"What are you bawling about with a cocktail? I'm going to audition!

Sister Elinora has said that she is going to be cotton-soaked in the living room.

Sister Elinora is looking down at this one with her hands on her waist.

An attitude that I take for granted that I'm going to do an audition.

Well, that's sweet. Today I am exempt from audition because of Bartolo.

"I'm not auditioning today."

"Huh? What are you talking about? Don't mess around. I'll go outside."

You think I'm wasting my time as usual, Sister Elinora pulls my arm.

The ease of that power. My body will be out of my knob in no time.

"No, no, I'm not wasting it, I have other business!

"An errand? What's that?

Sister Elinora eased her stress when she tried to seriously sue her.

But you don't seem to have any fine dust to take your hands off my arms. Disappointingly held to make it not easy to escape. Wouldn't you be too careful?

"You're gonna say nap or something anyway, right?

"No, what Al is saying is true, Elinora"

Nord, Dad came in with Bartolo behind him.

"Yeah? Lies?

"I really need some ingredients today. That's why I need to borrow the boy's magic."

"Then we can do it another day."

Whoa, I'm going to make a sharp point about Sister Elinora's habits.

But I'm sure it's okay. Baltro should give you a good reason to keep me in the mansion.

Today I'm going to magically help out a little bit at the mansion and skip the archery.

"The prey I'm after today is a small fish called walrust. I can't catch it unless the lake is frozen nicely. I don't even know if I can catch tomorrow if I miss today."

"Oh, yeah."

When Bartolo told her why, Sister Elinora muttered in disgust.

"Wait a minute, Bartolo"

"Hmm? What kid?

I call Baltro here, who's saying something a little weird.

"Isn't something set for me to go outside?

"If the archery can skip, it's fine, isn't it? They didn't tell me not to take you out."

That's not what I was looking for.

"Me, I'd like to skip the archery with the help of being able to muddy in the mansion like a cleaning in the meantime."

"But I can't contend with the lady's point, can I? Either way, this is what happens when it's the way I can make you skip."

That may indeed be the case. I'm sure you can't convince Father Nord or Sister Elinora with a half-baked excuse.

In the cold, you wanted to skip because you didn't want to do an audition, but it's pointless that you're going to end up out there?

No, let's think positive. Even if we were to go outside, it would be much easier to catch small fish like walrust than archery.

"... Is Dad really okay with that?

Sister Elinora asks Father Nord about things that teach her the wrong father.

But you're just taking a break from archery.

"Because walrust is the only fish you can eat at this time of year. Besides, today's audition was going to be canceled because the courtyard seems soaked."

Huh? Then you don't have to go fishing for walrus because you can't? If the audition stops, I'll do it. All hail.

"Bartolo, I'm sure you can catch walrust even if it's not today?

"Can you say that now?"

Right? But I always wanted to be caged in the mansion if it was the flow of the audition being cancelled.

"Even if your feet are soaked, they're archaic."

"Well, maybe, but that kind of audition is a little early for Al, who's not physically fit,"

"... Something's wrong with my father today. Oddly enough, he's got Al's shoulder."

No, no, I think it's weirder to try to impose harsh archery on a seven-year-old.

"It's nothing strange. That's what I'm talking about, so I'm calling off today's audition. If you like, help Baltro, too, Elinora."

When Father Nord said so, he left the living room to flee.

Um, Sister Elinora's right, Nord. Dad's a little crazy today. I usually get a little tougher grades.

Well, it's a reasonable decision because the courtyard is messed up because of the snow and, in some cases, frozen.

It doesn't make sense if you force an audition and get hurt.

"Hey, Bartolo knows why Dad's crazy, right?

There is a tremendous amount of force coming out of Sister Elinora's smile.

My audition wasn't skipped, and the audition itself seems pretty dissatisfied with the discontinuation.

But I guess I have no spearhead to bump that into and I'm overwhelmed.

Look at Bartolo like he wants help, but it's none of my business.

Nord, I have no idea how oddly sweet Dad is.

Seeing my attitude of not giving out a help boat, Bartolo sighed whether he had noticed or not.

"... Walla rust is Nord's favorite."

"Hmm, it is"

Sister Elinora strikes a flat, creepy gavel that doesn't know what emotions are caged.

Modest and scary.

"Come on, Bartolo. Shall we go fishing for walrus?"

"Oh, oh. Right."

"... I'm going too"

I try to get out of the living room with Bartolo because I want to escape the harsh air, but Sister Elinora has said things I don't even think about.

"Huh? Is Sister Elinora coming too?

"Yes, it is."

I almost said it by accident, but I enjoyed it. I want to compliment myself on that.

But they didn't mislead my suspicious gaze.

"... Dad's not the kind of guy who has a lot of greed, is he? I love my dad like that, so I don't want to bring him too many."

Sister Elinora seemed a little embarrassed to say as she moaned her forehead.

I thought I'd be here in my spare time or eight hits, but Sister Elinora's reason for acting was more decent than I imagined.

"Is Sister Elinora such a character?

"Shut up."


When I finally got impatient and went in, Sister Elinora had a decopin.

Cute retribution if you're just a girl, but Sister Elinora is not just a girl. Even though it was a decopin, it sounded golly on my forehead.

Naturally, the pain also doesn't get sprinkled compared to normal decopin.

"~ ~!"

"Boy, you got a lot to say."

He looked at me as Bartolo stunned.