"- So it's a misunderstanding. I'm sorry I said something to make you mistake."

I'm sorry about Faris for making me even ready to get married, but even the three willing friends Arias worked together as a party, Jin took quite a while to make up her mind to get married. There was no way that Jin could accept her just met.

Nevertheless, I guess this will embarrass Farris in a way. Jin has no choice but to bow down and apologize.

"No, we should have also considered the possibility of different habits because the words didn't make sense originally. I'm sorry we thought about this in our own common sense."

Faris, on the other hand, also returns his own apology after accepting Jin's apology. My face was slightly red because of the embarrassment I had mistaken, but at the same time it seemed somewhere horrible.

"We suddenly propose (propose) without specifying who we're dealing with as we go. I thought it might be some reason to rush the marriage, but it wasn't. It was a misunderstanding."

I see the reason for Gin's abrupt proposal, and Deon nods with a smile on his face wondering if that's what you mean.

Given Deon and his common sense, showing me your status because anyone is good is like telling me to marry you because anyone is good. No matter how much 'appraisal' I'm told checking my status makes the current situation where Deon and the others were placed clear, there's no way I can raise my hand.

"Pfft. But wasn't Farris a little sorry for the misunderstanding?

Chesty smiles like a prank.

The reason Farris ran for office would undoubtedly be because of his sense of responsibility first, but it is also true that he nevertheless thought that Jin would be able to accept the proposal through mock warfare. That may be out of respect, not love, but there are many such cases in the case of nobility over the former.

Even though he understands that Faris raised his hand himself because he thought of everyone, Chesty is not convinced that Faris has done something that could wave his happiness to the stick. So while reassured by the fact that it was a misunderstanding in the first place, Chesty, who was forced to do so, seems to have put it in a slightly mean way.

"That's why..."

It was Faris who tried to deny it instantly, but soon he realizes the situation he is attracting the attention of his surroundings. Naturally, it also includes Jin's gaze, and Faris is in a hurry if he becomes rude when he strongly denies it here.

"- No, Lord Jin. Not that I'm dissatisfied with you!

Faris was in a hurry to elucidate, but Jin couldn't have cared less that the misunderstanding had been solved and he was horrified.

"No, never mind about me. Again, I apologize for the misleading manner in which I put it."

Jin apologized once again, accepting Pharis as well with a howling smile at it, and with this the curtain was to be drawn to this commotion.

However, there is still accountability for the three Arias who watched this disturbance for no reason, but that was after a little more calm.

- Thank you, Lord Jin.

There was also talk of moving the place, but the only thing of concern was that it would be better to do it where everyone was looking at it like this, without moving from here to 'appraisal' with Faris' consent.

"I'll 'appraise' now, but I'll only see where I need to be. Just think that Mr. Farris doesn't mind showing me everything."

He meditates on his eyes, reaches out to Faris, who waits with his jaw gently pulled, and Jin puts his palm over her head. After thinking that "appraisal" can be used without doing so, but it would be easier to understand if there were some formatted ones.

"Then I'll go." Appraisal ""

When Jin shrugs quietly, a single window appears in front of him.

Only one item appeared there.

Title Rescued - The One Who Saved Where He Was a Lost in Time and Space. Have a productive life in this Terra, if you will.

There was no definitive wording there to support Zinn's assumptions, but if they hadn't metastasized more than the other world in the first place, they wouldn't have to bother to limit themselves to "in this Terra".

At least that they have become lost in time and space due to the failure of metastatic magic, and that they have been transported to this Terra, perhaps by God or by beings close to it, in order to help them like that. There seems to be no doubt about these two.

"Lord Jin?

Jin is not visualizing the window, so Faris only sees him staring into the hollow in silence. Also, in their world, the only way to check their status was to touch the tablets in the temple, and they didn't know what Jin's "appraisal" was like right now.

Jin turns a serious eye to Faris, who asks like a snack.

"You'd better have a look at it first than I'll explain"

When Jin says so, he takes his hand down and visualizes the window, and converts the letters into what the Faris and the others use. Thanks to the translation function, it ended in an instant.


Faris surprised by the window that suddenly appeared hollow. Those around them are no exception. But that is not the end of their surprise.

"... this!

Faris, the party, and Chesty, who was nearby, finish reading as soon as possible. The faces of the others who had finished reading, without exception, were all stunned and colored.

"This is what Ms Farris states in her status, but perhaps this is common to all of you"

When Jin foreshadows that, he reads out the contents for people whose windows are small and unreadable. I stated my views on it.

"It wasn't a mistake that Mr. Deon felt that metastatic magic had failed, and according to this you all became lost in time and space once, and someone there...... perhaps God saved you. However, under some circumstances, we cannot return to the original world, and it is thought that it was eventually transported to this world, Terra."

The explanation of that gin gradually penetrates all those present on this occasion. But none of its faces were bright, and some shook their ears and necks out of their desire to deny the fact.

A window floating in the hollow without any support had given the words of Jin an unparalleled persuasion.

"Can we go back to the original world?

Deon's expression is hard, the magician of the ghost tribe who inquires. I guess you feel responsible just because you're the party that activated the metamagic. This question also uses metastatic magic. He would know the answer, but he would be encouraging everyone to be prepared by daring to ask. I was playing a tough role on my own.

"Too bad......"

I hear Jin answer and scream everywhere. If you were just flown so far away that the words didn't make sense, it could be hard but one day you could return to your country of origin. But if you were flown into a different world......

"Father, Mother..."

I hear sobbing from all over. Their connections, such as parent brothers and friend acquaintances, were not complete only in the fort.

They were not only weeping for the sorrow that had left those close to the fort, but also for the new sorrow of eternal parting from all those who were in the original world.


Gin, who stares silently at the sight, is also spicidly distorting its face.

Their feelings are painfully understandable because they have themselves been reincarnated into this world. Nor can he ever return to Earth again.

But at the same time, it's never just sadness that Jin felt reincarnated into this world.


Sooner than Jin tried to convey it, Shesty, the princess of the devil clan, was raising her voice.

"I do know it's sad. I'm sad, too. I can't believe I'll ever see my favorite father, mother, brother or sister again... Plus, I'm worried that the rescue might be on its way to see what happened to the fort after we disappeared. There are many things left to do in the original world, things I wanted to do, things I wanted to do for you..."

In Chesty's brain were the faces of his parents and those close to him. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and Chesty continued as he was stuck in words.

"But we're alive! Thanks to Deon, and thanks to God! Surely this is not the world we were in. But we're alive. And he wants me to live a fruitful life in this world!

Where Chesty says, "Thanks to Deon," Deon unwittingly holds his head. For Deon, who kept blaming himself, the word was above all salvation.

"I don't mind grieving. But don't forget to thank me! We're alive! And they want us to be happy in this world! Join me and be happy in this world!


Chesty's figure, who complains about going forward even as she weeps, strikes the heart of everyone there.

Of course, that's not why grief disappears and disappears, but there is definite hope in their hearts.

Jin, who, like them, could no longer return to the original world, was healed little by little whenever new ties increased in this world.

Yes, even if grief doesn't go away, we can make it smaller.

I want to help them, too.

Be one of the bonds they spin, as you have had them do. It was so determined gin.