The Amber Sword
Chapter 1390 Act 281 Moon Route I
“The little tail disappeared. ”
Aloz's golden eyes retracted his gaze from the sea and said softly.
With an elegant tone, Little Mother Dragon turns her head and looks at Brando, making Brando feel overwhelmed. Since Aloz learned about his relationship with Delphine, there has been a subtle change in attitude, a naked suggestion that both excites Brando and frightens him.
He doesn't hate the dragon, but that doesn't mean he wants the relationship to go any further. Because he felt that he had not yet reached that point, Aloz was more curious about his feelings, and he thought of him only as a naughty little girl - although his personality was sometimes a bit harsh.
But the dragon's desire to possess was very strong, and Brando knew that, and that was the reason he had headaches. Although Aloz, after the bar mitzvah, has matured more physically in all respects than before, the individual has been pulled out and even his otherwise flat chest has begun to develop on a smaller scale, in all respects, it still creates a sense of crime.
The dragon was loyal to his partner, but Brando also knew that Aloz was more obedient to * * than rational feelings, and he didn't want the two to be connected because of purely physical relationships, and that Delphine was already giving him a headache.
So Brando avoided the sight of the dragon without a trace.
Miss Delphine stood behind the two as if she were a puppet, faintly deaf, ignoring the little actions of the young dragon in front of herself with Brando's complex mind, Prime Minister Qianjin acted like a truly competent maid at a time like this, ignoring the master's heart.
Although Brando would like her to come forward and say a few words at this time.
It was good to feel his thoughts, when Delphine finally said, "I'm afraid someone is plotting a conspiracy against us, my lord. ”
“What's the matter?” Brando came out of that atmosphere and asked back.
There was no one else on the deck. At this time, Phoenix Fire was unable to practice swordsmanship every day. Housekeeping rarely came to the deck. Two Pokémon Little Girls and Her Royal Highness the Sister should be preparing dinner. As for Mr. Liu, most of them were with his own sister.
He asked what had happened a short time ago, and it was to be expected that they had been attacked by shepherds at sea since Tauchik had taken the Baghentin sailboat out of the sea, after all they knew that the area was under the control of shepherds.
About five days ago, they found that the boat had been followed, and it was not long before the sheep came to the door, but he taught these guys a profound lesson when he sank three of the other boats, almost undamaged themselves.
He thought these guys should have stopped for a while, which seemed to be the case the other day, but shortly thereafter, the little tail of the sheep-head had appeared on the route.
Until tonight.
Although it doesn't matter to the sheep to hang behind them, let alone to these Ulu people, even the splinter of Arkentu, Lord of Purgatory, their leader here, does not pose any threat to Brando. But there are always flies around, the buzzing is still annoying. Brando had planned to send his mother, Dragon Aloz, to tear up the missing coffin for another lesson that she will never forget. But at this time, the other party suddenly disappeared and disappeared.
Brando didn't know if they were aware of the fact that they had already been discovered, or for some other reason, but suddenly the little tail that was hanging behind him was missing, or he felt a little uncomfortable.
It is precisely in the evening that the surface of the season appears to be a bit of a mirror, but even if the wind is still calm on the real sea, there are still waveheads, and the sunset is divided by these waves to form a pool of scattered golden light.
The golden light reflected on Delphine's face, making the face of Prime Minister Kim extra serious at this moment: “The sheep-heads gather here only to try to bring Arkentu, the Lord of Purgatory, back to Warnd, and therefore the closer they get to the heart of the Green Sea, the tighter their control theoretically should be, and never let a strange ship burst into these belly areas. ”
“Sheep leaders have suddenly withdrawn surveillance of us, and there must be another plot to do so, but I don't think that's what they can decide. This has to do with the great plan of Arkentu's resurrection, where there is a split projection of Arkentu, and it is impossible for such a big thing not to pass through the Lord of Purgatory, so ——” Delphine said here, pausing for a moment before continuing: “I think it must be the Lord of Purgatory who is plotting to reckon with us unless there is a great deal of change on the island —— something like rebellion, or even the sudden fall of the Lord of Purgatory. ”
“Obviously, the latter is more likely.” Brando nodded, agreeing.
