Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho
Royal Palace Living, ed.
I decided to open my mouth by somehow scolding myself for not being able to get through the atmosphere on this occasion.
"Um, uh, Mr. Tagosak. I felt like I somehow figured out how Mr. Tagosak felt. So, there's something I need you to do."
When I spoke that way, Mr. Tagosak looked up at me again.
And I glance at you with a glare.
"Oh, my God. Does Master Liu offer us a new trust in sin......!?
No, I didn't say a word about a shrine or anything like that. Calm down.
"It's not a shrine or anything, there's something you want me to do. Oh, before I do, I'd like to ask you, on the occasion of the current riot incident in Wangdu, some of the people of Rubyforn must have found out that Uyoli was me. What percentage do you know about that?
"What was there would have convinced me that Master Uyoli's identity was Master Liu. But that's not widespread. We are true to our teachings. Even then, when I realized the truth about you, I would never speak to you."
Kokuri and Mr. Tagosak nodded vigorously affirming so.
Speaking of Uyoli, did you have a curse that would make your mouth bite when you talk about Master Uyoli?
So the only people overlapping Uyoli and me as of now are the Tagosaks who originally knew about it and the people who were in the uprising on that occasion?
I thought you didn't want to use this hand for the whole time because of my feelings. I thought, but if I didn't want to use it in the end and didn't, it all went in a weird direction. Then let's go...
I inhaled again and vomited thinly and deeply.
I made up my mind. I don't hesitate anymore. If you're hesitant, they'll give you a parent.
That's what painfully figured out about that time.
"Can you ask the people of Ruby Forn to spread the word that the identity of Uyoli is me?
I open my mouth to my offer to say, with a face that Mr. Ryuki was excited about.
"Oh, that's...! Finally, they reveal the truth!?
When it comes to revealing the truth, I'm not a heavenly user, and not exactly the truth, but yeah, well, that's fine.
When I nodded reluctantly, Mr. Tagosak looked at me as open as he was going to spill, and poured tears out of his spilling eyes.
"Oh how merciful......! As Master Liu thought, it was the pathetic rampage of those who did not know the truth that rioted...... Knowing that fact will keep that from happening in the future. Besides, we might be able to correct the cult that is spreading in Ghennasis territory. Oh Lord Liu, in order to spread the right teachings, he reigns in the country until he is united with the royal family and leads us in this way without forsaking us sinners......!
Saying so, Tagosak said, "Too honorable......!" or so I wept like a waterfall.
The same Tagosak's reaction is amazing.
And then earlier, you said you were going to reign, but you didn't reign. It's time to stop that kind of weird rhetoric.
I didn't reign.
"Yeah, yeah! Yes, I know!
As far as Mr. Tagosak, who says that and looks up at me with a tranced look, has conveyed that he has no idea.
I'm getting tired of dealing with Tagosaku, and when I sigh, I open my mouth to move on.
"In how long can we infiltrate the territory of Ghennersis with stories of who Uyoli is?
"In a few days if you're in Ruby Volne territory. But the territory of Ghennassis, what... But what is brought about by true God and the truth is quickly engulfed into the hearts of men. It won't be that long."
Yes, Mr. Tagosak floated Tagosix Miles and confidently said it out.
He's too genius when it comes to spreading teaching to people. He says, so it won't take long.
Okay, and I'm ready.
Put together once and for all the Uyolithism in a state of fragmentation.
In other words, make every sect a Tagosaku of the early Uyolites.
That would make it easier to see once it was complicated, and there would be no more cases like the riot incident that I couldn't handle anymore.
I'm not sure anymore. I won't be danced to a bloody tampon, should be. Even if they were about to dance, they would be stopped in one word of mine.
That's pretty big.
The Sword Saints Knights of Ghennassis territory have been treated as warriors chosen by God and have considerable influence.
In some cases, in the words of its hero, Alec Parenthood, the chances of them resolving a rebellion have been overwhelming.
But the Knights of Kensei are chosen gods, not gods.
Uyolism in the Ghennassis line is also culminating in Uyoli.
If Uyoli is known to be me, people in Ghennassis territory shouldn't be able to do what they think of their parents either. At least you'll listen to me.
If a parent tries to rebel against a Uyolian militant, they can stop it. I can be the stopper.
Well, then, there's the possibility that I'll be alerted to the country, but I don't see how the country would complain to me about being treated like a goddess in the King's Capital, besides not being complained about in any way.
Rather, it could even move in the direction of having my current position used for treatment in other territories, as I did for my royal fiancée this time.
As far as the previous discussions in the Council were concerned, I wanted someone who could put together Gwennasis territory.
As far as the Council's discussions at that time are concerned, it is highly likely that Gesley will take up his position as a new lord in Gwennasis territory.
But I can only be anxious to let Gesley go to Gwennasis territory by herself.
I used to talk so much outrageous in a cheerful face to catch my parents.
I'm Gesley's fiancée, and if I find out I'm influential in Gwennasis territory, it's not that unnatural a stream I'm going with.
If I can go about it with him, if he tries to do something like that, I can stop him.
When I take out the writing equipment and paper I bring, I write down certain operational details.
And I gave it to Mr. Tagosak.
"Pass this to Master Bash, who is in Ruby Forn. Must."
Mr. Tagosak always took the letter I said and offered with respect, floating Tagosix Miles.
All right.
I looked around again with a paragraph of the story and wondered a lot about this underground space.
"Speaking of which, what's wrong with this place? You mean this place is connected to the outside, right?
With that said, I also look around the ceiling. It looks beautifully even and artificially crafted. No, is it magic? Either way, it's a decent room made out of people's hands.
"This is where Uncle Kouki taught me."
That's what Mr. Luki said and I rounded my eyes.
"Yes!? Koo, from your mother!?
"Yeah, everything seems to have been used by your father when he met your mother. It was half buried, but we used magic to dig it up so we could use it."
and Mr. Ryuki spoke a little about his parents' love stories when they were younger.
Mr. Leuki's father is a spiritual man, isn't he?
Did Seki use this space for occasional use by his wife?
Speaking of which, Seki and his wife are like each other, they jumped out of the Wang capital. Were you sneaking eyes in this basement to make love to your wife, the princess...
But maybe I can't help it because it's to see the princess, but it's just too much to make something like this in the basement of a rear palace building when Seki was younger......
You look calm, basically, like a commonsense person, Seki, but hey, as far as the episodes with your wife go, you're pretty passionate. That's what I said about your mother Koo's brother. Maybe he's the type of person who loses sight of nothing when he falls in love.
Nevertheless, how much do you know about the existence of this underground passage?
Koo, it is possible that your parents also know that your mother knows...
"Was there any other trace that was dug up or something that someone had been using lately?
"No, until I dug it back, there was no trace of anyone using it"
I see. Can I assume my parents don't even know this basement exists?
At least this road hasn't been used until recently. Besides, there's no way your mother would tell me about the room my parents might know about.
But it's not good to be optimistic...
I mean I'll be free to come in and out from now on if I can use this place, although I'm personally happy...
Let's not.
"Before you return to Ruby Volne, please remember that the entrance to this room will never be used again."
"Yes, I did. I've only accepted the life of this Tagosaku, Master Liu."
I can't be caught off guard because I'm going to work with those parents.
Because I don't want to go around the back anymore.