Qin Fall Rain's lip corner laughed gradually ironically

“He's also very competitive. ”

Qin Fall Yu also placed an invitation to the main assembly of the Wulin League on the string.

“If you want to find out, you can find it yourself. ”

Su smoke twisted his head, confused

“Why did you do that? ”

Qin Fall Yu single-handedly held his chin and looked out at the full moon, with a smile in his eyes

“Not to help you. ”

The wind quickly walked over and took the powder and the Wulin Convention post in his hand.

“What do we do? ”

There was a noise coming from outside.

The old voices are sharp.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

Then there was a sound.

“Cigarettes! Cigarettes!”

Su Yan turned his head and ran out.

Leave the wind standing there with something silly.

Qin Fall Yu also had a moment of trance when he heard his voice.

He suddenly stood up from his seat.

But another ironic smile.

“Where would he be so charming? ”

Qin Fall Yu rubbed his eyebrows.

“Is it time for incense?” Lady.

The meaning of expulsion is all too obvious.

The wind nodded, but it didn't leave, it was the way.

“Why don't Miss Qin tell us more about the real killer? ”

Qin Fall Yu lowered his eyelids and smiled.

“is a man of high moral standing. ”

After that, Qin Yu stopped saying more.

The wind took something and went out the door.

As soon as I walked to the door of Yukon, I saw a man in red rushing into Su Smoke's arms.

And then the sound of the call went off.

“Cigarettes, cigarettes."

Windy tongue.

Su Xiang suddenly found it difficult.

It's like a big cowhide candy.

Never again in this lifetime.

Su Cigarette hugged the flowers.

The flowers shined brightly, looking like a hunter.

Su Smoke measured him a bit.

Make sure he's not hurt.

Make a sound.

“Didn't you want to wait for me? Why are you chasing me? ”

The flowers were all red, and the eyes kept leaning aside, Dry Baba Road.

“Me, I was shopping, and then I came here. ”

Su Yan


Without a scratch, hold her and never speak again.

He's thin, but he's a man.

Taller than Su Smoke.

So much so that it looked like he was dying and pressing Su Smoke.

He's such a hugger.

Su Smoke was basically in his arms.

Only one brain can be exposed.

Mama fanned with a handkerchief.

I can't help it.

“Are there any more rules? How dare anyone break in? ”

Word fell and the wind reached out and stuffed her with 5,000 taels of silver.

The old lady started to praise her like she was gonna change her face.

“This man is so powerful, so handsome and blessed. ”

The wind feels amazing.

Mommy, this is really amazing at lying with her eyes open.

But anyone with long eyes can see that Su Yan's king is a fool.

But that came out of Mummy's mouth, as if this Qing Qing could pass the exam tomorrow.

At the door, Su Zheng stood there.

Bite the candy gourd.

Watching as Su Yan has received the fool.

Turn around and go out.

In the future, say nothing more and look at him with cigarettes.

Give Mommy 5,000 taels.

A few people walked out of the Spring Building in one compliment after another.

The wind asks

“Where are we going now? ”

“Go back to the inn first. ”


That Qin Yu gave too much news, too shocking.

Let the wind think about some issues.

A man of high moral standing who kills entire villages in order to exterminate the teachings of demons.

Is it justice or the devil?