The Age of the 21st Century Magazine

Last name of any U.S. Army officer and XHR4 Ultimate

The expression of hope stiffened.

Fragments of the memory of the cows of the British Empire ravaged in the Eternity,

I felt as if I had opened Pandora's box when I touched it.

The tremendous power gap that Lord Cow experienced when he confronted the King himself.

British sentiment was also a great shock to hope.

‘How do you defeat that god, no king? ’

I was just stuck thinking about how to confront the king.

The feeling of shock and anxiety spread beyond XHR4 into the ether network.

The team members' minds trembled as emotions reversed through the strings connected through the harmonic interface.

The feeling of cloaking when you see an overwhelming being.

Team members who were fighting the Knights began to be pushed.

The aims of the Special Operations Team and Deboisses, who were shooting at the rear, were also shaken.

The Knights stood still and attacked the Magun team.

Some monsters run past the horse-drawn horse-drawn horse-drawn armoured forces.

‘Be strong. ’

It was an instinctive idea.

‘We need to be stronger. ’

More powerful ethers, more powerful speeds and more powerful powers.

Everything was infinitely lacking for you and XHR4 today.


Hope empowered the abdomen.

A sudden visit to Hugi.

Hope instinctively extended her arms again.

XHR4's hands dug up the British corpse.

Hungry teeth cut off hard muscles and asked.

XHR4 took the corpse of a monster, just like the wild beast of South Sudan.

The Great Britannic ether with the wind and the energy of the earth went over his neck.

As the fifth core was filled, the eyes of hope sparkled green.


At that moment.

The muscle swells like it's going to burst and the pain seems to break the articulation.

Hope instinctively draws a circle to control the power that rushes into Taipei's narrative.

Gun supervision, the source of the universe and the circle that embraces everything.

However, the pain did not disappear, but grew even bigger.

Soft gains ~

The pain of tearing flesh and crushing bones followed.

Hope shook his teeth and resisted the pain.

‘Why on earth? ’

It seemed crazy if this kind of pain came to me.

Hope just waited for this pain to end.

It was only by the time I almost let go of my mind that I suffered so much.

It was a long time of perseverance that did not last as long as Charlina's.

I grabbed the squirming spirit as I squirmed my eyes.

I looked at my body and it was different somewhere.

“Are you sure this isn't it? ”

I felt like I had more Harmony Suits than ever before.

It wasn't because of the mood.

A considerate warrior wrapping around the XHR4 tore his entire armor and his head burst out.

It's like Hulk tore his clothes off.

“No, this... gas is getting bigger. ”

The gas that was as hot as the contemplator was bigger than any other reformer.

And the kidneys were stretched.

It seemed to have grown by more than a metre.

It was the effect of the harmonic interface.

‘It's a total storm growth...’

The pain just now was a sudden growth pain.


“The defenses are pierced. Whatever happens, stop it! ”

“Enemies are coming around for the armored forces.

Special 2 teams, 10 o'clock. "

“Your allies are being pushed. ”

The voices of embarrassed team members are heard on the communication channel.

The knights' intrusion has already made the armor line a mess.

Armored cars pierced by a Warbow Arrow. Deboise's vases fight hard with a pulse.

Hope awakens the power of the princess core seated in the engine.

The harmonic interface reacts and the blue energy flows along the line.

The team members' gas swelled up in green.

“Wow! The power is rising. What the hell is this power?

Phil Cow Good ~ “

David felt his whole body was full of vitality after receiving the power to soar.

If I felt this way, I could move like the wind.

“All right, I'll break it at once.

Let's get rid of the boars in front of the Broadway chariot. ”

“Good copy. ”

David rushes with a high pulse.

Leap towards the Boar monsters that came into the vacuum and take down the pulse as it is.

The monster hesitates as the flesh is deeply beaten.

The horseman team felt invigorated and trimmed the line again to initiate a counterattack.

