The Amber Sword
Chapter 256: Act XVI Lumberyard Battle (III) (1st Preliminary)
The cavemen in the logging yard quickly discovered a group of adventurers on the other side of the beach - one led by a warrior, two crossbowmen combined with a wizard, a common configuration in both the Eruin and Cruz areas - and the emergence of this group of humans was undoubtedly a stimulus to the very powerful territorial conscious creatures of Chogandegan, so the camp quickly sounded a sharp whistle and the wooden doors creaking open, the underground creatures gushing out, and about two teams of more than thirty cavemen were involved on this side of the beach.
They split up and tried to pack. The adventurer also apparently noticed the movement, with the crossbowman shooting two arrows, one missing and the other not having much effect, shooting a caveman in the chest with a huge impact allowing him to step back in the river and splash water - but nothing more. The caveman shook his head, then raised his spear and followed the team.
“That's a thick skin," Kronsia frowned, hiding in the bushes: “The rumor is true, this kind of thing is hard to deal with without saying a thousand, or a hundred. ”
“It was fast, almost 300 feet from the river to this side, and they only took a few seconds.” Utah replied, "This is really scary, faster than the best cavalry! ”
“Faster than the best cavalry?” The great leader of the Fire Brigade didn't mind laughing, "that's a good cavalry you haven't seen, Miss Utah. ”
As soon as the red-haired female mercenary leader was nitrogen, she turned around and glanced at the guy.
But Brando nodded, and the caveman was about as fast as the second-line cavalry. Slower than the finest horses. But most of Warnde's truly good cavalry doesn't use war horses as riders, for example, the most powerful empty cavalry patrol cavalry - a name that describes how these knights cross the battlefield, bewildered and indifferent - is actually the Flying Dragon Cavalry Regiment, which is staffed in every regiment of Eruin and is often the elite of the empty cavalry.
“Don't argue," Kroncia interrupted Vern's conversation with the female leader, “you see, there were at least two hundred cavemen in that logging yard. Such a large number, however, cannot be eaten by our mercenaries alone -" The middle-aged man said, shaking his head and glowing with silver hair in the sun between the woodlands: “Lord, do you have any countermeasures? ”
His eyes accidentally cast on Brando.
Antitina snorted softly as she saw the guy's intentions. It is true that even a positive breakthrough will not be difficult with the strength of Brando and Sy, and that two pieces of gold against a hundred pieces of black iron are basically fine. There are plenty of mercenaries left with the help of three major commanders, who will be able to forcibly attack the logging yard in up to two hours.
But if the steps are taken by these guys with their noses, Lord Lord, there is no prestige left. Besides, when she looked at Brando's calm face and bamboo chest, she knew that the young man she had been following must have made a fortune.
Thus the nobleman replied coldly: "Cavemen are not good at siege, and Sir Ron of Bassol went deep into dealing with these creatures, clearly describing their habits in his book. The ability of cavemen to dig tunnels, however thick their skins and how fast they run, is most restricted in such beach areas, and there is nothing they can do about it as long as we take down the logging yard and turn it into a guard. ”
Vern looked back at Brando and answered with some surprise: "Is there another thing like this? Lord chose this place as the starting point for the offensive, did you also consider that? ”
Brando listened, but his mouth couldn't bear cramps, even though the surface didn't move, and there really wasn't one in his heart.
The proximity of logging sites to the river is a common phenomenon, first to facilitate downstream transport, and secondly to build water trucks that allow hydraulic sawmills - after all, the magic drive is a rare thing in these remote areas.
But he can't say much about places like Tony Gehl, knowing that there are four logging fields at the edge of Cold Cedar City that are the limit, and what the state of these logging sites is, only ghosts really know.
“The answer is,” Brando nodded, "that depends on how much our bait can draw from each other.” The young man smiled back at these nominal men, "but you can relax, this battle is not as difficult as you might imagine, just think of it as a warm-up for the mercenaries to grind together. ”
Warm up?
There were not just three major commanders present, but also many small mercenary commanders, all of whom were stunned. More than 300 mercenaries face more than 200 cavemen. What kind of warm-up is this? It's a tough battle between even enemies.
“Wait and see.” Brando went down and looked down on the beach. The battle on the beach had just begun, and when the 'adventurers' perceived the intentions of the cavemen, they began to retreat to the forest side, and they were fast, but still not up to the natural advantages of the cavemen, and were soon caught up on the edge of the forest.
But the wizard in the team immediately knocked with his staff on the ground and read a spell out loud, ‘Wow’, the pebbles and dirt under their feet left the ground and lifted up four people, the dirt rose to form a castle almost two meters tall and three meters square - the chest wall and the mouth were perfectly matched, and the city consisted of hard stones - to protect four people in the center.
