The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 69 National Husband (3)

After pretending to be a senior high school student for half a day, Jiang Liu finally remembered the names of all the students in the class, and they matched their names with their faces.

Of course, what he focused on was the little fellow who had a crush on the original, Gao Ruru.

This is the big baby in the mind of the teacher of the attached high school. The legendary talented child with an IQ of 187 won the first prize of the IMC International Mathematics Contest semi-finals on the first day and the silver medal in the finals. In that year, he broke his personal record and won the gold medal in the final of the IMC International Mathematics Competition.

In the first year of high school, he was selected as one of the members of the national team of the IMO International Olympic Mathematics Competition, and won the group gold medal and individual gold medal.

Such a person can no longer be described as Xueba, she is the god of learning in the eyes of everyone in the middle school.

According to the results of the mathematics competition she achieved, she was completely exempted from entering any university in China, including the two universities of Mizuki Yanjing, which was also open to her.

According to the rumor, Gao Ruru has signed a contract with Yanjing University, because the Department of Mathematics of Yanjing University is recognized as the best in China, and Gao Ruru is a mathematics devoted to mathematics. It is reasonable to choose Yanjing University. Things.

Jiang Liu couldn't really connect the Qi Liuhai, baby face, Bai Baijing, and a little shy girl in front of him with the god of learning in the Department of Mathematics.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

Gao Ruru has endured the attention of the river for half a day. Under such a vision, she simply has no energy to devote to her favorite career in mathematics research, and the enthusiasm for brushing questions has consumed most of it.

Her voice was soft and glutinous, and even when questioning, she seemed emboldened and her voice was weak.

"How do you know if I don't look at me?"

Jiang Liu didn't mean to tease the little girl, but just replied subconsciously.


Gao Ruru's cheeks were bulging, and his eyes were as wide as small grapes.

She pushed the black-framed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and after thinking about it, she said: "You don't have to be inferior. In my opinion, no man can match Bonnhard Riemann."

Gao Ruru thought that Jiangliu was angry because of her refusal. You must know that the phrase of refusing Jiangliu has been revised hundreds of times during the summer vacation. This version is the one that she feels least hurtful and makes her lose her pursuit of her. Version of confidence.


Jiang Liu looked at the serious expression of the little girl and couldn't help laughing while patting the board.

Where is this baby Yo, how stupid is so cute.

Jiang Liu didn’t know who Bonnhard Riemann was, but he didn’t know, Du Niang knew, as early as the first time, he had Baidu Bonnhard Riemann, originally he thought the girl’s foreign country The name is the name of a certain movie star, and I didn’t think that Bonnhard Riemann was actually a mathematician.

Bonnhard Riemann, a well-known German mathematician, his main achievements are in mathematical analysis and differential geometry. The Riemannian geometry he pioneered provided the mathematical foundation for Einstein's general theory of relativity.

Many people may not understand the name and his achievements, but Riemann conjectures that even people who do not understand mathematics should have heard about it.

This unconfirmed conjecture is known as one of the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium. According to the rules laid down by the Cray Mathematics Institute, as long as any one of these seven conjectures is solved, his proof is published in authoritative mathematics. In the journal, and after a two-year verification period, the solver can get a $1 million bonus.

So far, only Poincaré’s conjecture has been solved by Russian mathematician Perelman. The remaining six millennial problems remain to be proved by future generations.

As a fan of mathematics, it is not surprising that Gao Ruru would regard Bonnhard Riemann as his idol, and there are also many mathematicians who regard mathematics as their partner and never marry for life.

It's just that Gao Ruru is so conscientious in comforting the river, so that he shouldn't be inferior because he can't compare with Bonnhard Riemann.

He understands why this paragraph is missing in the original body's memory. Perhaps it was rejected by the girl in this way, which seriously hurt his male self-esteem. Perhaps in the original body's heart, Gao Ruru just found an excuse to scorn him. This is a huge blow to the origin of the long chaotic private life that has not yet been experienced.

Jiang Liu even wondered whether the original body was so obsessed with finding a woman who did not love him because of his money.

But this does not prevent him from admiring this soft and sweet girl.

Serious people are always beautiful, and little girls who study mathematics are no exception.

