The Amber Sword
Chapter 1003 Act 153 Song of the Worlds III
“Vladimir, do you intend to interfere in the historical course of the earth?” The voices in the void said. This voice is as strong as steel. It's just questioning, but it feels like denial.
“Dear Lord Otto, Summoner, Dragon Wizard, it depends on how we define what is interference, interference? It seems to me that interfering in politics and strife is called interference. We are only collecting precious knowledge and literature. We have been collecting knowledge and literature on the earth for thousands of years. It is not something extraordinary.” Vladimir heard the voice of its owner, Lord Serrand Otto, the most powerful wizard of the court in Vaughn, who, like his profession, liked to be prepared in advance, always considering the worst, and Vladimir, as an old friend for centuries, was well aware of this, and his objections, not really objections, were merely waiting for a reason sufficient to persuade him.
Of course, if you lack that reason, then he probably thinks you're offending his dignity. Vladimir is not worried about this at all: “In fact, we all know very well that what we really care about is the views of the Secret Bank, which are indeed strong, but their views are always representative only of those of some, and history has repeatedly told us that strength does not necessarily represent right, that the shortcut to the right path is to be careful and to maintain a humble attitude, as well as a right goal. Undoubtedly, I think we can all do this, and the Secret Bank cannot say anything to us. ”
“I agree.” The voices of another person came from the void, low and serious, as if they were always interpreting history as strictly as if they were the voices of Rosadelle, the owner of Wing Lion City, who, with all due respect to his words as gold, said only three words and fell back into silence.
“I agree.” The last voice was a woman's voice, the only one of the three who could hear emotions, and her owner was obviously very excited, very loud and bloody, as if he was ready to leave at any time to carry out the plan. There are not many women among the twelve Wizard Leaders of the Silver Coalition, but only one is so emotional and emotional that the Warnde element of what the world calls the Dusty Elf King makes the first, Storm Queen Oratez.
Together with Vladimir, three out of four have agreed, and Serrand is equally aware of the character of these old friends, and he falls into silence, no longer opens his mouth, and those familiar with him understand that this is a concurring gesture for him.
In the history of Amber Sword, the first day of the moon of flowers of the Year of Starfire falls into the war slabs of Warnde, about a third of which are slabs of lost knowledge of Fort Barbell, and most of these fragments, with the exception of a handful of pieces that were stumbled directly on the surface by human luck, were directly broken through the earth's crust, deep underground, ruined or deep into the mountains, and within the next three decades, There are also successive war tablets that have been excavated, the most of which are artisan wizards from Buga, followed by several Mortal Wizards from Warnde, and finally by national forces and players on the continent, but usually these war tablets follow the rule that the deeper they are buried, the later they are excavated, the more precious the knowledge they carry.
The precious division of war slabs is also similar to equipment, divided into black iron, brass, silver, fantasy, ancient, mythological, but above mythology, there are no subordinate and higher artifact slabs, only legendary slabs and ancient slabs. In war slabs, most of the sub-fantasy slabs inherit single-door knowledge and skills, and only the slabs above fantasy level inherit the various hidden occupations of the system, even the ability of descent. As far as Brando knows, most of the slabs that were excavated 18 years ago were below the fantasy level. Eighteen years later, the tablet was excavated, and the ancient and even mythical tablet began to appear. Before and after his passage, the Buga wizard was said to have excavated the first legendary tablet.
But there is no exception, either, to the war slabs that existed in Warnde before that day. This part of the slab comes from meteorological rains that preceded the everlasting night - that is, slabs that were born early, which are extremely rare and do not have fixed landing positions, unlike the war slabs that were born the everlasting night. The magical reactions and heavenly and earth visions caused by this part of the slab at the time of its descent are usually visible only to people within a few miles or even ten miles of the area, and if there are towns near the slab landing point, it is fair to say that if it were in the wilderness, even in the black forest, no one would normally know that the area had ever fallen.
