The Amber Sword
Chapter 266: Act 26 Expansion (VII) (First, Recent Mindset Seems Calm, Moon Ticket)
Antitina held her hands in front of her chest and watched more and more people walking in the forest in silence. Since entering the frosty month, temperatures have become very low at night, although there may be some time left before the first snow event in Eruin. A thin layer of white air brewed by everyone in the cold air covered the logging grounds forming a cloud mist. After the women's walls, the soldiers rubbed their hands against the cold, with a hint of killing and nervousness in the cold at night.
Almost all of the mercenaries went to the wooden walls and left no reserves - although Utah and Kroncia vehemently opposed it, Brando himself told her that it was unnecessary, so that was the truth for this noble gold.
“What if something sudden happens? This is putting everyone at risk! ”
In response to the angry question of the captain, Antittina somehow suddenly gave rise to a playful thought from her heart; she thought that if Brando lied to her, she would become a ghost after she died and haunt the young man.
The sudden appearance of this idea frightened her and even penetrated her face with a smudge of redness and slight burns. She exhaled, shook her head seriously and pushed the idea out of her head.
But Yuta looked at the aristocratic girl as if she blushed, then shook her head and gave her only one answer: “This is what the lord commanded -” she couldn't help but lose the good feelings she had had so easily accumulated with each other.
This irresponsible answer made Utah unable to bear to turn around and go to patrol her own men. Before leaving, she said to herself, "A self-righteous nobleman", but if it had been, she would have said it in front of Antittina, not behind her back.
In fact, invisible, she didn't even realize that they were already influenced by Brando. Because, on the contrary, she had at least no objection to such a one-time investment.
Since it was the young man's order, I think he must have reason.
In the same vein, Kronsia stopped opposing it. He just turned around and saw a slight smile on the dark face of the leader of the tall Fire Regiment. The silver-haired middle-aged man was stunned.
“You knew?” When he asked, instinctively, a vigilance arose.
But Vern seemed to see through the thoughtful old fox's mind, and he rubbed his nose with a smile: “That little girl is calmer than you. Do you think she looks like someone who can command anything? Only the young lord can command her here...”
“You're observing very little.” Kronsia hummed.
“Each other.” Vern flashed this thought in his heart, but he didn't say it. He was surrounded by a sophisticated mercenary who estimated the number of cavemen in the forest every once in a while, and he just listened silently to the sound of a more identical number of newspapers.
The cavemen were soon thousands of years old, and their stupidity in the forest caught everyone's attention.
The stars at night are volatile, yet time finally passes the first two hours after midnight. At first, Antina finally fell in the wind as she struggled with tiredness and the strange problems of Roman layers, but she heard a series of unusual sounds as she blinked her tired eyes trying to squeeze down a debt.
That was the sound of the mercenaries around them lifting the crossbow in their hands.
Our nobleman, Kim Kim, immediately struck an excitement, and she raised her head to see the cavemen in the forest finally move, lined up in rows out of the forest - every other distance between the queue and the queue was covered by a huge wooden shield raised by one or two bear goblins.
“Do you have a siege device? ”
The voices of mercenaries questioning each other are heard in the city.
“Didn't see it! ”
The reprimand immediately came back from the tower. Almost everyone was relieved at the same time, "My lord guessed again -” Antitina stood behind the women's wall, looking as usual.
The cavemen started accelerating at a distance of about 150 yards, looking down at the wooden walls, and they just started running, but the surface of a giant wooden shield was already flowing.
A hundred yards.
Fifty yards.
At this moment, Utah issued a shooting order at the same time as Vern and Kronsia. When hundreds of crossbows were released at the same time, they made a trembling noise that numbed everyone's ears. Everyone saw that the dense crossbows constituted a translucent white line sweeping forward - like a blade.
The blade swept across the caveman's forward formation. About two or three rows of underground organisms in the front stagnated, and the caveman rolled down with the bear sperm. A clear gap immediately appeared on the complete formation.
But everyone understands that the real lethality of a crossbow for a caveman is only known by God. Before they could reach the second crossbow, they saw the crowd coming up behind them to fill the gap ahead.
Almost instantly, the cavemen have been killed by their former servants behind the wooden walls on the outskirts of the logging grounds.
The wooden walls are made up of four layers of logs, and every two layers is filled with dirt. For a logging yard to build such work, the three leaders once thought that the cavemen were wasting their raw materials; but when the bear goblins hit with a wooden shield, they began to regret the idea.