"Don't laugh--"

Gao Ruru didn't know which sentence of his own poked at Jiangliu's smile, and looked at the students around him, looking at them, blushing, blocking with the table, and secretly poking the river with the end of the ballpoint pen. thigh.

Her voice was still not deterrent, and she should have a quick tone, but she was said to be coquettish.

"Okay, I'm not laughing anymore, poof--I'm really not laughing anymore."

Jiang Liu closed his mouth, that is, his chest still fluctuated violently, which showed how hard he was to hold his smile.

Seeing the river flow really seemed not to laugh, Gao Ruru was relieved, silently specializing in his math problems.


Jiangliu’s lunch was settled at school. At this point, the richest son did not seem to enjoy any special treatment. The only change is estimated to be the balance in the meal card. Jiangliu still knew for the first time that someone’s meal card balance was Five digits.

Thinking about who dropped out of junior high school, Jiang Liu had to sigh that people were more dead than popular.

But even if he has a five-digit meal card balance, he still only has a stomach for one meal. Jiangliu wants to be more generous when he has money, but after all, the hardworking and frugal lifestyle habits developed over the years have occupied the peak. In the end, Jiangliu just ordered two meat dishes and two vegetarian dishes, plus a bowl of soup.

Looking at the five dishes that cost him more than thirty yuan in front of him, Jiang Liu felt that he was luxurious enough.

But obviously those friends who have made good friends with the original are not used to his "luxury" style.

I can make friends with my original body, partly the rich second generation with the same family background, partly to attach to them, and ordinary students who want to follow some broth to eat, but at this age, they are still learning-oriented in the normal school. In the key high schools, the spirit of comparison is no longer so important. Even with the children born in this school, they will also subconsciously restrain much in this school.

Consciously lavishly ordering five servings of the river, the river looked at the full set of dishes on the table, and I was a little bit disgusted.

Obviously so many meals, only a small part will enter their mouths.

Jiang Liuqiang propped up to eat all five dishes he ordered into his stomach, and then those friends who watched him pour those dishes that just took a bite to taste into the trash bin, and they can only comfort themselves. The life created by his parents for his children, he can't hate the wealth of others.

But the essential grass-roots rivers are still not used to this kind of life. He touched his bulging belly and smiled bitterly in his heart. Maybe he really didn’t have that kind of rich life, and the things developed in his bones could not be changed with money. Too.

Finally, he wanted to install a large breadth, but the result was that he was reluctant to waste all of his meals, and Jiang Liu didn't know if he was digging a pit for himself.

"Brother Jiang, today I saw you chatting with our elementary school god very happily. Did the elementary school god really catch you?"

The original good buddy Gao Jin patted his shoulder and said.

Where did this go, Jiang Liu laughed, trying to explain his innocent relationship with Gao Ruru.

"Once you said that, you chased our elementary school god. I will cover your one-month homework. The buddies can talk and talk, and they will be able to honor their promises today."

Gao Jin's words left Jiang Liu stunned, because he didn't have the memory of his original body. He didn't even know that this confession was related to the bet.

So, did the original body like Gao Ruru too much? The rivers were a bit confused.

But no matter what, with feelings as a bargaining chip, Jiang Liu had to scold the original body in his heart. Such people still want pure true love and dream faster.

"Eh, Gao Ruru, no, I just laughed with Jiang Liu."

The house leaked in the middle of the night and Jiangliu turned back when he heard Gao Jin's words, and saw the baby-faced girl pursed her mouth and stood not far away with a dinner plate.

She seemed to have heard all the conversations just now.

Gao Ruru lowered his head and put the tray in the recycling place, then left quietly.

Jiang Liu couldn't see the dirty water splashing on himself, but could only catch up with a wry smile.

"I was wrong, I should not compare you with Mr. Riemann, you are not worthy."

After being stopped, Gao Ruru's nose was somewhat red, and she looked up at the river and said bitterly.

It seemed that this kind of scolding was not enough. She thought about it, gestured her thumbs down, and said fiercely, "Trash!"

Consciously very fierce and ruthless, but it is a soft little milk voice.

Seeing Gao Ruru running away, Jiang Liu couldn't help crying or laughing.