There are also more precious tablets, said to have been lost directly to the four-element boundary and the earth at the time of the destruction of Fort Babel, most of which carry the most precious knowledge, the most famous of which is the tablet of the goddess of martial arts inherited by Freya, which is legendary for its origins in Eruin and even among Cruz players, some say it was a relic of Gilt, the King of Fire, brought out of the hall of the Temple of Fire by his predecessor, and others say it was present in Eruin and left in the dusk war - the argument supported is that the sleeping place of Eluin is also not far from the hiding place of this tablet.
But there is another argument that this tablet is not a war tablet, because its appearance is very different from that of most war tablets. Because Freya got this tablet in the game through another way, most players couldn't have come from her to see the truth. Later, with the sacrifice of the goddess of martial arts, the tablet also disappeared, let alone nobody knew its whereabouts. In fact, Brando doesn't know for himself whether this tablet is a war tablet -- although he knows where it's buried. But all he knows is that if we're going to talk about the knowledge inherited from this tablet, it's at least mythical compared to other tablets, and he even suspects it might be legendary or even ancient.
If he hadn't seen these two tablets.
Because the knowledge inherited from this tablet is far stronger than any other mythical tablet.
But there are far more kinds of war slabs than knowledge slabs, and in fact, there is another slab in history that was born on the same day, which is the rule fragment. Another scientific name for this fragment is Martha's Song, which accounts for about two-thirds of the tablets that were born on the first day of eternal night, and these huge fragments are called artificial sun or sun fragments by the players. Because this fraction of the debris was completely excited at the first moment after it fell, and they rose from all over the world —— no matter how deep they fell into the ground at the time of the fall —— their light slowly rose and went up into the sky, about 30 kilometres from Warnd, inspired by a mysterious force, linked together to weave a small ‘Tiamat’ rule.
Within this part of the rule, the effects of eternal night are offset and Martha's law and order, broken through by magical tides, is stabilized - albeit on a small scale - so that people can see the sun, the sky and the clouds again. In fact, even in the game, it took a long time for the players to realize the role and effect of these rule fragments, and like most Vaughn residents today, the players mostly thought that Vaughn was having a small eclipse, and that the only thing they knew more about than the natives were probably the causes of the eclipse —— the great tide of the millennium encounter.
Until a long time later, distant players began to discover that the sun and the rise and fall times between regions - even the state of the season and the weather - were very different. This difference differs from the regional day and night seasonal variation caused by the different latitudes and longitudes of the Earth, because it is always well known that Warnd is a world of circles and that the Sun is only the function of the law. The day and night alternation of Warnd is caused by the fact that the Sun God Perkins walks day and day under the sky, so that, as long as it is within Warnd, within the area covered by civilization and order, day and night alternation in any region should be equivalent and there will be no such thing on Earth as the evening of Eruin equal to the evening of Finn Zan.
But this happened after the everlasting night.
The most obvious is the border between Fine Zan and the Grand Glacier, which lies between two small, widely differing ‘Tiamat’ laws, and this is what happens when people travel from Fine Zan to the Grand Glacier, although the district is dozens of miles away, from midnight to midnight, and the season from the harsh summer to the harsh winter.
The results were quickly confirmed by players from all over the place and roughly twenty regions were summarized:
Cruz Central Law Zone, Cloak Bay Law Zone, Metz-Ludwig-Changqing Walkway Law Zone, and Anzeluta Law Zone (collectively referred to as the Cruz Grand Law Zone), the Northern Law Zone of St. Osor, the Southern Law Zone of St. Osor, the Eastern Madara Law Zone, and the Lunke-Jiufeng Law Zone (this place is located in the Wind of Faith Overseas of the South, not in the mainstream civilized area of Warnde), the central law area of Farnzan, the law area of Gracieus (east of Farnzan, close to the Great Glacier area), the law area of Ten Cities, the law area of the North Sea (between Erlanta, Eruin and Ten Cities), the law area of the Arkash Mountains, the law area of Erlanta, the law area of St. White Grass, Nazer The Law Zone, the Cloud Mist Mountains Law Zone (east of St. Osor, south of the Great Plains, immediately adjacent to the Star Sea and White Mountains), the Long Island Law Zone, the Far East (west of the Great Glacier) and the Far North Law Zone (north of Nazer).
