When his eyelashes trembled slightly, he looked at the corners of his eyes with tears.

He lowered his head and his head rested on Su Smoke's shoulder.

He looked weak.

“Do it gently, little one. ”

Su Yan listened to those words he shouted again.


This guy... is better on TV.

She kind of doesn't want to save for perfume anymore.

She was silent, and the ears and ears made another sound.

“Star, are you safe? ”

Su Yan, be quiet for a moment.


When he looked up, his eyes were covered by Su Yan's hand.

It was pitch black in front of me.

But by the looks of him, he seems quite enjoyable.

Su Yan's shoulder leaned again.

You know, Su Yan is still strangling him.

The man has to move freely.

You sure you don't want to live?

She twisted her eyebrow.

“Don't move. ”

Shizuku's body was stiff, his eyelashes were trembling, and his face was pale.

“I'm dizzy. ”

The voice was low and he seemed very grievous.

A little boy doesn't hurt his feelings.

Those thin, cold lips are now also pale.

She looked at him.

This is the first time she's met so many hostages.

It's not comfortable here for a while, it's not comfortable there for a while.

It hurts here, it hurts there.

At this point, the sound of the headphones is coming back.

“Su Yan, there is chaos outside. The one who kidnapped Zhou Yuan, some of the others, you left while you were still in chaos. ”


She answered.

She looked down at the difference in time when she covered her eyes.

She's going to be distorted again.

She lifted her hand and slapped him in the neck.

This time, I think I touched the force.

When she turned her eyes, she fainted and planted her body straight at her.

Su Smoke put people on the couch.

Let him lie down.

I was just leaving.

But look at his pale face.

Flip a piece of milk sugar out of your pocket.

It's stuck in his hand.

That's when I turned around and walked out.

Her milk sugar was given by little flowers.

It's not for sale here. It can't be found no matter what.

Su Yan stepped out of the door.

There's chaos in the hallway.

Often comes and goes and sees a stretcher lifting out.

It was she who wounded those people.

She avoided the crowd and turned a curved staircase.

Quickly went out the back door of the hotel.

Su smoked his earpiece.

“Coming out. ”

“Okay, Star, thanks for your hard work. I'll take care of it. ”


She answered.

Under the starlight, she hid in the alley again.

Wear the bartender's clothes when they show up.

Hair spread.

Put the bag on.

But not out of the alley, but straight ahead.

Through the other side of the alley and back home.

When I get home, I wash up and go to school in the morning.

Before I fell asleep, I remembered that strange man I met today.

He's so weird.

Why are you calling yourself a good boy?

Probably the wrong person.

I thought about it for a while, I turned my back and fell asleep.

The other side.

Wake up the next morning.

Screw your eyebrows and hold your shoulders.

He lifted his eyelids and his dark eyes swept around the room with a spectacular eye.

Then, the face became gloomy.

He sat on the sofa, shady, making people feel cold on the back of his spine.

For a while.

He was about to sit up.


It's like holding something in your hand and something ringing.

He spread his hand.

A strawberry milk candy showed up.