Those bulky creatures took huge strides with their bodies crashing into each other with the weight of the wooden shield on their hands, and the wooden walls immediately made a teething sound, and in some places the logs even began to lean backwards - you know, they were penetrated deep into the ground nearly a third of the length.
Everyone heard the wooden walls squeaking and groaning under their feet, and it was a frightening battle. In contrast, the cavemen who jumped on the wall on the wooden shield, relying on strong hind limbs, were simply innocuous.
The mercenaries unnecessarily drove these uninterrupted guests off the wooden walls, but the caveman's attack was clearly not over, and the mercenary screamed quickly on the walls:
“They're digging tunnels! ”
Tiger Sparrow retreated Antitina a little, and then the captain of the Rubis mercenary's hands stood on the women's wall and looked down - and he saw the caves digging fast underneath under the cover of the wooden shields raised high above the bears - and they were incredibly fast, worthy of the title of underground nation.
But there was no firewood in the logging yard, and even fewer stones were pitiful, and the mercenaries tried to throw logs away, which unfortunately did not work at all for the powerful bear goblins.
Fortunately, they have plans. Some immediately left the city as planned and retreated to the trenches dug in the afternoon.
Those trenches were dug out specifically to deal with the tunnels of the cavemen. As Brando ordered, each one was several metres deep, so when the caveman spent almost half an hour digging through the first tunnel, the caveman who immediately caught up in the front squeezed the bottom of the ditch.
These cavemen, without exception, were not thrown down by a seventy-eight, and they subconsciously raised their heads to try to distinguish what was going on, but what awaited them were the spears of humanity. Though the caveman's singular fighting power is remarkable, in the face of more than a dozen spears that are high and low, only a hedgehog has been stabbed.
After losing dozens of people, the cavemen realized that the road was impassable. So they had to go back and choose a more straightforward and rough way —— mercenaries on the wooden walls quickly and ugly discovered:
These guys are starting to take the ladder!
The only flaw is that they have to abandon the giant bear goblins in the army. - Those bears squatted at the bottom of the ladder and raised the wooden shield to set up a platform for the cavemen - to make it easier for them to reach the outer wall edge of the wooden fortress.
“The net!” Antitina said as soon as she discovered the situation.
Clarencia and Vern, who were next to her, immediately conveyed the order, while the wooden wall outside the logging yard was uploaded, causing the sound to fluctuate. And the next moment, a mesh of wooden shelves was erected by the mercenaries and stretched out of the walls, covering the cavemen down like a giant pat.
The net is simply woven from oil rope, and both this and the stakes that make up the outer frame of the net are taken from the ground, all over the logging yard. This simple mesh looks absolutely ridiculous in a tough battle between humans and humans, but it's obvious to cavemen who are not good at siege.
While cavemen climbed up to cope with these tedious nets, mercenaries were able to stand on top of each other, waiting for work, and the formation of aggressive underground creatures quickly suffered enormous losses.
Utah and three others saw the scene as stunning, simple and effective, distinct from the tactics of most regular armies; it was not like a nobleman or a knight should have come up with a way, more like a 'contingency' for mercenaries old enough to fight - but it was the 'defensive tactics’ that the young lord had ordered beforehand, which made them somewhat astonished, but it was not clear that the players had invented the most in the wars of the past, big and small.
With simple nets, the mercenaries knocked back caves several times in a row. But the footsteps of the battle inevitably entered the white-hot phase, and the large net woven with oil rope was not unbreakable. As more and more cavemen broke through the network, the battle on the wooden wall finally began to see blood.
For the first time, humankind has suffered losses and the number of casualties is rapidly increasing. In the frontal battle, the caveman's monolithic strength advantage gradually emerges.
Mercenaries retreated step by step, and as more and more cavemen poured into the city, they found that the previous advantage no longer existed, and even more so, that defenders were driven down in many places, and that creatures from the underground of Jorgendigan seemed to break into the villages at any moment.
Although they are not good at siege, quantitative advantages have masked all flaws.
Khan-ridden Kronsia and Vern looked at Antitina at the same time, knowing that the only key to turning the war around at this moment could be on this aristocratic girl. Of course, if she does not act, then they will end the battle in their own way.
The same decision was taken simultaneously in the minds of both heads of delegation.
(PS. Try to adjust your perfectionist mindset, ask for a ticket.) (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)