The Amber Sword
Chapter 1500: Act 851 Final Battle I
Magdalene watches the city of Canterbury in the distance, and this heavy trading town linking Silver Bay to the Four Realms is looking a little lonely in the morning mist.
This is not what it was familiar with.
Those who depend on the day-to-day operation of this enormous city - farmers, craftsmen and pedestrians living around it, traveling along various trade roads - should often be busy at dawn, at night, waking up the city from its slumber and giving the ancient city its vibrant colours before the first rays of sunshine set.
But today, the city is like a sleeping beast, crawling silently over the wilderness outside the Oro Forest.
The morning wind blows through the hair of Magdalene, and the unusual and intense breath in the air creates more anxiety in the heart of His Royal Highness, the princess of the Church, who stands here. In the huge marching tent behind her, the clashes represent a lack of agreement among the allied lords of all sizes and sizes from the Silver Bay area ——
In the aftermath of the White Mountain disaster, the Pokémon declared a blockade of the country and banned any outsiders from passing through their territory. The road north of the Allied Coalition was cut off as a result, so what was being discussed was whether there was a need to divert across the four realms - through areas controlled by the Imperial Red Legion.
People have a variety of concerns.
But the most important factor is the consideration of the security of the march.
Since the fall of the Black Moon, the direction of the Four Realms wilderness has gone unheard of. After humans withdrew from confrontation with the Pokémon, the last news of the Red Legion came out trying to get closer to the forces of the Crown Prince in the north, but then the entire Legion disappeared strangely, as if it had disappeared overnight out of view.
Prior to the White Mountain disaster, Veronica commissioned the Wind Elves to send a scout west of the Four Realms, but once east of Anzeluta, the Elves saw only a large number of highlanders migrating north.
The native land of the highlanders was completely transformed into a flaming sea by the death of the Black Moon, and the massive migration of the Anzeluta region triggered a mass reaction of the entire highland community, originally inhabited on both sides of the Buta River (the river is located in the eastern part of Varghes, where Brando passed, in Anzeluta, the oldest sacred land of the Anzeluta highlands) moving north to the Red Mountain region, while the local Red Mountain clan continued to move north into the southern realm of the Four Realms, resulting in a massive migration of the entire highland community.
None of these migrating clans claimed to have seen an army of Krutz disappear on their way.
In the aftermath of the White Mountain disaster, the elves shut down the country, and news from the North and the South was cut off. It has been speculated that the Red Legion may have been destroyed by the Dragon of Dusk or, most optimistically, that the Krutz are trapped in the south-eastern part of the Changqing Corridor - in fact, after losing the natural barrier of the Highlander Clan of Anzeruta, the area between the Four Realms and the Changqing Corridor has now become a possible 'hostile zone’.
That is, no one dares to pack their tickets and the coalition can safely pass through the area.
Differences persisted, but the Allied Coalition forces approached Canterbury all the way under the repeated insistence of the fierce ‘head wolf' to whom the Antobulo family returned; here, the Duke of Brandon finally had to give up his tough manoeuvres, and for the first time a heated debate broke out between the nobles.
The most important trading city across the wild west.
Just three or two more days past this hub town to reach the secure southern border of the Arkash Mountains.
But, similarly, this route is the most dangerous one, and since the fall of the Black Moon, the scouts of the Pokémon have not come to the area at their deepest depths into the wild west of the Four Realms.
The fall of the Black Moon divides a raging wound between the lofty inner sea and Anzlova, the end of which lies at the westernmost end of Candbury, where the map has lost its rightful role and the disaster has made the place completely invisible.
Or more like a black hole with a choice of people.
As the first rays of sunshine emerged, the morning wind began to warm up.
But the scourge of sending out hasn't come back yet.
Magdalene understands that the human mind has become more and more floating.
Without a sign, a large, coarse hand rested on her shoulder, and the Princess of Antobulo turned back slightly. Zhan Blue's eyes looked at her grandfather with a hint of anxiety and unexpectedness - she spoke softly as if she could break the loneliness of the morning: "Grandfather, what are you doing here, don't you persuade everyone in the tent...? ”
“As you can see, rhetoric only works at some point, and everyone understands the danger ahead. ”
The Duke walked to his granddaughter's side, staring at the far side of the sky, and replied.
Magdalene shook her head.
This is a war against dusk, a legend written in epic poetry, but unfortunately they happen to meet. But everyone understands that returning to Silver Bay will not survive.
“Mr. Brando won't lie to us.” Magdalene crisply said, "It may kill people, but we still have a chance to win. ”
That man, he never failed someone who trusted him--
She saw it with her own eyes.
“I also believe him, after all, that he is the descendant of that man, and I have seen exactly the same shadow on him, and I firmly believe that they are all people who can change everything.” The Duke recalls what happened when he met Brando, but what he saw was a silver ocean.
