The Amber Sword
Chapter 1111: Act 10 Clerical Warrior
This card is hidden in gloves as described by Hippamilla, indicating that the former owner of this armor may have a similar presence, and that the card may have survived his life, and that he hid it in these equally precious armor at the time of his death.
Two things just passed down, because the average person couldn't see the fate card, and so no one had ever uncovered the kun in the gloves.
Unfortunately, the card was only held by Hippamilla and assimilated by her travel magician's rules, otherwise he could deduce the identity of the former owner of the card on the face of the card.
As the most abundant 'biologist’ known to Warnde in this era, Brando still has a bit of a backbone.
“You put the cards away and the gloves are ready to use now," Brando said. “And where are you, have you seen Roman? ”
“Miss Roman?” Xipamira wondered, “What's wrong with her? ”
“Something went wrong and she disappeared.” Brando sighed with some disappointment.
“What?” Hippamilla answered in surprise and haste: "I am near December Square, Lord Lord. ”
“Wait for me there, I'll be right there.” Brando ordered.
Chipamila nodded and withdrew from the spiritual connection, like most people, the coarse eyebrow girl beside her could not see the fate card in her hand, nor could she hear the conversation between her and the Lord, but saw her return to God after a moment of inactivity.
The latter did not dare ask anything more.
Chipamila took the armor and picked up a ring from the rubble for the latter to wear, but did not tell her that there was a beautiful protective spell attached to the ring. It's just that the latter is attracted to the big green stone on the ring, and the heart is happy to be naughty.
The two men came out behind the short wall and found that the situation outside was not quite what they had imagined.
The atmosphere of relaxation among the outside people had disappeared, with the big man at the head, all standing together in the middle of the road, even Grandmother Old Auggis' grandson, some of whom had pulled out their weapons and faced a group of mystics not far away.
And the other party seemed much more relaxed, about a dozen people in black robes looked in this direction, as if waiting for her to show up, not in a hurry to do it.
As soon as he saw Hippamilla come out, one of them shouted, "Lord Cleric, you're finally here, these guys are going to drive us away! ”
“What's going on?” Hippamilla asks - Hippamillah's doctrine is peace and patience, and she doesn't like to fight herself, so it's no big deal to back off if the other side is also here for weapons.
Anyway, those things didn't work, she thought.
“Ask this guy!” One of the people was kicked out.
The young man in the black robe fell and rushed forward a few steps, his heart clamored bitterness, it was he who quietly left a mark along the way, but did not expect to be caught positively, not to mention that his colleagues ignored his safety directly blocked it.
Faced with Shipamira's eyes, he was naturally unable to speak, afraid that the clergyman, a thunder of divine punishment, would destroy him.
God's Thunderbolt has now silently completed the version update in his heart.
“You go in the back and watch your own safety.” Chipamila replied.
“What?” the young man stunned: “You... you won't kill me? ”
Chipamila shook her head and did not speak. She was not familiar with this era, but she was not a fool. These black firemen had no intention of killing at first glance. How could they care about leaving things alive? Luckily, this person might survive, but that was only a small chance.
At this point, the big man in front suddenly turned around and said, "I think they're looking for you, my lord. ”
“To me? ”
They quickly answered her question--
An old acquaintance walked out of the back of a bunch of cults, and it was the decaying lord, Andersa, who put his hands behind his neck and gently supported his long hair, and his vine-like hair creeping like a worm, disgusting.
But in any case, she was still quite a charming woman, especially Myoman's torso and her vibrant breasts, and she looked around and licked her lips out of her tongue.
“Little girl, we meet again. Where's your lord? ”
After that, Andersa's eyes were still calm, but her heart was wary. No one knows more about Brando's strength than she does. In the ring of the wind, the other party was a small, blind guy. Haven't seen the district in half a year, her strength won't be enough to see.
Even if she was baptized a second time with divine blood.
Her Royal Highness the Little Prince's blood was delicious, and the thought flashed through her heart.
But it still doesn't offset the fear in her heart, which is horrible, and if someone tells her that drinking open water can also increase her strength, then she must crush the fool to avoid being treated as an idiot.
And now, she's probably going to pinch her opponent —— because drinking open water increases her strength, so what? There are people here who eat, sleep, and breathe harder.
If Andersa knew about the Amber Sword game, she'd be shouting in her heart: GM, someone's got a plug in here!
She was wary in her heart, but the words of the dragon queen could not be contradicted - that was also a person she could not offend. Andersha couldn't help but gauge Hippamilla carefully, turning her mind to her reckoning: "These people must be stopped, they must not be allowed to sabotage Lord Dragon's plan, and Fredrich hastily summoned has not survived his period of weakness. ”
It would be best if she could capture the little girl and threaten her, but as long as Brando wasn't near the other side, Andersa knew that the little girl in front of her was not her own opponent.
So she tried to find a clue in it, but she was wrong.
Shipamira stopped talking for a moment when she saw this woman.
At this time, the difference between ancient and modern clerics emerges, and if it is the priest of the Temple of Fire, perhaps there will also be a verbal confrontation, and the battle will not be ready until the advantage is taken.
Hippamilla, however, is a cleric of Himilud, cultivated in this way by ancient clerics - first warriors, then clerics, who need qualified enlisted clerics in the harsh natural environment and in the war to open up an orderly territory at all times.
Even if Hipamira is a pacifist.
But that was thousands of years of pacifism.
There are significant differences in their definitions.