Knights who received Rhino and Cow buffs were pushed to the station this time.

More than 10 knights fell from monsters and lost their lives.

The finalists, overwhelmed by green light, had no backlash.

They slipped over the wall of the Devil, 300 kilometers, and approached the theoretical speed limit of 355 kilometers.

In the heart of the battle, like a storm,

Hangi's horse-drawn horse-drawn horse jumps to the center.

Terrible speed, close to 600 km/h.

It was XHR4 of hope.

The knights in the XHR4's trajectory, who slipped over the ground like water with their bare hands, stopped moving.

Fufu ~ ~

The new brothers in the storm burst into two pieces in one piece.


There were no knights to stop XHR4.

The hope of tearing apart the bodies of the knights,

I swirled a gray-bitten cherry blossom and plundered the blood.

Then he pointed to the other side without a word.

Team members understood the commander's intentions.

Charging Destruction.

“All right. Let's push. The monsters are running out of time. One trillion charge! ”

“Two trillion charge! ”

“Charge to Autonomous Engagement Mode"

“Special Ops Team Charge"

“Comrades of the New Squad will fly forward! ”

The Renovator and the Painter rush forward and sweep the monsters together.

A 28-millimeter coiled gun pierces the monster and the pulse cuts through the monster's trunk, cutting its throat at once.

Armoured troops who noticed the charter late also joined the raid.

“Armoured Battalion Forward! ”

Armoured forces chasing at full speed from the rear,

However, it was not enough to keep up with the speed of the stormy horsemen.

The monsters that fell like straw in an instant.

So the second battle ended in victory.

“Battle is over, team up in Magog! ”

When hope came to order, all members of the team stopped fighting and flew back to the armoured forces camp.


The yardmills that landed with their wings folded.

Bloody contractions and pulsations across the shoulders of the finalist, the painter, and XHR4.

Their appearance in blood was magnificent.

The armoured forces soldiers looked at him with a faint expression.


The members of the team who walk silently with such a familiar look,

I heard a cry in the ear of hope heading to where the airship is.

Turning around, it was Colonel James, Captain Titan.

Wearing a bloody military uniform, he looked up at the XHR4 across the torn chest armor with a dumb look.

“Why on earth...”

His two flaming hands trembled with a white tiredness.

In addition to half a hundred short hair, the creased face made him look older.

“Why on earth. I did the best I could.

My Titan troop gasses and deputy officers! ”

Teared, crumpled and chopped gaseous debris spread dizzily over the desert.

With a lot of blood on it. The surviving gas was nowhere to be seen.

“Why on earth?

I fought in the Gulf War with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

In Egypt, we fought IS.

My armor was invincible.

I haven't lost a single battle...

And Titan... ”

The colonel, who recalled the battle he had fought in the past,

I was desperate that my pride in military command had completely collapsed.

Titan was the invincible gas that inherited the doctrine of the United States Armed Forces.

as little peat area as possible, enough defense against enemy attacks,

And provide enough fire power to defeat the enemy.

Gain Melee Attack with AMZ9 Chainsaw and Defense with Arm Shield.

This was the ROC required for Titan, in other words the required operational performance.

Colonel borrowed Ancient Rome's heavy infantry tactics to adapt to the new second generation Titan gas.

Repeated training of large barriers.

After intense training, Titan troops were reborn as the strongest.

That invincible unit collapsed for a moment.

That too is unilaterally so miserable.

“What the hell! What's different about Monster Hunter's stables?

Is Titan armed with the latest 40-millimeter electrothermal chemical artillery and Hellfire missiles? ”

He was ashamed.

It is important that civilian commanders, who have lived in the military for only two years, overwhelm themselves at the service of the Centennial.

On the other hand, I could not understand the arming of horsemen who were retreating through the ages with those swords and spears.

A 40-million cannon, a high-speed chainsaw, and a Titan armed with a Hellfire missile overwhelmed with spears and bows.

