The Amber Sword
Chapter 1349 Act 240 Alliance V
“A tribe lost in Eruin?” Brando doesn't understand: “Isn't the goddess of war an inheritance, and is it related to blood? ”
Freya shook her head, turning her head and pointing to the martial arts mark that lit up on her forehead, she said: "Andrea tells me that this is why the goddess of war passed down. She said that the mark contained vast knowledge and memories passed down from generation to generation by the goddess of war, and that it could be transferred on its own initiative or inherited to the next generation by blood, but only women could accept the mark, as could blood inheritance. When the imprint shifts, either way, the original owner of the imprint loses the power of the goddess of war. ”
On Freya's white forehead, a silver symbol sparkles in darkness, like a crown with five teeth, the crown's apex extends up extremely long, like a spreading thorn, like a flame, burning bears. With the shining support of this imprint, Freya's face looked extremely holy, as if she were a goddess, cool and noble. Brando looked at it for a moment, reflecting the imprint in his eyes and appeared radiant.
Butch's goddess of martial arts was slightly blushed, and she lowered her head and lit the floor gently with her boots pointed.
Brando realized his disrespect and hurried to cough to disguise his embarrassment. And he said, "So... this mark should be about your mother. Do you still remember her? ”
Freya took a slight pause and shook her head gently: "I... I have never met my mother, and in fact everything about my father was told by Lord Ovewell and Her Royal Highness Princess Griffin. From my memory, I grew up in Butch. My childhood memory was about the mountains of Matsushi, and the militia. I... always thought that my parents had died in the hands of the dead. My uncle and aunt adopted me...”
Brando heard something from the teenage girl's low voice, soft in her heart, consoling: “It's okay, Freya, but at least you have us, all of us with you. ”
“Brando,” Freya hesitated for a moment, adding: "Her Royal Highness once told me about my mother, who came to Eruin with refugees fleeing Silver Bay, half of whom were of mountain descent. My father saved her and the others from a gang of bandits, who fell in love at first sight and soon afterwards became married. ”
“The refugees fleeing Silver Bay, who have been at peace in the area of Silver Bay for decades, were the only victims of instability, probably thirty years ago, and your mother was most likely a Fannon.” Brando thought about it and replied. Northeast of Eruin, Fannon is one of the countries along the Silver Bay, bordered by the south-western border of St. Osor, to the north by the Princess Magdalene's homeland, the Principality of Antobulo.
Farnon looks out across the sea from the Miloit peninsula occupied by the Dead, the north of which is the White Mountain Fortress of the Elves and one of the ancient battlefields of the Dead and Wind Elves. During the year of the Cave Beast, when blood canes ravaged eastern Karasu, the Dead Fleet crossed the Silver Channel between the Miloit Peninsula and Fannon, attacking the countries of the Silver Bay and calling it the scourge of the Dead.
This scourge led to the displacement of tens of thousands of people in the Silver Bay, the first of its kind in Fannon, a kingdom that, although closer to St. Osor, was arrogant and reluctant to accept human refugees and closed its doors during the war, coupled with the influx of refugees from Fannon to the south under the Temple of Fire.
The branches of the White Mountains extend eastward into the kingdom of Fannon, with hilly terrain within the kingdom, half of the population is mountain dwellers, and the mountain dwellers live in harmony with the natives, so according to Freya, Brando has reason to believe that her mother's homeland is Fannon.
Freya nodded. Her Royal Highness said the same to her at the time. She herself went to look at the relevant information of the year. Brando learned a lot in her heart, and it was expected that it would be connected.
She suddenly asked, "Brando, why did you suddenly think of asking? ”
“This has to do with one of my thoughts…” Brando thought about it and decided to be honest.
In fact, ever since he saw Andrea, he has questioned the possibility that the abilities of the warrior goddesses, rather than magic, are more like something he has seen in his last life.
And the ruins of Minos, the center of the Dead Frost Forest, those huge, regular, unknown material wrecks filled with a lattice network, recalling other temples and ancient relics he had seen in the game, most of which had similar architectural styles.
Valhalla, for example.
He remembered the scene he had seen outside the elemental barrier, a row of unknown constructs, like the satellite matrix, hovering over Warnde.
And finally, the metal nameplate that grandfather Magdalene gave him...
Without a doubt, it's a product of technology.
