When you enter the kitchen, put the walrust cage on the table and wash your hands in the washroom.

"How do you cook wala rust?

Bake it, boil it, fry it. It's a good ingredient. I'm just wondering how to cook.

"I'm going to tempurate it. Boy, do you have anything you want to try and make?

"Tempura is nice. I think I'd like to try it simply with soy sauce."

"Oh, that's good too. Let's bake tempura and soy sauce!

Bartolo and I agreed, so we were going to bake it with tempura and soy sauce.

"Well, if you want to bake, let's soak it in soy sauce"

I gently washed the walnut rust in brine and transferred it to a bowl about half way through, and I pour a thin mouthful of soy sauce in there.

Was there an individual still alive? Was walrust jumping.

After that, just soak it for a while and cook it in a net when the flavor stains.

Bartolo had created Tempura's former while I was doing such work.

Stirring shakashaka and bowl in a foam bowl.

The pot on the magic stove was, of course, oiled and warmed.

I decided to make Mentsuyu in my spare time.

With this you can use it for future dishes, or you can put it on tempura and eat it.

It's surprisingly easy to make as long as you have soy sauce.

Simply add a small amount of soy sauce, cuttlefish stock, mirin, kagra liquor and sugar to the pan and let it boil.

The procedure is simple, but the problem was the ingredients.

I couldn't have gotten plenty of soy sauce, mirin and cagra liquor without going to Cagra, nor could I have bought fresh fish without going to Silford territory.

Sometimes it was as much trouble as it was fun, but my efforts are paying off.

"Boy, what are you making?

"I was making a soy sauce-based sauce that seemed to fit the tempura."

"Oh? You got booze and stock in there? You're more mellow and elegant than soy sauce."

As soon as Bartolo smelled the sauce being boiled, Sunsung, he let the ingredients hit him.

I don't care if I don't tell you this, maybe you can make it on your own.

"Have you done that yet?

"Whoa! You can always fry walnut rust!

When I looked at the bowl Bartolo had, there was walrust painted on his clothes.

All you have to do is fry it and finish it with calamari.

"But it's Tempura Day, so let's let the others in."


Make tempura because of it. Everyone would be happier if the other ingredients were fried anyway.

It's better to fry the vegetables first so the oil doesn't get dirty, so me and Bartolo treat the mushrooms, carrots, pumpkins and peppers down and put them in the pan promptly.

Juwaaaaaa and the bouncing sound of oil echo through the kitchen.

"When it comes to fried food, it sounds like this."

"Oh, that sounds good."

While turning the bouncing sound of oil into BGM, Bartolo starts treating it under the ingredients, and I watch it fry.

"I heard!? Sound now!? It's definitely fried!

"Meena, if you make so much noise, you'll even hear it in the kitchen."

There was a slight scream of joy from the maids' quarters, clearly known as Meena's, and Sarah's appetite for it.

If this sound sounds, it's the Sloughlet family's routine that someone reacts to.

Yes, if you do your gaze at the kitchen entrance and exit, as Sister Elinora, who just got up from the bath, is peeking this way.

When the ingredients are fried one after the other, place them on top of the bat and cut the oil.

And serve beautifully on a plate.

First of all, when you're done frying vegetables, the next thing you know, it's fatal walnut rust.

However, it is clear that if you leave the vegetables unattended, they will cool off.

"Sister Elinora, take this to the dining room and let's all eat first."

"Yeah, okay."

No dish is worse than tempura, which has cooled me down. Tempura is best to eat fried food right away.

When asked to do so in the form of silent stuffing, sister Elinora, who was peeking at this one, replied in an upbeat manner and took her plate.

But sister Elinora like that will be back in the kitchen any minute.

"Hey! You don't have walrust in there!

Apparently, if I thought I was going to pinch the walrus, I'd only have vegetables to complain about.

"Because I'm going to fry walrust now. Look, tempura's cold, so I went."

When I paid my hand and sissied, Sister Elinora left the kitchen in regret.

"Well, let's see if we can get some fresh fries."


Just because you're cooking doesn't mean you're spoiled by cold tempura.

Me and Bartolo pick each tempura served for a taste.

It's the blue bell pepper I put in my mouth.

Crisp clothes played in his mouth, and the taste and bitterness of the peppers spread.

"Hmm, my clothes are crisp"

"After all, fried in oil increases the sweetness"

As Bartolo says, vegetables increase sweetness when heated at high temperatures.

Exactly, it goes perfectly with Tempura.

When the tempura flour is dripped over the oil while stuffing, it has floated well, so make sure it is one hundred and eighty degrees.

"Oops, looks like we've had enough temperature"

"Then let's call it fate!

Bartolo leaned over the bowl, so lift the walnut rust with the vegetable chopsticks and sink sully into the oil.

The sound of pleasant oil rings and the walrus is dyed white.

Add too much and the oil temperature will drop, so add a little bit and fry carefully.

