Night, although gradually darkened, but the big songs did not calm down.

As Huajun moved the big stone behind the city, the two gates were finally open, and more Huajun poured into the city.

Hung Yu is no longer waiting for it, and a horse will enter the city, straightforward.

"Red Sister, just caught several eunues, they said that the king had escaped in the city half a time."

"Hey, I have to see where they can escape, brothers, chase with me!"

The red horses, there is no delay in the middle of the way, just towards the South City, the soldiers in the first town can only run with a small run.

Until the sky is completely black, all the city gates and the wall of Fuyang finally be controlled by Huajun in his hand, which ended the escape trip.

And Qin Dawei also took a state-of-the-world, Yaowu, Yangwei, has stepped into this Xiangyang City, which has the first city of the world.

All people have not emotion in their hearts, and they did not expect that only one day broke the city, just like it.

Qin Yu is a wolf, and countless bodies, and brows.

I don't know if the official of Fuyang is deliberately propaganda, causing the people in the city to run big half, the scholars and officials are also passive.

"The king, the Yang Yichang hidped the Wangfu, and was still embarrassed."

"Hey! The sleepy beast has been bodied, so I will get up tomorrow."

Qin Yu snorted, then put his hand, did not put Yang Yichang again in his eyes, and the four-sided and one-sided offensive difference can be large.

"Yes, Hungju?"

Qin Yu glanced at it, see Qin Madi, Qin Yong is all, only don't see Hungu, suddenly asked, the girl can be the first to rush into the city.

"Back to the king, the red sister took people to chase the king." Qin Tie quickly replied.

"Oh, did you have to stick to Yang Yuchang?" Qin Yushang said.

"Yes, the king took people to escape."

"Hey, hiding the first one, I can't hide, Li Yan, Niu Jinxing, you are responsible for the people in the city, check all the gates, Qin Tie, you are responsible for checking the big households in the city, Qin Meng Qin Yong, you are responsible Yunwangfu, other people rest. "


Everyone is slightly excited to hold the box, even the three participants are no exception.

Obviously, it will be understood that after the Qin King broke into the Yangyang, the future will be unlimited.

Qin Yu turned a circle in the city. After the situation was completely stable, he once again got the city and returned to the big camp to visit the wounded.

One day, I also casually killed nearly 10,000 people, plus 10,000 cannon ash than the one month ago, even if the other side of the opponent did not fight, it was still nearly 20,000 people.

As for the night to chase out, will not encounter ambush, Qin Yu is not worried, because this belt, the girl is more familiar with him.

The fact is true, Hongjie has the first town, defeat the king and all officials to chase the butt urine flow.

Norgabular people, Huajun is too embarrassed, and then chase overnight.

All the way is all discarded carriages and scattered items, as well as the body.

Good in front of the fertile, the king and the officials finally fled to Nanzhang City, and a wolf was unbearable.

The wife of the king lost half, the palace female eunuch had only hundreds of people, and the hundreds of gold and silver jewels were only more than a dozen.

"Yang Guoshu, this king sent people to inform you to rescue, why don't you come?"

Under the city of Fuyang, the king of the king twisted, asked Yang Guozhu, other officials were equally angry.

"Lowering the temple, the end will not see the people who come from Wang?"

Yang Guozhu is a surprised expression, but it actually installed silly, but he did it, the big night, I want to rescue? Thanks to you.

"You ... you ..." Yu Wang saw him represented, and he was almost gone. He didn't know, he must kill himself.

"Yang Chi, the people sent in the Hall, you haven't seen it, the people who send during the day will you see it?"

"Yes, Yang Guozhu, you watched Xiangyang City was broken, not to rescue, what would be?"

"Huang Zhifei, when I received the command of Yang Hutang, the sky was late, so I plan to rescue this morning, how is Fuyang City by the thief army?"

Yang Guozhu's accusation of a civil liberalman is completely a bolet that is not afraid of boiling water.

"Yang Chi, Yang Shu Tang is also adhered to Wangfu, you quickly took the soldiers to rescue, and the inside and outside should be able to re-retrans back to Fuyang City."

The openness is not a matter of these, and then he said.

"Wang Ye is not good, the thief army chased again."

At this moment, a Wangfu guarded riding up.

"how many people?"

"There should be thousands of people, only more than ten miles, turn now."

"What? So fast!"

"Yang General, quickly blocked the thief."

The king and the official are surprised, and when I still take care of Yang Guozhu, I lost the next sentence, I have killed the county.

Yang Guoshu is only a little hesitating, and it is decisively with the soldiers and homes to retreat to Heishi Town, which is not willing to meet.

He also had eight thousand soldiers, plus the collapse of the fleeing from Fuyang last night, nearly 10,000 people, so many people, it is impossible to keep all in a small Nanxun County.

Seeing Yang Guoshu actually took the soldiers to retreat to Heishi Town, and the officials such as Yunwang were also tempeared.

But the thief army has been chasing, and now the city will continue to escape from the South, absolutely dead road, and have to choose to stand in the city.

Pursued overnight.

The first town is exhausted, and many brothers have also running, so Hongyi has not pursued Yang Guoshu, and did not immediately attacked Nanxun County, but the Dafa was resting in place.

Until the afternoon, the first town running the soldiers and Malays have continued to returne, and the 4,000 people were sent to the Nanxun County, and then the remaining six thousand armies were killed to Heishi Town.

In Yangyang City, Qin Yu also began to pack Yang Yichang.

Xiang Wangfu has cultivated Jinbi, and in the future, it will be as his Huawangfu. Qin Yu naturally will be able to throw the medicine package with Kong Ming lights.

"The Ming army brothers in it listen, my king said, before today's black, if we attacked it, he will never kill a soldier and low-level military officers, but if you drag to tomorrow, first fry Wangfu into ruins. , Then one is not staying, you have a mesenger! "

"The brothers inside, don't give this to the official's selling, I used to be a Ming army, but I don't say that the military, the rice is not enough, but I have to join the Huajun, not only three meals every day, but also White-faced steamed bread, the key is that the last time I killed the enemy and set up a beautiful daughter-in-law ... "

"The Ming army brothers inside, the old man is also a border army. Then, the officials have never seen our ordinary soldiers, no need to sell them, when we attacked, you all look, as long as you Throw the weapon in the city, then hold his head, our knife will never say hello. "

"Yes, our king said, everyone is a poor people, there is no need to kill, as long as it will surrender Huajun, but will not only divide the field, but also dividends ..."

"The brothers above, you may not know, my king is a natural selection, it is destined to have the world, and I will rely on the world. In the future, I can blind my wife, good luck, and will be a general ..."

Around the entire Wangfu, a strong man with a famous voice, shouted in the throat, almost all from the Ming army.

While talking about the bitterness and tears of the Ming army, I said how it is now, it is called a nose.