The Contractor of the New Sister Devil

Sister New Devil's Contractor Chapter 204

There is only one answer.

"Because it is not necessary at all. Dad knows the strength of Hasegawa-sensei and knows that she will never become a threat to us."

On the contrary, Hasegawa's mighty power tells the truth.That is--

"Dad's acquaintance is not you at all-it is Hasegawa-sensei."

Ironically, Blade was able to be so sure only after he came to this housekeeping classroom by mistakenly thinking that he was rescued by the real murderer Sakazaki.In this way, Hasegawa imprisoned Mio and Yuuki into the health room, which should be her intention.

They must be fine—so as long as Sagasaki is defeated, the matter is over.

... Thirty minutes.

I don't know how credible the enemy's words are.If what he said is true, it would take 30 minutes to rendezvous with Hasegawa in a purely waiting situation; once the two rendezvous, they should be able to easily defeat Sakazaki, and Sakazaki himself should know this very well.Then...


Dongcheng Blade's thoughts were suddenly interrupted.He saw that Sakazaki still looked to him with the usual hearty smile at this time.That line of sight was exactly the same as the line of sight that Blade often felt at school after the late night attack on the station.

"Oh, there is no way..."

The moment Sakazaki said this without changing his smile--


An invisible impact hit the abdomen of Jiangeng, blasting his whole body backwards, hitting the blackboard with his back, and even the lungs forgot how to move.When the reaction force of the collision caused the blade to spring back into the air more--

"!—East City is the same—"

As soon as Tachibana's yelling was uttered, she suddenly cut off.That was the impact that the blade received, and it also hit the orange from directly above.Maybe it immediately robbed him of his consciousness, and the orange that was beaten on the ground did not move.

Such a picture makes the impact spread all over the body, making it difficult to breathe, and the blurred vision even more——


Reluctantly keep the posture from the foot to the ground-while pushing hard, suddenly forward.

Now that Tachibana is unconscious, the way to escape the housekeeping classroom and destroy Sakazaki's barrier to reach Hasegawa will be broken.Even if he had to use the speed-type speed to flee with Tachibana in his arms, he would be blocked by several barriers set up by Sakazaki in the path, and he would overtake him instantly.

Those enchantments were not only to prolong Tanigawa, but also to prevent the blade from escaping.Since I can't escape... there is only one battle.

"!-oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

After squeezing an exciting roar from his abdomen and forcing his lungs to move again, Dongcheng Blade attacked even more.

The blade even used Brunhild, who pointed to Sakazaki's eyes, as a shield, lowered his posture, and sprinted between the liu desks.Such a move is to deal with the invisible impact, so as to block attacks from the front and left and right.

There will probably not be an attack from the rear.He has locked Sakazaki in the front. If the shock comes from behind, just change his posture and attack forward.The expectation soon came true, the shock came from above, and the blade quickly evaded it; and at this point, he approached Sakazaki in one breath, raising Brunhild high and slashing downward.Sakazaki shouldn't be able to dodge this attack-once he dodges, Blade will directly use Brunhild to destroy the floor of the housekeeping classroom, opening a hole leading to the second floor below.Since Sakazaki wanted to prevent Bladegen from meeting Hasegawa, that should be the situation he most wanted to avoid.So the blade even ruled out the possibility of evasion from the actions that Sakazaki would take, and prepared to break through any defensive force.

"—That's it."

Without changing his smile, Sakazaki slashed with an invisible impact on the impact of the blade; but the more powerful blade was more powerful, with a sharp "Keng!"Blade didn't stop because of this, and continued to slash Brunhild-but the slight delay after the collision of the slash and the impact was enough to make Sakazaki retreat and pull away.however--

...Don't even want to run!

The blade keeps up immediately.Even if Sakazaki can send shocks beyond the attack range of the blade, as long as the distance approaches zero, there is a danger of accidentally injuring himself, which can naturally reduce the number of shocks he releases.He doesn't have a weapon in his hand, it's probably a magic type-once the distance is shortened, as a speed type speed swordsman, he can suppress the opponent within a few moves.

All in all, close combat is the only chance for the blade to win—and he did.

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The blade rushed into Brunhild's reach even more instantaneously, and slashed away.

Since the wrong dodge may cause the blade to damage the ground even more, Sakazaki casts the wall on the spot to defend against the countless slashes of the blades crisscrossing——

"It hurts my brain... She will come soon, don't let me spend too much time, please?"

And when he said that with a helpless smile, a shock wave was released.

But-the goal is not the blade changer, but the orange lying on the ground.

It was an attack from top to bottom, controlling the force in order not to blast through the ground.Tachibana, who possesses the toughness and resilience of a vampire, should not suffer too much damage, but—


Seeing an unconscious and unable to resist an attack on a friend made the blade even more vividly shaken and slowed the attack speed.Sakazaki took a step back, pointing his right palm to the blade and said:

"Hahaha—Dongcheng, you are such a good person."

The next moment, Sakazaki's impact hit the shoulder of the blade.

"Uh! Ah...!"

Sakazaki, who had always been on the defensive, chased the blade that was floating up in the air as if venting his anger, and countless shock waves hit the blade that hit the glass cabinet on the wall.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

In the continuous hammering of the impact, the glass shards made countless scars on the whole body of the blade.Despite this, the blade still used Brynhild to slash one of the successive shock waves, and immediately left the wall.however--


When he rushed to Sakazaki again, he suddenly sighed and stopped.It wasn't because of the injury, beside Sakazaki-beside him, a famous girl was floating in the air.


Ren couldn't help calling her name even more, but Walnut did not respond.In contrast, Sakazaki said:

"Don't worry, she just fainted-after all, she is my valuable hostage. But she is just unconscious now. If you don't want her to die, Dongcheng Blade, you'd better be acquainted. Okay. La--"

Sakazaki's smile became more hearty.

"Sorry, I'm running out of time--can you please put down your weapon?"


Even though the blade was sharpened with teeth, he still had to obey Sakazaki's request in the end. After all, Walnut's life was irreplaceable.But-never give up.

...It's not over yet...!

Sakazaki's goal is to change the blade, and it is likely to be for "dimensionless execution"; in this way, he should not be easy to kill, and there will definitely be a chance to fight back.Just as the blade thinking this way was about to throw Brunhild into the air-he suddenly heard a "shoo" wind.


Taking a closer look, Sakazaki raised his right hand with his index and middle fingers.

——The next moment, Jian Geng's body tilted to the right with the metal sound of "click".

Ren Geng quickly stepped on his feet and stood upright, thinking, "What's going on?" Then he saw it.