The Contractor of the New Sister Devil

Sister New Devil's Testament Chapter 28

"When, of course it matters!"

Before Blade had time to stop, Mio yelled the decisive word in a voice that could be heard in the corridor--

"Because I... live with this guy!"

Then the opening ceremony was over, and after a few classes, it was lunch break.

The atmosphere of happy dining is spreading across the campus.

Blade even sat alone in his seat doing nothing, he couldn't help muttering:

"……No way?"

My God, this is really beyond my imagination.Someone could be isolated to this degree on the first day of transfer.

In short, the boys seem to be enemies with themselves.It was bad enough to be hugged by Yuxi, and Mio's cohabitation declaration was a fatal blow.

In contrast, after the girls returned to the classroom at the end of the school opening ceremony, they launched a ruthless offensive against the blade.Although they also provided some information about Mio and Youxi, after they got the information they wanted, they left contentedly, and then no one spoke to him anymore.

Therefore, the only objects that Blade can talk to are Mio and Yuxi.

——However, the only two people you can count on are not there now.Yuxi may have been called by the teacher for the class leader.So I wanted to find Mio to have lunch, but she said, "It's rare to see you again with your childhood sweetheart. Let's go eat together", and then left with the other girls in the class.In a sense, this was considered a proposal for the sake of the master, so the curse of the master-slave contract was not launched.

As a result - evolved into the current state of isolation, Blade sighed more helplessly.

"Anyway, leave the classroom first..."

Sitting here is no way.Since you didn't bring your lunch, the only choice is the student cafeteria or welfare agency.Just as he got up from his seat and was about to walk out of the classroom, suddenly someone called to a stop.

"Hey—it was a tragedy to be an enemy to most of the boys in the class unexpectedly—transfer students."

Looking back, there was a boy with a friendly smile on his face standing there, one of the classmates.

"That... your name is Takikawa, right"

"Huh? Do you know my name? Have we met before?"

Takikawa showed an unbelievable expression, because the only one who introduced himself in the class was Kazun.Of course, other students, including Takikawa, did not introduce his name to Rengen.

"Oh, that's because Mr. Sakazaki gave me this."

Blade even took out a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to Takikawa-it was a copy of the seat table prepared by the class guide Sakazaki to help him remember the names of the classmates as soon as possible.

"Is it — it's Sakazaki, so careful."

Knowing what was going on, Takikawa nodded his head, and put his hand on Blade's shoulder intimately.

"In that case, let's go to dinner together, transfer students. You shouldn't have lunch yet, right?"

"Not yet...but, how come you suddenly say the phrase "in this case"?"

"The transfer student who was treated as an enemy by the boys in the class and was isolated on the first day of transfer, arched his back during lunch break and exuded a sense of loneliness. Your appearance is so pitiful that I can't help but want to talk to you. And, I only moved here last year, and I have some experience with the hardship and depression of transferring students."

Thank you for your concern, but can't you say something different?

But others should not look bad.

"Then you can call me Dongcheng...I also call you Takikawa."

"Okay. So Dongcheng, should I go to the student restaurant or the welfare agency?"

"Well... let's go to the welfare agency today."

After all, it's lunch break.There are too many people in the student dining room, and I feel that I can't calm down.

It's better to buy something to eat and eat slowly in places with few people.

"In this case, it's best to go quickly, otherwise there is nothing to buy if you delay it too late."

Takikawa said so and began to move forward, and Jiangen followed him from behind.

"It's just that you are actually the future step-brother of Princess Mio, or Princess Yuxi's childhood sweetheart... I can't think of how lofty and supreme you are to dominate the two idols that our school is proud of."

"Princess...? What do you call them?"

Their looks are indeed outstanding.

"Yes. So, I think the students in other classes and the seniors are enemies with you. After all, the two of them are very popular in our school, and there seems to be a large number of crazy fans."

When he finished speaking, Takikawa shrugged and laughed.

"A man's jealousy is unexpectedly more persistent than a woman's. To put it plainly, it will last a long time."

That's it.No wonder the boys in other classes stared at themselves with hostile eyes when they walked out of the classroom to drink water after class.When I went to the bathroom, I also felt an inexplicable murderous look.

"Ah—it's really late."

When the two arrived at the welfare agency, there was already a long queue of students who came to buy lunch.

Blade Geng was at the back of the line with Takikawa, who was looking painful. He asked nonchalantly:

"By the said that the fans of those two people are crazy, "has any trouble happened before?"

"What does that mean? It sounds sensational... what kind of trouble you are referring to, for example?"

Takikawa looked at the front of the team and said, Blade Geng made a foreword and said "Well" and continued:

"For example, someone pursues them aggressively...or girls who are jealous of their popularity and punish them or something."

"How is it possible. Besides, if someone dared to be the first, other fans wouldn't be silent. As for the girls, they also know that Naruse and Nonaka are very popular. If they are treated casually, they will definitely become the target of other boys."


In other words, when Mio was in school, to some extent, he was in a state of attention.

Although there is a risk of the enemy entering the school, based on this situation, it should not be possible to adopt any tough measures.

......After all, she has passed a semester normally now.

Of course, you can't assume that the school is safe because of this, at least you must really grasp the places and time periods that must be kept alert, and narrow the scope.

Bladegen thought so in his heart, and Takikawa smiled narrowly and said:

"By the way, there was a sophomore boy who wanted to sneak away and was taught by several seniors... From this point of view, you are in the most dangerous situation, right?"


It really feels like this.After all, some boys have been staring here since they came to the welfare agency.It is a good thing that Mio’s danger is not great, but he has to start worrying about his school life.