The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1412: Male Leader He's Always Autonomous 40

The glass next to Hua Yan took a sip of water.

Then, with the noise of the neighbors, the issue of Su Yan was flooded.

It seems to others that this is not a problem at all.

Not even comparable.

People just think that Su Smoke is just dealing with it.

The next day.

The content of the previous day.

It was shown the next day at noon.

Suddenly again dominated the search.

In order to earn money, the director team deliberately created the VIP Membership Watch.

Even so, the hot search list is still number one.

Again, this pair of Su Yan and Hua Yan aroused heated debate.

The crew seemed intent on turning the two into CP.

Some fans accepted.

“To be honest, he is not a bad president of Huayin, he has a face value, he is still a big BOSS. If the cigarette likes it, I support it. ”

“Well, I admit, I didn't expect this president to be so handsome. Come on, you deserve a cigarette in front of me. ”

The other part is still very opposed.

“To be honest, I can't see that Cigarette likes this President Hua. It's obvious that the show team is hard on Cigarette Group CP, okay? ”

“Agreed upstairs."

“If you really like cigarettes, then naturally support them, but if you want to rub the heat of our cigarettes, then I'm sorry, get out of here! ”

“That is, a church president, on what show. Are you sure it's not hot? ”

Hidden, there's a stream of other things to focus on.

“Someone who always felt that Big Brother Su was so careless could not bring up his sister for no reason. ”

“Agreed upstairs."

“Don't you think when Big Su asked who he preferred, that Huayin looked at Big Su indifferently?

That's not even liking it. ”

It's just a small wave.

Soon submerged in a polarized disputed ocean.

And the other side.

Some kind of computer.

A thin man sitting beside a bed holding a computer and looking at [Hello, surprise!] The latest issue, over and over again.

Juveniles don't say a word.

I don't know if it's malnutrition that makes me look thin.

Until the computer stops playing on one of these issues.

Song Xiaokou asked Su Yan.

“What do you want from Su Yan, your future boyfriend or husband? ”

Su Yan


Simple and straightforward.

At first sight, I felt quite impressed.

I don't know how long it's been.


The computer shut down.

In a hidden light, you can see the person.

Isn't that Gu Yu who's been living at Su Yan's house?

· · · · · ·

Today is the third day.

At 5pm, it is time to leave the villa.

4: 30 p.m.

Su Yan received a familiar and unfamiliar call.


The other party didn't make a sound.

Su Yan glanced at the number.

Well, familiar.

Well, it's Gu Yu's number.

She asked.

“Gu Yu? ”

There was an answer over the phone.


Su Yan, listen.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

I think he answered a lot faster than before.

It used to take three or five minutes to answer one.

She asked again.

“Is something wrong? ”

The phone was ringing again very quickly. It just seemed a little slow.

“I, at, at the door. ”

“I'm not home. ”

There was another quiet organizational language across the phone.


“I'm at your villa, at the door. ”

Su Yan silenced three seconds later.

Stand up, then the phone goes out.

Down on the third floor.