“Arkentu has dealt with the Lord in Tauchik and has suffered a great loss. He may have recognized us through these reports of his men, and now he is clearly not an opponent of the Lord, so he can only make some conspiracies. ”
“Like what, Miss Delphine? ”
“It's hard to guess, it might want to lead us somewhere, and if it's not strong enough, it's going to have to do something on the battlefield. ”
“You mean it's preparing a trap? ”
“It's just a possibility," the Prime Minister glanced at him with a faint glance: "Lord don't treat me like an all-knowing god, after all, there are things I can't guess. ”
Brando grinned, and he stood up and looked at the glittering golden sea and said: "In short, just be vigilant. ”
The side of the boat is now hidden in the huge shadow of the sail, and Brando turns around and sees the sailors busy on the deck. The sailors on this boat were originally sheep-heads, and naturally it was impossible for him to take them on the road with him, but it was good that they were ready, because they knew early on that more than half of the trip was going to be spent at sea, so Queen Madara had prepared the dead sailors for them before they left.
These sailors are subordinate spirits summoned through the Falun Front. Usually all they need to do is bring the summoned scrolls and materials with them, but not a large group of people to shake the city. In using these sailors, Brando had to lament that, apart from being unable to reproduce and self-destructive in itself, the dead did prevail over the living in many ways.
“After all, why are we anchoring here? Is this close to stagnation?” Brando asked.
“It's a jade riddle, my lord," Delphine corrected: “The riddle itself is not complicated, it's just a simple replacement encryption, only the encrypted text is very rare in Jiufeng, I think it should be an ancient text of the Hazel people, which few people in Warnde understand...”
She stopped: “But I just got to know something. ”
“Miss Delphine, what do you not understand? ”
“A lot, I don't know anything other than what I know. ”
“That's the same as not saying.” Brando thought.
But Delphine seemed to see through his thoughts and said, “That's what the third head of the Buga Silver Library said, and I think it's one of the few truths in the world, Lord. ”
“Okay, okay, I get it, so let's get back to the original topic," Brando realized that he had a hard time talking about the speech argument, and the prime minister, Kim, shifted the subject, “and then what? ”
“I think this encryption, or itself, was added later by a Hazel, is complicated by what the puzzle itself expresses after the puzzle is solved. ”
“Make a point, Miss Delphine. ”
“It's a set of formulas that calculate the position of the twelve rounds of the moon relative to Warnd, and I can only deduce, at most, where we are now, the area that we are seeing right now ——”
“Here?” Brando was surprised: “So we're already somewhere? ”
“Yes.” The Chancellor nodded.
Brando looked around and there was nothing above the sparkling sea, no land, no islands, not even a reef could see a star and a half.
“But there's nothing here.” Aloz said first.
“Because the Witch Throne is still beneath the horizon, Miss Aroz. ”
“You mean wait till the tide goes down?” Aloz asked, “But this is the middle of the ocean, and I can't see a reef underwater. Are you sure you're right, human woman? ”
Prime Minister Qianjin glanced at Nanny Dragon and did not speak.
Brando felt an unpleasant smell rising between the two of them and hurried to wave: “Okay, stop arguing. It's only two or three hours before the Witch Throne rises. Now that those nasty flies have left, we might as well wait here. ”
Aloz snorted softly and stopped talking.
The daylight at sea seems to be longer than on land, but even so, after a brief dinner on board, the sun sets below sea level.
During the last part of the day, the sea changes rapidly in the sun, from the golden colour of the heavens to the intoxicating dark red colour of the wine liquid, and finally the purple colour. When the purple sea surface is slightly replaced by blue and dark blue, the sea sky is filled with sparkling stars until the dark colour emerges from the depths.
Brando notified everyone of the information he had received from Delphine, so after dinner everyone came to the deck, including even the unplanned passengers aboard - the half elf girls.
Everyone gathered on the deck, awaiting the rise of the Witch Throne, and shortly thereafter a mist appeared on the sea. The sea occasionally creates fog in the sky, but it is surprising that the fog suddenly rises in sunny weather like this. The young dragon would have had a heart attack, but she couldn't help but wonder at the scene.
“After all," Housch leaned on the boat, watching as the rising fog gradually covered the entire ocean, he couldn't help but ask: “What exactly is this place? We passed the so-called Atuk Holy Land three days ago. ”
“It is only the northern end of the Holy Land, Mr. Arch," Princess Magdalene is familiar with it because it has been discussed almost every day since these days: "The Holy Land of Atuk is a triangular area of the sea that is anchored on the main island of Deno and two other island groups, and this should be the Sea of Banana, which the locals call the Moon Gorge. ”
“Moon Gorge?” Housch couldn't help but say, "I think it's pretty much called Fog Gorge. ”
“Mr. Brando, there you are!” It was at this moment that Lotus, among the half elf sisters, suddenly shouted.