Numerous floating guns, forests and flags, and over the vast wilderness, the knights were named after the Tsunami of Mountain Hoop.
But they all eventually turn into a note:
“Victory! ”
“Victory! ”
“Victory -! ”
The tall figure stayed still.
Until it became a monument engraved in the hearts of all.
Behind it is an ancient surname.
“Then why doesn't that explain...?” Magdall asked.
Blank shook his head.
“You've been brave enough. What more can you ask for? But bravery is one thing. Fear of death is not cowardice. The key is that people know the value of death. Death without value is not honorable. ”
“Ms. Corveronica is still waiting for us, and the fortress of Babel is already in jeopardy, as we promised Mr. Brando. ”
“So I'm standing here with you, aren't I?“ The old man winked playfully at his granddaughter: ”Hopefully scolding will bring back the good news in Canterbury… If Lord Martha can still hear our prayers, it will prove that she has not given up on her children...”
The wind blew through the wilderness outside Canterbury.
The two suddenly stopped talking and turned back to each other.
The morning mist has returned to the depths of the mountain forest. In the distance, the forest sea fluctuates and the wind mixes with the noise of the leaves. But Magdalene suddenly realized that, under such a natural voice, the fierce quarrels in the distant marching tents had disappeared.
The lords agreed?
How is it possible that they can't solve a problem without arguing for an hour?
Blank was a long-time warring general who immediately pulled out his sword backwards and protected Magdalene behind him.
Before he finished, he saw the Duke of Malvis from Swordfish Forest in the tent crashing out, “Behind... Behind...!” The latter screamed snowly as he walked out of the tent, his foot almost tripped and fell into the fire basin, if not for the guard beside him to grab him quickly.
Blank picked this guy up from the guard and tried to wake him up, asking, "Damn it, what's going on?” He looked in the march tent.
The tent is in a mess.
“Yellow… Dusk…” The Duke of Malvis spoke incessantly and tried to reach out to push Blank away.
“Look at you, you little Malvis bastard, wake up!” The old duke did not grace him and stamped him on the ground, then shouted at him with the latter's collar: “Tell me exactly what happened! ”
The Duke of Malvis seemed to have just woken up, his eyes regained some focal length, his lips opened dry and cracked, and he was just about to say something, but it was at this time that a shout drew Blank's attention to the past.
He turned around and saw several knights rushing out of the woods in that direction.
“Our scourge is back, my lord! ”
The knights shouted, and the voice fell, and a man covered in blood had been helped. The man had not yet lost consciousness, and he shouted, “Duke, we have found them! ”
“Them, who?” Blank threw away Malvis and frowned and asked in that direction.
“Cruz, Red Legion. ”
“What,“ said the old duke, surprised. "Where are they? ”
The scout shook his head vigorously: "They let us run, Lord Duke... it will be too late...”
“What the hell are you talking about? ”
Blank's discontent may not be as good as the elite of several major empires, but as the army's sharp knife, he can't even speak clearly, which can't even keep him calm at least. He just wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, and suddenly the Duke of Marvels, sitting on the floor, stood up and grabbed his arm.
“Listen to him, get the hell out of here!” Malvis blue-faced subway shouted.
Blank was trying to reprimand, but he stopped talking. As if he realized something, he swept away the Duke's hand and walked to the edge of the forest alone, looking northwest of Candbury.
That was the other direction opposite the city of Canterbury, with the forests forming a green sea, and the sky suddenly appeared to have a few small, unsightly black dots. How astute St. Blanc the White Wolf Sword is, a scene like this did not emerge once during the sixty years of war, and he understood that it was not dust on the horizon —— it was a massive cluster of aerial flights.
Apart from migrating birds, there is only one scenario where this happens.
That's war--
When the old man turned around, he understood that the worst might have happened, but kept his face at a minimum and asked his men, "Where is the Cruz? ”
Perhaps life and death now depend on every minute and every second, but as former commander of the coalition, that's not enough to make him nervous.
Some have experienced the worst of wars, and those who survive are simply fulfilling their promise to live for those who have died.
Besides, they carry that lost glory.
There is nothing to tell these veterans to bow their heads.
The wars they have been experiencing have been called years of war.
It was a battlefield with the Reapers...
“We all guessed wrong… My lord," reprimanded almost with a cry: “The Krutz have been fighting those monsters in Canterbury with the intention of passing through the fortress of Babel and attacking the hinterland of St. Osol, and the Krutz have sent messengers for help… but…”
But none of them arrived.
Blank took a deep breath as if he had to fill his lungs with cold air to calm himself down.
The Duke of Malvis fell and rushed up and grabbed his arm again, "Come on, Uncle Blank!” In a hurry, he almost called out the name of this harsh elder when he was a child, when his father lived in the world, and he was not the head of the Marvels family: “Behind him, there are monsters... there are countless monsters, if you don't leave, there's no time! ”
“It's too late," said Blank, a guy who got rid of this mess, who understood that the others might have fled with each other. Strictly pointing to the tip of the Duke's nose, he said: "You go get the others, our only chance is to retreat into Canterbury. ”
“No, I can't.” The Duke of Malvis shook his head.
