The Contractor of the New Sister Devil

The New Sister Devil's Testament Chapter 325

Regarding the problem pointed out by Xun, Blade acquiesced even more.Indeed, he was only selected by Brunhild as the user, and he did not reach the level of Yuki that was recognized by "Saya".

"Besides, you still don't know where your greatest advantage is... although this part is my fault."

"?what does it mean?"

"Nothing...In short, as long as that part of the problem can be solved, you should be able to fight that Leohart for a while."

Quickly say:

"I really want to take the time to teach you to be able to use it freely, but the opponent's decisive battle date is not far away, and there are not so many days to practice."

"...Well, I understand."

"Tell you the principle first, it may make you think too much, but it will be more difficult to understand..."

After Ren even expressed his understanding, Xun stopped for a while and asked:

"——Almost enough rest, right?"

"Huh? Ah, enough..."

Although Xun's tone had been lowered, Jiangen nodded in response.

At this time, the sounds around Jiangeng and Xun suddenly disappeared--someone set a barrier.then--

"That's it—then I will change to a more intense method for special training."

Xun said this more self-consciously to Blade.

The next moment, the breath that swiftly exudes suddenly changed.The first blade to bear the brunt, even stopped breathing.


The blade was even more frightened, and he couldn't help holding up Brunhild.If he didn't take the preparatory posture like this, he couldn't face the current Xun at all.

However, the body does not lie, and the small tremors that spread all over the body can't be stopped.

At the same time, a certain emotion came to my heart.

That was something that Zokir and Galdor didn't feel-fear.

"——Before, I said that something happened would wipe your ass, remember?"

He said in a deep voice quickly and slowly:

"Next, I will not release the water at all. If you really want to solve this problem by yourself, you will fight me hard to survive. It is not the power to bet on your life, let alone cherish it, there is even a In case, it's not worth surrendering your life to it, right?"

rest assured.

"If you can't, then--I will wipe your butt for you."

After speaking, Xun's molded sword exudes a dazzling green aura.

"If you are still able to move, there is a way to follow you stubbornly, it will only get in the way... So I will beat you to the end and let you completely give up. If you feel that you can't make it, I will give me the trick. ."

Did you hear that?

"If you move randomly... it would be unfilial to make me collect your body for you?"

Suddenly the light of the sword swept away at the moment when he finished talking--the green rush of the hit instantly turned into a shock wave, forcing it towards Dongcheng Blade.


The current blade was even more shocked by Xun's powerful sense of oppression. Although his consciousness could keep up with the constantly forcing shock waves, his body could not respond.Now let alone eliminate it completely with "dimensionless execution", it will not even be able to bounce it off with half a set of force hastily.

Therefore-Blade Geng flashed through his mind for an instant, and the possible development after falling here.

——Xun said, he is not completely incapable of defeating Leohart.

Hand it over to Xun, and the matter should be resolved more beautifully than yourself.

If you put Mio in the first place, it might be better to just accept Xun's attack and just lie down.


But Blade's hands clasped Shibrunhild tightly.

The young girls who have promised to Mio and are as important as their families must be protected by their own hands, and must not be faked by others-how can they abandon their beliefs because they are facing life and death.

...That's right.

Blade remembered even more that even if he didn't have the unparalleled power of Xun, he had vowed to protect everyone as much as Xun did in the past.

Never again, like five years ago, give up the consciousness of controlling yourself-regretting your weakness and powerlessness afterwards; don't do nothing, just wait for others to save you.

and so--


The shock wave released by Xun swallowed his whole person-the moment before.

Dongcheng Blade took action even more.

When the blade was trained by Xun in the Aldora Forest.

The women's team from Mio also conducted special training in the atrium of Verda City under the supervision of Xuela and Luqia's mother and daughter.Yuki and Valeria, who are mainly engaged in close combat such as weapons or martial arts, are guided by Luqia; and the magical Mio, Walnut, and Jest are guided by Xuela.What is done here is not to change their actual combat training.Xuela and Luqia, the two lecturers, conducted tactical lectures in conjunction with several combat methods, reviewed the old combinations, or designed close-in moves, etc.; especially focused on liberating their abilities and shortening the launch time. Fundamental feature enhancements such as boosting power or effects.Enhancing the foundation can bring more options for tactical applications, and the effect is the most valuable; however-because of this, such training is extremely difficult.

Therefore, they must constantly use all their strength before completely surpassing their own limits, and they may not necessarily be able to break through their own obstacles.To achieve growth beyond the limit, a consciousness reform at a completely different level than in the past is required—that is, awakening is required.

This kind of thing is not easy to achieve overnight.Only about two hours after the start, several of Miao were out of breath, and could not even stand still.

"Oh, why is it so useless... No way, although it's a bit early, let's rest first."

Seeing their stamina so weak, Xue La said with a sigh.

The maid Noye, who was waiting by the side, handed each of them a slender water bottle that was easy to take with one hand.The girls finally came back to life after feeling the slightly sweet and slightly sour citrus water to moisturize the throat and permeate the water-thirsty body.

The special training has only just started, and naturally no one has discovered new abilities, but almost everyone has grasped the feeling of being a knack.That's because they have found a clear direction on how to make their combat power go further.

Walnut’s goal is to borrow more powerful power from the demon elves through the black elements given by Luqia; while Yuxi tries to find a way to open a small dimensional crack to establish a connection between the demon and the human world, so that the spirit knife "saki" Yeah," he can also exert his power in the devil world.

During the battle against Zokir, Valeria used to be "adult" by overloading the spirit child center. In order to be able to use this ability again at a critical moment, he must improve his physical and mental state to keep the spirit child active and accelerate his recovery and refinement. The energy required for the magic key.As for Jeste, although he made a master-slave contract with the blade and surrendered to him, he improved his already relatively strong combat power, but he is a new partner after all, so he hopes to make up for the lack of tacit understanding as much as possible. Desperately learn the fighting styles and abilities of the five players, such as Rigeng, Mio, Yuki, Valeria and Walnut, and try to construct combos with outstanding effects.

Everyone who has set their own goals in this way also actively seeks advice from Xuela or Luqia or exchanges opinions with each other while resting.among them--


Only Min lowered his head with a sad face and remained silent.The other four people have already begun to work on training methods to strengthen their abilities, and only one of them can't find a direction.