He was desperate with a stubborn expression.

“What the hell! Our Titan troops....”

Hope shook her head with a bitter expression.

Unfortunately, Colonel James was an old-fashioned man with firearms and guided missiles.

This is the era of swords and spears and arrows through the era of artillery.

This is the era of the 21st century Magians who fought freely outside the doctrine of modern war.

He was still obsessed with the doctrine of armoured warfare in the 20th century and insisted on a large, worthless wall.

To a frustrated commander who is obsessed with relics of the past and cannot adapt to modern warfare with monsters,

I didn't have much hope to say.

When the expected answer was not heard, the colonel sat there without strength.

He asked the question again.

“Why on earth? Titan armed with advanced weapons...?

Hope Commander... what the hell is wrong with you? Why on earth? ”

“Colonel, I'm very sorry, but...

This is the era of swords and bows, past the era of guns and missiles.

The bulk of Titan's defenses,

It's just a useless doctrine that was already discarded by Monster Hunter a long time ago.

Now, with the aggressive use of the manoeuvrability of heroic horse-drawn machines,

Flexible unit stereoscopic manoeuvres based on the commander's decision, depending on the situation. ”

“Was it?

Yeah, I think I know. Flexible stereo maneuvers...

And the age of swords and bows.

How... absurd...

Heh heh heh...



Huff!! "

It's ridiculous to say the age of swords and bows, but the colonel who burst into laughter,

Within a few minutes, I shook my head powerlessly.

I finally realized my shortcomings.

“Yes.. As the commander sees it, I must be the relic of the old days when I was in a streetcar shooting.

For you to rule the battlefield with the sword and bow of the future...

For an old-fashioned man who can't adapt to a future battlefield like me... ”

Cool Luck!

Colonel vomits dark red blood mixed with viscera in his mouth for a moment.

In the last battle, I was swept away by the ether contained in the Knights' Longsaud.

When the colonel falls, hope urgently bends one knee.

I spread an ether sensation over my body.

However, the colonel's stomach had already been smashed to pieces.

It was already too late to call a medical team to rescue him.

The last moment of the whirlpool just before death.

The colonel lifted his hand to the sky without strength.

“Seems to me, yes, instead of guns and missiles,

There are a lot of steel rulers standing on the battlefield with big swords with round rings...


I'm so sorry I couldn't be there...

I'm so... sorry. ”

In a blurred consciousness, the colonel saw horse-drawn stables hit the sword.

A flame that strikes with a sword and a sword.

A huge arrow that flies to the sky and the ground. The sound of metal and metal hitting.

It resembled the battle between horsemen and monsters I saw a little while ago.

Their battles and scenes of armoured combat that they have walked past overlap and pass like a lantern.

The colonel shook his head with a satisfied expression.

The pupil slowly loosened and his last breath stopped.

Hope shuts down the gas and closes the Colonel's eyes.


The striker armored car stopped with a diesel engine beep.

A 2-star U.S. military commander stepped out of the armored car over Hetch.

He could not hide the penetrating face, looking at the corpse of the colonel.

“How was his last? ”

“The honorable death of a U.S. Army officer. ”

After hearing the answer, his face turned into a variety of faces.

The commander, who could not speak for a moment, looked at the corpse with his eyes closed, and saw hope again.

I see a horse-drawn horse-drawn horse-drawn horse-drawn horse-drawn horse.

One day, the yard became so big that it was too close to the finisher.

The commander who noticed the XHR4 letter on the shoulder of the armor said,

I became curious about the full name of that gas.

“Hope Commander, what is the full name of that new gas? ”

Hope suddenly realized that XHR4 Ultimate had no name.

I closed my eyes for a moment and thought.

Suddenly, hope opened its eyes to the thought of sensing the brain.

“.. It's Gaon. ”


The meaning of warmth, the abbreviation of our old word, Gaonde, was the center of the world.

It was a good name for an XHR4 Ultimate.