In addition, there are many fragmented law zones, which are often very small and very trivial and numerous in number, some covering only one city size and some covering a kingdom, and these large and small law zones often follow a common denominator, which is that most of the laws are close to the four empires, and the closer they are to the boundaries of the original civilization, the greater the difference in law.
Later, players discovered that areas not covered by the law - such as the White Mountains, the northern and western parts of the Sacred White Meadows, and even many of the original civilized areas - had been completely swallowed up by the darkness, where countries and civilizations had either perished or migrated, where a large number of monsters had been bred and encroached upon in the darkness, causing decades of unrest and insecurity and generating massive refugee flows.
Brando had experienced such a thing once in his history, and so only he, after that everlasting night, knew best what the next intelligent creatures and civilizations on the Vaughn continent were going to face. The effects of war tablets and everlasting nights would not affect Vaughn as a whole in a short time, but soon there would be refugee flows everywhere and monster attacks would increase dramatically. The earliest area in history that had not been discovered to have recovered from the darkness should have been a small state of southern Kruz, where refugees fled from the monster tide to be discovered by players today in eastern Anzeluta, which led to the revelation of this matter.
But Brando doesn't know if history will repeat itself. Today's Anzeluta is still under the control of the Jorgendigans, and the refugees' escape is not necessarily discovered for the first time, or this time they may not be able to flee north at all. Perhaps they will enter the Principality of Scorpion, and the delay in the news that the south is in a state of war, among other factors. Perhaps the outbreak of refugee flows will wait a little longer.
However postponed, the arrival will always come. In fact, he was not very surprised by what was happening right now. As early as Grey Stone Town, when he and Nimmasis got the first war tablet, he realized the early arrival of the Tidal Tide and the early arrival of the Everlasting Night. He just didn't expect it to come to this level. He quickly ordered the vicinity of the port of Fatan to be vigilant and guarded against monstrous attacks, while actively arranging for men to leave the city in search of war slab fragments falling around the port of Fatan - most of which, including rule fragments, could be manipulated.
He is acute about this, and history will soon find that rule debris found elsewhere can be used to refine and further expand the rules in his area, as if it were a spark - as well as any trivial debris law areas. So that's how the unrest that followed began, because nobody wanted to live in the dark or survive, and some of the ambitious people who mastered the fragments of the rules - most of them witches - also began to build independent nations, and that's where all kinds of nations on the continent, except the four great empires, came from in the decades that followed.
At that time, the most brutal sorcerer's war had been waged, which had brought almost the entire fires of Vaughn's civilization to the brink of extinction, and Brando, as a visitor, naturally unwilling to go through it again, intended to prepare in advance, even putting aside the battle against the Silver Queen.
It is clear that the aristocrats of the size of the port of Fatan, including the Crown Prince, are deeply unaware of his actions, but for those exiled aristocrats of the South who had no knowledge of the previous witch wars, they were greatly relieved if they did not confront Her Majesty.
Brando decided to start by collecting some of the most important war slabs in history near Port Fatan.
However, he had not had time to implement the plan and was stopped by a man as he was about to leave Baron's Castle in the early morning of the following day:
“The heirloom of the Silver Horse Knight, the Dragon Skin, the Oregon, everything so important, is all around Port Fatan, don't you have any idea," the black-haired knight leaned against the door, one hand supporting the frame blocked Brando's path, and she stared at Brando's face with a smile and deep meaning, asking in a tone of tone: “Dear little Brando, ”
(PS: A little bit of Calvin, but I still insist on writing it, I really don't want to cut it any further, anyway, I always write something. Yesterday, Solomon, the head of the leader of the Twelve Witches, wrote William by mistake. He wrote William in the first place. He didn't turn around and wrote it in his own consciousness. I've already changed it.