Everyone was surprised that tricyclical magic in law magic about defensive phrases could have almost had this effect - although far from the legendary Wizard of Plastic City, at least it could prove the power of the Black Iron Peak at the scene.
Who's so luxurious.
Others turned around and wanted to see who had to send one of their tricyclical wizards to the front line as bait. But only Chroncia caught a smile on Vern's face that didn't bother her her.
“Vern, is that your man?” He asked softly.
The head of the Fire Regiment didn't give a shit about nodding his head. “Maverick, the best wizard in my regiment.” He replied.
“You really deserve it.” Instead of feeling relieved after confirming the thoughts in her heart, Kronsia created a sense of crisis. This silver-haired middle-aged man looks at the tall, silent Vern, and then at the silent Brando, and suddenly feels his position shaking.
At first, he fought alongside that young lord for the longest time in the battle that night, thinking that it should be no problem to make a first impression of himself by virtue of his performance in front of Brando. It was unexpected that this seemingly silent, honest veteran had inadvertently reached an acquiescence with the young man.
Perhaps some agreement has been reached.
Kronsia's heart whispered and bit her teeth. But soon his eyes were subconsciously drawn to the battle on the edge of the forest - when Maverick retreated behind the warrior and the crossbowman to rest, the middle-aged magician rested his entire body on his cane and gasped, after that tricyclical spell had obviously consumed his great strength and energy.
But the effect is also obvious.
As Antitina said, cavemen are not good at attacking cities, these biological hindlimbs from the ground are strong, but the forelimbs are small and thin; they often attack without relying on the power of the upper limbs, as the forelimbs are only used to use tools and grip spears, and the cavemen attack through the power of the hindlimbs to attack enemies in a way that transforms potential.
But a wall creates enormous trouble for them, and the walls are not two metres high, but the cavemen find that when they jump high and are ready to attack those humans, they are greeted by a glittering blade - and they cannot escape in the middle of the sky.
With only one face, the cavemen were cut back face to face. Short corpses flew back to the beach and rolled over for several laps before stopping, and their companions stepped aside and slowed down somewhat overwhelmingly.
By giving sound wave feedback, they have found themselves in front of a tall stone castle.
The cavemen were facing each other, but the ‘Muru' cavemen who had caught up from behind immediately made whistle-sharp noises, allowing them to spread out and siege from all sides.
“Too reluctantly...” The red-haired female mercenary leader frowned, knowing that all four of the mercenaries serving as bait were good hands picked by Brando from their men, none of them elites with black iron upstream or even peak strength. It's a one-and-a-half hour on the flat and under the siege of thirty cavemen, not to mention under the dominance of the land.
But in any case, it is too much to persevere under the siege of 30 cavemen to induce them to send more support.
But what she didn't expect was that after two rounds of assault by caveman warriors covered in purple and red, she resolutely retreated all cavemen with sharp whistle sounds and waited around that earthly castle.
What's going on here?
Four mercenaries waited tightly against the chest wall, and the previous battle had already cost them a lot of strength. With just one more push, the cavemen might be able to take down this temporary fortress, but it was not at this time that they retreated.
Knowing that the Wizard Maverick has relieved his breath, he will be able to fight again in a few moments.
“Cavemen are reluctant to pay the price. At this time, while a strong attack can be made, it is not possible to attack without paying a large number of casualties if neither local interests nor personal strength are to their advantage.” Brando was surprised by the many mercenary commanders around him, explaining.
These people, who are older than all kinds of fighting, do not necessarily interact with these underground creatures in Chogondigan. Population and strength are invaluable resources in a cruel competitive underground and cannot be squandered at will.
This is also why the average individual strength in the underground world is generally higher.
“It turns out," Kronsia glanced at Brando, and as a mercenary on the battlefield they could not see noble nobles and scholars, but if they could apply this mysterious knowledge to the battlefield, they would have to be looked at high. “But did it not occur to you that the cavemen were so weak in their ability to attack, that those underground creatures were not accustomed to building cities? ”
Brando was barely choked up by the problem, and he thought that the guys in Jorgentina had a lot more ability to build a city than human cattle. Because underground castles were first born to protect against demonic invasions, the walls were thick and strong enough to even make human fortress-type cities like Pragues sweat, and the art of construction came from dwarves in the Chongshan mountains, like Cold Cedar City, which was nothing compared to one of them.
“Cavemen are not incapable of siege," he replied, "they are Jorgendigan's tier one, usually acting with another tier one. ”
“Bear goblin?” Vern asked.
(PS. Always painfully in Calvin, seeking understanding. But it's getting better.
Nobody wants to cut it off, cut it off. You just can't see the update, I'm losing more.) (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)