Although there are empires in the world that develop magic technology like the Hazers, magic technology differs markedly from these things, at least first of all it still depends on magic, and even lower levels. Composition products like cavalry exterminators and hunters, although equipped with thermal weapons, still retain a rich, ancient ‘figurine' atmosphere.
Because Hazel's art of fabrication was born out of the magic of the wizard's ancient symbols and statues--
Brando believes that technology in a world is not faulty and that new technology products always build on existing ones. And in Warnde, whether magic or magic technology, but with a clear cord, it hasn't surpassed the world's productivity, and even in the eyes of previous generations of players, it hasn't produced too much 'BUG’.
Yet the technology of the Worlds, and even that of the Bukas, compared to the ‘relics’ that had survived before the last war and the ‘products’ that had survived in the ‘relics', seemed to have fallen back tens of millions of years, as in the era of blade farming and bloodbathing.
And from all the information he gets from all sources, whether it's Lord Wind or Dark Dragon Odin, whether it's Minos or the Daughters of Esis, whether it's the Bukas or the fairies of the Elemental Realm, what they tell him is that there's been more than one great recession in the world.
In this day and age, mortals are in fact not well received by the gods. After the Fifth War, the gods left the world - or fell asleep. The world of mortals was handed over to the magicians of the Truth, the head of the Truth, the Dark Dragon Odin, who governed the world through the Minor Empire.
After the Sixth War, the ‘Temples’ of the Truth Parliament, the Fortress of Babel, crashed, and the knights of Heaven and Blue ‘came to an end' with the Dragon of Dusk. Since this war, which had far-reaching repercussions for Warnde, when the Truth Parliament was torn apart by the destruction of the Fortress of Babel, and where ancient knowledge inherited was‘ lost on the earth ',‘ modern ’and‘ ancient ’faults have emerged because the silver people who manage knowledge, the golden people who are warriors and the administrator gods themselves have collapsed and are displaced from the earth.
Prior to the Sixth War, although the gods slept permanently, the magicians had their inheritance, from the 'Gaia will’, the 'Truth Council’, the 'Gate of Arbitration’, the 'Tree of the World’ and the magicians of the five organizations of the 'Legion of the Earth', whose knowledge and memory were passed down from generation to generation. But after the Sixth War, the trees of the world were divided, the truth would disappear, the gates of arbitration and Gaia's will would were exhausted, and only the Corps of the Earth remained sound - in fact, the Minor Empire.
But even so, the upper building of the Land Corps - the inheritance of the Brigadier Mages, led by the Dark Dragon - was lost as a result of the crash of Fort Barbell, as can be seen from the number of Brigadier Mages in the Land Corps since the Knight of Tianqing, and even from the strength of the Dark Dragon Odin itself, a generation less powerful.
In the days of the Tianqing knights, the Dark Dragon Odin could even fight the Dusk Dragon Chamber, but even four wise men could fight Odin in the time of the Saints' War. Although Odin was suspected of draining water in that era, what Brando now sees and hears is that even if the Dragon of Dusk were to drain water, the four wise men would not be its adversaries.
This only shows that Warnde's power hierarchy has been declining, apparently because of the loss of inheritance.
This inheritance, like the civilization of mortals in this age, also has a clear vein to follow. It is just the opposite of the progress of human beings in this day and age, and it is a path of constant regression.
And mortal civilization?
Back in time, from the days of the Saints' War to today, Warnd's power hierarchy, though still decreasing, was a chain reaction due to the death of the Golden Nation and the Silver Nation. During the war of the saints, the powerful, like the clouds, like the twelve wizard leaders of the Silver Alliance, like Metissa, like White, like Harquist, King of the Silver Elves, like Aloz, the genius of the Dragon Nation, and Fusia, Tumen, Odin, the Witch Queen, and Traciman, but these are either Bukas, or the Silver Elves, or the descendants of the Dragon Nation, the Minor, or even the Gods.
How many more of the mortals of that era were famous? Apart from the four virtuous men born of fate, the heroes of human beings are almost anonymous, the only ones mentioned in real history, and in fact most of them are followers of the virtuous, such as the Horsemen of the Flames, such as the Knights of the Wind, whose strength may be at the top of this era, but only at the top, when the most powerful, such as Walla, Mayfist and His Holiness the Pope of Finn Zan, are not in fact inferior in strength.