The Amber Sword
Chapter 1385: Fortress Lost in Act 276 (top)
And today.
It is up to their descendants to verify the correctness of the so-called results.
The same era has come again, and in Tumen's view, do the children of those four young men still have the courage and perseverance to shoulder the responsibilities of this era?
He measured them with a deep and wise eye.
This bright gaze shames everyone and keeps someone looking down at him.
To be precise, Tumen saw nothing but a group of people who had lost their homes, fleeing like a bereaved dog. Among them are the Krutz and the Faynzans, some of whom are noble and some of whom are poor, most of whom are anxious, as if they had not yet emerged from their previous fears.
Others, too, are arrogant as the characteristics of this era, which is the pride of the nobility, as it was with the Minor a thousand years ago.
But one thing is common.
This trait has been manifested in previous battles, where at least these people have not given up hope and the courage to fight for their homeland.
This is the trait that mortals need most in the days to come.
That's enough.
Tumen nodded and silently evaluated whether he and Odin's waiting had value.
He opened his mouth.
“I saw you all drooling, and some of you heard my name even shocked like a bunch of bereaved dogs. I wonder if, a thousand years ago, the structure of the battle of the saints would have changed if your four wise men and your forefathers were like you. ”
Tumen slowly stood up from his seat and seemed compelling. The powerful aura even forced everyone in the room to step back. His tone was almost harsh, as if interwoven with lightning thunderbolts.
“Look, the Minors lost to a bunch of heroes, but their offspring became cowards! ”
The Dukes were frightened, but the young people were filled with disgrace, but they had difficulty insisting under the power of Tumen and could only show humiliating divinity.
Tumen went on to say, "I've been hiding here for a thousand years, and a thousand years later, I saw such a bunch of bereaved dogs. So tell me, is the empire that Gilt left behind over over, and his descendants are depressed and have lost all the spirit and faith that their predecessor left them? ”
The old man saw many mixed colors from one face, fearful, fearful, indomitable and angry, and he was pleased not to see numbness: “I heard that, south of Cloak Bay, there was another Cruz who survived, forming an alliance with the enemies of Nazer in the past, putting aside their grievances and facing new enemies -"
“And now I see another Cruz, so I ask, is the Cruz dead? ”
He shook his head, “No. ”
“So the Finns are dead? ”
“Have the descendants of the four wise men given up hope completely? ”
His eyes fell on these people in distress.
“No!” replied Rodrigo, head of the Silver Horse Knights Regiment, snorting out loud: "The Fine Praisers are here and we can turn into cold bodies, but nobody can tell us to bow our heads! ”
This powerful answer struck all the people of Cruz, and Veronica raised her head and interfaced with a slightly dull voice: "Lord Tumen, the Empire has not given up hope today, but his people have not given up hope, otherwise we will not be killed all the way here. I also believe that as long as one more Cruz lives, the spirit of the Golden Flame Way will last forever. ”
Many young knights were raised by the words of the head of the women's regiment, which was the spiritual heritage of the empire, and although it may have long been forgotten by the nobles, at this moment the descendants of the Fire King still picked it up like heroes.
Young people have hot blood in their chests, like a rolling flame. Hot blood runs through their veins, even those most depressed and frustrated, as if they were in the dark.
With the exception of a handful of northern aristocrats from Ludwig, most of the dukes were hot on their faces and were reluctant to pick up their weapons and go back and kill the monsters outside.
Yeah, when is the honor of the family to be sustained by these hypocritical rituals, there is only one place where the ancient nobles first realized their value, which is the battle death sandbox, where Margo wrapped his body.
“The Empire, even if he dies, cannot bow his head...”
This is the motto of the Northern aristocracy and was once the spiritual symbol of the Cruz people.
And now, it was actually shouted out first by a Fine praiser.
Tumen looked at these people and nodded. “This is the descendant of Gilt and Fernzan that I am familiar with. ”
“Lord Tumen,” Veronica continued at this time, “thank you for helping us, those who are in distress. ”
When she finished her sentence, she suddenly went silent.
