The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 117 The time of skyrocketing has arrived (first order!)

That afternoon

The news that Zhang Hai’s old sow dropped 32 piglets spread all over the nearby villages.

No, in the evening, the villagers gathered under the big willow tree to enjoy the shade, and they were all talking about it.

"Xiao Hai's family is really a transfer! An old sow can lay 32 pups!"

"It may be that their family's ancestors' graves have good Feng Shui!!" Superstitious women guessed like this!

"It should be that the feng shui of his pig farm is good or the same, or how could the ancestors only bless his family and not us!" A villager immediately retorted.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement, because Zhangjiawan was handed down from an ancestor. The feng shui of the ancestral tomb is good, and it is certainly not only Xiaohaijia who benefited, and everyone should be lucky!!

Therefore, it can be judged that this matter has nothing to do with ancestral grave Feng Shui!

Not only the nearby villagers and people were surprised, but even the experts from the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences were very curious about this matter. When they heard that a sow had dropped 32 piglets at the Shanshen Pig Farm, everyone couldn’t wait to rush. Come visit.

Finally, the experts had to sigh, Zhang Hai, this guy is really lucky!!


Time flies

It's August 26th in a blink of an eye

This morning, Zhang Hai was a little absent-minded in coming together, worried that the pig price surge would arrive on time as in the previous life!

As soon as Zhang Hai finished his breakfast, he heard Daniel yelling in the yard.

"Brother Hai? Brother Hai..."

"What's up? What's the matter with you kid? It's not that you cooked the uncooked rice for mature rice?" Zhang Hai walked out and saw a lot of anxious faces. He laughed and jokes!

Daniel wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then quickly explained: "Oh, brother, don't be kidding! The price of pork has gone up again!!!"


At this moment, Zhang Hai's mind was blank, and he kept talking

"The price has gone up? Has the price of pork really gone up?"

"Yes, brother, the price of pork has really risen, and the spare ribs are already 28 kilograms!" Daniel said with joy to the poster.

Although his family only raised a hundred pigs, he was also very happy when he heard from the pork Zhang family!!

It turned out that early this morning, Daniel and his girlfriend Wu Youyou had an appointment to have breakfast together. When the two passed by the vegetable market after breakfast, they heard the grocery shopping aunt complaining that the price of pork has risen again.

So he hurried to look at the pork stall and found that the price of pork had really risen, and the increase was not small.

After confirming the news, Daniel’s first reaction was to go home and tell Haige the good news.

No, this stupid guy sent his girlfriend back to the kindergarten, and then drove back on his motorcycle. He didn't even think of calling Zhang Hai!


Hearing the news from Daniel, Zhang Hai could not sit still, put on his slippers and ran out of the door.

"Go, let's go to the county town to have a look!!"

"Oh! Brother, wait for me!!"

Daniel did not want to miss such a good opportunity, because for him, this is also a very good shooting material.

So he hurriedly informed his second uncle, then took the shooting tools, and followed Zhang Hai to the county again!!

In less than ten minutes, the three rushed to the largest vegetable market in Qingshan County.

After leaving the car hastily on the side of the road, Zhang Hai went straight to the place where the pork was sold.

Uncle Erqiao’s booth is at the entrance, and when he sees Zhang Hai, he asks with a curious smile

"Xiaohai why are you here?"

"Uncle Erqiao, I heard that the price of pork has risen again today?" Zhang Hai hurriedly asked.

"Yes, fat and thin have risen to 25, and ribs have even risen to 28!" Uncle Erqiao answered with a smile.

"Why did it rise so much?" Zhang Hai sat down next to Uncle Erqiao, and then continued to ask.

After Uncle Erqiao’s explanation, Zhang Hai finally understood!

It turns out that swine fever has disappeared a lot recently, but the nearby live pig stock has dropped to a very low level, so the live pigs on the market are in short supply.

And because of swine fever some time ago, the pig farm was desperately reducing the stock, and everyone lost a lot. But now the situation has improved. The owners of the pig farm must make money back from the previous losses, so the pigs have risen. The price has become inevitable, and the price of pork has risen accordingly!

After confirming the price increase of pork, Zhang Hai said goodbye to Uncle Erqiao and hurried back, ready to share this huge good news with everyone!!

Back at the entrance of the village, I just met the uncle.


"Where is your kid going?" Seeing Zhang Hai riding a motorcycle, the uncle nodded and asked.

"Isn't it because Daniel said that the price of pork has risen again today? So I went to the city to take a look!" Zhang Hai explained with a smile.

"Is the price of pork increased again?" Zhang Guoqing was startled when he heard Zhang Hai's words.

Because the pork was already very expensive before, it costs seventeen or eighteen yuan per catty, or even twenty yuan. I didn’t expect that the price of pork could increase!

"Well, now the pork has risen to 25 catties!!" Zhang Hai nodded with certainty.

Suddenly, Zhang Guoqing felt that the leaf smoke in his mouth was not fragrant. He hurriedly bid farewell to Zhang Hai, and hurried home, for fear of something accidental happened to the dozen or so pigs in his pigpen!!

I met many villagers along the way. When they learned that the price of pork had risen to 25, they were all happy.