A testament to the heat if the white coat turns to a tight color and the foam is smaller.

Raise them one after the other onto the bat and fry the remaining walnut rust as appropriate.

"And seeing if the walrus fried properly -"

"Serving as a cook! Right!"

Bartolo, who of course understands my intentions, says so and laughs nicely.

It's bad for my father Nord, who makes it a big favorite, but this is a cook's privilege, so I can't give it away.

Bartolo and I picked freshly fried walnut rust and went into our mouths.

The crisp clothes play and the flavour of the walrus trapped inside spreads.



Would the flavor be close to the servant? It has a small body but a firm flavour.

I didn't dare to take my guts, but that had been a good bitterness.

There's no smell at all, and I think I can eat as many as I want.

Driven by the urge to eat it all as it is, but desperately put up with it.

If you eat too much, everyone will resent you.

"Well, I'll cook the pickled walnut rust."

"Oh, I'll take care of Tempura."

It would fit when the walnut rust already had a good taste of soy sauce.

When I put the boiled Mentsuyu in the fridge, I bring seven wheels to light.

When the net warms up enough, put the walrust on top of it.

Was there an individual still alive? Bouncing picnicely on the net. But it stopped moving as soon as it was broiled by fire with a stirring resistance.

As the fire went through the walrus, it started to smell very good.

"Uh, don't smell like grilled fish and smell like grilled soy sauce."

"I can't wait to see this, either."

What a conversation Bartolo and I put in one walnut rust after another and bake it.

It is good to cook again in seven wheels.

Now you might want to take seven wheels, catch them, bake them right away and eat them.

"Hey, it's a tempura and soy sauce grill with walnut rust."

"" Ooh. "

Delivering the lead dish to the dining room leaked words of admiration from everyone.

It looks like the vegetable tempura in the first row is almost gone already.

I don't think much time has passed, but Tempura is as popular as ever.

I don't feel like helping out to anything other than cooking walrust, so I'm breaking up with Bartolo and taking a seat.

Then a sassy dish was offered in front of him.

This is Al's tempura.

"Oh, thank you, Brother Silvio. He protected me properly."

All types of tempura are served in front of you.

Apparently, you were protecting my share.

"Excuse me. I'm not eating until Al's."

What a slightly outraged look Mother Erna says, but it's a suspicious place because about 90% of the tempura that was served on a large plate is gone.

Father Nord is soaking up in front of his big favorite.

If I want to eat it but reach right out, maybe I don't like it when people think I'm restless.

"I tasted it in the kitchen, so don't worry about it."

"" Yes ""

When I say that, Sister Elinora or Brother Silvio stretch the fork.

That was followed by Elna's mother and Nord's father stretching the fork in such a way that it continued.

"That's crisp and delicious."

"It's easy to eat with no habits."

Walla rust tempura seems to be well received by Brother Silvio and Sister Elinora.

Sister Elinora has already got her hands on the second one.

"Yeah, yummy"

Nord, who eats walrust, says in a voice that sounds really satisfying.

It's a short word, but I know exactly what Father Nord is saying from the bottom of his heart.

He seems to love walrust.

Elna's mother next door also looks at Nord's father as Nico.

"I have salt and Mentsuyu over here, so if you like, try them on."

"Mentsuyu? Isn't that soy sauce?

If I recommend it that way, Father Nord tilts his neck.

Until now, tempura has been eaten intact or on salt, so it is not impossible not to know.

And the color is mostly with soy sauce.

"Sauce based on soy sauce, but it tastes a little different."

"It is. Well, I'll put it on."

Father Nord wears a little walnut rust on his mouth.

"Salt is good, but so is this! Similar to soy sauce, but light and easy to eat."

Fished by the grateful Nord father, Elna's mother also adds walrust to her meniscus.

"Oh, it's true. It's more elegant than soy sauce and goes well with walrust."

Apparently it also fits mother Erna's tongue.

You can eat it as it is or taste it with salt, but sometimes it's good to eat it with Mentsuyu.

After eating Tempura in the kitchen, I decided to have a soy sauce grill first.

"Oh, this is delicious too"

Walla rust with a hint of flavor and a hint of soy sauce. That's the perfect balance.

"You're gonna want some white rice!

Exactly what Sister Elinora says.

If you stay until tomorrow's minute, breakfast will be enough with roasted walnut rust with soy sauce and miso soup and rice. That's all I can be satisfied with.

Meena and Sarah bring other dishes, but everyone was obsessed with Walla rust, the star.

"How's it taste, you?

"Yeah, this year's walrus is delicious too"

"Yes, good"

Seeing Father Nord taste satisfied, Mother Erna looked as happy as she was about me.

It's a sweet and sour sight that usually makes me feel like heartburn just watching it, but this time I could safely see that it's just Dad Nord's favorite thing.

If Father Nord would be so happy, maybe we could go fishing again if we had the chance.