In fact, the people in this room are a little complicated. Their forefathers overthrew the Minor rule. They were supposed to inherit the Minor hatred, but who would have thought that one day they would be saved by Tumen?
In particular, the Krutz present here are deeply aware that Tumen saved not only them, but the Empire itself.
“You don't have to be mustard for this, I'm not just doing it for you," Tumen shook his head at Veronica's words: "You have to understand that, whether it's Cruz or Fanzan, it's not just the empire of the Empire. ”
Perhaps no one understood the meaning of this phrase before the fall of the Black Moon, but at this point in time, more or less, people understood it.
“Lord Tumen, the Empire will assume its responsibilities accordingly, not to mention that the monsters are still raging in the Empire, and sooner or later we will take back our homes," replied Veronica. “In this war, the Empire will never retreat. ”
“It's a good idea,” replied Tumen, "but it's not enough, even with your fellow countrymen on the other side of Cape Bay. ”
The words in front of Tumen shine in the eyes of the people of Cruz, especially His Majesty Prince Leonarette and Veronica, not only the cradle of the Imperial Navy, but also the most bustling area of the Empire, which is undoubtedly great news for them if it survives, as Tumen said.
Even if it is affected by a catastrophe, as long as it is not completely destroyed, there is at least population, material and, more importantly, the traditional sphere of influence of the Temple of Fire, the faith of the Golden Flame Way, and the spiritual heritage of the Empire will be handed down with the survivors.
Not to mention that if the survivors there reconcile with the Nazers, they can at least flee to the south or north, so that even if the Empire were destroyed at one time, as long as the two Krutz still exist, one day they will be reborn on the ruins.
The good news that has been rare since these days does not stop all Cruz from cheering up. Their morale has been depressing since these days, and in addition to their physical ordeal, everyone has actually suffered even more spiritually.
The destruction of empires, for every proud imperial people, is tantamount to the collapse of faith, especially watching that dragon be killed and destroyed by terrible forces in front of them, which has forced all to create a kind of despair that the end of the world has come.
And at this moment, while they do not sweep away the air of depravity, they are enough to breathe a hint of hope into the dead-water mind.
And that's exactly what Tumen wants to see. What he needs is not a bunch of people who give up hope altogether, but people who can stand up and fight for hope.
Only such a person can bring the possibility of survival to Warnde's future.
However, the latter part of his sentence gave rise to a whisper theft among the nobles, and Veronica couldn't help but ask: “Lord Tumen, we were going to cross the Alkash Mountains and then go to the Four Realms to rendezvous with the Imperial Red Army Regiment, from which we counter-attack, first recover some areas south of the Changqing Corridor, then consider moving in the direction of the Cape Bay. Do you have a different view of this, my lord? ”
“Are you saying that the Krutz intend to fight these monsters alone? Know for sure whose horse ex-posts they are. ”
Everyone was silent for a while.
Tumen went on to say, "You know better than I do what the poems of the sky describe in the history of the past few years, that the fire of our civilization has gone through countless similar wars since Lord Martha lit it, and that your future will be more dangerous and dangerous than the days of the Battle of the Saints, and that the Cruz are ready? ”
Veronica had to shut up.
If this is a war with dusk, how can the Cruz be ready to talk? How can mortals like them speak of dominating their own destiny when they could not kill the dragon of dusk completely before countless times, even with the presence of the Tianqing knights?
Tumen is absolutely right that the battle of the saints is nothing more than a war between mortals and the Minors over the domination of the continent. The Minors want nothing more than to enslave the world, while the Dragon of Dusk wants to destroy everything and bring it back to chaos.
In the face of such a hierarchy, it is difficult for mortals like them to imagine the power that each other possesses, the monsters that they have fought before, but only a tiny little projection of that power in this world, as if it were enough to destroy the whole of Cruz.
When the hour of dusk comes, will they be able to preserve all the land they have left?
They are afraid and unwilling to think about this asphyxiating and desperate future.