First think about what you can do to save a fortune in a short period of time. Jiang Liu turned over the memory of his original body. After his son Jiang Chongde was born, he often returned to the island for a period of time. Seeing what living expenses he took at home, Jiang Chongde was able to grow up, relying on the pension money saved by his grandfather Jiang Linhai and grandma Cai Shufen in his early years, as well as the pensions of two elderly people.

Jiang Linhai and Cai Shufen are also rare cultural people on the island. They are teachers of Xiuqiu Elementary School. In order to take care of their grandchildren who were born without a mother at that time, Cai Shufen handled the retreat early, while Jiang Linhai Before reaching retirement age, still teaching in elementary school, the couple’s salary plus pension is enough for the daily expenses of the family, and they can even save a little money, so they are not forced to return the money in their own right.

In recent years, he said that he made a lot of money, but in fact, he lived outside to do odd jobs everywhere. He earned less and spent less. He likes to find the kind of work that includes food and shelter, and then earns a few months. The money was saved and returned to his hometown for a few days.

Now is the first day of the original home, his Cary still has a little money that has not been spent before, and the salary of the last three months, barely reaching five figures.

In addition, there are more than 600 yuan of change in the body. This is because Mao's Pub has always refused to open up quick payment. It only takes cash and insists on taking it out to prepare for drinking.

Relying on this point of principal, how can we make it rise to 20 million or more.

Jiang Liu felt that perhaps daydreaming to make money was faster.

"...Host, it is absolutely necessary to renounce yourself."

001 whispered aside.

"By the way, I remember you said that after the points reached 1,000 points, the system store will open. My points have now exceeded 1,000 points. Hurry to open the system store and let me see what good things you provide."

Jiang Liu suddenly remembered that he was also a man with a plug-in. Perhaps the system would bring him a big surprise.

As soon as the words fell, a light screen appeared in front of him. A row of shelves above the river hadn't had time to surprise, and he found that only the most central shelf had merchandise on so many shelves.

"Mall? It's just a commodity. Is it a mall?"

Jiang Liu felt that his body and mind were hit hard.

"At present, the system store is still in the trial operation stage, the host must believe that the goods in the store will be more and more."

001 is a little bit ashamed, but it has no emotion, how can it have such emotions?

"Ha ha--"

At this moment Jiangliu felt that he was on a thief ship, but there was no way. No matter how small the mosquito was, it was meat. He could only check the introduction of the only product.

Invincible Lucky Star

The lucky value is plugged in, and the lucky buff is randomly added.

Effective time: 24 hours

Uses: once

Price: 800 points

Sure enough, it's a black shop, and the products are not to mention, the price is so expensive, if the last world had not received a lot of sincere gratitude for the river, he could only save 1,000 points, but such a short period of time For buff products, you have to spend 800 points.

After much consideration, Jiangliu chose to buy the only product in the mall.

"I have a good idea."

This invincible lucky star gave Jiang Liu an inspiration, but now he is still not sure whether he can succeed.

"any solution?"

001 asked aside.

"Have you ever heard a famous saying, how to solve your worries, only riches?"

Jiang Liu looked at his heroic self in the mirror and had a faint sense of pretense.

001: ...

"Which celebrity said this famous quote."

"Of course, it's still very handsome, and at the same time very smart celebrities named Jiang Mingliu said."

Jiang Liu glanced contemptuously at 001: "In the absence of capital, the creation of huge wealth value in the short term can only be done by non-ordinary means, but there is a method that is very good, and it is legal and reasonable when it comes to money, that is to buy Lottery."

In the memory left to him by the original, because of the multiple jackpots in the bye, next month, the jackpot of the most popular power ball in the United States will be the highest ever, with a jackpot of up to about 597 million US dollars. The huge prize money caused the current lottery ticket sales to be hot, and even people in other countries couldn't help it. They bought a few lottery tickets while traveling and tried their luck.

However, the current first prize was still empty, but there were a lot of second prizes.

Because the original person was a "dreamer" who wanted to get rich overnight, he remembered the lottery numbers that failed this period.

Now that Jiang Liu is short of money, he thought of this method, but he is also aware of the existence of the butterfly effect, and there is no guarantee that after his arrival, the power ball will still be the number in his original memory, but now there is no [Invincible Lucky] "Star" bonus, in case, he means in case, in case he becomes the lucky one.