Blank snorted coldly, reversing the sword blade and sweeping the handle on this guy's stomach, letting the latter look painful and bend down like a shrimp. But the old duke quickly grabbed this guy's collar and dragged the Duke of Malvas to himself and said aloud: "In front of your father, I saved your life. Listen carefully, if you don't want to die, do as I say! ”
But the Duke of Malvis was still hesitant, and Blank couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment. “You're far from your father, little Malvasian,” he said, bluntly: "Can you escape faster than you can from the eyes of heaven? ”
Now that the Duke of Malvis has opened his mouth, he seems to have finally remembered who is the most authoritative expert here - no one can compare to a deputy marshal of the coalition 60 years ago. And he subconsciously asked, "Uncle Blank, how can I get the others back? ”
“I know what you're thinking," Blank replied, "but if we don't get together, it's as dead as walking into Canterbury. ”
Watching the Duke of Malvis fall and leave, Magdalene, already calm, couldn't help but say, "Grandfather, can you really keep Candbury? ”
The old man shook his head.
Magdalene had some amazement at her indifference to safety.
She suddenly realizes that this answer can't create a single ripple in her mind, perhaps because she had anticipated it? She suddenly thought it might be her own burial place, but she had no fear.
Perhaps she was destined to be different from the ordinary people, and after a moment of silence, she asked: "The Krutz can hold on for so long, can we...”
“Neither can the Cruz.” Blank sighed as he walked to the outermost edge of the forest and the plains of Candebell were clearly visible in the distance. The Duke raised his hand and pointed to a dark shadow on the horizon: "See? ”
That thin black line appears over the entire northwest horizon.
And it quickly became an ocean.
It's a purple sea.
It swallowed everything forward, forests and lakes, but a lonely boat on a wave of shock, and passed away in a flash.
Magdalene's blue eyes reveal a shocking look.
“Do you think the Cruz can stop them?” Brandon asked his granddaughter.
Magdalene shook her head silently.
The old man was silent, and he said: "They come from the Arkash region. ”
“What!? ”
“The cleavage of the sacred covenant caused by the scourge of White Mountain is indeed impossible to hide the dragon of dusk. It is only a pity that the Red Legion did not deliver the news at the end, and then it is our turn...”
He sighed: "No one can stop them from entering the heartland of the Elf King anymore. The Cruz are dead. Is there any hope in this world that St. Osor will bleed to death? ”
“Fortress Babel also has an army of Krutzians and elves who will not be watching this happen. ”
“The offense will not be independent," Blank said. "The Dragon of Dusk has been ready for so long, it is the horn of the main offense, and the Fortress of Babel is in danger. ”
“We're still here, how long we've been holding them back in Canterbury," Magdalene said firmly, as she seemed determined: "We're sending messages on behalf of the Cruz to keep the elves safe! ”
The old man was silent and did not answer directly.
But Magdalene has seen the answer in her grandfather's face.
“Is it hard...? ”
“The Red Legion is ten times more powerful than ours, Mary. ”
Magdalene clenched her fist.
The nun thought a lot of lines in her heart, but she still couldn't believe that the last hope was here, easily lost at this moment.
There's got to be another way, isn't there?
She couldn't help but ask, "So what are we supposed to do? Is that it? Grandfather, don't you often say that even the worst of times, there will always be a life? ”
The old man shook his head.
“And Brando. ”
Neither can he.
Not even his grandfather.
Blank thought, perhaps, that unless the elves and Madara could abandon their previous suspicions immediately and allow the army of the dead to enter the country immediately - but even then, it was not known how much could be recovered.
Besides, it's not that simple.
He can't either?
Magdalene shut her mouth silently.
Perhaps nothing can ever change again, and by this time the heart of the nun has calmed down.
Somehow, at this moment, she remembers that conversation she had with Griffin at Vlada-Pais.
Inside the cabin, the cheers of the cadets over the field came in from time to time. In the white porcelain cup on the tray, the tea fragrance, the two young girls whispered, about the ideals and aspirations, then the simple pursuit is still today ahead of the realization of best friends.
Who said it was a girl's naiveté?
Pursue your destiny--
It is more like a strange dream to recall meeting the people of Cold Fir. And that man, her knight.
“My dear friend, have you got it, your dream? ”
She prayed silently in her heart.
Blank suddenly frowned and shouted softly.
This brought Magdalene back to God from her meditations, looking at her grandfather with some doubt: "What's wrong? ”
But the old man did not answer directly and shook his head slightly.
He seems to have seen the same scene.
It was in the cold wind whirring in Arkash.