Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

The Three Prohibitions of Tigers

Walking down the hallway of the Mansion, Sister Elinora came out of the study.

His complexion looked terribly gloomy and somewhat irritated.

Since the discovery of the Gravity case, Sister Elinora has been forced to study magic every day.

I think that using a head that I have not used much until now is fatigue and stressful.

This is what the sisters who were cornered by exams and studies in their previous lives looked like.

It has long been said that when you approach a woman who is in a bad mood, you will not be a lokk.

I was thinking of getting some fruit juice in the kitchen, but my personal safety is more important.

The moment I thought about turning back, Erinora-san and I met each other.

At that moment, I sprinted back and forth on my heels.

Then, Erinora-san dashes towards us.

Erinora-san's physical abilities were ridiculous, and she was instantly overwhelmed by the fact that the distance was quite wide open.

Erinora-san sits on my back.

"Whoa! What the hell!?"

"I don't have any business, but Al ran away, so I tried to chase him somehow."

"You're a tiger..."

Don't look me in the eye.Because I think it's intimidating.

Don't show your back.Because there is a habit of attacking when the back is shown.

Don't run. They're chasing me with excitement.

I think I've done all three of the Tiger's prohibitions.

It was a shame that Sister Elinora, a beast, had attacked.

"In the meantime, will you back off?" Heavy - fuguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


"... nothing."

When I tried to tell him to stand back from the heavy situation, he squeezed his back with his knees.

It is irrational that I have merely voiced an extremely serious opinion.

"What are you two doing in such a place?"

I guess it was because I was in the hallway.

Elna's mother came out of the study room with the teaching materials.

"Even though I didn't do anything, Erinora-san pushed me down." It's about eight. "

Al looks at me and he runs away, so I just chased him.

Is it a bear?

Hearing Sister Elinora's words, Elna's mother unexpectedly leaked those words.

"...... Erinora, do you hate magic classes?"

Elinora's mother asks after seeing Sister Elinora in a bad mood.

Mother Elina would like her sister to learn magic more willingly.

"It's hard to say I don't like it. Unlike using a sword, you have to think a lot."

No, I think it's pretty smart to use a sword, but it's just me and Brother Silvio.

According to the sensoryist Sister Elinora, she can think hardly.

Talent is terrible.

But if you don't know magic, you'll fall behind in battle.

"I will deal with it at that time"

Hmm, I'm in trouble because I have the strength to do it.

Perhaps because of her excellent swordsmanship from an early age, she was confident that she would be able to throw herself down.

In fact, most wizards must be prone before they can use their magic in front of Sister Elinora.

It may be difficult for her to understand the horror of magic.

"...... Al, can you please have a magical meeting with Elinora?"

"Huh!? This isn't where Elna takes her skin off!?"

I was somehow aware of the air, but I didn't expect to ask for it.

I can do it, but maybe Elinora won't be convinced, right?

"Well, that's right..."

Certainly, it might be more stimulating for Erinora-san to lose or struggle with me of her age than to lose to her mother, who is a former A-rank adventurer.

That said, I don't want to do such a sloppy exercise with Sister Elinora.

"Al and the presence of magic...!"

Listen to our conversation, Elinora. I'm so excited to see you get up.

When you look grumpy, you look really in a good mood.

Erinora-san is a combat fanatic, so maybe that's fine, but I'm not.

Why should I do such a troublesome thing?

When I think about it, Elna's mother whispers it in her ear.

"... if Al defeats Elinora, I'm sure you'll grow up for the time being."

Huh? Really?

"Yeah, I'll cover it."I'm sure you'll study hard during the winter. "

I don't know, but that's what Elna's mother sees.

Is that all you're gonna regret losing to me?

It's troublesome to be present with magic, but it might not be a bad thing if you just have to be there once.

The number of people being taken out for self-training is also reduced, and they should not be pushed back by the stress of studying.

"Then just once..."

Well then, it's settled.

I'll get ready!

When Elina clapped her hand on the bread, Erinora went upstairs with great joy.

It seems that I am glad to be present.

"Al, if possible..."

"I know. You can just stand around and teach me the nuisance of magic, right?"

"It's helpful to understand quickly."Now then, please. "

When I walked out into the courtyard wearing cold-proof clothes, it was naturally cold.