Because everyone was affected by Zhang Hai before, almost every household raised a lot of pigs. Even the fewest households raised three to five pigs, and most of them, like big cows, raised hundreds of pigs.

So the village boiled again!!

"Aunt Kid, have you heard? The pork has risen to 25 jin!" Aunt Xiuqin said to Aunt Guihua with a smile.

"What? Twenty-five catties? Can we still afford pork?" Aunt Osmanthus became anxious when she heard that the price of pork had risen so much!!

"Hehe, what are you worried about? Didn't your family raise eight pigs? If you eat two pigs, you can make a lot of money for the remaining six!" Aunt Xiuqin reminded with a smile suddenly.

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me, yes, my family still has eight pigs!" Aunt Guihua patted his forehead with chagrin, and then laughed happily!!

Aunt Xiuqin is also very happy, because her family also raises a lot of pigs, even a few more than Aunt Guihua's.

After receiving the news of the pork price increase, Uncle Ma can be said to be exasperated!

Even the aunt, who didn't support Uncle Ma’s raising pigs before, is not happy now!!

"You mother-in-law, now you finally know what the masters are capable of?"

"See if you can do it?" Aunt Ma immediately rolled her eyes. "It's all Xiaohai's ability, okay?"


Uncle Ma did not refute, because of swine fever, everyone was afraid of raising pigs.

But then, everyone saw that Zhang Hai made so much money, and after listening to his analysis, everyone felt that it made sense. The price of pork will definitely rise in the next few months.

So everyone started to take action, you three heads and five heads, every household has embarked on the road of raising pigs.

It's all right now. The price of pork has finally risen. Everyone feels very lucky. Fortunately, it was influenced by Xiaohai, otherwise there would be such a good opportunity to make money.


After telling his family the good news, Zhang Hai went to the pig farm again.

"Manager Yang, the price of pork has gone up again!!"

"Huh?" Yang Jia was shocked!Unexpectedly, the boss said a few days ago that the price of pork was about to increase. After only a few days, the price of pork really went up?

"I just went to the city to see it, ordinary pork sells for 25 jin, and ribs are sold for 28 yuan!" Seeing Yang Jia's surprised look, Zhang Hai also laughed!

Hearing what Zhang Hai said, after Yang Jia was shocked, he soon woke up. He didn't expect the boss's prediction to become a reality again!

"Isn't the live pig going to be sold for seventeen or eighteen?" Yang Jia asked again.

"Well, the number of live pigs from other provinces has risen to 17 yuan per catty, and the price of piglets is estimated to increase accordingly!!" Zhang Hai is also very grateful. Fortunately, before the price increase, he ordered 30,000 piglets and Breeding pigs!

Yang Jia couldn't help taking a breath, thinking about the risks. Fortunately, the boss predicted that it was accurate. Otherwise, the pig farm would spend 10 to 20 million more to buy these 30,000 pigs!!

"By the way, let's kill a pig later, celebrate and give everyone a snack!"

"Good boss!!!" Seeing the boss so happy, Yang Jia also agreed very happily.

When the employees learned that the boss killed the pig to give everyone a meal, they cheered.

This is Shanshen Fragrant Pig, which sells for more than 30 per pound. Thinking about its fragrance, everyone can't help drooling, thinking that today I can finally open my belly and eat!!


And the other side

Li Yue'er's news is also very well-informed,

When she learned about the pork price increase, she immediately called Zhang Hai!!

"Haizi, the price of pork in and outside the province has risen, do you know?"

"I just got this news too..."

Obviously both of them are very excited, and the price increase of pork is also of great benefit to them.

For example, the price increase of Shanshen Xiangzhu can be put on the agenda immediately, and the cancellation of the discount price at this time should be more acceptable to consumers.

Afterwards, the two discussed it and unanimously decided that from tomorrow onwards, Shanshen Xiangzhu will officially increase the price, and the retail price of the supermarket will increase to fifty yuan a catty!

Based on 80% of the retail price, the wholesale price of Shanshen Xiangzhu will reach 40 yuan per catty in the future!!

Both of them were tyrants at first, and they soon calculated the income of each pig!

If the Shanshen Xiang pig has 300 catties when it is slaughtered, the net meat will be about 200 catties after killing.

According to the wholesale price of 40 yuan a catty, the net meat of each pig can be sold for 8,000 yuan!Coupled with 500 yuan of pigs into the water, Zhang Hai can earn 8,500 yuan for every pig sold!!

And how much does Shanshen Xiangzhu cost?

A catty is only about five yuan, and a fat pig of three hundred catties costs only 1,500 yuan.

Calculated like this, Zhang Hai will make a net profit of 7,000 yuan for every pig sold!

Ten thousand pigs can make 70 million, and one hundred thousand pigs can make 700 million!

Seven hundred million!!It's six times more than Boss Wang's small goals!

Counting here, Li Yue'er is envious!So he laughed and joked Zhang Hai:

"Boss Zhang, you are going to make a fortune this time!!"

"Haha, get rich together, get rich together!!"

When I think of raising tens of thousands of pigs, he can earn hundreds of millions, and Zhang Hai's face is happy!!