The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1402: Male Leader He's Always Autonomous 29

The agent points to the last one.

“This one suits you a little better. ”

The first two will involve Su Yan's private life.

It's not privacy or anything.

The main thing is, her artist doesn't have a private life.

What are we going to shoot?

You can't take pictures of cold ice without unpacking the furniture, can you?

Su Smoke nodded


Zhang Li knew she would choose this.

opening lane

“Okay, I'll get in touch with his producer. You get ready, I think we'll be there in two days. ”


Su Yan remembered that there were three more at home.

She asked.

“How long am I staying there? ”

“Three days and two nights. ”

Su Yan thought about it for a while and nodded.


It's time to send someone home.

She thinks so.

Huayin was polite and never spoke.

Half an hour later.

Su Yan and Zhang Li basically finalized this [Hello, Surprise] art.

Su Cigarette opening

“If there's nothing else, I'll go. ”

Stand up.

Huayin opening


Su Yan is confused

“Anything else? ”


“If I said I'd buy you dinner, why don't we hit the sun? ”

Su Yan thought about it for a while.

“I didn't say yes. ”

He's stunned.

Probably didn't expect her to be so bland and unrelenting.


“Cigarette, I didn't mean anything. I just wanted to buy you a meal.

After all, you are my subordinate and have worked under me for so many years. ”

Su Yan, listen.

Look at the time.

Then, do it back in position.

Agent Zhang Li started to tangle.

Are you going or not??

Back in the day, Cigarette had signaled her a long time ago to retreat.

Good to be alone with Huayin.

But today, why do you look like you don't want to talk to him?

Since the last time I fainted in the hospital behind the award.

Smoke seems to have changed a lot.

At least on the Chinese side of the matter.

Didn't like it as much as before.

After a long time, Zhang Li still thinks.

It's better for them to make themselves clear.


“President Hua, Cigarette, there's something else I need to do, just go.

You guys, have fun. ”

After that, Zhang Li glanced at the phone and left in a hurry.

Only Huayin and Su Yan are left.

At this time, the waiter walked in with a lot of eyes.

“General Hua, your order is ready, do you want to serve it now? ”

Huayin nod head

“Okay, let's serve. ”

This is a Midwestern restaurant.

Huayin opening

“I know you don't like western food, so this is a special Chinese meal. ”

The dishes will be ready soon.

Su Yan picked up the chopsticks and ate them one by one.

Not a word.

Half an hour later.

Huayin shook his head with a smile

“Cigarette, are you misunderstanding me? ”

Su Yan


Huayin thought about it for a while.

“I'm thirty today, a little older than I am, but I'm not married and I'm still single. ”

Su smoked a bite of beef.


Huayuan Road

“Is Cigarette single now? ”


Huayuan Road

“When is Cigarette going to fall in love? ”

“Wait another two years. ”

Why wait for him to grow up?

Love too much with minors.

Well, the law doesn't allow it.

Huayin smile

“Do you like cigarettes? ”

“Got it.”

Listen to her answer, Huayin's smile is stronger.

“Oh, do I know him? ”

“You don't know. ”

Listen, Hua Yan is stunned.

Probably a little out of line with what he thought.