The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 397 Pork prices rose

After separated from the little guy, Zhang Haigang came to the company Liu Xiaolong to find it.

"The boss, pork has increased again!" Liu Xiaolong reported to Zhang Hai.

"How much is it?" In fact, Zhang Haixin has predecessored.

Because the price of pork before the year of the New Year will rise up one or two, and according to the previous memory, from January to the Spring Festival, pork prices have indeed rose a lot.

"Today, the price of white pigs returns to 19 blocks per catty, and the retail price of pork has also risen to twenty-six seven." Liu Xiaolong will report himself to the boss.

Zhang Hai remembers the company's sow began to produce in October. It has been more than three months now, and this batch of live pigs should be nearly two hundred pounds.

So Zhang Hai asked Liu Xiaolong: "How much is the fattening pig in our pig farm?"

"Boss, our live pigs have been around 210 pounds, it is estimated that it can reach 250 pounds at the end of this month." Say the pig farm, Liu Xiaolong can't help but pride,

Because this speed none, there is no company to do, the mountain god group is the existence that is upright.

"Two hundred and fifty pounds ??" Zhang Hai squatted, then frowning: "This year, the New Year is on February 11th?"

"Yes boss!" Liu Xiaolong nodded.

"Today is the 15th, our batch of pigs don't have to be over the year?" Zhang Hai's frowned himself again.

Although the pig's live pigs can reach 210 pounds, it is still too early.

Because of the technology of self-raising farms, if you don't hurry the Spring Festival, it is best to raise to more than 300 pounds, then you can maximize profit.

When I saw the expression of the boss, Liu Xiaolong also frowned, and he was very hesitant.

Because if it is rushing to the year, the price of pork is definitely higher at that time.

But such pig farms are not the best time to go out, because it is the fastest growing in this batch of pigs.

But if you wait until the year, the pork prices fell sharply.

So Liu Xiaolong is not a good way.

I thought about it for a while, and Zhang Hai frowned suddenly launched, and the face was also restored to confident smile.

He suddenly thought of the information that was overlooked before, that is, the pork prices on the market in the New Year have not lowered.

I remember that in the Chinese New Year, the retail price of pork is twenty-sixth.

Think of this information in the past, Zhang Hai finally decided to make this batch of pigs for a while, and at least it will be allowed in early February.

"Boss, then don't we catch the Spring Festival?" I heard the decision of the boss, Liu Xiaolong asked stunned.

Because everyone knows that the Spring Festival market is the best market in the whole year.

Many companies make money in this two months before the year,

Because the Spring Festival workman returns home, plus the relationship between the Spring Festival, everyone is consumed.

This caused the hot spring market.

However, once the Spring Festival is passed, the consumer market will instantly fall down.

The same is true of the pork market. Almost every year, the price is the highest, and the price will soon fall in two or three years later.

Therefore, although Liu Xiaolong hesitated, he still wanted to catch up with the Spring Festival market. After all, the market risk was too large.

But he didn't know that Zhang Hai had this memory of this past life, which clearly remembers the price of pork after year before this year.

Before March 10, the price of pork did not fall, all twenty-five or six.

Although the twenty-day low in the Spring Festival is low, it is not much lower, and the Spring Festival market can reach twenty-eight or nine days, and it is a pound of twenty-six seven.

"You can't say it, don't we start it in February? Go to the Spring Festival Ten days!" Zhang Haicard smiled.

"What are our shackles?"

Since the boss has made it a decision that Liu Xiaolong can only accept, but he has some questions about the sales plan of the mountain gods.

"Our mountains and gods are now around 250 pounds, and they have reached around 280 pounds, and they can be columnless."

If you follow the idea of ​​Zhang Hai, then you must wait for the mountain gods to reach three hundred pounds.

But then I have passed the Spring Festival, and the food fans will definitely not agree, saying that you must go to the company's official website to protest,

Therefore, Zhang Hao wants to think, and ultimately decided not to smash this honeycomb.

Ten days in advance, although the company will lose a lot of money, but as long as you can win the fans, it is worth it.

Listening to the analysis of the boss, if the company out of the column of colors in advance, the pig should earn less than 7800, 100,000 pigs is seven or eight million!

Such a big loss, although the company can bear, who will be too much?

Therefore, Liu Xiaolong rang his brain and finally thought of a good way, so I laughed and said to Zhang Hai:

"Boss, I can make up for this part of the loss from other places."

Zhang Hai suddenly became a shock, curiously asked: "Do you have any good way?"

Liu Xiaolong smiled slightly, confidently said: "The boss, our new year gift package is not very selling? Let's do some new year gift packages?"

"Very good, your method is really good!" Zhang Hai was shining, giving Liu Xiaolong's wit.

In fact, the company has been doing the boutique gift package of the mountain gods, but the proportion is not high, only about one thousandths of the mountains of the mountains.

Because the quantity is rare, the landscaping package of the mountain gods is all for not seeking, especially before and after the Spring Festival.

I want to know that the price of the mountain gods is not low!

There are 888 copies of the lowest gear, and one is only 5 pounds.

The highest-end 8888 box, only 10 pounds per box, with an average price of more than 800 pieces per pound.

It can be said that the supreme spree of the mountain gods, completely created the peak of domestic pork prices.

Last year, when the Supreme Gift package was just launched, immediately caused a sensation on the Internet, and even many traditional media newspapers were reported.

"Boss, Supreme Edition spree, we can add some, but I don't think too flood;

However, the general gift package, we can prepare more, I think even if it is doubled, it is estimated that it is not the hot demand for the Spring Festival market. "

Seeing the boss accepted his suggestion, Liu Xiaolong is also very happy, smiling, even if it is recommended.

"Well, this can be, this time you remember you once, the bonus will give a grade at the end of the year." Zhang Hai is very satisfied with Liu Xiaolong's suggestion, so I laughed.

"Thank you, thank you boss!" I heard the bonus at the end of the year, and Liu Xiaolong was ecstatic.

He is now a manager of the general manager of the Department of Farming, is a central cadre of the company. According to the current level, he should take more than about 200,000 year-end awards this year.

If you mention one level, then he will get more than 300,000 year-end this year.

Although this year's year-end award standard has not been announced, Liu Xiaolong felt that it would never be lower than this number.