There is no snow, but the cold air and the wind are still alive.

Cold wearing alone can't stop it, so it levitates the fireball around it.

"... what is this?"

Erinora-san, wearing her training clothes, turns her gaze towards me as she prepares for the gymnastics.

"It's cold, so I'm warming up."

Hmmm, I've never been too warm, but it's dexterous.

Erinora-san continued her gymnastics without any particular concern.

I'm glad to be able to move my body, but it seems like I can't handle it, and I'm really in a good mood.

I'd be even happier if I was in such a good mood when I was at home.

In the courtyard, Mother Elna, Father Nord, and even Brother Silvio come to watch the games.I'd like to be on your side, if possible.

Doesn't Al have to do the prepping exercise?

I don't need it.

"... yes, and I don't know if I'm injured or if I'm moving badly."

Erinora-san would pay attention to me like that, but I didn't mean to move a step.

All I had to do was stand there and use my magic.I don't need any preparatory exercises.

Is it time to get ready?

Elinora's preparatory movement is over, and Elna's mother calls out to her.

"I can go anytime."

I'm fine with this one, too.

Twenty meters away from each other, Erinora-san and I reply.

The distance is far enough, but it's unpleasant to deal with Erinora-san.

However, today's presence was magical.

If I could use magic, I didn't want to lose even to Erinora-san.

There was some swordsman countermeasure magic that Elna taught me yesterday, and it would be interesting to try it.

"...... Elinora, are you sure you want to stay that way?"

"Huh? Yeah, it's perfectly prepared."

Elina's mother gives you one last hint, but Erinora's sister hasn't noticed.

Looking at Sister Elinora, who was unaware of her advice, Elna sighed tinyly.

Well then, let's get started!

When I heard the voice of the beginning once again, I cast the wind magic without chanting.


Erinora-san, who tried to stick her sword in her hand, took her body directly from the front and took it with her.

If I launch into the sky like this, there would be no way to deal with it, but I couldn't because there was an order for Elna's mother to teach me the troubles of magic.

I just deliberately jumped forward.

Erinora-san blew up about 20 meters, but landed lightly in the air, ready to go.

Even though I was deprived of my sight, I couldn't kick out the ground and try to move calmly.

My legs!

Because I'm casting a magic spell on the soil at the landing site and taunting Erinora-san's legs.

It is made of highly sticky mud, including water magic, so it cannot escape a little gently.

If you can sense magic power, you won't be caught by such an easy move if you can resist magic power, but you can't prevent Erinora-san, who lacks magic knowledge and technology.

Something like this!

Erinora-san activated the magic power in her body.

You're going to break it by using physical strengthening.

Because it has a lot of magic power, it can't release the restraint, but it prevents it just in case.


I pulled up the gravity I was applying to Sister Elinora's body.

Then, Erinora-san's body stopped sharply at her mid-rise.

"Ggh, giggle..."

I tried to make him crawl to the ground, but it seems he's using his body strengthening to fight back.

But you can't move properly just by resisting.

It was only effective from a wizard's point of view, such as an opponent who couldn't move.

I slowly activate the water magic and mix the oil I borrowed from the kitchen.

A water pellet filled with oil and water was ejected and hit Erinora-san.

Sister Elinora still screamed and tried to break the restraint of the earth with her wooden sword.

However, a wooden sword came out of my hand when I swung it.


"I mix oil in the water polo."I can't hold a weapon if I'm too strong. "

This is the swordsman who Elna's mother taught me to kill.

By mixing oil into the water polo and hitting it, it prevents the opponent from gripping the prey.

If I could hit them with this in their sheath, they wouldn't even be able to draw their swords properly.I could use some ice magic to make it just coagulate.

"Erinora-san, it's over."

"Well, I'm still..."

"You don't argue that you're 'not losing' by letting yourself be swept away by magic, right?"If it wasn't the water polo that hit you, but a highly lethal magic, it would be a fatal injury. "

I told Erinora-san, who was trying to make excuses, in a tone in which she wouldn't tell me whether Elna was there or not.

"In the first place, it ended with the first shot."If the wind magic launches into the sky, there's nothing Elinora can do about it. "

"... I'm here"

In addition, after Nord's father's words, Erinora admitted to losing.