"Buying a lottery ticket, isn't that gambling? As the host of the Father's system and the messenger that brings love and hope to the world, how can you participate in gambling?"

001 feels that the number of garbled characters in his body is particularly high today. Is it because the program in it is not perfect?

"Do you know that part of the powerball will be used for charity? Do you know that some states in the state have provisions that expired and unclaimed bonuses will be fully included in the charity fund? Do you know how many people will benefit from this part of the money every year, this It’s charity, how can it be stigmatized into gambling."

Jiang Liuyi pointed at the system around him indignantly, and felt that it was too low-level as a system of consciousness.


001 rummaged through a bunch of garbled characters, and really found similar remarks, it seems that it really misunderstood the river.

"But since you want to buy lottery tickets, why not buy them directly in China?"

001 is still a bit uncomprehending. The United States is so far away that it takes a lot of money to return air tickets.

"Are you racial discrimination? Or nationality discrimination? As a father, shouldn’t I be unconditional, regional, and species-free? I would spend a few dollars to help friends who are far away in the other half of the world. I’m wrong. ?"

Jiangliu was so kind to tell 001 that even his native Chinese do not believe that the lottery of China is reliable. In comparison, most states require the strong ball that the public to receive the award to be a lot more reliable. The bonus is also much richer.

Although Jiang Liu also knows that as a foreigner, the bonuses that reach him after tax collection will not be too much, but no matter what, it is enough for him to cope with the many troubles nowadays.

Where does 001 know the sinister intentions of the river, it seriously reflects on its narrow psychology, and is deeply proud of having such a selfless, great host.

"Grandma called you for dinner."

Just when 001 wanted to apologize for what he had just said, the bathroom door was knocked.

A wave of indifference and a male voice that was slightly rough during development sounded outside the door. Jiang Liu realized that he had spent too long in the bathroom, and his son Jiang Chongde had returned by boat from Daishan Island.

He hurriedly hung the towel on the hook, and then pressed the toilet flush button of the toilet, creating a look that had just been finished.

"Yo, I haven't seen you in more than two months, you have grown taller."

By the time the door opened, Jiang Liu had already settled his emotions. At the moment, he looked like he hadn't seen his son for a long time, but he was a little rusty when he wanted to get close.


Jiang Chongde looked up at him, then lowered his head and walked silently in front.

Jiang Chongde is now 15 years old, but he is almost as tall as Jiang Liu. His appearance is like a seven-pointer to his original wife, a bit feminine and feminine. In general, this is a beautiful show A good-looking teenager.

"There are six hundred dollars here, which is your living expenses next month."

Jiang Liu took out the six hundred dollars in his pocket and prepared cash for drinking, and handed it to Jiang Chongde's pocket.

The consumption on the island is not high, and Jiang Chongde is staying on campus all year round. All three meals a day are meals in the canteen, which cost about twelve dollars, and the ferry ticket between Xiuqiu Island and Daishan Island is back and forth. Thirty yuan, plus some miscellaneous expenses, six hundred yuan a month is enough.

It was just that the old people who gave Jiang Chongde the living expenses were two old men. Jiang Liu never managed him.

Because of his father's unexpected behavior, Jiang Chongde was stunned.

"It's not that Dad doesn't want to give you more money. After all, you're still young. Dad wants to cultivate your tough and beautiful character. As you know, Dad has a lot of money, but he doesn't lack your living expenses."

Jiang Liu couldn't help but touch his son's head. His hair was so soft that it was actually quite comfortable.

Hearing Jiang Liu's words, Jiang Chongde couldn't help but snapped his hand to speed up walking.

Sure enough, it was the man who could only brag, he hadn't changed at all.

It's just that despite my thoughts, Jiang Chongde still didn't return the six hundred dollars, because that was what he should give. With the six hundred dollars, grandpa and grandpa don't have to pay him a living fee this month, he doesn't want grandpa and grandma So tired.

"It's really an awkward boy in adolescence. You don't believe my dad to tell you the truth."

Jiang Liu couldn't help but smile when he looked at the little boy's arrogance, and waited for a while, Dad made you cry and hugged Dad's golden thigh.

Because of Jiangliu's words, Jiang Chongde almost stumbled. He turned his back and stared at the Jiangliu. How could this unreliable father not stay outside forever and never come back.