Without saying a word, the clergyman threw out the card she had just begun - the Ironhide Song, two angels with long symbols descended from the sky, and the choir sang a hymn in the clouds, slowly walking down a snowy cloud path.
The holy song descended from the sky and blended into the fabric armor, cotton nails and even ordinary clothing of every citizen present, and they were surprised to discover - that the fabric armor on their body gradually grew into a shiny chain armor in a white light, and the cotton armor turned into a thick inlaid leather armor.
The big man, Paluk, became a heavily armed dragon knight, wearing at least half a ton of armor, but lightweight without affecting the movement of the latter.
“This is…”
“A miracle! ”
“It's a massive blessing. It's a war prayer!” Someone with knowledge has woken up in surprise, but his insights have come to an end.
“Miss Cleric is a war priest! ”
The crowd shouted for a while and lost a lot of fear in the face of the cults. The cults across the street became more disturbed. Look at Shipamira, who doesn't know she's a chaplain?
War priests are high ranking military chaplains and refer exclusively to monks and clerics who will fight alongside the army, not to the deceased who cleaned the battlefield and sprinkled water for prayer.
There are fewer and fewer such clerics in this day and age, and they are commonly referred to as holy knights because they themselves are military priests.
Most people who fight alongside cleric warriors feel safer and more secure, but their enemies tend to feel numb in the scalp.
These are the elites in the temple.
“You're a Fine praiser!” Andersha finally reacted, shouting with some impatience. War priests of the Temple of Fire, who used golden flame spells in this era, are accustomed to initiating attacks, and only the clergy of Fanzan likes to pray on the sacrament first.
But she was mistaken. After all, the view of the Temple of the Earth was already a matter of the holy gun, and the meaning of the dome and the mountain river had not been lost. It was almost impossible to test for a long time.
Hippamilla still does not intend to answer any questions, focusing on herself, which is the minimum requirement of the clergy on the battlefield. Can they be distracted on the battlefield because the enemies they faced in that era were powerful dusks?
So much so that Miss Cleric is curious, thinking about what this crazy woman has been chatting about here all the time? To let Andrea know what she thinks, she's probably gonna be pissed off and spit it out.
Chipamila whispered silently, several rays of light descended from the pitch-black night sky and fell on top of everyone's head, illuminating a white spot on the whole street - the people in the column of light immediately felt the multiplication of power, spiritual fatigue as if instantly swept away, still excited to scream.
It was like the sound of a horn blowing on the battlefield. Before the moment, it was just a group of civilians. At this moment, it was as if they had mastered the memory of the battle. The helmet was also worn correctly, the long sword in their hands was not distorted, and the team stood neatly, ready to be assembled and ready for impact.
This is her element, Holy White Land, this polarized defense, blessing element, which is within the entire Amber Sword and its rare group gain, is in fact a time-like element that allows people to trace back thousands of years of memories and gain the experience and skills they want.
At this point in time, in fact, the cults were no longer standing in front of a miscellaneous army of civilians, but an army of upper English spirits, whose capacity would not have been pure if it had not been for Shipamira, otherwise the extreme plains would have unfolded and they would have straightened their wings and become angelic armies.
And Hippamilla used this capability not only to save the lives of these civilians, but also to guide Brando in his position with a pole of light, and when she knew she was extracting elements from the pool of elements, Lord Lords should have known there was a battle going on here.
Andersha could see it all, she had seen blessing spells, but she had not seen such a level of blessing spells. If the bishops of Fanzan had such a standard, it was estimated that the Krutz and the Wind Elves were not far from the dead country.
She opened her mouth and tried to urge the cults around her to hurry up and stop the little mischievous fish, but she was smart and no one else was stupid, and some people saw the scene and had turned their calves and started preparing to retreat.
“You go stall those black firemen, they're not your opponents, I'll take care of Andersha," Chipamila said, never talking on the battlefield, and just as soon as the voices had gone down, people had shot out.
The ruby on the nail of the sheep's head of her right little finger was slightly bright, the power of the selfless spirit was evident. She felt the heat in her body was infinite, as if she was several times as full as she was during the weekday. The explosive, reactive and insightful power had been multiplied. Under the height of confidence, Yamakawa's genus had swept over to Andersa.
Andersha was not surprised. After secondary blood contamination, her strength had steadily risen above herself in the rings of the wind, and now faced with Shipamira, she exceeded two standards.
She didn't expect the other side to dare to die.
By this time, she was too lazy to care about the black firemen who couldn't help the walls, shooting their hands up, brushing a vine whip at Shepamira in the middle of the sky.
But the vines had just wrapped around Yamakawa's family, and Andersha felt dark and wrong.
The power of her rule - corrosion - did not work.
And, of course, Andersha did think too much about using her own laws to erode artifacts. At this time, the first sheep's head lit up on Shipamira's left pinky finger, and Zonta's impression was holy.
Belief of will, perfect spirit, high morality.
The ideal of holiness that knights seek throughout their lives, the perfect soul manifests itself in Chipamilla at this moment, is a flawless will. If Brando's will barrier allows him to face most of the mortal magic, then Chipamilla at this moment is enough to ignore something more essential.
Between moments.
All the lines of law surrounding Hipamila, whether the lines of law of the Holy White Land - or the lines of law of the elements of Andesa's corrosion - deviate altogether and become completely out of control of their elements.
Andersa almost didn't stare out her eyes: "Supreme will barrier, law nullified! ”
(PS: Just one day off, IMBACK ~