me to say, being the parent of my shaken daughter, but... I want you to find a good person"
I laughed at Velph, who showed a mockery that didn't seem like it, and put my thoughts on what kind of woman my future wife would be.